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Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by Yvaine*
Jen's leaving? But, but, why? Having Jen around gave things a measure of solidarity, so to speak. That things might not be good, in fact, they most certainly were not, but at least she was around keeping her shit together. But she wasn't, not really. In fact, Jen seemed more shaken up then Vic herself. Of course, Vic was taking this better then she thought. Outside the initial shock, disbelief and sheer terror she'd grappled with not five minutes before. Everything was fucked up, and if she lost what cool she had. she might as well kiss the idea of seeing Alice again goodbye. At this point, that was all she had and by God she was going to hold onto it. You could be goddamn sure she trusted Alice, and by relation, Bounce. Maybe Theo, or Vincent if he'd been along on the trip. Cassidy? God, was that it? You would think after fucking half the school, there would be someone else she could trust. Instead of maybe calling out to Jen, begging her to stay, all she managed was a stammering 'good luck' as she walked away.
That left the three of them. She would prefer looking for Alice with Bounce alone, but maybe this George guy would be of help? He seemed okay enough so far. Well, okay at this point meant not currently attacking her. Still, friendly or not, she agreed with Bounce. They needed to get under cover and try to think of some kind of plan. Operation Find Alice was all well and good, but what then? After they found her, what was the next step? Maybe bunker down and try keep alive as long as possible? Vic supposed that she'd leave that to Alice and Bounce. They were the smart ones, after all. They were both damn near genius's compared to her, and Bounce knew this fuckin' game better then anyone.
Vic glanced at Bounce, resettling the bag on her shoulder. She started to question her on what they should do next when George called out to a new party approaching from behind. Spinning around to keep the newcomer in view, her hand instinctively found Bounce's. If he was just playing them, George was putting on a good show. While she may not trust the guy, she was more then happy to let him step up with the latest arrival. At least he didn't look too intimidating. A fleeting smile flashed across her face as she pictured Alice in George's place, stepping forward to deal with the kid. She knew just from seeing him that Alice was taller, and she'd have bet her girlfriend could take him in a fight. Annnnd there was another anxious pang from thinking about her.
Vic leaned down, speaking to Bounce in a conspiratorial whisper. "Maybe we should just go. I mean, find Alice on our own?" IF he was on the up and up, and even IF they could trust him, they might move faster with the just the two of him. Of course, on the other hand, George might be able to deter some possible attackers if he came along. Like he was doing now. It was a whole pro's and con's thing. Pro, he could protect them, at least until they found Alice. Con, they didn't know fuck-all about him. He could be a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode and disembowel them. Or, you know, just shoot them. Whatever, they didn't know if they could trust him was the idea. She didn't want to die because she'd made a bad call on her judgment. Ater a second, she added "I'll follow your lead, whatever you do."
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by Namira
What the...
Bounce wasn't the slightest bit prepared for the abrupt appearance of another guy, particularly given he seagued into the conversation like he'd been there all along. His sudden arrival and his casual wielding of a piece of driftwood, added to the fact he immediately presumed himself to be part of the group immediately made Bounce wary. She wasn't a people person in the first place, so she hardly needed to be given an excuse to dislike somebody when death could be no further than around the next corner.
In the most characteristic thing she would have done since waking up in her favourite TV show, Bounce was just about to snap something at the newcomer when Jennifer started to speak, telling them that she needed to do something, or think, or whatever. Yelizaveta couldn't say she was sad to see her go. It was probably a little horrible of Bounce to think that, but she was no friend of the Russian's and hadn't struck her as a particular asse-
She blinked. That, flatly, was just wrong. Bounce couldn't look at everyone around and examine them in terms of how much of a benefit they'd bring to her. People weren't objects or tools, and as it happened next to anyone teaming up with Bounce was probably doing her a favour, not the other way around. What exactly could somebody like her offer? She wasn't big, she wasn't strong, she didn't have a good weapon nor would have been effective wielding one even if she did and she wasn't one for magnificent escape plots. Furthermore, as if Bounce needed to add to that list, nobody really liked her.
Thinking about that now, in a way that it never really had done before, hurt. If she died here, who was really going to care? Bounce was just that weird nerd type that hung around in the library using the internet and had a five-mile bitch zone all around her. Bounce had never given a damn about people and in return, they'd never given a damn about her. Hell, she didn't even know why Alice was so nice to her, or bothered to put up with how acerbic she could be. Will? Aaron? Those were just guys she gamed with now and then, not friends like Bounce felt sure George or Jennifer must have.
Who was going to search the island for Yelizaveta Volkova? Nobody, that was who.
Bounce forced herself from that line of thinking. A pity party wasn't helpful to them and wasn't going to get anybody anywhere, least of all herself. It was a little late to regret the fact that a little girl a decade ago had decided to trade like for like with the people that teased her over her size and strange name. There wasn't time for moping, much as she wanted badly a chance. Back in the real world, away from Bounce's thoughts, George was busy telling the newcomer to put down his piece of driftwood and be civilised.
Wonderful. The ever present cynic within Bounce was quick to remark. Let's welcome him with open arms, never mind the fact we have no idea of his motives, nor his true weapon. You can't expect me to believe Danya would give somebody a block of wood? That's foolish, more than likely he just found that and what he was given is concealed somewhere.
"George..." Bounce said in a low voice, hopefully pitched that the other boy wouldn't be able to hear distinctly. "I highly doubt that's his real weapon. Careful."
In the meantime, Victoria grabbed hold of Bounce's hand and she jumped, flinching back from the unexpected contact. She wasn't a touchy-feely person in the slightest and she had to force herself not to snatch her hand back from Vic. The unfamiliar sensation wasn't comfortable, but she had to deal with it. No good acting like she'd been bitten by a rattlesnake just from a touch.
When Victoria spoke, it was to do yet another thing that Bounce hadn't seen coming and didn't particularly like. Namely dump the authority of decision-making onto her head. Why was she being deferred to? There was no reason for it that Bounce could see and she didn't want the responsibility. Dammit. Trying to foist the ball back onto Victoria would hardly be appropriate either.
Well, decision time. Bounce turned her head slightly and muttered her response. "I'm not sure George is entirely trustworthy, but this newcomer is frankly suspicious," she hesitated, then made the call that all of her 'game-winning' instincts were telling her was wrong, but her emotions and normal thinking were saying was correct. "Let's wait and see for now, at least. I don't wish to run out on him."
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by Super Llama*
Just a few words out of the big guy's mouth and Sebastian had decided he hated this prick. Standing there, throwing his weight around. Not noticing him carrying anything that looked like a weapon, Sebastian could only deduce that he had gotten a shit weapon. And if that was the case, who's to say he wouldn't try to knock him out the second he dropped it and take the piece of driftwood for himself? Though it was a bit too heavy for his liking, for the big guy it'd be a perfect fit. And the others probably wouldn't bother stopping him, judging by how they were eyeing him suspiciously.
"No thanks. I'd rather not let go of my only means of self defense." He finally said. "If you're worried about me attacking you all with it, I don't really see the point. I'm really not in the mood for killing anyone, and from what I can see, nobody here really has anything worth taking." He continued, completely missing Victoria's weapon. "Not to mention attacking three people with nothing but a big, clumsy piece of wood is a really stupid idea, especially with someone who's already ready to lay me out."
He looked towards the small girl. "And you're right. I ended up with one of those shit weapons that no stretch of the imagination can find a good use for. So I threw it away, and then I found a better one. No sense walking around unarmed when there are people out to kill as many other people as they can. I'm sure all you would've done the same if you could find one. Hell, if you look around here, I'm sure you could find a few more, though I've already picked out the best one I could find."
At this point, Sebastian wasn't even sure if he wanted to be part of the group. Especially when the big guy clearly had it out for him. He tried his best to be civilized, but he really wanted to tell these people off, and probably would if they turned him down. He needed to vent some steam.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by blastinus
He threw away his weapon? Yeah right!
Common sense dictated to George that only an idiot would toss away a weapon, even if it was something really silly like a wallet. While he hadn't thought of a use for his assigned weapon, for instance, he would never toss it away, because it had the potential to come in handy some day. If this guy was as concerned as he claimed to be about staying alive, he would hold on to every thing he could get. This man's reasoning stank, and George's instincts told him that the man was lying through his teeth. Therefore, his threatening stance did not change.
"If he attacks, you both better run," George mumbled to Bounce and Vic.
"You know what I think?" George said out loud to Sebastian. "I think you're spouting bullshit. Why don't you open up your pack and show us that you don't have anything." Though slightly worried that the man might indeed resort to fighting, the swimmer was certain that if it came down to blows, he could outlast the man, and that'd give enough time for the girls to get away. This was a very short-sighted and considerably stupid plan, making it typical for the man.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by Yvaine*
At this point, Vic just wanted Sebastian to leave. They way the two guys were arguing, it was only a matter of time before they came to blows. Even with the comforting physical contact she had with Bounce, a full-out fight would only serve to rattle her even more. If George wanted to come with them, fine. At least he seemed okay. Still, all she wanted to do with head out with Bounce. She could take or leave George coming along, he didn't matter, he wasn't important. As for Sebastian, well, fuck him. Maybe he was okay, but he sure was acting shifty and wasn't exactly engendering trust. Maybe he really didn't have a decent weapon. Like, didn't someone get a dictionary last game? After all, not everyone got lucky and received a shotgun. Still, better to play it safe, right? She didn't want to die, not like that.
"M-maybe you should g-go?" Vic asked hesitantly, like she wasn't sure she wanted to speak up in the first place. She cursed herself silently for the tremble in her voice and once again wished to the safe reassurance of Alice's presence. The fact that Bounce was keeping calm offered a small measure of peace. After all, if she didn't think this was worthy of any panic, it would be okay. She was the girl who'd seen every episode of the goddamn show and knew the ins and outs of living through this. Right?
"I-i mean, if you could j-just go..." God, she was such a damn coward! Where the hell did the stammering come from? Was that all she was going to do? Stammer and pray that the guy leaves? What else could she do? Throw a grenade at him and hope the explosion didn't kill them too? No, she was just going to stand back and hope someone else would deal with it. But if that kept her alive, so be it. Let someone else take the heat. It would keep her alive and hopefully get her to Alice, and that was all that mattered. If she was with Alice, she could ignore that looming specter that was her impending death and the inevitability that there was nothing she could do about it.
At least she wouldn't die alone and on this island that was all she could ask.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by Super Llama*
He's just bound and determined to find something wrong with me, isn't he? Sebastian let out an irritated sigh. He was getting sick of the big guy trying to find some proof that he was bullshitting them. Granted, he really WAS bullshitting them, but still.
Letting down his daypack from around his shoulder, he tossed it in front of George. "Here, look for yourself, then." He said. Judging from the slut's request that he just go away, his chances of getting into the group were slim to none, but at this point he didn't really care about that. He was more interested in winning this argument. Sebastian usually wasn't interested in this sort of machismo nonsense, but something about this guy's posturing just pissed him off, and now he wouldn't be satisfied until he had proven that he was right, and made George look like a fool in front of his travelling buddies.
There wasn't much to be found in Sebastian's daypack that couldn't be found in anyone else's daypack. The usual rations, the survival guide, flashlight, map, first aid kit. And then there was his personal belongings: a couple change of clothes, a couple granola bars, his sketchpad and a few pencils kept in a small plastic case so they wouldn't just float around in his pack. Fortunately for Sebastian, there was no guide for the chainmail shirt he was now wearing. After all, what would it say?
As watched the George with his pack, suddenly the possibility of him simply taking his pack and trying to tell him to fuck off came to mind. He tightened his grip on the driftwood just a little bit, prepared to smack the idiot upside the head with it if he tried it. But hopefully he wouldn't, as stealing from someone who wasn't openly threatening or attacking them would likely just make him look bad in front of his friends.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:41 pm
by blastinus
It was fortunate for George that his main concern had been the protection of the two ladies and not his own dignity, because as he opened the daypack and looked through it, he had to conclude that there was a definite lack of anything that could have been considered to be a weapon. Aside from the standard provisions and medical supplies, there was nothing especially threatening or useful in the whole thing. Shrugging, George put everything back in the bag, zipped it back up, and tossed it over at Sebastian's feet, having taken nothing that he had found. The man had been truthful about having idiotically thrown a weapon away, and so he deserved an apology.
"Sorry for the misunderstanding," George said. "Looks like you're just as dumb as you said you were." This was a rude thing to say in any circumstance, but the swimmer was feeling slightly stung at being shown to be wrong, and Sebastian hadn't put him in a very good mood to begin with. Nonetheless, standing in a more relaxed stance, George continued, "Doesn't mean I trust you, of course. You've still got the board, after all." Even if the man didn't have a second weapon in his bag, it didn't mean that he wouldn't use the plank. Besides that, George was still waiting for an opportunity to get this guy back for making him look bad in front of the two girls.
Just give me a reason, smart guy. I'll drive your nose into your brain.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Yvaine*
The first punch hadn't even been thrown and Victoria already wanted to run. It was only a matter of time, after all, and the testosterone level was rising. Maybe if George had just let it go after searching Sebastian's pack, thing could have worked out okay. Maybe not okay enough that he would have joined up with them, maybe not okay enough that they'd all leave on amiable terms, but at least things wouldn't go violent. But George had to keep picking at him. And for what? Did he think he lost face or something? What the hell did it matter, anyway? Maybe Sebastian did have a weapon he wasn't showing. Instigating him into using it probably wasn't the best possible idea. What if he pulled a gun or something he had behind his back? What would George do then? All searching his bag meant was that he didn't leave the weapon in there. It didn't prove anything. George was taking all their lives into his hands, egging the other boy on like that.
Vic watched Sebastian as best she could from around George, her hand tightening around Bounce's. Her mind drifted back to those evenings where she'd watch SotF with Alice. Things seemed so much more fun when it was happening to someone else and not her or her friends. The stand-offs, Mexican or otherwise, were always more dramatic then tense, if only because it was someone else. What she wouldn't give to be back in Alice's apartment now! Safe, sound, maybe waking up to some awful dream, whatever. Maybe she'd fallen asleep in Alice's lap, whatever, as long as she wasn't here Standing on the soggy dock, waiting for the fight to break out in front of her, waiting to run far away at the first sign of trouble.
Was this how people were supposed to act in a tense situation? Hands shaking, voice trembling, knees week? God, she could count the times she been around violence on one hand. The times she's actually been directly involved were even less. The fight, if you could call it that, between her and Elizabeth Chandler back in middle school. Jen slapping her in front of Alice's bookstore. That...motherfucker Pondsworth putting his cigarette out on the back of her neck. Out of those three, only one would actually be considered a fight, and even that was all flailing instinct. Adrenaline racing as things spiraled out of control around her. This was the only time she saw train racing toward her, the only time she really had the chance to get out of the way.
The taller girl watched incredulously as George outright taunted the other boy, and a number of choice words crossed her mind. Jesus, if he had a fucking death wish, let him deal with it on his own! Vic didn't want Bounce or her getting shot because George had something to prove. "George, just let him leave!" Vic called out, her voice as firm as she could make it. Thankfully, she felt like she was pulling off more force and less whimper. "Let the fuckin' guy go!" Of course, that wasn't to say she wouldn't mind running away, either. Maybe it would be better if they threw down? At least that way it would only be the two of them.
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Namira
Somehow, the guy with the driftwood had heard Bounce even though she'd been talking quietly. Perhaps he had particularly acute hearing. Even so, she didn't particularly believe his story. Maybe Yelizaveta was just a naturally suspicious person, or maybe it was SOTF instincts kicking in again and telling her that just because somebody said that their weapon sucked didn't mean that it was the case. Even without something being stowed in the bag, it wouldn't stop somebody hiding their weapon about their person.
All the same, Bounce had to roll her eyes at George's wording. She warned him that the guy with the driftwood may have something else, and now he insulted him? The empty bag proved nothing, and its owner was being just vague enough about what his apparent initial weapon had been to continue to keep Bounce on edge.
She so badly wanted to find the correct solution, here. Bounce was trying to keep this all theoretical, in the realms of 'What would a smart person in SOTF do if they thought somebody was lying about their weapon?' in theory, where you could debate and discuss and thrash out the best possible solution. It kept on dragging its way back into reality, into imaginings of somebody suddenly producing a gun from its hiding place, into bullets flying through the air...
Bounce trembled once and only once, the shudder running through her entire body. Then she shut her eyes, took a deep breath, and boxed up the hysteria in a neat little corner of her mind. Panic briefly strained against the containment but then after a second or so, settled. Bounce's cold blue eyes opened and then immediately narrowed, focusing on George.
Prying her hand free of Victoria's, Bounce walked up to the boy who seemed so concerned with protecting them. Alongside him, she hesitated for just a moment before standing on her tip-toes to get as close to George's ear as possible. It was obvious she was saying something, but when she spoke, it was quietly enough that only George would be able to hear.
"I think he's lying," she said flatly. "But it would be better to avoid provoking him and leave whilst the situation remains peaceful... Relatively."
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Super Llama*
"Sorry for the misunderstanding. Looks like you're just as dumb as you said you were."
"Yeah, that's right." wait, FUCK!
Sebastian: 1, George: 1
If Sebastian had been wearing a smug grin like he might as well have had on the inside, it would've been wiped right off his face. So sure was he in his victory over George, that he let his ego cloud his judgment, and went and said something really stupid. Not incriminating, mind you. Just...stupid. He almost said something said something to try and take it back, but there was no taking that back. It was out there, and saying anything to follow it up would only bring more attention to himself.
Sebastian's cool, calm demeanor quickly gave way to a visibly flustered one for a brief moment before reverting, and he was already eager for an excuse to snap back at George. The two girls weren't even registering to him anymore. They could conceivably just walk off and leave him here and he wouldn't even notice until later.
"And I suppose if you were the one with the driftwood, you'd be completely trustworthy? Especially going around and picking arguments like this." He said as the 'plank' came up again. (What do you mean 'plank'? Does this look like a plank to you?) "Great way to avoid unnecessary conflict and all."
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by blastinus
As Bounce stood behind him and whispered a warning into his ear, George suddenly became aware of how stupid he was being by prolonging this argument for as long as he did. Not to say that he was entirely guiltless in this, however, as Sebastian responded to his prior insult with a lovely retort of his own. This argument had the potential to last for as long as the two men had breath, and George was beginning to realize how utterly pointless the whole endeavor was.
Man, what the heck have I been doing for the last five minutes?
And so, waving his hand at Sebastian, George turned halfway and casually said, "Ah...whatever. Do what you want, man. I'm going this way." Turning his head to look at the two ladies, he muttered, "Good time to leave, I'm thinking. Sorry to bother you." Picking up his daypack again, he turned from Sebastian and walked back down the docks to step onto the shore. As he glanced back, getting a better view of the man, he got the feeling that he had seen that face before, like on some important day.
Oh yeah, home ec class! I was inviting Carly to the prom, and then some guy popped her in the jaw...NO FREAKIN' WAY!
"You're that guy? The guy who did that?" The reality of the situation hit George like a punch to the gut, and he had to resist the urge to run right back onto the docks and do the same to this man. Instead, he charged into the trees like a frenzied madman, a new goal fresh in his mind. Carly Jean Dooley had to be found and warned ahead of time that Sebastian Descartes was on the island. He hoped that she hadn't already been found, either by Sebastian or some other idiot, but there really was no way to know that unless he found her as well. He could only hope that he could be so lucky.
I knew that there had to be a reason why I hated that guy so much. And now I know. Next time we meet, that guy isn't going to be treated so kindly.
(George Leidman continued elsewhere)
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Yvaine*
Well, it had gone from the build-up to a fight to not-so-witty banter. They were really just calling insults back and forth now, trying to one-up the other. Which was...better, she guessed? As least it didn't look like a fight was going to happen now. That was really all she could ask for. Vic liked to think her words, as well as Bounce's whispered council, were all that prevented an incident between the two. While she was at, she'd also like to think her stunning good looks soothed the tempers of the two boys. Sure, why not? There weren't hitting each other, which was good enough for her,
At least, it was until George seemed to realize that things had reached a stalemate. After that, George sort of mumbled something and started off on his own, as sudden as could be. Wasn't it decided he was going to look out for them? What the hell happened with that? It seemed like everyone just kept taking off. First Jen, now George. Did she smell or something? When he stopped and turned back on Sebastian, Vic thought maybe he had a change of heart. But, no. He just needed to shout something cryptic before going on his way. Ladies and gentleman, George Leidman.
That left the the three of them standing there. The other guy, Sebastian, might still be a threat, and their only real protection took off because...question mark. That could shape up to be a problem for a number of reasons. After all, if this guy wasn't on the up and up, there wasn't much they could do about it. What was she going to do, run and hope she was faster then Bounce? No, all she could hope was that her wish for him to get lost didn't tick him off too much and that he didn't have any plans to start beating them with that board of his.
Nonetheless, she was still relying on Bounce to make any real decisions. While keeping a wary eye on Sebastian, Vic stepped up next to Bounce before speaking in a low voice that hopefully only the other girl could hear. "So, what? Do we just head off and hope he doesn't follow? I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't think I could take him if push comes to shove."
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Namira
Finaly, George stood down. Then... decided he was going to walk off. Bounce blinked. Although she didn't particularly
want some guy that was going to pick fights with people to be walking around with them, it was a sudden change from 'get behind me girls! I'll protect you!'. Well, he hadn't said it in so many words, but Bounce had been able to read the implication. Very odd... she hadn't expected her words to deflate him quite
that much.
Still, his departure made Bounce think that following suit would be a good idea. She didn't trust the guy with the driftwood as far as she could throw him, and to be thrown by Bounce, you'd probably have to be some sort of midget. With George out of the way for now... well, moving on would certainly be best. If her paranoia was on the money, then their unwelcome guest would be about to make his move.
We have to go, right now. This is an ideal opportunity for him... ideal.
Bounce looked to Victoria. "We need to get moving," she muttered. "Get out of here, find Alice. Soon as possible."
Without waiting for further discussion, Bounce began hurrying back towards solid ground as best she could weighed down by dufflebag and daypack.
It won't work. Finding friends never works, Bounce. Either you end up trusting more than you should, or somebody else just comes along and decimates you.
Bounce tried to quiet that little doubting voice. She failed.
((Bounce -->
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Super Llama*
As George stormed off, Sebastian had a moment to revel in the fact that he had just won the argument. Just a moment, though, before the realization came that he pretty much screwed himself over on getting into the group, which was the whole reason he even bothered to talk to these people to begin with. Still, it was probably for the best. With that blowhard in the group with them, it would only be a matter of time before they came to blows.
"See ya, then." He said as the group made their way out, sitting down on the ground and opening his pack back up as he realized that he was damn hungry. Taking out a loaf of break, he tore off a chunk and ate it. It tasted terrible, but then again, hoping that their rations would be anything more than just barely edible would be asking too much from the asshole that stuck them all here.
As he took his break, he begin to ponder more his current plan of finding a group. What kind of group should he be looking for? A smaller group would have more mobility, no doubt, but there's be fewer people between him and a potential attacker. And a larger group would have more meat shields, but would be a bigger, and probably more tempting target. What about weapons? If he tried to get in with a heavily-armed group, there was always the chance they'd decide that they'd just turn him down since he didn't really have anything to offer armaments-wise (if they didn't just outright perforate him.) A poorly-armed group, however, would probably try and stick him on the front lines, where he had no interest in being.
Sebastian put away the rest of his rations and got up again. He may not have had a very clear plan at the moment, but there was one thing for certain. If he kept sitting out here, in the open, he might as well just paint a target on his shirt. This place was a bust; it was time to head off somewhere else. Taking one more look off in the direction the group headed, he went off in a different direction, looking to avoid them now, especially the big dumb fuck.
{{continued elsewhere}}
Re: Stay Sane Inside Insanity
Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:42 pm
by Yvaine*
"Right, right, gotta find Alice." Alice would be her rock, Alice would make everything better. Once they found found her, they'd be safe, simple as that. The two of them traveling alone, they'd be an easy target. It wasn't like they had much to defend themselves with. Yeah, she had those grenades, but they'd be more likely to herself killed then anything. It was possible Bounce had something, but if she did, Sebastian back there might not have been that big of a threat. All they needed to do was find Alice, then things would be a-okay.
Then there was that lingering fear that they might be too late. Alice could be dead or dying. As Vic followed Bounce down the dock, she bit her lower lip and resisted the urge to wring her hands. Without Alice, they were dead. No working around it. Alice was the only person on the island she trusts with her life, and she might have guessed Bounce felt similar. Alice would be the only one who would protect them, the only one who would care about them. If something had happened to Alice, they would be as good as dead anyway. Bounce might be able to find another group, seeing how she was plenty smart enough. But Vic? She was dead weight. What the fuck did she have to offer? Unless a group was looking for some T&A, she was as close to fuckin' useless as possible without being brain dead.
She was being selfish, she knew that. What made her so special? Like she was thew only person worried about her friends and loved ones. Maybe she was one of the only ones who would be totally useless without them. No, no, she couldn't think like that. Bounce would watch out for her and she'd look out for Bounce. At least until they found Alice, then Alice would take care of them both. Simple enough, right? Find the woman she loved, be safe. Right, simple.
God, Alice, you better be okay. What the hell would I do without you?
((Victoria Logan continued in