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Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Outfoxd
Lily almost laughed at one of the things Sarah managed to say through her tears. Calm and collected. She couldn't speak for Miranda, but Lily was far from that. About as calm as an LA highway in rush hour. At least it reassured Lily of one thing; her ability to bullshit wasn't completely gone. Otherwise the fact that she was terrified would've cracked through the surface easily.

Lily almost felt good about Miranda being paranoid, meant she wasn't alone in how she felt. Considering what was going on, the journalist figured she'd soon be worrying about every little sound too. A cracking twig in the woods could be a classmate with a machete or a baseball bat or an automatic weapon ready to kill themselves a little bit closer to a ticket home.

Lily couldn't believe she'd been asleep for a whole day. It was a miracle that someone hadn't come along and put her down while she'd been doing her best Sleeping Beauty impersonation. Then again, maybe it would've been a blessing to not have to see whatever was in store for her in the next few days. Lily made mental notes of the names Miranda dropped, in case they (they, she had no intentions of splitting away from the group) ran into any of them. Not that it mattered right now. If Sarah said there was a big guy slaughtering people nearby, Lily wanted to have as much real estate as possible between her and him.

"Breaking off from the group is the absolute last thing I want to do at this point, Sarah." Lily said. Something about the girl seemed off, though. Lily didn't want to be suspicious, couldn't afford to be, but something didn't sit quite right. She waited as Miranda asked what weapon Sarah had, which would've been a useful piece of information.

While she waited for Sarah's answer, Lily tried to go through her mental database and try and figure out what weapon she could pretend she had in case she had to bluff her way through a situation in more detail. She thought a gun might be best; her previous ruse with Miranda had probably succeeded based on her fears that it was a gun. But what kind would be believable? Lily could've rattled off one or two names that meant little to her but hopefully meant nothing to them either. Beretta, Glock, Smith and Wesson, names she knew in general but had no models to go with them. Details are everything, she had always learned from her mom when working on stories. Details made or broke writing; a generic title wouldn't lend much credibility to her bluff.

Lily thought more, to her father. He had had a gun, some ugly, black thing with a short barrel. Lily had asked about it once when she was about 14, her natural curiosity somehow held on it until then. He had told her, simply, easily,

"Some people're unreasonable when it comes to spending money. Had one customer pull a knife on me when I told him his Caddy was about dead unless he spent quite a bit. I keep my Model 36 on me in case that ever happens again." He had ruffled Lily's hair, a gesture she was annoyed by back home but sorely missed now. "Want to be sure I get home to you, baby."

Lily wished she could guarantee doing the same for her father, but at least she had the foundation for her bluff now. Her father had a Smith and Wesson Model 36 revolver, so now, that's what she had as far as anyone else on the island knew.

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Fanatic*
Sarah nodded to Lily as she mentioned that it was a bad idea to split. "I suppose you're right Lily, I guess I just don't want to wander around and run in to anyone who's killing people."

She gave a weak smile and then turned to Miranda. "I'm not sure what I got. I checked my bag when I woke up but the only thing that was in there was..." Sarah paused for a second her hand moving to her hip. The key was still there tucked away in the jean pocket. Pushing her hand in to the pocket she retrieved the key, her face displaying a look of startling surprise. Pulling it out she stared at the small metal object. "I guess this is it."

She turned the key over in her fingers and looked carefully at the object. It had no specks of rust and had come with a small tag scrawled with the word storage. She wasn't entirely sure that it would open anything on the island. Danya, from as much as she knew was a sick fuck he could of just grabbed a key for her to use as a weapon. Imagine stabbing someone to death with a key Sarah thought to herself. It was preposterous. Still, thinking about it her blood stirred just a little. Her cheeks slightly flushed she glanced up at her two new companions.

"Well, I'm not quite sure what to do now. To be honest I'm kind of scared to go look for anyone but if you guys have a plan could I stick with you?" Her hands clutched tight around the key and her face become a little more resolute. "I promise I won't get in the way and I can help out for sure. Plus maybe this key unlocks something, although I wouldn't know where. Any ideas?"

She wanted to get the two moving. Both looked like they were alert and at least partially rested. If the announcements came and Sarah's name was on them she really wanted anyone she was around to be at least a little puffed out in case she needed to get away.

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by JamesRenard*
Miranda wholeheartedly agreed with what Lily said. Splitting up was a big no-no and was just asking for someone to get themselves killed, and Miranda was slightly relieved to hear that Sarah had also agreed with her, although their opinions would have outweighed Sarah's by two to one.

She carefully looked at Sarah's hand, watching it delve into the pocket and pull out a tiny object that turned out to be a small key. 'Good lord. That weapon's even crappier than mine!' Miranda thought, staring at the key. 'Now I really do hope Lily did have a gun, just so we're not completely screwed over.'

Sarah commented that she wasn't sure that it was her actual weapon, but Miranda wouldn't have put it past Danya, or whoever was in charge of distributing the weapons; Saul got a freaking Magic 8-Ball as his 'weapon' after all. What was the point of that? How did that give him a hope in hell of surviving, how did it give her one, or Sarah? Long answer short, it didn't. It just basically sentenced them to an early grave at the hands of the better equipped students out there, an early grave that Sarah had apparently narrowly escaped from.

"I don't know exactly what we should do now, but I think we should stick together for the moment at least," Miranda answered.

Right there and then, Miranda had just sentenced herself to sticking around Lily for so much longer. Even though she couldn't stand the girl for prying into other people's businesses, Lily had a better weapon than both her and Sarah combined. So leaving her behind was just asking for someone to come along and eliminate her.

"Although... we should probably think about moving somewhere else, we're like sitting ducks in this part of the island," she added on, looking around at the area. It was largely flat with only a few stacks of logs to hide behind. All the trees that could have supplied them with plenty of cover had been chopped down long ago.

However, something that Sarah had said earlier stuck in Miranda's mind.

"Hang on, Sarah, there's something I don't get. You say you don't want to run into someone who's killing people, but by asking us to split up and search around, you were pretty much telling us to do just that," she spoke, challenging her earlier statement.

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Outfoxd
Lily looked at Sarah's key and almost laughed. What were the odds that someone would have a weapon even worse than her little paperback? Maybe better than she thought. Lily snuck a glance at her own daypack; maybe she wouldn't even have to pretend she had firepower. Not that she was going to chance telling the truth, but it was the thought that counted.

Lily shrugged at Sarah's question about it. "Maybe it opens up a military base with a tank. Or the island's supply of Little Debbie's snack cakes. Sky's the limit, right?"

Maybe there's a locked room full of ballpoint fucking pens somewhere.

Lily felt her hand creep back to the notepad in her pocket.

Lily did at least feel relieved that the group would be sticking together. Before, Lily was worried Miranda might've been trying to take off. Lily got the feeling the girl wasn't among her admirers, starting with her trying to pass herself off as a player upon their initial meeting.

When Miranda asked her question, Lily did find herself wondering at Sarah's less than optimal plan of action. Lily entertained the idea that the swimmer might've been a good journalist if she tried.

But Lily figured Sarah was just too rattled to think straight, assumed the girl had seen way too much in such a short time to have come to her senses yet.

What was that about assuming things?

In any case, Lily really did want to get the hell out of the area like Sarah said.

"Guys, I think we can ask stuff like that later. We're standing out in the open and if whoever it was that killed Eve has a rifle, a bow and arrow, a slingshot, whatever, we're in bad shape. Just too bad we're not in a spot with standing trees." Lily said, and kicked a stump lightly for good measure. The journalist adjusted the strap on her pack, ready to make good on her own advice.

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Fanatic*
Sarah froze when Miranda asked her probing question. Her entire body felt like a warm flush had just run through it. Did she suspect Sarah was lying? Did she know[/]? The girl fumbled for words, her mind desperately trying to come up with a reasonable answer for why she would ask them to split up. She was doing so well, everything was coming together. This wasn't right! The villain wasn't supposed to be revealed so early in the movie. She would have to move fast.

She thrust her hand deep in to her pack, slipping her fingers in to the side pocket where her scalpel lay. She would have to leap at one of them. Maybe Miranda first and ensure everything went smoothly. Her fingers tightened around the thin metallic handle when Lily spoke up.

"Guys, I think we can ask stuff like that later. We're standing out in the open and if whoever it was that killed Eve has a rifle, a bow and arrow, a slingshot, whatever, we're in bad shape. Just too bad we're not in a spot with standing trees."

Sarah nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I think Lily's right; we should start moving first. I'm just a little out of it. Sorry Miranda." She released her grip on the scalpel and moved her hand to the main section of the pack. Sarah pulled a clean water bottle from the bag and unscrewed the lip before taking a quick gulp. "I'm probably a little dehydrated too. I think I should be fine soon," she continued and motioned away from the group. "So where are we headed?"

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by JamesRenard*
"Where are we going? I don't know, anywhere where there's some sort of cover. But not the tunnels, too risky going in there," she replied, reaching her hand inside her bag, her fingers brushing past the garrotte wire until they came into contact with the piece of paper.

'Why do I feel like I've said that before?' Miranda wondered as she brought the map out and started looking at the island layout on it. Then she remembered that she had said it before, while discussing plans with Garry, Saul and the now-late Cyrille.

"The hut, greens and lighthouse are danger zones, so they're no good," Miranda stated. Her eyes wandered over the ranger station, her original destination with the other group before everything went pear-shaped. It had seemed like a good place to hide out at the time, and it did now, especially with the wooded area to the west offering even more cover. Lily did mention about finding a place with trees, so it was good news all round. "Yeah, I think we should head this direction, towards the forest," she spoke, getting to her feet and showing the map to the others, pointing to the location with a pink nail polished finger.

"I'll lead the way," she said, not even waiting for the other two to reply. She gathered up her belongings and started to walk in the direction of the forest and the station, taking her compass out the bag and glancing at it.

((Miranda Merchant continued in Hearing is Believing))

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Outfoxd
Lily watched as the swimmer gathered up her stuff and made good on her statement, heading off quickly enough to make her a little nervous. Sarah hadn't done anything outwardly threatening short of coming into view covered in blood, but still, something about her seemed to Lily just a little bit off. In any case, Lily felt oddly unsettled with being alone with the girl.

"Let's go," She said to Sarah, making sure her pack was evenly distributed on her shoulders, and gave one more short pat to the notepad in her pocket, for luck. With that, she walked after Miranda.

((Lily Maclaughlin continued in Hearing is Believing ))

Re: No News is Good News

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 1:01 am
by Fanatic*
"Mm" Sarah nodded in ascension as Miranda and Lily moved away. Time was getting on and she used the moment to quickly place her scalpel in to her pocket for easy access. Zipping up the bag she brushed away the few leaves that had fallen on her jean in the time she had taken to sit down and tried to wipe away the tears in her eyes. She still looked a bit disheveled but healthy enough to at least keep up with the two girls.

Hooking the pack up on to her shoulder she moved after the two figured further in to the wooded area. There probably weren't many students so deep inside there. Miranda was right. There would be plenty of cover there and it would keep the group away from prying eyes. Sarah certainly didn't want anyone interrupting them once she got started, that just wouldn't be very dramatic at all. Her gaze moved to Miranda's ankles for a brief second and Sarah smiled. Someone had told her once that the tendons in the ankles were crucial for walking. If Miranda had an accident, well Lily would have to go for help and Sarah would have no choice but to stay with her all by themselves.

((Sarah Atwell continued in Hearing is Believing))