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Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by Hallucinojelly*
What was happening? Wasn't she meant to be dead?

A minute ago she had a gun in her face, and now here she was, lying in the dirt as two people came out of nowhere and saved her life. It didn't matter if they meant to or not. It didn't matter if they were paying for it now. What really mattered, and what was most important of all, was that she was fucking alive.

After what she'd just been through, she counted herself as the luckiest bitch in the world, and though for a second there she'd almost snapped completely, the ongoing struggle had brought her back to the real world, where Brook was fucking crazy and her arm was fucking broken.


What was she going to do now? All she could think about was the pain; blinding, bleeding, agonising fucking pain. Everything was fucked. Everything. Everything she knew, everyone she loved, everyone she'd only known for a few seconds at the very least - all fucked. Well and truly, one hundred percent, balls to the wall, asses in the air, completely, utterly, fuck-fuck-fuckety fucked.

Her eyelids flapped away the water that got in her vision's way, and she looked around for an escape route. Shit, there were trees in every direction, nowhere was really that safe anymore, not now. Her arm was fucking useless, and her stuff was over by the world's worst threesome. There was no time, and there was no plan. Not this time. She had to run, had to live. She had to get out of there without bringing herself unwanted attention and she had to do it fast.

Twigs snapped beneath her feet as she clamoured up off the ground, but with all the screaming that girl was doing she realized she wasn't exactly top priority right now. If she wanted to run, she needed to go this very second, while they were all distracted. Brook wasn't even looking her way anymore, and that gun wasn't in the right place to cause her any harm if she even caught his eye. This was it. The last chance she had. She needed to run and she needed to do it right fucking now, while she still had the energy.

Then go, you dumb bitch! Fucking run! Now! Now!

She turned, cradling her arm as it swung with the motion carried by her body.

So much pain, but she didn't let it stop her.

There was too much to live for.

Too much to pay.

She needed to survive, and she needed keep on surviving until she'd ripped the heads off every single body that brought her here.

For everyone's sake.

For Hilary's.

For her own.

((Leila Langford continued in -.-- -.-- --..))

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by KingKamor*
Ridley's mind raced. Even when the other girl on the ground scrambled to her feet and ran off, the only thing he could concentrate on is how to get Raine out of the hands of this fucking stupid high school kid. Only the incredibly weak-minded fell to insanity like this guy has. Nevertheless, the other guy's gun was pointed right at Raine.

"Okay, fine, whatever!" Ridley tossed his gun to the ground and dropped his bag from his shoulder. "If you hurt her, then you don't even want to know what I'll do to you!" His fists clenched as his eye darted around the area. There was the dead body of a girl propped up a ways away. Ridley assumed that it was this guy's work, and shrugged it off in favor of the task at hand. He mentally took measure of how far apart he was from the psycho, mentally counted how many steps it would take for him to drill his fist into the kid's skull, and imagined the best direction from which to disarm the guy. It had been a long while since Ridley had been in a fight, and his adrenaline was already beginning to pump through his body. Though he hated to admit it, he was looking forward to tearing this guy apart.

Ridley wanted to tell Raine that everything would be alright, but nothing had gone according to plan since he arrived on the island. He didn't want the last thing he said to her to be a lie.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by MK Kilmarnock
All was... uh, how did that saying go? All was going to according to plan? It just didn't seem to fit, though. There was no plan stringing all of these events together. Brook was simply acting on his whims, doing whatever he thought he could get away with, and right now he had three people at his mercy! Sure, there was a rough patch when everybody showed up armed, but who was armed now?

The answer was, of course, Brook. The snivelling wreck in his clutches right now, she didn't really come with anything of use, which made her the perfect candidate for kissing the tree in that lovely makeout session. This other annoying fuck (his prey kept screaming 'Ridley', so let's go with that...), he came with a gun, but Brook had forced him to disarm himself! He couldn't make any sense out of the logic of doing so, dropping your weapon just because somebody as worthless as ol' bloody-face here was about to die, but he wasn't about to complain just because things worked out for him. Then, of course, there was Leila, who Brook had made sure to disarm more... intimately.

He shifted some from his stance behind the girl, knowing that some of the blood on her face was liable to drip onto his arm any moment. Stupid, stupid dirty girl! He didn't want any of that nasty stuff on him, and he'd prefer if she kept as much of it inside of her as possible until she got to where she needed to be. So much of it, the blood, so much of it about to be spilt. Brook really wasn't sure whether to be happy or to be repulsed. Maybe it was both, since his own blood was heated and coursing through him with one message: 'Do this, Liam. This is what is expected of you'.

He really hated it when his blood called him Liam.

And now more annoyance came! He had already pretty much one, but Ridley was still spouting off on something... like how if he hurt her, he was gonna pay, blah blah blah I'mma hit you, blah blah blah, you're gonna pay... Hee hee... oh, GIVE ME A BREAK!

Then... something struck Brook's mind. All of this business was diverting him from something. Let's see... there was Ms. Blood Paegant... Sir Ridley Motherfucker, and... who else?

Beat. Leila had been awfully quiet.

OH FOR THE LOVE OF- Brook turned his head, and sure enough, there she wasn't. "No.... No..." he turned back to Ridley, glaring. This was HIS fault. Him and Blood Bitch, this was THEIR FAULT! He wanted Leila, needed her corpse to show to Tiffany! She was more important than they and now it was all ruined! "NO... NO! NO NO NO NO NO! I hate... hate... HATE... HATE... HATE... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!"

There was a very loud noise, and a jarring motion in his hand. Then... something warm against him, and it was coming from the girl. He had hardly recognized that he just fired his weapon right into the girl, no doubt dipping her precious thread of life into the fire where it would burn away with the tick-tocking of the clock. But who gave a fuck? He could pick up the body later. Right now, he had to get...

"LEEEEILA! WAIT, COME BAAAAAACK!!!" Brook pleaded through his screams, letting go of the wounded girl and darting through the thick trees. Leila couldn't have gone far, right? Then why wasn't she right here!? Cursing under his breath, Brook laid his back against a tree, listening to everything around him. Leila had gotten away, and he couldn't chase her... he couldn't go too far away from Tiffany, who was just a few tens of yards away in that clearing... and there were some noises over by the couple, also separated by just a few innocent little trees.

His job wasn't done.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by chibinanashi*

Raine cringed as she felt the cool air sting her face. By now, she, she knew she was bleeding. The smell of copper she remembered from the tunnels revisited her now. Except, she was the one bleeding now, not some corpse on the ground.

"Ridley..." She whimpered, cringing again as her tears mixed in with the scratches and splinters on her face. Raine tried to be strong but it was too hard...much too hard...

Okay, fine, whatever!" Ridley tossed his gun to the ground and dropped his bag from his shoulder. "If you hurt her, then you don't even want to know what I'll do to you!"

No...I don't want to see you hurt someone else. Don't ruin that image I have of you!

Raine wanted to shout so much, but all she could do was cry and whimper at the stinging pain.


Raine didn't hear the bullet being fired. It was odd that she didn't, because you would think that she would. She did feel open air on her side, stinging blood...Her eyes just looked down at it from her side vision and she choked out a sob before letting loose an wail of despair.

"RIDLEY!" She cried, falling to the ground as Brook left her standing. Her legs crumpled beneath her and she laid there on her back, staring up into the sky. The blood kept flowing out...and out...and out.

Stop...Stop that...I need that...

To help Ridley...

Save Eva...Rena....

"I" She whimpered to the sky, coughing. "I" Tears kept flowing from her eyes as she gripped the wound. "I...I don't....wa...die...Ridley!"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by KingKamor*
The sound deafened Ridley's ears to everything else. Only a high-pitched ringing sound emanated from every direction. His eyes followed Raine as she slumped to the ground, his feet speeding towards her as Brook fled the scene. Ridley wasn't there in time to keep her from landing hard on her back, and he could almost feel the impact she made on the ground. A living thing would at least have been able to catch themselves before falling, but Raine... she fell like a dropped rock.

"RAINE!!" He shouted aloud, though even his own voice was muffled by the ringing in his ears. Nonononono! Not like this! Fuck! Why didn't I just shoot the guy in the fucking head? Why why why? FUCKING WHY?? I could've prevented this! He clasped a hand over the wound in her side, attempting to halt the flow of blood out of her body.

It won't do any good. It's not like there are any doctors around to fix her. SHUT UP! Blood covered his hand; a thick liquid that Ridley didn't even know could be so steaming hot.

"Shit... Raine!" He let out a sob as his face contorted and tears clouded his vision. "Come on! You're tougher than this!" More blood gushed between his fingers as the ringing in his ears faded away. He leaned in and placed his other hand on her smooth, untouched cheek. The mess of scrapes and slivers of wood on the other side of her head nearly made him gag, but even so, she had not looked more beautiful to him-- never more lovable, never more valuable in his mind. They were not ever that physically close in the past, but at that moment, all he wanted to do was love her as much as he could until it was all over.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by MK Kilmarnock
For fuck's sake, she isn't dead yet!?

Brook glared out at nothing in particular as he eavesdropped onto the scene from behind a particularly thick red pine. While the thrill of the fact that the uniquely-barked tree even grew in such a remote place sort of made his day, the annoyance of Raine's tenacity just went and muddled that right up. He wouldn't have even known her name if Ridley hadn't shouted it like a hearthrobbing fanboy with a teen crush, and he still didn't particularly care, but at least he knew which name to mention when he gave her to Tiffany.

Yeah yeah, more crying... augh, hurry up and DIE already!!

There wasn't enough time to play things out the way he would have liked. Ridley was supposed to run away immediately, abandoning all hope of saving the girl since there obviously wasn't any way of doing so. Nobody could be saved on this island, so why bother? The notion of even such a hope was laughable. Howver, Ridley remained all the same, and Brook was more than willing to settle for two bodies to bring back to his garden to make up for the one he had lost. It was really their own fault for getting in the way, so Raine and Ridley had nobody to cry to in hell for their deaths except themselves.

As Brook slipped from tree to tree to work himself behind the kneeling boy, he though he saw something. Maybe it was the darkened sky, poor lighting and thick trees, but Ridley and Raine had, for a moment, begun to look like somebody else. He shook the thoughts away, dismissing it as sleep deprivation. Yeah... what was the last time he had really had a good night's sleep? What was the next time he would sleep when he had such wonderful deeds to perform? There was no time for sleeping right now... there'd be plenty of time for that when he was dead.

Speaking of dying...

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by chibinanashi*
Maybe it won't be so bad...Dying like this. I'm with Ridley. I saved someone's life. It's the most I could ever do just on my own...

"It's....okay. R-Ridle-ugh!!" Raine clenched her teeth as she fought to speak. "It's....better this way. Dad.....and my stepmum...They'll be...appier" It frustrated her to no end that her speech sounded so screwed up."Start....anew...."

Feeling Ridley's hand on her cheek comforted Raine. She had expected him to run after Brook or just deny her death outright. There he was though, with her to the very last minute. He hadn't forgotten about her. Perhaps, it would be okay for her to move on. She wouldn't be of any use to Ridley right now bleeding out her side for the rest of the trip.

"It's...okay...What use was I....anyway?" Raine coughed again, but this time she smiled weakly. She reached up with her free hand to touch the hand Ridley had on her cheek. "Don't cry.....I'm....try....not to." Tears still stung her cheeks not for lack of trying not to cry. Reaching up to her neck, Raine pulled off the necklace she wore with the cross on it and held it out to him.

"I'll...never forget you." Raine spoke in whispers now. "I'll...always love you and be with you. Thank you....Ridley..." With the last of her strength, Raine struggled to reach up and managed to at least kiss Ridley's cheek. She rested back on the ground and looked up at the sky.

"Mum...?" She sounded surprised and confused. "Mum..." A peaceful smile eased onto her lips as she closed her eyes. Her chest rising and falling slowed until it came to a stop.


I'll always love you...For a small part of my life...I actually lived.

(G089~ Raine Schwarz, Dead)

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:11 am
by KingKamor*
As his eyes filled with tears, Raine actually managed to reach up and kiss him. Despite the pain, despite the loss of blood, she was able to give him one final show of affection. Sobs unsteadily escaped him as he grasped the necklace in Raine's limp hand. Leaning in, he kissed her on the forehead and wrapped an arm around her neck in an embrace.

It took a few seconds, but he managed to tear away and stand up again, albeit with unstable legs. "I really... loved you, too..." He would have stayed longer if he had not heard someone sneaking around in the trees off in the distance. Ridley stared at the hand that he used to try to keep Raine's blood from pouring out of her, and he felt like he was seeing red for the first time in his entire life. Placing that hand over his face, he dragged it down across his visage.

That act threw the tears out of the picture, and his eyes instead filled with anger. Raine said that she didn't want him to hurt anyone, but there were some things that he couldn't simply let slide like that. After all, Ridley didn't believe in the afterlife, so it wasn't as if she would be able to "watch him from above."

Reaching for the gun he had recently thrown away, Ridley called out as loud as he could. "Get out here, you bastard! I bet it'll be quite an achievement for you to kill someone other than a helpless girl! Or are you incapable of that, you fucking wimp?"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Ridley had finally found the eggs to call him out? The hilarity of the situation was so strong that, were he not trying to remain hidden behind a tree, he would have just laughed in Ridley's face. He would have laughed at his stupid, forlorn and overly teary his face, and pathetic connection to a girl that obviously wasn't worth it.

Ah, to hell with it... he was going to laugh anyway.

The ballsy gardener did just that as he stepped out from around the tree, pointing the liberator at Ridley. "It's funny ya should say that, bud!" Brook finally managed to say through bursts of laughter. "Ya know, when you're the one crying your eyes out... does it hurt? They way she bleeds like that, never to talk to you again? Never gonna kiss you again? I assume you guys kissed, right? Or did she never put out... I'm not sure!" He roared with laughter at his own words as though they were the funniest jokes on the planet, his gun waving back and forth with the motions. No matter the bobbing, though, it remained pointed at Ridley, more or less.

"But... it's okay. I know just how bad the blood drips..." Brook whispered to Ridley. There were certain things he felt the boy was entitled to know before he killed him. "The sight is... excruciating, isn't it? Disgusting to see it tarnish her so? I know, Ridley... I know. I'm sorry." Brook sniffed a little, forcing a sad giggle. "That's why I'm gonna turn both you and her into something beautiful! It'll all be okay then, don't you worry one little bit!"

Yup, and that's how it's going to be! That silly guy shouldn't worry at all... after all, in the end, they're gonna be luckier than anybody else who died on the island. They'll be complementing Tiffany, and that's wonderful! I feel almost jealous...

"So whaddaya say, Riddy boy? Can you be good for once and fucking DIE for me!?"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by KingKamor*
"Ya know, when you're the one crying your eyes out... does it hurt? They way she bleeds like that, never to talk to you again? Never gonna kiss you again?"

Ridley's thoughts turned towards the girl propped up against a tree a ways away. Maybe he didn't kill that girl? Did he just want to bury her in peace? Can't be too sure. Either way, he's starting to piss me off with his stupid insane talk. Pocketing the necklace Raine handed to him, he flipped the safety off of his gun and trained it on Brook-- using both hands for stability-- and did his best to aim the weapon he was so unfamiliar with.

"I assume you guys kissed, right? Or did she never put out... I'm not sure!"

Ridley's eyes widened as his face wrinkled in anger. "Okay, now you're just asking for it." He aimed for the tree from which Brook was hiding behind before.


The kick the weapon gave Ridley a bigger jolt than he imagined it could. He didn't have the muscle memory to keep it steady after the thing nearly blew itself out of his hands, but he managed to keep a good grip on it. Looking past the slight sting in his hands and the smoke from the barrel, he saw that he only skimmed the side of the tree trunk on the side opposite from the side Brook was standing on.

He managed to crack a smirk. "But I want this to last." Looks like I can't rely on this thing at this distance. He looked around on the ground for something he could reliably use as a weapon. His years of tae kwon do at least gave him the ability to use a good sized stick in either hand. The only problem was finding one sturdy enough.

To the left of where he stood, he saw a good stick that was probably half an inch thick... and only about four inches long. Remembering that some of the black belts in the studio held smaller sticks to make their fists legal weapons, he picked it up and grasped it within his right fist, both ends sticking out slightly on either side. Anything would do if he at least wanted his punches to hit harder.

An oddly familiar feeling of adrenaline and excitement filled him to the brink. He had gotten into fights before, but none in which he actually, truly wanted to kill someone dead. He had always imagined music playing in the background of every fight he was in, but never had the means to actually play such things whenever someone picked a fight with him. His mind was firing signals a million miles an hour, his eyes widened, and he crouched slightly before dashing off to the side, going in a circle around Brook.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Awwwww hell! You know, you're just ruining EVERYTHING today!" Brook scowled, forced to retreat fully behind the safety of the tree he was using for covor. "I mean, what did this tree ever do to you? Luckily, given such a low-caliber weapon, those bullets probably aren't going all the way through, but they are striking the tree! Surely you know how important these things are to keeping us all alive!"

Only half of it was taunting aimed to pissing off Ridley and making his act sloppy. Brook did feel a fair bit of genuine concern over the tree, never one to intentionally maim a plant unless it was necessary, such as clearing the land or collecting firewood. Using the tree as cover was a necessary action to protect himself, and Ridley was being the depraved one by shooting it! But hey... he wanted to waste his bullets, that was up to him. His corpse would just roast all the hotter when he was sent down to hell.

"Come on... we're gonna play this game? Round and round the temperate pine, the loser chased the gaaaaaaardener..." Brook giggled, working around the tree to try and stay on the opposite side of where Ridley was standing. His body was shaking all over... was it excitement? Physical troubles? Dare he say... fear? It was made more than just a little clear that if he fucked up his movement at all, or stumbled over a root or something completely asinine, he would be left out in the open for the stupid boy to shoot. No... that wouldn't do at all. Yet, if he kept hiding like this...

Ridley was getting closer and closer, wanting to do one of those cliche 'hero' deals... beat on Brook, make him feel sorry or some shit like that and kill him. Yeah, because that was totally how it worked. No, now Ridley was just wasting his damn time! Brook scowled at the realization, just wanting to get back to the girl laying in the clearing a short distance away with his victim (though the way Ridley was persisting, he was fine with making that word plural) in tow.

"Come on... stop pussy footing, damn it! What do you wanna do, Ridley!? What's it gonna be?"

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by KingKamor*
To Ridley, all of Brook's words were simply a sad attempt at provoking him. He may have flown off the handle at the first bit, but it was hardly the best taunt Ridley had heard in his life. The jocks and assholes back at school were much better than this amateur, and Ridley wasn't about to let his stupid comments get the better of him. After hopping from tree trunk to tree trunk, always staying on the opposite side from Brook, Ridley could feel the distance between them closing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Brook change position behind one of the other trees.

That was fine.

Ridley pointed his weapon at a tree to his right.


A tree to his left.


Splinters flew every which way as the bullets punctured deeper into the bark than before. Those trees were closer to Ridley than the previous one, so his aim managed to hit them closer to the center of the trunks. "Fuck your trees, kid. It's just you and me." He didn't know whether Brook was older than him or not, but he didn't care; Brook sure was acting like a kid. A mentally depraved one.

The more Ridley concentrated on the task at hand, the better he could hear the music in his head. Perhaps he was beginning to go insane, too? Not that it mattered-- not now, anyway. After his ears and hands lost the sting in them, he continued to draw closer to Brook.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook winced as the chunky sounds of bullets slamming into splintering wood sounded. It sounded over and over again, like a storm, like a system of hail crashing down onto his head. Somewhere in the haze, he lost his grasp on just how many bullets may have been fired. Maybe it was as few as two, maybe it was more, but he couldn't tell which noises were legitimate and which ones were echoes, half-dead memories his brain kept replaying over and over again. As he pressed his back up against the tree and flattening himself out against it, it occurred to him that perhaps Ridley was fucking with him.

Well, wasn't that something? Short-stack was playing mind games with him! Little ol' Brook, all level-headed and such! The flower boy of Bayview... the insult of this notion ran pretty deep. As deep as it ran, however, that was not the worst part of the debacle Brook found himself to be in. The worst part of all of this was that Ridley's placement of bullets, the shots echoing all around, approaching Brook to close the distance as though he had control over the situation? All of these games were working.

He was absolutely terrified.

There was no doubt about this fear. He felt the same terror that might strike him if a gash had been opened in his chest! But something felt different. Whenever he saw or smelled blood before, he'd go weak and possibly even faint. Why was it that now, while the fear remained, it only made him feel so... alive? Raine had bled so much from where she had been shot; the sickly smell of copper, like dirty pennies, practically shoved itself up his nostrils. Maybe it was this tangible blood he had been smelling, or maybe he was smelling something with far more power behind it. There was blood between himself and Ridley, a desire... no, NO, a calling to kill him! To extract as much blood as he possibly could and feed it all to beauty!

You're coming closer... y-yes... no, stop! Stay away from me, Ridley, we play by my rules! Or come close... come look at me one more time! Yeah... yeah, come to me! You don't know it yet and neither do I, but this is the right way!

His chest heaved with weary laughter that was saturated in sweat and spit. The gun in his hand was at the ready, to do his bidding and to commit the deed. Just a few more steps on the other boy's behalf, and there would be nothing in Brook and Ridley's world except this one tree. The one tree, the two boys, and the two guns.

Come to me.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by KingKamor*
Hearing little activity from Brook's end, Ridley decided that it was time to act. Firing another shot into a tree to the left of Brook's tree, Ridley ran to the right side directly for another trunk just beyond Brook's hiding place. His feet slammed against the ground as he bounded over bushes and traversed the terrain between them. He was able to imagine the maneuver vividly.

With a short jump and a half-twist, the grip on the bottom of his cross-trainers held fast against the side of the tree, and he bounded off of it directly towards Brook. Dropping his gun to the ground, his left hand clamped onto Brook's shirt collar with a grip strong enough to tear it. Stamping the ground hard enough to make his foot hurt, he planted his foot onto the dirt and clenched his fist around the stick. Seeing the look of fear in Brook's face made the moment all the sweeter.


His fist slammed right into Brook's nose. Ridley could feel the cartilage giving away, as well as how very soft his peer's skull felt under the weight of his knuckles. Holding fast to Brook's collar, he pulled the boy back and hit him in the cheek, and then pulled him closer and slammed his forehead against Brook's. There was no fear left. Nothing like this was ever taught in his martial arts classes-- it was purely out of an instinct to hurt, maim, wound, kill.

Die, you sick fucker!

As a little of Ridley's own blood from the impact with Brook's forehead bled down onto his eyebrows, he pulled Brook so close that their noses nearly touched. He wanted Brook to take a good look at Raine's blood smeared down Ridley's face. Some blood dripped into Ridley's eye, but he was in such a state that he could hardly even feel it. Not only that, his legs strained from the sudden exertion, his knuckles were probably bleeding, and his breathing only got heavier and heavier as the adrenaline flowed through his body. However, it was not time to feel or worry about his own pain; it was time for Brook to pay. Nothing else mattered.

With Ridley's eyes transfixed on Brook's, he said through clenched teeth, almost in a whisper, "Do you have any GODLY idea who you're fucking with?"

If he were not in such an altered state, Ridley may have been able to notice that the other boy still had a gun.

Re: Bloodgarden

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:12 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Blood... so much blood...

His own, Leila's, Raine's, Ridley's, even some of Tiffanys, dried up in a crusted stain on his clothes. There was so much blood, and it was all over him. It wanted to drown him, pull him down into a sanguine pool and drag him the rest of the way to hell. Oh, so much of it, and why? When did he decide that he was going to bathe in all of it? When did his path become stained such a brutal shade of red?

Up close and personal, Ridley was so much shorter than Brook had ever anticipated. He had looked around the tree the wrong way in preparation to end the boy in one shot, and by the time he managed to turn the other way, he discovered the infuriated boy grasping the collar of his shirt with one hand. He never even got a chance to laugh before he discovered just what the other hand was about to do.

The structure of his nose giving away, the blood pouring out, it was nothing but alarming. All the brutality and the blood shed, the violence and the spilling of lives, all of it was finally coming back to fly in his face. It was his turn to bleed, and Ridley had made sure that it wouldn't just be a trickle. Brook underwent an assault led by the intent to open up a floodgate. And, for some reason, Brook was just standing there and taking it. Ridley had grabbed him, and he let him, but maybe that was just because of shock at being fooled so strongly. Now, maybe it was something else.

Brook lurched forward to obey the command of Ridley's tug. That 'crack' that sounded when their skulls collided made his ears ring, but he finally began to understand. Heat from each other's breath and blood flowed between the two faces, so very close. His eyelids drooped a little as his mind struggled to cope with the fact his face had been pushed into a bowl full of fear. More of the distasteful substance seeped between the two boys, and at one point, Brook could taste salt. His concentration remained untouched through it all, however, and he did as asked. Ridley's eyes were the only things he could could look at.

That's exactly the thing he understood, the reason he was standing there, each of his arms limp even as one of them held a deadly weapon. Ridley's righteous fury, the hatred he must be feeling right now, how it burned. Both of them had bathed in the blood of all of those around them, willingly or not. How this tiny loser... but he wasn't a loser, he was something else... how he had been affected by the death of that weak girl. So many lines to draw, and they were all stained in the same, deep, dark crimson hue.

"Do you have any GODLY idea who you're fucking with?"

There was some hesitation, weak and passive thought as Brook's gaze never left those eyes, of which his own were only an inch or two away. But he knew the answer to this question, and he spoke it just as quietly, albeit more peacefully than Ridley.

"I do now."

The barrel of the liberator nudged against Ridley's chest, and the trigger was pulled.

Then the blood came pouring down from the world, and Brook screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.