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Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by chibinanashi*
(OOC: Had no internet for a couple of days, sorry about the holdup)

Daniel watched as the two girls left. Something in him ticked. He didn't know what it was, but his arm raised and pointed the gun at their backs. Shocked at the gesture, Daniel used his other hand to lower his arm and muttered something to the like of, "They're not worth the bullets." He turned to the rest of the group and the others arriving.

"...Hey. Name's Daniel." He nodded over to them. "Bit of a favor to ask." Daniel walked over to Garrett and whispered in a quiet but growling voice, "Anymore shouting and we might as well ask for others to shoot us in the head."

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by Grim Wolf
Belle tensed as the girl whose name she didn't know pulled a machete out of her bag. She kept her eyes carefully trained on Daniel and Rachel--Master Xiang told her that controlling the direction of one's gaze could mislead an opponent--but watched as the girl armed herself, giving the weapon a few swings.

"My name's machete - uh - I mean Maddy."

"I may start calling you machete after this," Bell said, smiling and taking her hand. "I'm Belle."

At that moment, a boy named Jake materialized out of the woods. Belle hissed and lifted her arms, eyes narrowing. He smiled disarmingly enough, introduced himself--Jake, apparently--and then stood there waiting. Her eyes narrowed into slits, and she did not extend a greeting. She had intruded on the group in a similar manner, but she had at least made it clear how little she expected from them.

Rachel seemed to expect equally little. She invited Maddy to join them, and made it clear that only Maddy was invited. Belle wished she could have found it in her to care, but a part of her was glad. "That's fair," Belle said quietly. "Not like I expect to be life-long friends, however much longer that might be." She nodded. "Good luck."

And then he showed up.

"Oh, fuck," she growled, tensing. "What the hell are you doing here?" She neither saw Blessing's physical act of near-violence nor heard his warning to Garrett; her eyes were narrowed, her violence returning, shaking her out of the brief calm she'd managed to impose on herself.

Garrett Hunter. Jesus Christ.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by ChetV*
Jake's smile slowly reverted back to a slight frown. "Maybe I did freak them out a bit..."

Jake noticed Rachel packing up and getting ready to leave and then pointed at machete girl. "I'm not sticking around. You're welcome to join me; I could do with some decent company." She turned to the others. "You people are not."

What a bitch... she won't do well with others easily. I hope machete girl back stabs her. He tried to avoid the girl with the machete, something about her seemed off. I mean, confusing her name with machete? Something must not be right. The martial arts girl and the guy seemed nice enough at first, but they didn't even acknowledge his existence.

He moved back a few steps, going for a more defensive position. "Heh no need to be so cheerful." Jake noticed two other people approach the group. "Wow... I think there's a bit too many people gathering around here..." Jake turned around got ready to leave the tense atmosphere. As he walked away from the strangers, he turned his head a smiled. He continued to walk and mumbled something just loud enough for them to hear, "Well, I guess I'll be better off since I know a lot about SotF, and some useful tactics." Jake of course was bluffing, but it was worth a shot. He walked a bit slower, awaiting for the response of the others.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by xylophonefairy*
Maddy grinned at Belle, kind of liking the nickname machete. It might make people afraid of her which would be so hilarious in it's irony, as even with a decent weapon she suspected she was one of the least threatening people on the island.

Just as Rachel invited her to go along with her at the expense of the others, Garrett and Jackie appeared, looking rather the worse for wear, and Maddy was left with even more people to bear witness to her sudden struggle of sides. They had barely even arrived and already she was having to pick who she wanted to go with, another life changing decision five minutes after the last one. It seemed that people were already trying to put teams, sort of, together, and for once in her life she'd been first picked, which couldn't help but please her a little. Still, she watched as Daniel put his gun up and aimed it towards them, which was unnerving.

"Uh," Maddy said, indecisively. "I don't want to make enemies!" she burst out a little pathetically. But even as Daniel lowered his gun, admittedly with some force, she found herself leaning towards the bigger group, a little voice going safety in numbers, safety in numbers, and she clutched the handle of her machete containing bag, wondering if her relatively good weapon would work as a draw. It was true she didn't want to make enemies out of the group, she also didn't want to make an enemy out of Rachel, whom she knew could make a very bad enemy.

"And lets talk to these guys first, they might be useful" she indicated towards Jackie and Garrett. "Hi!" she said turning to them, "I'm Maddy," hah, got it right first time that time!

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by Badb*
Courtney continued forwards, trying to stay out of the water wherever possible. She had no idea what was in the murky water, or how deep it was, and she was never a really a good swimmer anyway. She was being uncharacteristically cautious because of this, knowing that no one was around to pull her out if she fell in.

She scratched at her arm. It was itching like hell, either from the amount she was sweating from the heat or from the damn bug that managed to bite her when she was changing. Courtney took her pack off her back, opened it up, and took out one of the bottles of water. She drank a couple of mouthfuls of the already stale water and slung it back in her pack. She had a feeling she'd be going through water a lot.

Just have to hope there's somewhere I can get more, I guess.

Suddenly, a voice. Multiple voices, in fact. They didn't seem to be arguing or anything, and no one seemed to be threatening anyone. Courtney began to wonder if it all wasn't just some big 'Team-Building Exercise' on the part of the school or something. Like someone would just jump out with a megaphone and yell "Surprise! We set this up to see how much you all trust each other!" And then everyone would get pissed for a while, then go back home, graduate and get on with her lives. She could go back to her parents and brother, apologise to Ben for letting him down at the Prom, go to College and maybe persuade Dad to take them all back home. God, she wished that was true.

She put her hand up to her face. The tears were starting again. She started moving in the general direction of where she assumed the group was. God, she was awful at this navigational stuff. Luckily, they still seemed to be talking, so it was evident that they were, at least, still there. Courtney started jogging, frantically looking around. She was wondering now, if she'd even heard them to begin with, if maybe she was just imagining things. The last thing she needed right now was to be hearing things that weren't there.

Luckily, she ducked under a branch and stood up straight, then came to a large group. Courtney assumed they were the people she'd been hearing. It was a pretty... diverse group, to say the least. There was the utter bitch Rachel and Maddy, or something like that, from the God Squad, the boy who was obsessed with Fight Club, the Karate girl whose name she always forgot and that crazy kid who got his name changed to make himself more intimidating, or so she'd heard. They weren't people she'd... usually hang out with, but at this point she was willing to talk to anyone. Right now, more than anything, she just wanted to know if her entire year were really going to kill each other.

"Hey!" Courtney walked towards them, waving slightly so that they could notice her. She wasn't sure if she was interupting anything, but she really didn't care. "Are you all alright?"

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by Pigeon Army*
Rachel made her way towards the edge of woods, clearing her mind as she did so. She had to be alert, she knew this - if she let her guard down, she'd be dead, and that wouldn't do. There was no way that she was going to allow her potential to be cut short at the hands of...well, these people.

"Uh, I don't want to make enemies!"

Rachel turned back at Madison's cry, just in time to see the Blessing boy lowering his gun. His hands were wrapped around it tightly, and from this distance Rachel could just make out a finger a trigger. Rachel knew immediately what Madison was yelling about, and it made her furious.

Rachel stormed back to the group as it increased in size, ignoring Madison as she feebly suggested getting to know the new arrivals. The somber boy had pushed all the wrong buttons, and Rachel didn't take kindly to those buttons being pushed.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rachel yelled. She reached into her daypack and pulled out her tambourine as she blazed a trail towards the boy with the gun. "What do you think you're doing?"

She strode through the tiny creek again and up onto the pseudo-island, only stopping when she was mere inches from Daniel. He may have been several inches taller than her, but that wasn't going to stop her laying down the law to this immature idiot who probably thought he could play shoot 'em up like in those video games they make and has no idea what on earth he's doing and "let's get this straight. These are principles, you don't point a gun at Madison, you don't point a gun at the kid with the highlights, you don't point a gun at the karate girl, and you sure as heck don't point a gun at me. If I see you do it again, I will not hesitate to slap you with this." She held up the tambourine, shaking it close to his cheek. The innocent jangling of the instrument would have lightened the situation if Rachel wasn't so angry.

Rachel turned to Madison, her brow knitted with rage and her eyes steely with resolve. "Come on. This boy can't be trusted." Then she turned to the rest of the congregation, whom she could've sworn were watching her during the entire fiasco. "I don't care if you follow or not. Go with Blessing if you want pals. I won't be your chum while we're here."

Rachel glared at Blessing one last time, murmuring, just loud enough so he could hear, "I better not see you again." With that ultimatum, Rachel turned on her heel and crossed the stream for the fourth time, her shoes edging increasingly closer to being irreparable every time she did so.

((Rachel Gettys continued in Keeping the Faith))

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel turned and watched as Rachel disappeared into the wilderness. It was a stupid action he did, raising the gun at them. Why had he done it? A cheap kill? Making it so that it was one less person he had to worry about? Every thought seemed to hurt his head now. What was worse was that he now had an enemy, or at least that was what Rachel implied. The tambourine jingle echoed in his mind and he was sure he was going to hear it in his sleep...That is..if he slept and managed to wake up to recall the jingling.

Shaking his head, Daniel turned to Maddy. "I'm sorry, it was a stupid thing to do. We'd like to still offer you a chance here though, Maddy." Daniel kept the gun lowered to his side, casually. " will just make us all paranoid and if we stick together as a group, we can watch each other's backs. What do you say?"

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by Hollyquin*
"Bit of a favor to ask. Anymore shouting and we might as well ask for others to shoot us in the head."

Garrett nearly growled right back at the boy, but decided against it. Growling at people holding guns, he figured, was a good way to get shot. So he ignored the fact that he'd just trudged through fucking sludge, that there was disgusting god-knows-what in his shoes right now, squelching between his toes, that said shoes were now entirely ruined, that he hated the girl who was following him around, that he hated pretty much everyone right now in all honesty, in order to keep himself from getting shot.

He was an 'urban explorer'. He'd been through shit before. Just...not quite this variety of shit.

Garrett stepped up onto the 'island', now more irritated than ever. His main reason for having come here in the first place, after all, was to see if he could make an ally out of gun-boy, but of course he was turning out to be a prick, so that was probably out. The other boy, emo-goth-thing, was moving away from the group, leaving him with the prick and a bunch of girls, which seemed to be just an extension of his shitty day.

One of the girls was headed off, too. And another one was arriving. Awesome. The details of the situation weren't registering with Garrett, he was too busy being pissed off. The leaving girl said something about pointing a gun at people? Whatever. None of this mattered to him. Bunch of fucking girls. This is NOT my fucking day. Shit.

"Oh, fuck. What the hell are you doing here?"

Garrett turned. One of the girls was talking. Why was a fucking girl speaking to him like she knew him? What was-

He tensed.

Oh SHIT. Fucking Mirabelle! Fucking fuck shit FUCK.

Indeed, it was Mirabelle- he hadn't recognized her at a distance, distracted as he was by her outfit. He automatically took a fighting stance, not taking his eyes off of her.

"That's my fucking line," he spat.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by Grim Wolf
"You're fuckin' everything, isn't it!" she snarled, not moving. She hadn't noticed Daniel raising the gun, though she saw Rachel return and threaten him with the tambourine. The boy who'd appeared--Jake, was it--said something and started to walk away; she flashed him a withering look and then her eyes darted back towards Garrett.


Kick, kick, kick, but he kept coming, shrugging her off. He was bigger than she was, much bigger--he'd hit puberty before her, he was stronger, he was faster, and the fact that she'd learned savate for years meant nothing, he just kept coming and-

A single blow, darkness and pain, she felt so

"All the people I could have run into," she hissed. "It had to be you, you egomaniacal ass!" Her hands were trembling, she saw, but she didn't know if it was from memory or fury.

He'd hurt her, once. She could hurt him now, couldn't she? Or...or had the past few years been for nothing?

"You got a brain in your skull," she barked at Daniel. "You'll shoot him, or you'll leave." She didn't take her eyes off Garrett. "None of you wants to stick around this fucker."

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:18 am
by KingKamor*
The muddy slimy swamp left her shoes and shins covered in filth, but what really caught her attention was all of the things going on in the immediate area. Seeing all of the people there move around, arrive, threaten each other, depart, and shout made Jackie's head spin with all that was going on. Everything happened so quickly that she began to wonder if she would have been better off just sitting on a stump and wait for everyone to leave, for all the good she would be able to do. She felt so damn useless that it almost hurt. The only things that kept her confidence on its feet were the gun sitting at the bottom of her bag and the tiny knife in her hand. Even then, she didn't know how to use either of them. At least they were good bluffs.

Most of the dialogue that went on went over her head, but one person's words stuck out.

"You got a brain in your skull," she barked at Daniel. "You'll shoot him, or you'll leave." She didn't take her eyes off Garrett. "None of you wants to stick around this fucker."

Jackie glanced at Garrett, who seemed to have assumed an aggressive posture, as if he were about to attack the girl. She didn't know their relationship, but it wasn't the time to point guns at people.

"Hey, calm down!" Jackie yelled and stood between the two. She felt so small compared to the tension between them that she almost gave away under the pressure. Despite her efforts, she still stuttered. "I-I don't know what's going on, and I don't really care, but last time I checked, survival didn't involve shooting people who aren't playing!" Garrett was indeed quite the asshole, but he wasn't attacking people randomly, nor was he telling people carrying guns to shoot other people. Even though Jackie and the other girl were roughly the same height, she still feeling ever so small compared to her imposing expression. "Like Garrett told me: strength in numbers and all that."

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 am
by ChetV*

It wasn't uncommon for him to be rejected by others. He had already gotten used to being alone in school, but being alone here only meant trouble. The rest of them didn't want someone like Jake hanging around for what ever reason. His last attempt at gaining their attention had utterly failed, maybe because something more preoccupying was going on.

"Oh, fuck," she growled, tensing. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Garrett automatically took a fighting stance, not taking his eyes off of her. "That's my fucking line," he spat.

"You're fuckin' everything, isn't it! All the people I could have run into," she hissed. "You got a brain in your skull," she barked at Daniel. "You'll shoot him, or you'll leave." She didn't take her eyes off Garrett. "None of you wants to stick around this fucker."

Apparently Garrett and the other girl had conflicts in the past, and seemed like they were about to resolve them in that instant. Jake knew the smart thing to do was to acquire allies, but the smarter choice would be to first avoid trouble. Will everyone be like this, or has everyone else obtained a desire to kill? He knew the latter was very unlikely, since it was only day one. He didn't know how long it would be before the rest, or even himself, will start to act that way, but he knew he needed some good company before that happens. Maybe I'll find an idiot with a good weapon... Jake chuckled at his own idea and continued to walk away from the group, until he was completely out of sight.

((Jake Crimson continued in Morning Comes Slowly))

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 am
by xylophonefairy*
It couldn't be helped, as Rachel departed the scene, she began to struggle to hold in some very hysterical laughter. It was a mixture of the tambourine and dramatic departure of Rachel, the guy who had just pointed a gun at her offering to be her friend, and Pretty Girl suddenly erupting into effing and swearing as she clocked Garrett, and Jake randomly disappearing. In fact, so many things happened at once that Maddy gave up, and chose not to respond to Daniel, simply because she had no idea how to. She also had no idea what to do next; should she follow Rachel and hold Mass or whatever, or should she go with the decidedly superior weapon. Both persons were volatile, and she was scared of both. In actuality, Maddy wanted to find Peter. He was a calming presence. But who knew where he might be? She couldn't tell from her briefest of glances at the map how big it was, but based on the size of the swamp as she could see it, and the relative size it appeared to be on the map, it must be huge. She shuddered at the thought of it. To be honest, she found that walkling to school was bad enough, and that was only about a mile. Less, probably. The swamp alone looked to be about a quarter, mile in diameter alone, and she was already about two hundred yards from where she'd started.

On impulse, she turned to Daniel.
"You know, you're right, we need to stick together," she said softly, looking around at the assembled people. Garrett and Belle, with Jackie attempting to mediate things. A girl she reckoned was called Courtney who had had the unfortunate experience of introducing herself just as everything had suddenly exploded. Daniel and herself. None of whom were really the ideal people to ally herself with. Still, they had a gun and a machete, and whatever else between them. Anyone was good in this game, though she had a feeling that Garrett and Belle probably weren't the best people to be put together. Perhaps it was a good thing that many of them didn't really know each other, fresh starts, no history, easier to kill each other later if it came down to that... No, shut up! Why are you thinking that? Maddy shuddered at the way her thoughts were turning.

"You're right," Maddy said, more loudly, towards Jackie. "We do need to stick together." she paused briefly, choosing her words carefully. "I don't know about you, but we're all probably going to be dead in a few days time, but I intend to survive for as long as I possibly can. Then, when God calls me, I'll come. But He hasn't sent for me yet!" Her hands balled into fists, as though she were considering a punch-up with God. "We can do this if we stick together!"

That was it. Her decision had been made. Already she was wondering if it was the right one.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 am
by chibinanashi*
Daniel's face turned into one of relief. He smiled warmly when Maddy had chose to stay with them. He tucked his gun away into his belt and gave Maddy a nod of approval. "That's the kind of spunk we need to keep ourselves together. I apologize about the gun pointing and all...just...I went a little off there. You know it's not every day this happens."

He couldn't laugh at the bad joke because something else was on his mind. Garrett and Belle seemed to have some bad history together. His gaze turned sharply to Belle and he said in a warning tone, "I'm not shooting anybody unless I see evidence of a godamn good reason why! I could have shot Rachel back there, you all could have seen it! But I didn' would have been a waste of a bullet and so is he. What's between you two anyway?"

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 am
by Badb*
Right, they ignored her. Understandable, really, given the current situation and all that. Didn't make it any better for her, though.

They were all arguing. People storming off, people shouting about stealing each other's lines, exchanging badly thought-out insults littered with copious amounts of swear-words... Didn't they have more to worry about right now than this sort've stuff? They'd just been knocked unconscious and thrown onto an island, given a bag full of any old tat they could find and told to kill eachother. She sort've expected more people to be freaking out about that, rather than just bitching at each other over "stealing their lines".

She took a couple of steps backwards, trying to get back to where she was before. Back the way she came. The longer Courtney looked, the more she realised that maybe it would've been a better plan to find people she actually knew. Or, alternatively, settle for finding a group that wasn't at eachothers' throats before she'd joined. She was okay with them being at eachothers' throats after she'd joined. Well, if she was given a head start on getting the hell out of there, that was.

Talk of shooting people. That wasn't good. At all. Not only did that mean someone was actually given a gun, it meant they weren't above threatening people with it, even this early on. Great. The first group she found was a bunch of nutzoids afterall. That was great for her chances. Just great.

Suddenly, a slow clap, followed by a man's voice, coming from what Courtney could only assume to be some kind of PA system. Where the hell WAS it coming from, anyway? Courtney couldn't see any speakers anywhere. The man's speech was already awful, but then he started listing off the deaths. Nineteen people. This wasn't just nineteen people she'd never met before, either. She knew almost everyone on this list. That was the worst part.

And they were still shouting. What the hell. Courtney had to get out of there. It was giving her a hell of a headache. She'd had enough of the goddamned swamp for the rest of her life. Courtney made sure no one had seen her before turning on her feet and starting to walk away.

((Courtney Bradley, Continued in Sometimes Sanctuary isn't that Far Away...))

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:19 am
by Hollyquin*
Garrett was never a big fan of flashbacks, but this wasn't what you'd call voluntary.


Fight. Fight. Fight. That was just instinct, that was the biggest part of who he was, that was Garrett Hunter. Revolutionary? Yes. Leader of men? But of course. But he was a fighter, more than anything: that was the true essence of Tyler Durden, he thought, and so it was the true essence of Garrett.

Emotions? Sensitivity? He didn't have time for that bullshit.

That was why he didn't have time for women.

And women who thought they were fighters?

THEY were the worst.

So it was with Mirabelle. Once upon a time, they'd been...friends. Right? Yeah. That had happened. Back in the day, back when he was less...educated. Back before he'd ever seen Fight Club. He'd always been a fighter, even as a little kid, but he never had any real aim or focus. He played a lot of poker, got in a fight every once and a while, and was generally just an apathetic child.

Mirabelle was different. She was passionate. She practiced.

Time passed. Things changed. People changed. Garrett, he definitely changed. Fight Club came into his life and suddenly his world had something to revolve around. Suddenly Mirabelle was a liability. Suddenly she irritated the living shit out of him.

Things were on a downward spiral.

And one day...

Chivalry is dead.

In all fairness, she'd attacked him first.

But the last hit was definitely his.


Garrett didn't bother moving as Mirabelle snapped at Daniel to shoot him. He didn't really give a shit at this point- he'd been begging for a fight, hadn't he? Fuck yeah I was. And here it is. Pretty sure if gunboy decides to shoot me I'd have time to beat the crap out of this bitch before I go down.

He ignored the others entirely. Jackie...he heard something about calming down? That other girl, Machete-Bitch, said something about sticking together and about...God. It took all he had not to roll his eyes- no, wait, he did roll his eyes, not giving a flying fuck what anyone thought of him right now.

He hardly even noticed the announcements. They passed him right by. In all honesty he did not give a shit who was playing or who was dead.

The others seemed to have dissipated. All that remained were gunboy (who apparently needed a better reason to shoot him...whatever, that worked for him), Machete-Bitch, Jackie the irritating clingy thing and fucking Mirabelle Nesa.

When Garrett spoke, he seemed to be speaking to them all, but his eyes did not leave Mirabelle's.

"Why the fuck should I calm down? Why should we stay together? We're ALL gonna be fucking DEAD in the next few weeks. I'd say right now is the perfect time to pick a fight. Especially with this fucking bitch."

He spat in her direction. It wouldn't go far enough to reach her, but the message was clear.

"And in all probability, God hates you."