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Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:28 am
by Stark*
"Besides, we gays have to stick together."

Part of Charlotte felt... well, flattered, when he said those words. If someone in GODspeed had been openly gay, she'd have known about it, so it didn't take much to figure out that she was the first person he'd ever told. Part of her was simply disappointed for not figuring it out herself. In hindsight, it seemed pretty obvious, didn't it? All of her, however, was stunned. It was pretty much all she could do at that point just to laugh. There was nothing about it that was at all malicious, unhinged, or even ironic. Her laughter spoke only of comfort and relief. "Tell you what, Bobby... I'll keep that little revelation to myself for now. But really? You gotta save something big like that for the people that matter... so tell your parents when you get back home. Heck, they'll probably be so happy to see you alive that they won't even care. I'll even be there to walk you through it, if you think you'll need me. Promise."

She meant every word of what she said. Even if she couldn't be present in body, she fully intended to guide him every step of the way.

After all, Charlotte Cave didn't break promises.

As they approached, Robert knocked on the door, asking if anyone could hear him. Did he hear something? Is someone else there? It didn't take long for a girl's voice, one that didn't quite register as familiar, to bark out the answer to the redhead's question. The demand was impersonal, almost callous. Something about this didn't sit right with Charlotte, something she couldn't quite place her finger on, but that nagged at her all the same. "Let's just wash it off, wrap it in gauze, and get out," she whispered to her companion. "I have a bad feeling about this."

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:28 am
by Brackie
((OOC: Okay guys, just a little reminder that there is something called post order. It was broken a little earlier only because xylophonefairy was away, but we need to keep things organized. The post order should now be Outfoxd - Me - Stark - xylophonefairy - KillerMoth - KARAS - Back to Outfoxd. Please keep that in mind while posting, thanks.))

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Outfoxd
Truth be told, when Brendan suggest Ray go look for the other residents of the infirmary, he wasn't at all keen on the idea. He had enough trouble trusting one person, let alone more.

for fuck's sake no one would really kill anybody right?

Although Brendan certainly seemed calm, plopping himself right down on the bed as if he intended to catch a quick nap despite the situation.

Ray watched with curiosity as Brendan dug around in his bag, and almost laughed at the sheer absurdity of his weapon. As it was, he felt just a little uneasy that before he had almost been thinking about rolling this kid and jacking his bag.

In a similar gesture of good faith, Ray slid his bag off his shoulder and followed suit, rummaging around until his hand grasped the neck of the vodka bottle. He pulled it out, and the vodka sloshed as it moved around the bottle.

"Boy....056." He said, looking at and seeing his number for the first time. He shook his head, still having difficulty believing all of it, and extended the bottle out to Brendan. "Want a hit?" He said, half-sarcastically.

As he said that, he heard more voices and what he suspected was the person who was screaming earlier talking. Whoever she was, she seemed calmer now.

Knowing there was probably a group in or around the building almost made Ray reconsider trying to bust off the bottle end again, but he really didn't want to fuck up and be stuck holding a broken bottleneck in his hand and his thumb up his ass.

Ray inclined his head toward where the voices were coming from. "Think I'll wait a second."

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Brackie
Brendan managed a forced chuckle at the ridiculousness of Raymond's weapon. Some people really got the short end of the stick, didn't they?

Raymond made a comment about the other people in the hospital. They should wait, he said. Brendan put up no arguement with that. In fact, he would have even gone and investigated himself if he wasn't so bloody tired.

Managing a half-smirk at Raymond, he stretched his arms behind his head. He was tired, he'd seen too much blood to try and dwell on it too much.

He needed to sleep. He would try and keep one eye open for the most of it, and sleep quietly, but this early on, there was no telling how things would turn out.

((So so so SO sorry about the wait. I was away for most of it, you could have skipped me! >.<))

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by selphie_trabia*
((Sarah comes in from Walkabout))

Sarah was starting to huff a little when she arrived at the Infirmary's back door. The map she had didn't quite prepare her for how big the island was! She panted and gasped a little, eyeing the sun as it began to sink below the horizon. It seemed unlikely that she'd be able to keep her promise. Not if it took her an entire afternoon to reach the clinic.

She placed a hand on the knob of the Infirmary door and twisted it roughly, stumbling inside. By now, Sarah was well exhausted. She slid through the door and slowly let herself sink to the floor for a quick rest. The room she was in was fairly dark. After a few moments of panting, Sarah lifted her head and looked around her, pausing for a moment to take a deep swig out of a bottle of water to rehydrate herself.

Sarah pulled herself to her feet after a few moments. She could rest at the lighthouse later. In the meantime, she began to look around the room, rummaging through cupboards and drawers in search of medication - sterilized tools, needles, catgut, MREs, anything she could find.

She slid one of the cupboards open, a few bottles clinking as she pushed them around, trying to read their labels in the dark. The darkness of the room made it almost impossible. Sarah pulled the torch from out of her pack and turned it on, moving the light across the smooth glass surfaces. Spotting some liquids that she could administer, she put the torch between her teeth and gripped it tight, pulling a small tray of bottles out of the cupboard.

Sarah crouched down onto the floor, placing the bottles in her spare bag. Suddenly, the door of the cabinet fell out of its frame, narrowly missing her as it hit the ground, the glass shattering. She ducked, covering her face with her arms.

"Eek!" she said.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Stark*
((Sorry for the shortpost, just need to keep her active and the post order fiasco left me without much to work with.))

The crash emanated from deep within the building, but it didn't go unheard back at the entrance. It sounded like some kind of cartoon mouse from where she was standing, but she heard the squeal of another girl accompanying it, as well. Charlotte, already on edge, made her next action purely on instinct: she rushed in. "Bobby," she instructed, "watch my back." Whatever was going on, she had to help, even if it was against her better judgement and she was simply tilting at windmills. Blood had been lost. Her wounds had begun to show the first signs of infection. Slowly, the pain had started to get to her, making her actions erratic.

She was sinking into delirium.

Slowly, but surely.

She took no notice of the racket her footsteps made as she marched through the halls. No notice of her surroundings. Her focus was single-minded. If anyone was unaware of her presence before, they knew of it now.

"Hey! Everything alright in here? No one hurt or anything?"

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by xylophonefairy*
Neill frowned at Jaclyn, as she barricaded the door. Was this really the choice? If he didn't help these people, who's voices he recognised, he was going to die, was that it? He'd watched previous series; of the programme, and all sorts of people made it through right to the end. There was a lot to be said for being courteous to people and aquiring allies; they were less likely to kill you later if you'd once saved their lives. Which she was now saying that she was going to do. Neill shrugged, it made no sense in his mind, but then, who said it had to?

"I'll stick around," he said, with a slightly irritable tone to his voice. He didn't particularly like being bossed around by a short girl with white hair, even if she did have a spear and he respected her use of language. Also the fact that she was wearing aviator goggles prevented him from speaking in the long diatribes he usually slipped into. But still, as there was no response from the people who were injured, Neill began to feel uneasy. He didn't want to have killed anyone, however indirectly, quite so soon. He shifted unconfortably on his skateboard, just as there was a huge crash and a sudden flurry of movement that he couldn't see, accompanied by a high pitched squeal from somewhatere nearby. He glanced at Jaclyn and shrugged.

"Well, actually," he drawled, as though he'd changed his mind about sticking around, "I think I might go for a wander, see where the people are, y'know?" Without waiting for a response, he walked a short way in the general direction of the noise, going down a half staircase, keeping half an eye on Jaclyn and her spear as he did so. The first person he saw was the very obviously injured Charlotte, apparently the person who had been trying to get their help previously, followed a few seconds later by Sarah, who was surrounded by broken glass. He looked at Sarah, who appeared to be okay, though she was having considerably more success at looting than he had, then turned to Charlotte, who didn't quite appear to be herself.

"Well I don't think you are," Neill replied to Charlotte, looking at her critically, then looking towards the cupboards. He had no idea what to do, and hoped that someone with some knowledge of first aid was around. Perhaps Sarah, or even the scary, slightly crazy Jaclyn, would know what to do. "Er," he floundered, looking around, there was a desk and two chairs, and he indicated towards the nearest one, "maybe you should sit down?" he said tentatively.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Brackie

Brendan's eyes flew open, though he stopped himself from actually doing something rash like running away immediatly or jumping out, guns a blazing. What he did do, though was survey the situation he was in now. No one had killed him while he rested, that was obvious, but...what made that noise?

Defying his earlier objections for finding out who else was in the hospital, he ran out of the room, and looked further into the hospital, away from the door. It was dark, but, with his bag by his side, he started down the hallway.

Kay, here's hoping I'm not acting stupidly. Someone could be hurt, or injured or something like that. I might as well find out who.

As he made his way further in, he saw people further down the hall. He slowed down his jog, and felt for a light switch. Finding it, he switched it on, and the hall illuminated itself.

He recognized a few people there. One of them was Neill Robertson, who he distinctively recognised. He was the only person, who he had gradually heard along the grapevine, to stand up and insult Monty Pondsworth. He wished he had the time to meet this arrogant, pompous git. Not just because of that, though. The situation they had themselves in was hardly a time to get to know people. It'd be like meeting new people at prom.

On the other hand, there was that Asian girl, Sarah Tan, who he knew little about, other than that her name was Sarah, she was small, and she was Asian. Kinda like the other Sarah he knew.

Stepping forward, he realised he couldn't see the face of the other girl, but...her hair looked familiar. Was that...

"Uh, hey, Is, uh, everything okay here?" Brendan started to walk forward, and then...he saw the girl's face.

There was blood, lot's of it. A large wound had made it's prominence on her face, leading a path straight up her face. It looked bad, it looked really bad, like it had been infected many times over. She didn't look like she was in pain, but...he saw where the wound led to, and...Brendan took all his courage and energy to NOT step back.

Her eye. It was gone.

Someone slashed out her eye.

Brendan started to feel queasy when he saw it. Someone didn't finish the job, as terrible as it sounded, and now, this girl was...he couldn't even begin to imagine who would do such a thing, whether it was by accident or on purpose. They tried to kill her, and only stopped at her eye. She was probably in a lot of pain, but...Brendan could only stand there, looking rather awkward, as he looked at the missing space where Charlotte's eye should have been. He was being offensive, just standing there, staring.

Instead of continuously looking at her face, Brendan started to flicker his eyes away.

"Uh...umm...H-hey, are you okay there?" he started, making his way towards Sarah. Crap, what did he do that for? He just completely ignored the girl that now lacked an eye! What would they think of him? Brendan tried to ignore the critical and annoying part of his mind, and walked over next to Sarah. There was a lot of glass surrounding her - was she hurt?

"Umm, you okay? You're not, uh, really badly hurt or anything are you?"

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Killer_Moth*
Bobby was worried about what was going on inside. After his initial questioning, the response was not all that he hoped it could be. Still, who was to say what these guys had been through? Was it really any wonder that he was being met with suspicion. Especially since he hadn't even had the decency to introduce himself.

"Sorry. It's Bobby, Bobby Barron. I've got Charlotte Cave out here. She's in a bad way. We need to clean her up, see what we can do. We're not here to hurt, attack or rob you." He hoped it was enough.

Charlotte was clearly hurting worse than she had said. She was also getting scared. As she snuck up beside him and whispered to him, he knew that he would have to get her in there, regardless of what the people inside wanted. After all, it was a hospital, and that had to mean something, even out on this island.

Then, she was moving. She must have been tired of waiting for him to make the first move. She was inside, asking him to cover her. He followed, wondering whether it would be a good idea to draw the spray can he still had in his pocket. He decided against it, as he didn't want to come across as threatening to whoever was inside and waiting for them, and stepped inside.

Neill and Brandon were both sitting on the floor, Neill looking up with concern at Charlotte, Brandon away with a hint of nausea. Neither of them looked about to attack. Barely registering Sarah out of the corner of his eye, he stood next to Charlotte and offered her support again. "You see how bad she is. Does anybody know first aid?"

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by selphie_trabia*
((Hey! I thought I came in after Inky! Can someone reiterate the post order now that I've joined?))

Sarah slowly opened her eyes. She didn't seem to be hurt. Some small, odd rule of physics had prevented any of the glass from actually striking the girl as she huddled in the debris, though quite a bit of it had fallen into her open bag. Sarah looked at Charlotte's face, gave a frightened squeak and started scrambling to the door.

More people started arriving at the scene, Sarah tried to get to her feet, but found herself frozen to the spot she was sitting on out of sheer terror. Eventually, Brendan went to her side, asking questions about her general wellbeing.

"I'm... okay." Sarah squeaked.

In her mind, she shot up a quick prayer that the group she'd literally stumbled upon weren't going to kill her. Something about the combination of blood and the deep scratches on Charlotte's face reminded her of those horrific late-night movies that always gave her nightmares. Sarah gluped hard, resisting the urge to vomit at the gory sight.

Even as she examined Charlotte's face, some small part of her mind, a more caring part, was already starting to give a diagnosis and suggestions for fixing it. There was nothing she could do about the eye, of course. But she could probably find something in the infirmary to clean those deep gashes and flush the infection out. If she could find where they kept the sterilising tools, maybe she could stitch them up if required. She could probably at least find some numbing cream for the pain.

"I... I can... help... I mean... maybe... I don't know if I can... fix your eye, but your wounds..." she stuttered, her voice trailing off as she got to the end of that last half-sentence.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
by Stark*
((OOC: To keep this from turning into a bigger clusterfuck than it is, we'll let KARAS go, since he's been skipped over entirely, then Outfoxd, then me, xylophonefairy, killer_moth, selphie, Inky (to keep the thread moving smoothly while he's away), then back to KARAS. Now let's try to keep this from spinning out of control again. Hopefully after a couple deaths, things'll be more orderly.))

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:29 am
Well ain't that peachy. Someone finally had the balls to answer. Now w..

Not too long after wards did a small clusterfuck of blurs whizz right pass the now dumbstruck Jaclyn. Butt plopped onto the cold hallway and sporting a failed, reversed 'all-fours' position, she really just took the moment to figure out what the hell just happened. So there was this crash and off went Neill in all his lonesome splendor towards it; leaving a few words that sounded much like a child leaving a quick 'goodbye' before gallivanting to god knows where! This made her feel about as old as her hair color depicted and it made her feel shittier than being in this wretched game already did.

Then came the dashing of two people, who were this 'Charlotte Cave' and 'Bobby Burton' characters. Jaclyn had to snicker at the names. They sounded straight out of those late night talk shows with a host sporting some sort of catchy name, or perhaps a character from Moulin Rouge. Didn't really matter--it made her laugh one way or another.

Jumping back up and switching her spear grip to something fitting for a JROTC flag bearer, she advanced towards the source of all the commotion and the attraction of all those people that passed by. It didn't really hit home till she passed the halfway point of the hall that she still had her aviators on, along with her somewhat intimidating style of holding her weapon right now. Looking towards the ceiling showed the winding scar the tip of the polearm was creating from being treated like a flag. Jaclyn just shrugged the whole idea off as something trivial. Tough shit if they didn't like what they saw.

As she turned the corner, the squinting of her eyes to the light reflection from the floor brought the young girl to a halt. Taking a moment to shake off that daze, she saw a ton of glass scattered all across the room. What amazed her even more than the fact that very few people looked like freshly diced tomatoes, was how moronic the rest of the group looked by just standing around doing absolutely nothing! Nothing could possibly top that and make her facepalm internally more than she already was...

"You see how bad she is. Does anybody know first aid?"


That made Jaclyn smash her face into the only open hand that was available. Had she done so a bit harder and those aviators would've gotten a few new cracks to sport around. Almost regrettably, Jaclyn decided to set this group back on a proper pace.

"Anybody with a set of peepers can tell what a wreck the dame is in Captain Obvious." The comment was obviously directed towards Bobby, but she felt the need to release some of that stress inside. Jaclyn used the inward grooves of her shoes to sweep away the shards of glass to the far corners of the room. Within a little while, she opened up a clear space fitting for medical attention. "Move it."

She dropped her bags and pulled out the medical kit everybody in the room should have. It wouldn't be the most professional patch-up ever done, but being the squad leader for Bayview's JROTC meant you needed to be savvy in emergency care and first-aid. Prime example: patching up a gaping wound.

Extracting from the kit was a roll of bandages and some rubbing alcohol, accompanied by cotton swabs and all the gauze she could get out. She later put aside whatever healing ointments were given and the antibacterial wipes and snapped the gloves on when just about ready to begin. This wouldn't be an exactly...smooth treatment. Jaclyn gave Charlotte a quick assessment as to how badly she was roughed up and surmised that aside from the missing eye, she wasn't mortally wounded. She let out a sigh and quickly tore open a small section of Charlotte's clothing that covered her body cut.

She didn't give the boys another glance before ordering out, "Anybody who ain't the same gender as me or has the urge to gag better turn the fuck around before I convince myself of using the spear right by my foot!"

Her hands continued to quickly check to see if any glass went into the wound and swabbed the checked sections with some of the rubbing alcohol. She could only imagine what a bitch it must be for Charlotte to feel those stings.

"Try to bite the bullet, I'll finish patching you up as soon as I can." she said in a much softer, yet still serious tone. Then looking over towards Sarah, she motioned for her to give a helping hand in treating Charlotte.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:30 am
by Outfoxd
Ray hadn't been ready for the crash in the other room when it happened, and so he almost kicked himself for jumping like he did. Not that it was unwarranted. Considering the situation, he was sure any noise could've been something to be iffy about.

He watched as Brendan sprung up immediately and headed over to investigate, leaving Ray alone in the office once more. He didn't feel like he should've been in a rush to get over there, but now, after having met someone, Ray wasn't liking the prospect of being alone. At least part of him just wanted to strike out, get the fuck away from the infirmary and lay low, but as little as he actually knew anybody from the school, he didn't want to be by himself.

He waited for a few more seconds and followed Brendan, still clutching the vodka bottle in his hand. It wasn't like he heard gunshots or fighting or anything like that. He came in behind Brendan, and his view was at first obscured by the boy's back. He stepped around him to see what was going on, and saw several more people; one small asian girl, a tall, lanky guy with light brown hair, and a redhead he couldn't fully see due to be blocked from his view by a girl with a big ass spear who now appeared to be barking orders. He was sure he'd seen the spearcarrier doing flagwork at the occasional school sporting event, but that was the extent of his knowledge of any of the assembled.

It looked like they were about to do an operation or something on the redhead, because as soon as Ray got in the girl with the spear told the males present to turn their backs. Interested in being respectful (and not getting ran through with a fucking a spear), Ray turned, though in such a way that the corner of his eye still showed spear-girl's movements.

"Hell happened to her?" He asked while turned, believing an answer a small favor.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:30 am
by Stark*
For some reason, all eyes seemed to be focused on her. It was as if they'd never seen a one-eyed Irish lesbian boxer before or something. Was it that bad? Really? Charlotte didn't have time to ponder that question, of course, as Jaclyn and Sarah seemed to bum rush her with first aid equipment like some bizarre hybrid of F.E.A.R. and Trauma Center. It seemed sort of counterintuitive, given her sport of choice, but Charlotte did not like medical treatment. "G-guys, it's cool, I-I'll be fine... I'm sure someone needs it more than I do right nOW!" The contact of the rubbing alcohol timed itself perfectly with her sentence.

"Try to bite the bullet, I'll finish patching you up as soon as I can."

"Seriously, back off, I'm okay, really, jus- RRRRRRRGH!"

That did it. The cut on her stomach was largely superficial, but that application of alcohol stung like having an eye clawed out. She would know, after all.

Instinct took over, and she kicked wildly in Jackie's general direction.

Re: Filling prescriptions

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 4:30 am
by Killer_Moth*
The response to his entreat hadn't been quite what he would have liked. He was out of his element here. He didn't know these people, not like he did his friends. He wished Rachel was there with him. She would have known what they needed to do. She would have been able to take control. Instead, he was being shunted to the sidelines.

The mouth on Jaclyn was worrying him. He was only trying to help, and instead got a mouthful of abuse. He supposed that he shouldn't be too bothered by it. She was in a stressful situation, so he excused her. And well, he had been a trifle over zealous, after all.

When Jaclyn ordered all the boys out of the room, he was almost tempted to raise his hand and point out that he was gay, but doubted that it would do much good. And he wasn't quite comfortable with outing himself to everybody just yet. He quickly turned and headed out of the room, following the other guys present.

Once he was out, he turned to the guys. "So, what's the story? You guys holding out here, waiting till we get rescued, or what?"