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Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by BetaKnight
Roman's jaw dropped when Acacia reveled that the gun was unloaded. The sheer audacity required to casually wave an empty gun around was almost mind boggling. It was either the most brilliant or the stupidest thing he had ever seen. His eyes flicked to his bag. No one would panic when they saw his weapon. He wasn't even sure if he could wield it with enough strength to actually do anything with it. It was definitely something better suited to a person like Alex. There were plenty of times she had menaced him with a wrench or pair of pliers.

"It didn't come loaded. And I'll be honest, I don't even know where to start. What did you get?"

While he wasn't a marksman or really even terribly comfortable with guns, his uncle and father had shown him how to properly load and handle one on one of the extremely rare and never fruitful hunting trips they occasionally went on. Roman momentarily contemplated feigning ignorance but he could hear Acacia's panic creep into her voice as she admitted she didn't really know how to prep the gun. He couldn't leave the other girl high and dry in good conscience, not when her feeling so closely mirrored his own. ‘Besides, if you want help, you have to give help. I just hope this doesn't come around to bite me squarely on the ass.'

"I, uh, I got a…hold on, I'll get it out," he said as he fumbled for his bag. "It's called a sun baton. It has an instruction manual, but it doesn't look terribly complicated. I think it's just one of those collapsible batons that you see foreign police officers carry in action movies." He pawed through the bag, looking for the weapon to show Acacia. "Didn't your gun come with an instruction manual?"

Without waiting for an answer, he rushed on. "If it didn't, I could…I could show you how to open the breach so you could load the gun. I mean, I think I can open the breach for you." Roman kept his eyes fixed on the contents of his bag.

Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by xylophonefairy*
Acacia regarded the sun beam with vague curiousity. She'd seen police baton's before, but not one like this, it was somehow more lethal looking, but with guns (loaded ones that is) wielded couldn't see how it could really be useful except in the hands of a strong person. Perhaps someone from the wrestling club (was there a wrestling club? She'd never thought to ask). Then her eyes widened.

Instruction manual! She hadn't even thought of that, and immediately dropped to the floor to begin rooting through her bag, again. Clothes, diabetes kit (shit, what was the time? She had no idea what her glucose levels were like, probably too high since, unless the... people, whoever they were, had injected her with insulin while she was unconscious, something she seriously doubted, she wouldn't have had any for... hours. Generally she was on a pretty loose regimen, injecting as much as she needed with regards to how much she was about to eat or exercise, important in her life, and that would be important now), a small notebook and pen, half a pack of chewing gum, anything useful taken away, and no instruction manual.

"Damn," she muttered, sitting back on her heels, "of course, that would be too easy," she said, surprised at finding her voice shaking on the verge of tears, She sniffed and wiped her eye with her left forearm, before leaning forwards to close the bag again, defeated. Her fingers lingered over the kit, debating whether to test her glucose levels now and reveal her weakness, to risk it and do it later. She chose to risk it, if she were to suddenly faint she hoped Roman would see her bracelet and know how to act. How good was he at biology? Acacia had no idea. She zipped the bag up, leaving the kit inside, for now.

"I think they just wanted to see the dumb blonde struggle with a gun," she said irritably, while she weighed up Roman's offer of opening the 'breach', whatever that might be, so that she might be able to load it. The gun was entirely useless to her while she couldn't load it, other than some intimidation purposes as had apparently worked before. And it was useless to Roman if she gave it to him to open, seeing as she would still be holding the rounds. After a pause, looking both at the gun, then at Roman, she held it tentatively towards him to take.

"Thanks," she said, her voice a little more steady. "I promise not to shoot you," she added with a shaky laugh, though meaning what she said. Actually, she didn't have any intention of shooting anyone, the thought of doing that terrified her.

Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by BetaKnight
"I'm gonna hold you to that," Roman said with a wry grin. Moving slowly, he took the gun, his fingers brushing against Acacia's for a second as he made sure he had a good grip on the weapon. Once in his grasp, he brought the gun towards his face for closer inspection. He absently pushed his glasses further up on his nose as he turned the gun over and over.

"It's gotta be here somewhere," he muttered as he ran his fingers over the frame of the pistol. There had to be a catch or a latch or something that would let him open up the cylinder so Acacia could load the bullets.

There. A small button on the left hand side near the trigger guard. Pressing it down, Roman used his other hand to push the cylinder free of the gun itself. It slid to the side with a nearly inaudible click.

"Ta-da," he sang softly, a triumphant grin on his face. This was something he could do. Be calm, focus, and find the solution to the problem. So Acacia's problem of an unloaded gun was solved. He really should get moving on solving his own problem, namely, finding Alex.

He held the open gun out to Acacia. "Here you go, one gun ready to be loaded. You just drop the bullets in and push the cylinder closed. Anything else I can help you with?"

Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by xylophonefairy*
Acacia accepted the gun back from Roman with a shaking hand, and hesitantly loaded it; following some vague instinct that might have been from an old movie as she closed the cylinder and looked critically at the gun. It felt heavier now, and any sense of uselessness was gone. She felt... powerful. And scared; how was she supposed to point this at someone and pull the trigger, and kill them? Also, she couldn't figure out how nobody had noticed the gaping hole in the side of the gun when it was empty, looking at it loaded, it's prior state seemed so obvious now. Still, people had other things on their minds, she reflected, even a gun with a hole in it was dangerous here. That was something interesting to note, if she ever ran out of bullets (which she didn't intend to do as she had no intention of shooting the gun), she could still use it as a threat. And if she were to live that long, she hopefully would have aquired some other weapon... Her thoughts were running away with her.

"Thanks" she said again in a relieved to Roman, holding the gun loosely, focussing on not accidentally pointing it towards him and scaring him off, seeing as he was the nicest person she'd encountered so far. She scratched her neck distractedly, not knowing really where to go from here. She felt that she'd like to set herself little missions of sorts; if she had something to focus on then she might be able to forget that eventually, she or Roman, or probably both, was going to die, and in the next two weeks.

"Anything else I can help you with?"

"I feel like I should repay you for your kindness," Acacia said, as warmly as she could muster under such cold circumstances, attempting to stow the gun away in the pocket of her jeans. Upon realising that it wouldn't fit (as much as she liked fashion, pockets that didn't actually work very well as pockets annoyed her, especially now) she continued to hold it in several awkward positions, eventually figuring that gripping it around the handle, with her right index finger resting on the trigger guard was most comfortable. "So, if you don't mind my company, I'll help you find your sister," she said, tentatively, not wanting to intrude if he didn't want her around, but also not wanting to be left alone in a forest where evrything was dead, even the boy who lay decapitated a short distance away and whom she had almost forgotten about. "This worked quite well at scaring most people off before," she added with a shrug.

Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by BetaKnight
"That would be really nice, actually. I would appreciate the company.," Roman said as he gathered up his bag. "The sooner I find Alex, the better I'll feel."

He glanced around one more time, his eyes lingering in the direction that Alice and Darren has gone. Taking a deep breath, he slowly exhaled before deciding to go in the opposite direction. Darren said he'd keep an eye out for Alex, so it would be pointless to go in the same direction he's going. Plus, Alice went that way, and I'd really like to avoid her for as long as possible.

"How do you feel about going that way?" he asked, pointing towards the horizon. "It seems as good as any other direction." Shouldering his Danya-issued bag, he slowly began walking in that direction.

((Roman Jackson continued Watch Your Step))

Re: Orientation

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:24 am
by xylophonefairy*
Acacia smiled properly for the first time that day, shouldering her bag. She adjusted her dual layer of vest tops so that they looked good, an unconscious gesture, though she realised as she was doing it that she probably looked like she was playing up for the cameras. Still, no harm in playing up a little now, Acacia suspected that it meant that she was less likely to be blown to bits for making a mistake earlier on. Flicking her hair (was that too much?) she nodded to Roman.

"Yeah, sure," she said with a helpless shrug. Every direction looked pretty much the same to her, though she noted with some relief that they were going a different way to that which scary looking Alice had gone in, which could only be a good thing. "Why not, it's not like we have anything to lose!" she added, giving a slightly forceful laugh that reflected no humour, even if the statement was slightly ironic. As Roman starting walking, she hung back for a moment and muttered under her breath.

"Nothing to lose... except our lives."

She jogged slightly then, to catch up with him, her bag bouncing uncomfortable against her hips. Seriously, this was why she'd never owned a satchel. She'd gone from a rucksack when living in Indiana and Long Island straight to a fashionable oversized handbag ever since she'd moved to Minnesota and redeveloped her image.

"Hey I'm coming!" Acacia said as she caught up to him.

((Acacia Salinger continued in Watch Your Step

Also, end of thread, everyone's left now.))