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Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by Little Boy*
Dutchy stood behind Roland, rubbing his hands together, trying to keep calm. The casual way Roland had dropped his guard was encouraging, but Dutchy wasn't stupid. He knew the dangers of the Island were all too real, even if he hadn't witnessed all that much personally. The girls in front of him hadn't had the luck of holding up in a building for the better part of the competition. They'd seen bodies, they'd seen blood and atrocities far worse then anything he could comprehend. Dutchy kept his head hung low, avoiding their gaze, trying not to panic.

What if they aren't so friendly? What if they've got weapons?

As terrible as the notion was, Dutchy couldn't dismiss it. Half of his classmates were dead, and that wasn't all due to freak accidents. It was a bitter truth to face, terrifying, contradicting everything he'd ever known about Bayview. But some of his clasmates were no longer friends. They were predators. Monsters.

"Roland..." Dutchy began, his voice fading away.

Stupid Dutchy. Roland knows what he's doing. Don't get in his way, any more then you already are-

And then, something struck him.

At first, Dutchy was sure it was a person. Someone who he hadn't seen, jumping from a bush to knock him to the ground. He let out a scared yelp of pain, stumbling a moment before collapsing in a heap. His leg was suddenly throbbing, the tell tale sign of an injury. He looked down, a large rock say in the grass near him.

Someone hit me.

Dutchy's eyes went wide with fear. With shaky hands he reached towards his knee, clutching it, as if it could stop the pain. He tried to control his breathing. No good.

Don't panic. Don't panic, you can't panic.

It was too late. His knee was skinned, but that was enough. Dutchy hadn't suffered an injury in years, at least, not from another person. It seemed like an eternity since he'd had a problem with anyone. The sheer casual nature of the attack confirmed all his worst fears in a heartbeat. This was not the place for him. He was going to die, very soon, and more then likely not on his own terms.

His mind flashed back, his life before the Island. So far away, a hospital bed, his Uncle, bandaged and burned, a shell of his former self, vomit, burning in his throat.

Don't panic. Don't panic, don't panic…

But he couldn't stop. Roland was talking, looking at him with concern. Dutchy brought his head up, wide terrified eyes scanning the forest. The girls in front of them. Roland. There was more. Was it a trap? Were they dead? He couldn't breath. It was all too much. He'd never hurt anyone, and yet this was his reward.

I'm sorry!

He didn't know who he was shouting too. His attacker? God? Danya? Did it really matter in the end? There would be no forgiveness. Dutchy had done something terrible, what it was he couldn't say. Was it his wish? What was wrong with dying on his own terms?

" ‘snot fair." He sobbed, struggling to breath. "It's not fair, I didn't- I didn't mean- I-"

His breathing grew faster, louder. He couldn't control himself. His mind was in a blind panic. He'd been struck with a rock. Why? Just for existing. He was going to die, very soon. He hadn't said goodbye. He hadn't prepared.

"It's not fair!" He sobbed again, his words degenerating into loud panicky gasps, as if he were struggling to take in air. He began to crawl through the grass, separating himself from Roland, the rock, everything, his cries of fear growing louder, stretching out longer, encompassing everything around him. He wasn't thinking. Dutchy had entered a full blown panic mode and try as he may; tears were already streaming down his face. He wobbled to his feet, scrunching up against a tree trunk, terrified of the world.

If I wasn't here, we wouldn't be going through this! If I wasn't here- I- I shouldn't be here! I should be dead already, I should have died first, I would've still been me, I wouldn't- I'm sorry, I'm sorry Roland!

Roland had the rock now; he was holding it up, looking at the group standing before them. Dutchy didn't know who had hit him. He wasn't quite sure it mattered all that much. Roland was getting annoyed, taking personal offence. Things were rushing out of control, and it was all his fault. Dutchy had heard of Survival of the Fittest. He knew what would come next. It was too horrifying to contemplate.

Need to get out. I need to get out!

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by Sister Grimm*
Now this was how you did a negotiation. Silence, lots of staring and making really serious faces at each other. It was probably how they did it at the UN too. They would probably talk to each other at some point or something maybe, but right now the most important part was the grim staring. But no problem there, Alice had that down pat. She was practically the master of looking grim and/or moody. She guessed that it didn't really expedite the sharing of information or pleasantries, but whatever. It all boiled down to whichever side didn't have all day to stand around. Alice didn't know about those other two, but she wasn't exactly eager to meet up with Aaron and his group.

She would just wait for Bounce to do the talking. If it was mediation, it was on Bounce. If it was dissuading conflict, it was Alice. They had a system. Of course, judging by the rock, someone didn't want to wait for the talking to start. Her first instinct was to protect Bounce. That was, after all, her number 1 priority. Considering Vic was gone, Bounce was all she had left. That meant that Bounce was all that mattered. Alice shifted, so that she more facing the direction the rock had come from than Roland and Dutchy. It was possible that this was all a trick to divert attention and let Roland get close with that harpoon of his, but it wasn't very likely

Considering that, her eyes scanned the direction the rock had come from. Chances were good that whoever had thrown it was hiding in the bushes. Not that she could see anyone, but there hadn't been a flurry of movement to accompany someone retreating. She wished she had her revolver. Then Roland wouldn't be an issue, nor would whoever was hiding up in the bushes.

Roland was talking, angry and annoyed, but Alice didn't pay him much attention. Instead, her eyes didn't leave the location she thought was the rocks origin. She nodded toward the spot she thought was the right one. "Up there." She glanced at Roland and Dutchy, pausing on the latter as he started to panic. She felt a quick pang of sympathy for the guy, but just as quickly ignored it. It conjured to mind unfortunate comparisons between the two groups, of Alice and Roland, Bounce and Dutchy, But Bounce was uninjured, nor was she any type of weak link. Any other musing would have to wait, of course. Someone was still out there, watching them. She looked back to the bushes, her eyes straining for the slightest movement.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by ET.Requiem*
With the rock thrown, Ash waited patiently in the bushes. If she made another move, everything would be ruined. Dutchy was going to cave in under the stress and his own weakness very soon. When he moved to the tree and started crying, she knew that the first part of her small plan was complete. She didn't feel relieved or triumphant, though. She only felt a hint of disappointment at herself for going through with it.

Now came the hardest part. Taking his supplies was going to require more finesse, if only because she wanted to use the least amount of energy possible. She needed to conserve her strength for the days to come, if she survived that long.

Survive.... I am harming Dutchy's chances by taking what he needs to live.

She was killing him indirectly with this plan. Was this really what she wanted to do? His blood would be on her hands.

I can't go back now. He will run from his partner no matter what. Better to take his belongings before somebody else claims them.

A bitter taste filled her mouth. This was not right. That kind of half-assed rationalization wasn't convincing her that she was doing something defensible. Even her mother wouldn't try to argue for her in this case.

No. I don't want to do this. But I have to. I.... I'm scared.

She clenched her teeth. Ash wanted to live so badly it scared her. Forgiveness was not possible for her now. She was willing to condemn Dutchy so that she could live just a little longer. That thought alone was something too terrible to be understood by her family.

No more. I just don't want any more. Leave me alone, damn it!

She clenched her teeth. Futile. Fighting to stay human was futile, for death would claim her soon. So, why not leave her sanity behind? Why not play the game with the others? Why not do what it took to survive like she should have from the beginning? It would be so much easier. She would have a shot at surviving if she was willing to go beyond the role of a common scavenger.

Because.... because I'm not the girl they see me as. I'm better than that. I'm not as cold as they think I am. I'm a human. Not a damned monster. And I won't give in just because I'm scared.

Was the truth, though? Was she really so strong that she could let herself die for the sake of a timid little fool? Ash already knew the answer. No, she didn't have the strength of character to be that saintly. She wouldn't be able to go through with it. Her fear was simply too great to be overcome.

She closed her eyes briefly. So, this was it. She would really do this. Ash didn't have what it took to simply walk away and stop herself from robbing Dutchy. No apology could make up for this crime. She would have to bear it for whatever time she had left.

If only I had considered this earlier.... this could have been avoided. Please, let something go wrong now. Stop me from doing this, God.

Ash had never prayed before. This was probably the first and last time she would do such a thing.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by JamesRenard*
((Craptacular post, will edit at a not-too-much-later date))

The rock hit the blond guy in the leg and he fell down like a house of cards. Both Allen and Andrea could only watch in silent shock as the realization of what just occurred sunk into both of their minds. 'Someone's just attacked that guy... holy crap, there's someone else around here!' Andrea thought in alarm. Obviously neither Allen nor Andrea had thrown the projectile at the guy, and it didn't look to originate from Bounce and the other girl either. So yeah, there was a fourth party lurking around. A dangerous unknown fourth party, one that Roland was now angrily shouting at.

"Don't look at us, we didn't do anything," Allen spoke up to defend himself and Andrea. The other girl traveling with Bounce then called out that she saw where the rock had originated from, looking up in a general direction towards a bush. Allen looked up towards where he thought the girl was glancing at, looking for any signs of movement in the vicinity.

Andrea did the same, staring at the bush. "She's right, it looked like the rock came from there," she whispered to Allen, trying to analyze the current situation and apply some logic to it. "Now, either they don't have a gun, or they're not playing, because if they did have a gun and were playing, we'd all be dead right about now."

A chill ran down Allen's spine at Andrea's mention of a possible close shave with death. "If that was meant to calm me down, it didn't," he whispered back, then looked up to the bush that was supposedly hiding someone. "Alright, uh, whoever's hiding, c-come on out," Allen called out loudly, attempting to maintain a firm and steady voice. It was no easy feat though, considering he had absolutely no clue who was hiding, or what their motives were.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by Little Boy*
((Jumping post order to move Dutchy outta here))

Dutchy couldn't breathe. People were coming out of the woodwork, girls and boys, some armed, some not. His eyes darted around, his lip trembling. He hadn't expected this. So much time alone, with Roland, marching in silence. And now? Now they were everywhere. His mind was racing. Someone had hit him. One of them was trying to kill him, trying to harm him... Roland was yelling, the rock still in his hands. Things were disintegrating before his eyes and he knew the end result.

Kimmy, bleeding out on the beach. Roland, bleeding out on the beach. His heart beat faster. He couldn't handle this.

Get out. Get out!

He couldn't stop shaking. His uncertainty was at an all time high. Who had it been? He barely knew these people. Faces in a crowd, now suddenly reaching out to strangle him. Unreal, the worst nightmare he could ever imagine. His collar was tight around his neck, and he knew it would never be removed. It would all end in tears, end with Roland....

Get out!

He was practically screaming it to himself, but he didn't dare to move. His guts were churning, and a seething feeling of regret and self-loathing built up inside him. Selfish. So very selfish. Roland would look for him, if they managed to...

He won't. He won't, he shouldn't, and that would be good. Because this is going to- going to end- No! Stay strong Dutchy, stay-

There was a sound, movement behind him. His thoughts flew away, his survival instincts kicking in. Dutchy spun, jumping in the air, letting out a frightened scream. The girl leaped from the bushes, running towards him at a breakneck pace. His eyes bulged in horror, no doubt in his mind what was about to transpire. His feet began to move and he was off, sprinting, his pack and Roland left behind.

He was crying again, his tears flying along behind him. It didn't matter. All that mattered now was his feet, and how fast they could carry him away. Away from death, away from the island, away from Roland and two hundred dead school kids. Away from what he was becoming, toward his home, so far in the distance...

I'm sorry! Oh God- Roland- I'm sorry!

He couldn't look. It was all pitch-black.

(Dutchy continues in Streita[/url))

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by Solitair*
((Skipping Clu in order to get Roland back in the game.))

Roland's eyes darted between Bounce and Allen, Andrea and Alice. They all denied having thrown the rock, and most of them suggested that the rock came in a different direction altogether. He turned around and looked, not seeing anyone, but there was a lot of brush a saboteur could hide behind, and now that they mentioned it, Roland was sure that he was in the way for both of the groups that he could see. If they they threw a rock at Dutchy, he would have seen them do it, or so he told himself.

"Alright, sorry," he said. His body relaxed a bit. "It's just... this fucking game and..." He felt more tears coming on, and stopped to hold them back. "I can't... can't even say her name."

"Bounce, you listening? Have you seen Sarah Xu and Bridget Connolly anywhere? We were together and we got separated. Just... I don't..." It was no use. All Roland could think about was her smiling, happy face. What did that fucker do to it?

Not half the things Roland would do in return, if he ever ran into him.

"We could use some more help," he continued. "We've got a plan. It's... Sarah can explain it better than I can." He couldn't even remember the plan. What a great contribution to the team he turned out to be.

"If you're... Dutchy?" Roland looked behind him. No Dutchy. Where the fuck did he think he was going? Please God, don't let him try and kill himself again.

He looked up and saw a flash of movement, saw Dutchy's shoes vanishing into the forest. Without taking even one look back at the allies he'd failed to gain, Roland grabbed his discarded harpoon and took off after him.

((Roland Hayes continued in Bitti Rüya))

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by ET.Requiem*
(Have to break post order to avoid inactivity)

What have I done?

Dutchy was gone, and so was his partner. The supplies Ash was waiting for was finally within her grasp. All that was left was to take what she came here for and leave.

The feeling that she had done something unforgivable lingered in her mind. There was no way that Dutchy could survive on his own. Sure, chances were that he was going to be killed soon anyways. It still wasn't a good reason to shorten his remaining time, anyways.

She almost left the scene in disgust, but she chose to stay at the last moment. If she didn't take the pack, then she would have essentially damned the boy for nothing. Such a pointlessly cruel action would've made her feel even worse than she did now.

Fuck this 'game'. I don't want any part of it!

Ash covered her blank face with her hands. No tears, as she expected. What was wrong with her? Was she just deluding herself into thinking that she actually felt regret for screwing Dutchy over? No, that couldn't be. She was thinking clearly now. The guilt was real. It was there. She wasn't making believe.

That was a small relief. She was still human. But for how long? If this continued, she was going to crack. Once that happened, she didn't know what she would do.

Focus. Focus on the task at hand. Don't stray from your goal. You're going to get through this day somehow.

With a slow movement, she looked back up through the foliage. Ash would have to wait until they cleared out before she could go retrieve the bag. She didn't know if somebody was waiting with a gun in ambush, but it was a chance she would have to take.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:06 am
by Sister Grimm*
((Ditto here. ducking under inactivity.))

Maybe it was just her, but she didn't think it was quite the time to relax and start talking. Maybe Roland knew something she didn't. Maybe it was a good idea to share information when someone was clearly gunning, so to speak, for Dutchy. Maybe instill the mysterious stranger with a false sense of security? Offer a distraction before rushing forward in a grand and glorious blitzkrieg? Just, personally, she thought maybe they should at least go check out the brush. Something. Anything, really, beside this.

But to each his own. Roland could talk while his charge was pelted with rocks. Alice wouldn't make the same mistake.

If Bounce wanted to discuss tactics or whatever it was Roland wanted to discuss, that was fine. Alice was going to keep an eye on the bushes. Whoever had thrown the rock was still around. She couldn't understand why Roland wasn't focusing more on that. Talking like nothing was wrong just seemed so, so stupid. She could understand not rushing up there. After all, maybe it was a trap or something, maybe a lure to get someone alone. But at least acknowledge it, you know?

Well, she guessed he did, eventually. Only after Dutchy took off, though. She guessed Roland might not have been the best sense for ordering priorities. But better later than never, right? As Roland belatedly took off after his friend, it struck Alice how suddenly exposed and alone they were. They were suddenly surrounded, with at least 2 on one side and God knows how many on the other, and no one even pretending to be friendly.

She didn't want to look away from the brush, but she quickly glanced over her shoulder at the original group, all the while edging closer to Bounce. The first group, being Andrea and Allen, hadn't suggested hostility, but she wasn't going to gamble on that. And there was still the possibility that the unknown attacker had more then a rock. They were suddenly alone, and more importantly, still unarmed. It hadn't become more of an issue then it had been before, but it seemed even more glaring now that Roland and Dutchy had run off.

"We should go." Alice suggested, nodding in the rough direction of the sawmill. "Find Aaron, or at least get out of here."

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by JamesRenard*
While Allen was feeling pretty damn well anxious with the unknown threat hiding in the bushes, Andrea was quickly becoming frustrated with the way things were going. All the while she and her companion remained standing in just the one place, the terrorists were probably getting further and further ahead of them. That was no good at all, not if she wanted her plan to work at all. She needed all the clues she could get her hands on, and one such clue was getting further and further away with each passing minute. They needed to move, now.

"Okay, Allen, uh, I think it might be time we went our own way as well," she said, watching Dutchy leave with Roland chasing after him. "Nice seeing you, Bounce, but we're just gonna head off now," she called out to the other girl. "You're more than welcome to come along with us, if you wanna. I mean, I'm not a crazy rock-thrower, and neither is Allen to the best of my knowledge, so that's gotta be a plus, huh?"

Speaking of crazy rock-throwers, that person was still hiding and wasn't coming out anytime soon, or so it seemed. "So, uh, I guess we're out of here," Andrea announced. She picked up the duffel bag next to her feet and began to jog away at quite a pace, hoping to quickly make up lost ground and catch up with the helicopter's passengers.

Allen, only half-listening to Andrea as his attention was focused elsewhere, turned away from intently looking at both the bush and the two girls and saw in alarm that she was already quite a distance away from him. "H-Hey, wait u-aaghhh!"

Allen had completely forgotten about the tree stump he'd been sitting on earlier, as it was below his field of vision. So as he made an attempt to run after Andrea, he hit the stump with his foot and tripped over it. He put his arms out to cushion the blow and fell onto his shoulder, rolling onto his back. "Oww..." Allen whimpered, rubbing his shoulder, promptly getting back to his feet and starting to run after Andrea. He only covered about twenty feet when he realized that he left his bag laying there by the stump, so he had to backtrack, grab it and then resume the pursuit.

Neither Andrea nor Allen knew that they'd picked up the other's bag by mistake.

((Allen Birkman continued in The Man Your Man Could Smell Like))
((Andrea Raymer continued in The Lesson Today is How To Die))

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by ET.Requiem*
Ash glanced at the two girls still standing around in the forest. As much as she wanted to wait and let them leave before she tried to get Dutchy's bag, her hunger finally won out over her determination. The two were looking pretty beat up, and they didn't appear to be armed. As far as she was concerned, they wouldn't be able to stop her if she made an appearance.

With that decision made, Ash prepared herself for the small raid. She took a deep breath. This was it. She would have to do this properly. She started to rise out of the foliage when she realized something. The bag might not have enough supplies to last her for the next day. She had to think about the future here. With a hesitant glance at the girls, she sunk back down.

If she wanted more, she would have to take their bags as well. Although it wasn't something she liked to consider, she was too desperate to think of an alternate solution. She would do it, and feel bad later. She opened her own bag and took out her carbide lamp. It wasn't a good tool to be used as a weapon, but it could serve as a handy bludgeon if she needed it.

20 feet? 30 feet? The two were around that distance. They would spot her long before she even got close to them. With any luck, she would be able to get to them before they pulled out any guns or weapons. She took another deep breath, rose from the foliage, and burst forward. With her carbide lantern in her hands, she rushed at Bounce and Alice. They seemed to be aware of her, but it was too late now.

This was it. It was time for her to take what she needed. Maybe now, she would get enough to survive.

Hopefully, she wouldn't have to hurt them much before she could escape with their supplies.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by Sister Grimm*
((GM'ing approved by ET.Requiem.))

Remember that part, the one where she talked about how it would be a good idea to leave? It wasn't the craziest idea ever. No, she thought it made a fair measure of sense. Maybe even a good deal of sense, if you were feeling generous. After all, the logic was sound, right? Someone who clearly wasn't friendly was hiding just over yonder, and here they were, unarmed and defenseless. Well, maybe not defenseless, but definitely not in a position to fight off any real attack. Which brought her back to her first point. That is, not sticking around.

So, when Ash Morrison broke cover and charged toward them, she was almost relieved. Relieved, in that it wasn't some football linebacker. Not so relieved that she was about to let down her guard or take any chances. Considering that lantern in her hands, one mistake would be all it took.

At least this was hardly a surprise attack. The range between them gave Alice plenty of time to come up with something. Outside protecting Bounce, she didn't have anything special planned out. What she did have was strength and speed. Ash was attacking head-on with that lantern of hers, which limited what she could do. Alice could counter or respond accordingly. Not to say she wasn't worried. Like she said, one little slip and they could both be killed. Everything was riding on her protecting them.

Alice eased Bounce to the side before stepping forward, front and center. Despite her the spiked adrenaline and racing pulse, her voice was almost steady. "Let me take care of this. Just stand back and be careful."

Alice thought back to gymnastics. To be specific, to that moment before performing some maneuver. Just relax, go with the proverbial flow. Then, some roll or somersault. Now, some psycho with a lantern. Not too different, really. It's all a matter of circumstance. Ash was closer now, much closer, and she was making a bee-line straight for Alice.

In a not totally unexpected move, she swung with the lantern, raising it over her head and bringing it down towards Alice in a manner that most certainly not following the advised usage. Alice followed the arc and side-stepped it, moving to the right and leaving Ash stumbling forward as her momentum carried her. Alice helped her along by placing a foot in her path and a shoving hand on her back. After that, it was out of her hands, so to speak. Not the hand shoving her down the hill, the other hands. know, other ones. The ones in the expression.

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by ET.Requiem*
Ash let out a strangled cry as she fell. This was justice, wasn't it? This was what her fate was, ever since she decided to live by taking from others-


What? She had lost all sensation below her neck. What she could feel was mind-numbing pain above it. She tumbled down the hill, gasping for breath the entire way down. Her lantern flew out of her hands and was lost to the bushes. It wouldn't work properly again, just like her body. When she finally stopped rolling, she knew she was going to die. Her fading vision was skewed at an unnatural angle. Her neck had been broken, hadn't it? Oh dear god, it had.

Damn it all. She couldn't be saved now. Death was coming for her now. The short, short time she had left would be filled with agony....

All just a mistake, a damned terrible mistake.

Ash couldn't even groan any longer. Something was dripping onto her blouse, but she couldn't tell what it was. Her eyes and ears were shutting down so quickly that she could barely sense anything at this point. She struggled to see through the darkness, but it was futile.

Why fight? I didn't deserve to go back, anyways.

She never did believe that she would die cleanly. A death as embarassing and stupid like this was the only thing she was entitled to, and now she had received it. This was how she would go out, and she would just have to accept that.

Go on without me. I wasn't good. You didn't need me. Don't cry, it was always supposed to end like this-

She would've sighed if she could. It was time to give up and die. Time for her to leave this 'game' in such a terrible and undignified way. She was just another student eliminated from the register now.

Ash took her regrets with her as her body and brain shut down completely, her face as empty as her mind was in the final seconds of her wasted life.

G135: Ash Morrison - ELIMINATED

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by Namira
Bounce felt mute, helpless and paralysed all at once. Everything she tried to say turned to ash in her mouth. She wanted to give out some advice, some warning, even console Alice a little, try and break the news. But it just... all seemed pointless, hopeless. She felt lost.

The familiar faces came and went, the rock was thrown, caused a panic, a brief thought that was still actually on the dos and don'ts tutting and shaking its head. All the while, Bounce just stood there, taking deep breaths, trying not to just completely and utterly lose it.

She felt on the verge of tears.

Then suddenly, somebody was charging at them. Alice - injured Alice - took the responsibility directly out of Bounce's hands and after a moment of gratitude, she felt a crash of guilt. Had she really just done that? Let her hurt partner take the brunt of an attack from a girl wielding a... lantern? Wow, she was hard up, even more than Bounce, still carrying this DAMN gasoline. No! Stop thinking about the damn game and-

The girl went flying past as Alice pushed her, tumbling down and out of sight. Bounce stared at her companion, grabbed her by the hand, finally out of her reverie.

"Run!" she barked.

((Bounce --> Confessional))

Re: Make Your Own Kind of Music

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:07 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice watched as the girl sailed past her, heard the girls surprised and frightened cry as she stumbled down the hill. Alice looked away at the last second, turning away quickly enough to avoid seeing the girl fall. But she heard that snap as clear as day. It conjured to mind images of a dry stick being broken in half, and that was enough to cause her to grimace. Bounce was pulling her along, sounding alarmed enough for both of them.

Alice let herself be pulled along and she tried not to think of Ash screaming and falling and dying. Because thinking about it would be the same as admitting that she killed her. But that's exactly what happened, wasn't it? She killed her. She was a killer, no better then Raidon or anyone else mentioned on the announcements. But it was self-defense. It was clearly self-defense. Ash had come at them with a weapon, and there was only the one thing she could have done. It made perfect sense. She was innocent, justified even. Then why did she feel so guilty?

She let Bounce drag her along blindly, breaking out of her stupor long enough to grab the bag Dutchy dropped as they hurried past. It occurred to her to question why they were running, but she really didn't mind beating a hasty retreat. As they fled, she cast one last glance over her shoulder at the hill Ash disappeared down, but she mercifully out of sight. Alice didn't know what they were running from, but she didn't want to stick around anyhow.

Now what? She got that they were running, but running where? What would they do next? Still look for Aaron? What if he didn't want them around now, because of her? What if Bounce didn't want her around? Once she settled down and started thinking straight, she'd realize Alice was more a liability than an asset. Not only was she injured, but she was a killer. Once the announcement hit, everyone would know it, too. They could target her, and Bounce would be in the line of fire.

Why did Ash have to ruin everything? Because she was too greedy/violent/whatever, everything was screwed up. Now Bounce would leave, and she'd be on her own once again. No Vic, No Bounce, just her. Alone again, worrying herself sick about those she cared about, but not being able to do anything to protect them. Her hand tightened around Bounce's.

((Alice Blake, continued in Confessional))