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Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by Brackie
They weren't playing...what a relief.

Smiling, she responded nervously. She wasn't really that nervous, but her voice seemed to indicate otherwise. It's like it had a mind of it's own, since the kind of voice that resounded:

"Oh, uh, thanks! Thanks so much!"

-was something completely different to what she was actually feeling inside. Relief. Relaxation. Temporary asylum was granted to her, and hell, she wasn't about to lost it on some random tangent again.

Slipping her bag off her shoulder, she flung it across to the nearest sturdy tree. It looked kinda okay for something to rest on, so that was where she'd stay. For the night.

As she safetly flung her bag at the trunk (however one may do it safetly was anyone's guess), she stopped to take a look at her original destination, the one place she wanted to be while she was brooding heavily. The cliffs. The edge of the world. The one place where she decided that if she really wanted to, she would end it all.

Leaving the two boys to their own devices, not really caring anymore whether they were watching her, she walked towards the edge. She was so close to the crumbling rocks that the sea was whipping her hair.

Being careful, she sat down on the cliff edge, dangling her legs into the wind. Not the childish kind of dangling, like a kid in a swimming pool, but like someone stepping into the unknown. The cliffs were so high, that it was like she was walking on the wind.

It would be a wonderful place to die, wouldn't it?

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by JamesRenard*
"Oh, okay," Garry quietly replied to Luke. Well that was a bit of a turn up for the books. Someone who wasn't going to attack him while he was in his vulnerable state. Luke introduced himself to Clio, and Garry felt it was proper to do the same.

"Y-yeah, I'm Garry," he informed, his voice choking up as he tried to speak loudly. He would've added something along the lines of 'resident werewolf' to his introduction, but he was definitely not in the mood for joking around right now. The deaths of both an old friend and the lover of an aquaintence had seen to that, as well as the stinging pain from his knuckles.

He watched Clio throw her bag at one of the trees and in the corner of his eye he noticed another girl walking away from him. 'Where did she come from?' he wondered, turning towards the retreating female's back. Figuring that she wasn't going to return, he glanced to Clio again and saw her walking towards the cliff.

"Hey, be careful now, don't get too close," Garry warned. The purple-haired girl didn't heed his warnings and just continued, approaching the edge with each step she took. 'What is she... no... she can't be!' Alarm bells started ringing out in Garry's head. "Stop, stop!" Garry called out, jumping up and running towards Clio, leaving his bags and other items behind on the ground.

Suicide. That was what Garry thought the girl in front of him was about to perform. It was needless, there was no point in it. All it was going to achieve was more heartache for her family and friends back home. She was standing at the edge now, Garry some distance behind her. 'I have to stop her. I may have been too late for Violetta, but I can still try to save this girl.'

Just thinking about Cyrille's girlfriend made him misty-eyed once more, tears obscuring his vision. He had to slow down so he wouldn't accidentally run into Clio and knock her off the cliff, or even worse, run blindly over the edge himself. Then to his surprise, she sat down right on the cliffs.

He dared to breathe a sigh of relief, but it wasn't over just yet. She could still choose to launch herself from that position, and even if she didn't have suicidal tendencies, it was still a dangerous place to sit down.

"D-don't sit there. What if that part of the cliff collapses?" Garry advised, standing several yards behind her. "Just... please, get away from the edge."

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by Unknown Kadath*
Seeing the girl throw down her bag, Luke gave a bit of a smile. Glad that he had helped her calm down, he looked back to Garry. He was worried about his companion's ankle, hoping to get a closer look at it. He chewed his lip, thinking of a way to ask permission to do so, when Garry started inquiring the actions of the young woman. Luke looked up, and saw her walking towards the edge of the cliff.

What was she doing?

Suddenly, Garry stood bolt upright, running past Luke quicker than he had expected with his ankle. He called out, "Garry!" in an effort to keep him from putting too much strain on his injury.

He began to run after Garry. The girl looked like she was about to jump off, but she simply sat on the edge of the cliff. Luke slowed and came to a halt beside Garry. Her position made Luke intensely nervous, images crossed his mind of her tumbling down the cliff, her helpless body smashing against the rocks. He shuddered and mirrored Garry's request, "Please, miss. Can you keep away from the edge? I can't imagine the solidity of it."

He balled his hands, desperately hoping her to respond.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by Brackie
((All GMing approved))

It was such a foreign experience, being cared for. They were obviously not aware of what she'd done; otherwise they wouldn't shake two tail feathers about her risking herself like that. To be honest, she wasn't a biologist, or an earth person. She didn't know how stable the cliffs were, but she had a strong inkling that they were actually more stable than what they believed. So when they inquired as to her safety on such cliffs, she smiled, and flicked her head around.

"I'm pretty sure that if they were gonna fall, they'd have fallen by now. I'm not a biologist or anything, but they look pretty safe," Clio answered the two boys back. She fumbled her hands nervously at the fraying roots of the cliff. At least she hoped it was safe. Those were possibly the worst last words in the history of man.

"If you don't believe me, come here, sit right next to me. I'll prove it," Clio offered to them. It was seemingly a feign gesture, if it were anyone more threatening or less of a woman than she was, it would have been the equivalent of putting one's head in the lion's mouth. But...Luke turned to Garry, and spoke.

"I'll do it, Garry. If this girl wanted to jump off, she'd have done it by now, and I'm sure the cliffs are safe. Plus, she wouldn't throw me off or anything," Luke started, and walked slowly over to the purple haired girl sitting on the edge of their world. Nervously, he sat down next to her. The winds whipped by his feet, as they dangled next to Clio's, like the legs you see on hanging victims in old movies. Legs, no bodies, dangling from nowhere.

Awkward silence.

Followed by an awkward silence.

More awkward silence followed as Clio stared at the sea, and Luke looked around uneasily at the cliff underneath him. Clio noticed his uneasiness, and promptly started to speak.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about hitting you in the face with the door a few days ago."
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm okay; it just hit me in the head is all."
"Yeah, I'm still sorry. Hey, did you see anyone leave after I left?"
"I don't think so, I only ran away after you left."
"...oh man, she didn't make it out."
"There was a girl, Rose, in the cabin when I left. I-I think she was on the announcements this morning, but..."
"...I'm sure it wasn't your fault."
"I could have woken her up! I thought she would have heard the announcements! But..."
"I'm sorry."
"No, don't be, it's just..."

Luke fidgeted nervously at his seat. He hadn't really spoken to a girl this intimately before, even at school.

"It's just that, ever since this whole thing started, I've...been doing some bad stuff to avoid people."
"Bad stuff?"
"People met me, and then they ran away. That's what it's been like for the last few days. They think I'm evil or something, but I'm not! I-I keep telling myself that, but I'm not really believing myself anymore."
"Well, even if you did something really bad, I don't think you're evil."
"Well, of course. No one's really evil, especially not in high school. It's just that, well, people make mistakes, and it comes back to haunt them. That's what I've been told, anyway. So, I don't really know you that well, but you don't look evil."
"I don't?"
"Well, not unless you want to look like that. It's just there's something about you that, well, doesn't give off an evil vibe. Like I said, no one's really evil, just misguided. I mean, no one at Bayview's a psychopath or a criminal, ever since that Monty Pondsworth guy was stopped."
"Oh, right, him. He went on a rampage, right? He punched a few people and I think he put out a cigarette on someone, right? I heard he was a mother's boy, so that was probably the reason why he was so screwed up. Yeah, you know, you're right, no one's really evil. Not...not even me."
"Why would you be evil?"
"It's just... ..."
"I told you already, you're not evil. It''s your eyes."
"My eyes?"
"Yeah, your eyes. If you were a killer, or a player or something which I'm sure you're not, well...Well, I'm not really sure how to say it, but...I know you're not."
"Uh, yeah, I'm kinda not good at this sort of comforting thing. I'm not a very social person, and, I'm, uh, sorry if I-"
"No, it's okay, really. Thanks."
"Ah, uh, you're welcome!"

Any thought of throwing herself from the island into the frothing ocean was replaced with such different thoughts. Luke...Luke had been so kind to her. He didn't even know what she'd down, and she was sure, even after a slight amount of time spent talking to him, that he wouldn't care regardless. Crap, what was she thinking about? She didn't even know him! For all Clio knew, he could just be faking being this awkward and objective just to get a chance to push her off the cliffs!

Clio ignored these thoughts for a good reason. She didn't need any reason to relapse.

Moving her arms behind her, she grabbed some strong roots on the cliff and pulled herself away from the ledge. Standing up, the wind snaking its way through her clothing, she smiled at the sight. Maybe, if she had some sleep, she could think things over. If they let her stay with them, they could probably help her, forgive her for killing the other two guys. Though what if...

Shaking away that feeling of uneasiness, she watched Luke uncomfortably lift himself off the ledge. Making sure he was okay, she turned back towards Garry.

"I wasn't gonna drop off or anything, if that's what you were wondering. I...I think I'm gonna probably get some sleep now, just see if I can stay calm about, you know..." Clio said to Garry, as she wandered past the bearded boy and over to her belongings slapped haphazardly below.

After a few minutes, she'd finished unpacking a blanket she took from the Groundskeeper hut a few days ago, and feasted on one of her stolen bread slices. It was possibly the worst dinner she'd had in her life. But she stomached it anyway, because there was literally nothing she could do about it.

She curled up on one of the blankets like an infant in its cot. But what differentiated her from an infant was the fact that she was carrying her gun in her hand. That definitely put her apart from 99.99% of the babies in the world.

She'd loaded three bullets into the clip. If she woke up, and she knew what could possibly happen if she woke up and decided that she was going to play, she would be prepared. She wouldn't think, she would just act. If she did wake up, and decided she was going to save them, she would be even more prepared.

It wasn't as though this stuff was weighing too heavily on her mind as she drifted off into unconsciousness...


The moment Clio woke up, it seemed as though she had entered a cold night somewhere at home. It looks like a bedroom, oddly enough, but it wasn't her bedroom.

Of course, this similar act of familiarity was cut short by a blinding flash of light.

The white light scorched Clio's eyes, reaching in and dragging out a scream as she attempted to cover her corneas with her scratched fingers.


But it was in vain. Her eyes, they burned like they were being liquefied. It was too much, so much pain, and then...

The white subsided, the pain grew less. Peaking out through her fingers, she found the place was replaced with a white plain. It wasn't a bright white, more like the kind of white that one sees when in limbo. But she wasn't in limbo, was she?

Was she...back there again?


Another scream. It was hers, but it wasn't
from her.

...Oh God.

Flipping around, she spotted herself again. Only it wasn't herself. Again, it was her. It was that thing that called itself Good Clio. But...oh dear, despite how clichéd and strange her name was...

The girl's body was suspended in midair, arms held out to her sides like she was being crucified. Her eyes, merely bloody slashes. Her hair soaked in a vivacious red liquid. Her throat slashed so far and so deep that one could see the muscle and bone inside her head. And the blood was pouring like a waterfall down her clothes, the red mixing with the pink to override that hated color scheme. It was everflowing, and it was horrifying.

But nothing could compare to what she heard next.

Laughter. Echoes and echoes of laughter. Cut off by a bloodcurdling slashing sound.

She turned around again, the pink girl escaping her vision. The one that replaced it was something that could only been seen in...well, it was never meant to be seen by anyone with a soul.

The creature she had come to know as her soul was also suspended in the air, and her arms were also held out like she was being crucified. But unlike the other girl's her eyes were unharmed. There was something wrong with them, however. They were open, glazed like a zombie's, but that wasn't what was attracting her attention.

Her body was in shatters. Layers and layers of razor wire were wrapped around every limb of her body. But worse, it was still moving, slashing, cutting into every limb and moving into every orifice. It was moving so slowly, so sensually, like something out of a Japanese comic she'd seen online once. This had to be something that couldn't possibly exist. But it was her dream, of course, but...

...Oh Christ.

She was still moving! She was still alive through that!


But...not anymore.

The wire tensed, and she exploded in a shower of blood. It spread across the white landscape, tainting it so many shades and colors. Splashes of it showered her, only just missing her eyes.

And then, just as fast as it came, it went. She was gone. The blood still scattered the white like a Pollock, but...there was one more voice.


Whipping around again, her hair floating through the air and landing on her front, she found that the girl suspended in the air was gone. And in her place was someone else.

"I..I..I didn't do anything! What's going-"

But before she could even make out a syllable, the red landscape started to move again. It rushed like water down a sink, and the sinkhole was...her.

Before she could move, before either of them could move, it was upon her. The girl who told her to kill, who was instructing her from day 1, she was gone. The red liquid was over her, covering her like she was looking at a cross-section of a pool. The red was everywhere.

And then it wasn't.

The girl was on the ground. But Clio didn't move. Not a muscle. The figure lay on the ground for ages and ages, until one second, she was gone.

A flicker of an image appeared in her eyes, and then suddenly she was in front of her. The same girl, but her eyes...they were on fire. The streaks in her hair were a dark crimson red, and looked like they were smoking, close to combusting.

What...what the hell was that thing?

"Hello Clio." The girl spoke. Suddenly, a strike. The gun in the girls hand was suddenly a Taurus, and that Taurus was smacking her face. Clio went flying, sprawling across the floor like yesterday. Or was it today? She didn't know...

"Did I SAY you could stay down? GET UP!" the girl screamed. As soon as Clio was up, the girl was in her face again. But she didn't hit her.

The verbal assault, however, was what almost crippled her.


As Luke waited for Clio to sleep, he had taken it upon himself to stay quiet. Sure, it'd be a long time, and he knew that Garry needed him, but she looked like she needed help even more. He didn't know her, but what he did know was that she was troubled. He knew that, but he didn't know how troubled.

But something was up. She was struggling in her sleep. Every so often, she'd twist her body around so that she was facing them, facing the tree, facing the sea, facing the tree, facing them...

Crap, he knew he was gonna regret it...

"Clio?" Luke asked, walking closer to the girl in the blankets.


"So, what to do, what to do...Oh, I know, how about you play again?" the girl in front of her started to stroll around, waving the gun around her like an airplane. Clio was scared, no, she was terrified. Who the hell was this person?

"Oh, I suppose you want to know who I am."

Well, that was useful.

" No, see, they told you who they were, and you questioned them. See, if I told you who I was, then you'd question me. But you've seen what I'm capable of. So now, you won't question me."


"Oh Clio, you really don't know what I am, do you? I've taken on a lot of forms, and a lot of personalities over the years, but this has to be my most lucrative!"

"...go away."

"What was that? I'm sorry, did you speak?"


"Oh Clio, I can't do that. I'm in faaaaaaar too deep now. You're mine. You've always been mine."


"So now, I'm telling you what to do."


Luke inched closer to the thriving girl at the base of the tree, and extended his hand.

The girl lifted her hand up, and the Taurus was gone. Instead, it was her gun. Her James Bond gun. Her one true friend.

"Now see, you have the power in your hands right now. You've got the ability, you've got the strength, and now..."

Suddenly, it was in her hands. She was further away from her, the scent of blood escaping. The girl's chest was decorated with a bloodstained target, the white making her look like she's been gutted by several circles.

"You want me gone? Shoot me Clio."

"N-no! I..."

"What? Too scared? Pff, you're a weakling you know that?"


"What, you don't prove me otherwise! You let people walk allllll over you allllll the time. Including me, and I'm not even real! So what's stopping me from killing you now?"

"B-b-b-b-because you won't! YOU WON'T!"


Clio's eyes were trying to see. Tears streamed, but they were thick tears. It was blood streaming down her face as she tried to aim.




Not even thinking, her eyes now a dark crimson red, she pulled the trigger.




Her eyes flew open. Back at the cliffs. The gun in her hand was ringing now, along with her fingers. She...was back.

And why was Luke standing over her, clutching his chest?

Did she....did she shoot him?

Memories flooded back, and she remembered that there was still a game to play. And what was happening right now was not a tragedy, but a good thing.

Smiling, realizing what she was doing, she pulled the trigger one more time.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by Unknown Kadath*
Luke's vision blurred, his entire world going fuzzy. White hot pain tore a swathe through his body, burning every nerve ending. He wanted to scream. He needed to scream. The pain was to much. But all that came from his mouth were ragged breaths. He clutched his chest. Oh God it hurt. It hurt it hurt it hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt hurt.

"A-ahh... Ugh..."

He sank back, landing flat on his ass. He looked down, moving his shaking fingers and looking down at the two holes in his chest. Oh no... he thought, that must... puncture lung... breath...

Thick red blood gushed down the front of his shirt, pooling onto the ground below. Luke felt his extremities numbing, the fingers of his blood-covered hands sending no signals of feeling to his brain. His entire body began shivering as warm blood escaped him.

Luke looked back up to the girl, hoping to get an explanation or apology. It must have been an accident. There's no way she could have shot him. She would never do such a thing, right?

He looked up, seeing the gun barrel pointed squarely at his head.

Isn't my life supposed to flash before my eyes?

And these were the last thoughts Luke ever had. The girl opposite of him pulled the trigger, sending the bullet between his eyes. First, it twisted through the metal bridge of his glasses, then it tore through the skin, displaced blood escaping through the freshly made hole. It tore pieces of his brain from his skull and released them upon escaping through the back of his head. Bits of grey matter, stained red by the blood it mixed with, splattered on the ground.

Luke's body fell onto it's back. His eyes stared lifelessly towards the sky, the fresh hole between them.

Somewhere, a father wept.

B122 - Luke Templeton: ELIMINATED

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:41 am
by JamesRenard*
((GMing approved))

Garry's ankle was twingeing slightly; he shouldn't have run on it after hurting it the night before, but that hadn't crossed his mind when chasing after the girl with preventing her suicide in mind. After all that though, there wasn't going to be a suicide; both her and Luke had come back safely from the cliff edge. 'What a relief,' Garry had thought.

Clio had gone straight back to her bag, unpacked a blanket and had fallen asleep not long ago, but now something didn't seem right to Garry. Call it a sense of foreboding, but he had the feeling that something bad was about to go down. Clio had been twisting and squirming, suffering some kind of nightmare from the looks of things, most likely caused by the stress from their current situation.

"Hey, Luke, I'd keep my distance if I were you, give her some space," Garry warned, watching Luke approach the sleeping figure. No doubt he wanted to wake her up from the bad dream she was being plagued by.

It happened too quickly for either of them to do anything to prevent it. Clio suddenly leapt up and pointed her arm at Luke. 'What is that in her hand?' Garry wondered just a millisecond before everything just went to Hell.

There were two gunshots. The deafening roar of two bullets being forcefully propelled out of a gun echoed over the clifftop, the handle of which was gripped tightly in Clio's fingers and the barrel pointed squarely at Luke's chest. Garry had seen everything that happened, and his initial response was to leap a couple of feet up in the air and cry out "Holy SHIT!"

Time seemed to slow down. Seconds dragged on for what felt like minutes as Luke was forcefully pushed backwards onto his behind. Large bloody exit wounds, caused by the projectiles punching their way out of his body, were visible on his back. "LUKE!!" Garry screamed, starting to make a run towards the stricken sitting boy, ignoring his sore ankle as he dashed to try and aid him. "What the fuck did you-!"

Garry was only a few yards away from Luke when his yelling at Clio was cut off by a third gunshot. The rear of Luke's head instantly disintegrated into red and brown mush. Chunks of skull, hair, brain and a single bullet flew out the massive hole that had opened up in the back of his cranium.

Garry ground to a halt, nearly losing his balance and staring speechlessly at Luke's corpse as it fell down to the ground. Pieces of flesh and grey matter littered the ground behind him. He'd seen people shot before in the movies, either with silver bullets or normal ones, but they were all just works of fiction with actors, prop guns and special effects. Watching it happen in front of him, in real life, in real time was a whole new experience and one he could definitely live without. He never imagined it would be so... so gory. And the smell... The rank stench of iron and other bodily fluids was already thick in the air and caused Garry to gag, nearly making him throw up there and then.

He was disgusted to find a piece of Luke's scalp, black hair still attached to the bloodied skin, had become stuck to his shoulder on his shirt.

"W-why?" Garry whimpered, keeping his face fixed on Luke's frozen face, now sporting a third eyehole as it stared lifelessly towards the sky. "W-why did you shoot...?" He slowly turned his head to face Clio while speaking and trailed off when he saw she was smirking.

Luke was lying there dead on the floor, and she was smiling about it. She was genuinely happy that she had killed him? 'What the fuck?'

"Why are you smiling like that?" he demanded, starting to breathe heavier as his heart beat faster inside his chest. He'd only just gotten to know Luke and now Clio had just gone and killed him. There was no justifiable reason for what she'd done. Luke had done nothing wrong, he was an innocent victim. 'S-she meant to kill him. That... that bitch! She just murdered him in cold blood!

Something snapped inside the werewolf fanatic.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" he snarled at Clio, globs of spit flying from his mouth. "WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?! HE ONLY WANTED TO HELP YOU AND YOU FUCKING KILLED HIM!!"

He was consumed by rage. He was a wolf primed to attack, and attack he did. Without even thinking of his ankle or Clio's gun that was still very much in her hand, he charged at the girl, closing the distance within a few seconds. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" he hollered, launching himself on top of Clio and tightly grabbing her wrists.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by Brackie
It was so much an oddity in Clio's system that allowed her to fully comprehend what she was doing. It had taken so long, like a system shutdown, for her to figure it out.

She was evil.

She deserved to live.

She wanted to get out of here.

She was going to get out of here, period.

And if that meant blasting away every single one of her former classmates

so be it.

The third and final bullet basically ripped the back of Luke's head off. He was thrown to the grass, now a lot less intellectual with the lack of most of this brain intact. It was splattered on the ground behind him like a sick, twisted form of art, and the splash had even covered her. Just like in her dream, she was wearing the blood of someone she knew. Luke was gone now.

But why did it feel so right?

She'd stood up, the smirk still planted on her face, when she remembered that she wasn't alone on the cliffs.

To her left, stood a very, very VERY distraut and angry Garry Villette.

And it was a SCARY Garry Villette. He was angry, he was really fucking angry, and if it weren't for the fact that he was freaking Clio out, her reactions might have been a little faster.

He charged.

She wipped her gun around for the final shot.

"Goodbye, Garry," Clio muttered towards him, before compressing her now screaming hands on the trigger.


Oh crap.

"SHIT!" Clio screamed, as the distance was closed. The boy was now tackling her over on the cliff edge, and the gun, AGAIN, flew away from her. Honestly, she should have just tapped it to her hand if it was going to keep doing that.

Garry's hands had grabbed her wrists, and it was like someone took gardening shears to them, they were so tight. Her back collided with the ground beneath her, and Garry was now on top of her, and not in the way she'd ever wanted. He was seething, pure fury emminating from his form.

"GET OFF OF ME! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU FUCKING ANIMAL!" Clio screamed at the top of her lungs. She couldn't move her arms, and if she didn't get off, he would get angrier and angrier at his friends killer. Shit, why didn't she think about this? She didn't know what the hell he could do to her, he was so angry. He looked like he was strong enough to throw her off the cliffs and into the end of the world below. No, she didn't come this far to get caught so unawares like this. She had to get out, stop him from killing her. Her gun was only a little distance away on the ground, and if she could get to her bag...

Of course, there was nothing more fury-cutting in the world than a $200 sandal to the crotch, now was there?

Her reflexes kicked in, everything she learnt in self-defence from, what, 8 years ago, taking a backseat to one instinct that overode all others: GET HIM THE FUCK OFF ME!

Of course, it wouldn't have been enough. The moment her foot connected with his balls, Clio felt his less prodominant arm loosen, and it was free. Using all her minimal amount of upper body strength, she arched her nails and struck him across the face.

It wasn't enough. Instead of arching them again, she balled her hands into a fist and again, as powerful as her tiny frame could muster, clocked him in the jaw.

The trick still wasn't done. Using her arm again, she grabbed the back of his head, her fingers intertwining themselves with his hair, and yanked. Pulling her arm back, his neck arched. He was in pain, but she wasn't sure how much.

Though her next action could easily take care of that.

She pulled her arm in, and headbutted him with the big of her forehead.

The first thing she realised after doing that incredbily stupid action was that it hurt. She had no idea who had more damage done to them, her or Garry. Clio was surprised she didn't bash her head in on Garry's surprisingly thick head, but she used the distraction in the best possible way.

Scrambling out from under his grasp, she tried to reach for the gun. No use. Too far away. Until he let her go, she was trapped.

Putting her only free arm to good use, she grabbed for his neck.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by JamesRenard*
((GMing still approved))

Garry had been slightly winded when he landed down on top of Clio, the beret falling off and landing beside the girl's head, but he wasn't going to let the pain in his lungs distract him. 'This bitch has got to pay for what she did to Luke!' He knew the girl was going to put up a fight and tried to ignore her struggles underneath him.

He wasn't expecting a kick to his nether regions though.

He howled out as he felt excrutiating pain in his groin. He'd been knocked about a few times during hockey games and taken a few hard hits (like a hockey puck to the chest at full speed) before, but this trumped them all. "You. Damn. Bitch!" he cried out, his eyes watering up and scrunched up tightly. He didn't even realise that Clio had managed to get her right hand free from his grasp, not until she scraped her fingernails across his face.

He hissed as the nails dug into his skin beneath his left eye, drawing blood and possibly leaving a couple of scars once the wounds healed. If they got a chance to heal, that was. "Fuc-!" A sharp blow to his jaw shut Garry up before he could get a word out. 'Ow! God damn you are a sadistic bitch, aren't you?' he managed to think, before her hand grabbed tufts of his hair and yanked his head upwards.

"Gaagghhh!!" he yelled, the skin at the base of his neck being stretched and feeling like it was about to rip apart at any moment. "LetgoletgoLETGO!"

WHAM. Clio's forehead connected with his face, causing his vision to momentarily flash black and white. He immediately felt something warm trickling down his nostrils. 'Oh fuck, nosebleed? Did she just breaking my fucking nose?!' Thoughts about the state of his nose were pushed aside when he felt her hand wrap around his neck. She was going to try and strangle him.

"I don' dink so," Garry growled, grabbing her hand, forcefully yanking it away from his throat and shoving it down hard on the ground by her side. He was fortunate that she hadn't wrapped her fingers around the metal collar when he pulled her hand away, or else the action would've just ended his life in a gory fashion. Without even thinking what he was doing, he slammed the back of his right hand against Clio's face with a resounding smack. "How'd you like dat?!" he screamed at Clio, spraying blood from his nose in all directions. "Hurts, don' it! Now you know how me and Luke felt!"

He placed his right forearm across Clio's neck, leaning down on her throat with his whole weight. Choking her, suffocating her, crushing her. She balled her free hand into a fist and pounded it against his shoulder and head, struggled hard against him, but he weathered the blows. 'She has to pay, she has to... she... she...'

'What the fuck am I doing?!' Garry thought, gasping as he came to his senses, the urge to kill starting to subside and the anger within dissipating. 'I just smacked her! I-I was just trying to kill her!'

"I-I can't..." Garry mumbled to himself, tears starting to trickle down his face. He removed his arm from her throat and got ready to leap up, grab his bags and run the hell away from the insane girl. Unfortunately, he didn't get very far, for as soon as he got to his feet, Clio's arm shot out and grabbed his ankle. He gave out a cry of surprise as he tripped, falling flat on his front.

It appeared that Clio wasn't going to be as generous.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by Brackie
Clio never got to his collar. She was so caught up in the panic that she couldn't find it. Garry caught her, stopped her. Got her back under his control. Before she could attempt to get out in the old conventional fashion again, her head was smacked across by the large boy's hand, and Clio's head was thrown back to the ground. She was trapped again.

I shouldn't have done this, I should have just run. He's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he'sgonnakillmehelpmecomeoneIcangetoutcan'tI?

Just as she was barely recovering from the blow, she felt her windpipe suddenly lose all feeling. Garry had put his arm across her throat, and pushed. Pushed so hard that again, she wasn't able to breathe. The breathes became chokes again as the boy started to push harder, and harder, and harder.

Her hand wiggled free of his grasp once again, and balled. Punch to the shoulder, no good. Punch to the head, no good. Nothing was any good.

It was all becoming very clear now what was going to happen. This was the path she'd chosen, and believe it or not, this was the biggest consequence. She hadn't thought it through, she'd just acted on instinct when she killed Luke, still going cold a few paces away. She didn't even try to make sure that there was no way to get out of there, hell, she wasn't even sure she remembered pulling the trigger the first few damn times. As the spots swarming like locusts in her eyes became fuzzier and fuzzier, she was still trying her hardest. Her hand went limp, and still tried to throw its last punch at his head. It lost all the energy after the air was unable to make it to her lungs in time.


Even fuzzier.

It grew cold, and she started to grow weary of this attempt to stay alive. As she tried reaching out, she could see something in his eyes. No, she couldn't make it out, not now, her eyes had grown too black.

Her arm started to droop as it reached for Garry's head again.

Why did I fail you? I just wanted to live, and this is what I get...

And then


The arm left her neck, and her lungs were flooded with oxygen again. Rather than reliving the moment, remembering she was still alive, and appreciating it like she did the last time, her eyes, still fuzzy from the depravity of oxygen, searched for him. Clio was still choking, with her airway still trying to take in oxygen as she choked out a few loud breathes of air.

He'd stood up.

"I-I can't..."

It was almost the same as a few days ago. Teo had the chance, the perfect opportunity to kill her. They knew she'd been playing the game, and that was there chance. He'd always been something of a sweetheart under the bravado, and it showed. He'd let her live. He hadn't had the heart to take away someone else's life, not even Clio Gabriella's.

Unfortunately for Garry, however, Clio did.

A new energy aglow in her, and the passion returning, she lashed out and grabbed the huge boy's ankle. Instantly, he took a tumble. That was what she was hoping for, as she lunged at him.

Rather than wasting her time trying to do what he did, and mounting, she readied her knee. Grabbing the side of his body, she jutted her knee forward into his stomach. Damn, he had a strong stomach. Rather than trying again, she got up, her legs still weak from the position they'd been forced into earlier.

The wind had started to pick up again, blowing her hair into her face. Parting it to the side with her strongest hand, she readied her foot. With a scream, she kicked his upper chest. This guy was still moving, how the FUCK was he still moving? He was a fucking monster, not in the literal sense like her, but an animal, something she'd hoped that someone else would take out for her. He was a jock, a bloody giant one, and if bullets couldn't stop him, then what could?

She was still technically asleep inside her brain, and had just spent almost half a minute without oxygen. She couldn't run, there would be nowhere to run. As the boy in front of her started to get up again. She looked around, and saw her gun not too far away. It was empty, worthless. She looked to her other side, there were bags. He had to have a weapon of some kind, but there was no time to check. Any second now he'd be ready, and round two would begin. If she didn't get rid of him somehow now, then she was a goner. She'd thought about dying in battle here, and it was a thought, nothing less. She wasn't going to, and now she just had to support that arguement by making sure that he never came back to hurt her again.

Still looking around, Clio realised that there was what had to be a 15 metre drop behind him.

That was the only choice now, she'd gone too far for any sort of apology.

With a yell, Clio charged. The closer she got, the more the sea screamed. The more her hands screamed. The more her thoughts screamed.

And soon, her shoulder had connected with Garry, and before she could join him in his journey, her shoes dug into the ground. Momentum carried her forward onto her face. She was safe.

The same could not be said for Garry, however.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by JamesRenard*
'What happened?' Garry wondered, spitting out blades of bloody grass as he lay on his front. His nose was still bleeding heavily, the thick red substance dripping onto the ground and into his mouth. He looked round behind him to find out what had tripped him up and saw... nothing there. Alarmingly, Clio wasn't where she was just seconds ago. 'Where did she go?!'

The next thing he knew, he was roughly pushed over onto on his side, and straight away something hard collided with his gut. Garry cried out and wretched, bringing up meagre amounts of blood he'd swallowed mixed with bile. He looked up with teary eyes and saw Clio standing there, looking absolutely vicious. Just past her, he could see the remains of Luke's head and the slushy contents spread out on the ground like a macabre fertiliser. His focus shifted from Clio's victim to Clio's foot; she was starting to swing it back. "No...NO!" Garry cried out, his eyes widening in fear in realisation of what she was about to do to him.

Despite his pleading, Clio brought her foot flying forward, her sandal slamming hard into his chest. "AUUGGHHH!!" Garry screamed as he was flung onto his back from the momentum, his torso suddenly feeling like it was on fire.

'Why?' Garry wondered, staring up at the sky as he struggled to breathe. Each intake of breath badly hurt his lungs. 'Did she just break a rib?' He didn't want to fight, that was why he'd let her go. He wanted to run, to get away from her. But she wasn't even going to let him do that. It was no longer about trying to defend herself from him, it was all about literally kicking him while he was down. 'All she wants to do is kill me.' He had to get away from her. All she had to do was pick her gun up and shoot him, just like she shot Luke.

Garry slowly staggered to his feet, just in time for Clio to come charging into him. Caught off guard and already off balance due to his ankle and other injuries, he was made to stumble backwards a few paces in quick succession. One step, two steps, three... and then empty space. The blood rushed from his face in an instant as his foot failed to make contact with the cliff top. 'No! nononononoNONONO!!'

He flung his arms out, trying to right himself, regain his balance, grab onto something, anything that could prevent him from falling. None of those worked, and he simply continued to fall backwards with a yell. Clio, Luke, the grass, his bags, the fence and trees in the distance, they all vanished from view, replaced by the vertical cliff face.

His vision was spinning as he fell head over heels, the top of the cliff coming back into view, quickly followed by the bright blue sky, an upside down horizon, the sea below him, the cliff once more. This was it. He was going to die, Clio was going to carry on and kill more people and all because he'd shown her mercy. He could have stopped her, he had the opportunity to halt her in her tracks. How many people would he have saved if he'd done that?

The simple answer was, he regrettably thought, none. If Clio wouldn't go on to kill her future victims, they would get killed by someone else instead until there was only one winner. He wouldn't have made one bit of difference, no matter how hard he tried. 'Funny how someone realises all this when they're about to die,' Garry thought. He was nearly at the bottom. He could imagine how it look like on TV, his parents and siblings most likely watching the events back home, crying their eyes out with the bar at the bottom of the screen about to display-



Instead of Garry's vision going black, it went turquoise and blurry with bubbles and plumes of red spiralling upwards. Plus his body was still aching like mad, which could only mean one thing. 'I'm... not dead?'

Instead of his body being crushed and broken against jagged rocks, he'd instead landed into deep water. As luck would have had it, he'd fallen in feet first, his shoes barely touching the sea bed a few meters below the churning surface. If he'd belly flopped or splashed in on his back, there was every case that hitting the water in that fashion would have paralysed or even killed him.

Nevertheless, impacting the surface had hurt a LOT, was definitely going to leave several bruises all over his body and Garry was quite certain he'd bruised or even broken a couple of his ribs from the way his chest was practically screaming at him. He'd accidentally inhaled whilst under and had swallowed a mouthful or two of vile-tasting seawater. He needed to surface and soon, the air in his lungs was already running out.

His shoes had filled with water however, and that along with the rest of his clothes contributed to weighing him down. He tried kicking but his legs were refusing to obey, so he had to resort to using his arms to swam upwards, finding himself being buffeted by the waves crashing against the cliff. He gurgled, some bubbles escaping his mouth. He was nearly there, nearly at the surface. He wasn't going to give up and just drown like a pathetic animal, not now.

He broke the surface and gasped for breath, taking in precious air as well as some more water from a wave that just that second broke over his head. He spat the bitter tasting liquid out and reached out, grabbing hold of a part of the cliff to support himsef. He looked up; no sign of Clio, but he knew she would likely check to see if he was alive or not. Once she'd see the figure in the sea below that was hanging onto dear life, she'd shoot at him until he was finally dead. 'I need to get out of here before she sees me!'

He could see an alcove in the rock face some distance away, and immediately set about heading towards it. He tried to grab onto another piece of rock to make his way there, but he couldn't latch onto it, slipped off and was reduced to doggie-paddling (or wolfie-paddling) there due to his sore arms and legs. After a while he eventually reached the small cave, practically dragging himself inside the dark hideaway. The water was shallower there, ranging between stomach and chest height as the waves came in.

He coughed hard, wincing as his chest hurt in response. He was lucky to be alive, he was well aware of the fact. Now he had to wait, wait for Clio to go away, wait for the pain throughout his body to subside slightly and wait for the tide to go out. At least he hoped that the tide was going out and not the other way round.

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by Brackie
And just like that, it was done.

The boy went over the edge. She watched over the crumbling cliff, still straining from the massive amount of weight that Garry had put on it, as the boy fell further and further away. Following was a splash. He hit the water.

He didn't come back up.

Not staying to check, Clio fell onto her back, breathing heavily, the grass still feeling like a comforting bed.

What I wouldn't give for a sleep right now...

There was...something so strange about this. It was different, no doubt, but all the kills were in a way. This one had been more so. She hadn't shot him, she'd beaten the ever-loving crap out of him, as much as she could, and then she pushed him over the cliff. That had to have been it. She'd made it so...personal. She'd had the power in her hands, not by a weapon, but with her actual hands.

...she didn't like it at all.

She wasn't about to go back on herself. She wanted to kill, no doubt about that at all, but...hands on was wrong. Clio didn't deserve the power that it gave to her, to actually be able to take a life with her hands. If she had her gun, she was going to be semi-okay from now on, but that was it. If she found a weapon, like a blade or something, that might be okay, but if she had to use her hands...

There was something about this whole ordeal that chilled her insides. He'd seen him go over, she'd seen him all the way to his death. And in the end, it wasn't even her that killed him, it was the fall.


...So as of this moment, I've killed 5 of my former classmates.






I'm doing this all for my own good.

The fall on her back and the extra oxygen to her brain while she thought the whole ordeal through was exactly what she needed. She didn't feel at full health, but at least she felt a little better.

She closed her eyes again:

A long-haired boy standing on the beach, a bullet hole in his head.

A tall Russian girl, sitting on the bed with a bullet in her heart.

A bearded guy, lying on the mine ground, bullets all around with one in the centre of the head.

A bespectacled boy, bullet between the eyes, lying sprawled on the grass.

A wolf-like man, swallowed by the waves...

They'd all died for her, so she could get off of this damn rock and make it back home.

Part of her didn't want to get up, open her eyes, and go back into the game. It was like she'd been taken out of reality for those few ticks, and she was about to enter back into the nightmare.

Not until she finished her unfinished business here, actually.

Leaning her head to her right, she saw a fellow body lying on the ground. This gave Clio her reason to get up. A burial at sea sounded nice, didn't it? She would give him that little bit of respect that he...yes, he deserved it. No matter how in the way that he (it now, anyway) was of her getting back home, he wasn't worth nothing like everyone was treating her.

Clio grasped the strong grass beneath her with her weakened fingers, and hoisted herself off the ground. Squeezing her eyes shut an opening them again to make herself more awake was her first course of action. She couldn't run purely off adrenaline like she was before, that was just ridiculous.

I need to sleep, that's what I need to do. Sleep. Sleep now. Sleep more. Before I pass out again.

But it wasn't going to be that easy. She had so many things she needed to do, and it wasn't going to be any prettier if she slept and waited five more minutes.

Finally hoisting herself into a standing position, she slowly walked over to the young boy's body. Twisted glasses lay on top of his now cold head, blood still covering the new hole carved into his brain. His clothes were stained brown, useless for her now, useless anyway. His eyes were closed, that was a relief, and she didn't have to touch it more than she was about to.

Using her most active foot of the day, she rolled his body over onto its back, towards the cliff edge. With about 5 more pushes, he was at the edge. Just before her final push, she muttered some final words.

"Arrivaderci, Luke. I'm sorry it had to end like this."

With a push, he disappeared over the side as well. His body flew through the air, like him and his soul were well and truly free of the island. And then, he landed on the driest rock at the base of the cliff, his body now bent in several new positions that she couldn't quite make out.

Walking over to her next destination, she found their bags, piled next to each other. Not wasting any time, she scanned the area, collected everything she could quickly, strip searched the bags, removing everything that she would need in the near future. Along with her gun and ammo, she'd found two more weapons, a large Chinese-looking sword, and a short blade she swore she saw used in some movie, "Elektra" it might have been. Lucky her, two weapons. She was really lucky she got one, wasn't she? If she'd been given anything less than what she got, she might not have taken this path at all, really.

So more food followed the weapons, along with medicine and water. She left everything non-essential in there, compasses, maps, an alarm clock that she had a suspicion must have belonged to one of the boys as a weapon, and their previous belongings. She had enough food to last her a month, what with carrying around enough rations for 4 people now, so what wasn't needed was left in the bag. Oddly enough, she found a beret as well. Oh well, it didn't even look that good in her hair, so into the other bag it went.

Piling everything she didn't need into the bags, she walked over to the cliffs again, two bags in hand. Watching the wave's crash against the cliff, she dropped them haphazardly to their demise. She watched as they landed not far away from the body.

Scanning the sea again, she realized how much this had helped her. All she'd wanted was a place to either end her life or just stop fooling herself. And she'd done both in record time. Her old life was well and truly over as far as anyone she knew was concerned. She'd stopped fooling herself in believing that she was going to be able to change.

As she scanned, she spotted a boat in the distance. She could have sworn that the person inside gave a little wave to her, but unlike what Garry did before, she smiled, and blew it a kiss.

Like they would notice anyway.

A large spear slash sword in her right hand, and a fully loaded gun in her left, she vanished into the trees.

((Clio Gabriella continues in Out and In...))

Re: Caged in Like Animals

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:42 am
by JamesRenard*
Garry waited inside the alcove for what seemed like hours. He waited for the pain coursing through nearly every inch of his body to stop or at least fall to manageable levels. He'd been wrong about the tide going out; it was still coming in when he first entered the small cave, but the water level only rose another half a foot before it started receding again.

The nosebleed had stopped a while ago and Garry had been able to wash off the blood that clung to his face. His arms, chest and jaw were covered in welts and bruises, Garry now convinced he hadn't broken anything, although the affected parts of his body still hurt to the touch. The scratches on his face had stopped bleeding and were starting to scab up, and if Garry had a mirror on hand, he would have seen that he'd lost his gold wolf contacts to the sea.

The water swirled around his thighs. He decided that he'd waited long enough; it was time to get out of there. He gingerly moved towards the opening, testing to make sure he wasn't going to put his foot in the wrong place and hit a deep spot. Sinking under the waves, trapping his foot and drowning was something he desperately wanted to avoid.

He exited the cave, being greeted by the afternoon sun and was somewhat relieved when no gunshot rang out. It was evident that Clio had left the area, but looking to his right, he could see that she'd left Garry an unwanted present. "Oh man..." he gasped.

Luke's body lay on an exposed cluster of rocks a short distance from where he'd splashed in, his body battered and mangled from having landed on the solid and jagged surface at high speed. Garry shuddered; 'That could've been me,' he thought. Luke was lucky in a way, having already been dead when he crashed down. From the way his body was twisted and bent out of shape, it looked like it would have been a painful way to leave this world.

A bag was precariously perched next to the corpse (unbeknownst to him, there'd been another bag but it had been carried away by the tide long ago), Garry slowly swimming/wading over to the rocks to check it out. He sat down on a damp rock and looked it over, noticing the words B145: Garry Villette stitched onto the side. 'My bag!' He hastily unzipped it and was horrified to discover that the sai he'd taken from Sally Connelly's neck was gone, leaving him completely defenseless. 'Clio... that bitch must've taken it... my other weapon!'

Last time he'd seen the ji, it had been lying down by his bags. Clio had to have taken it, unless he was extremely lucky and she'd decided to leave it behind. Deep down though, he knew that she would have taken it, she'd have been an idiot not to. Strangely enough, Cyrille's beret was inside the bag, something he was partially thankful for. He held the piece of headwear in his hand and looked up at the cliff, the rock face towering several metres above him. Scaling it would be impossible. There didn't look to be many places for him to get a firm hold, and if he was to slip, that would be it for him. He wouldn't be lucky enough to splash into the water for a second time, not with the tide going out. He would end up like Luke, sprawled on the rocks, stone dead.

He looped the soaking wet strap of his bag over his shoulders and sat down on the rock, looking out over the horizon. Tears started gathering in his eyes. It was tempting to just launch himself into the water and start swimming, keep on going until his collar started beeping or one of the patrol boats came up to him, the soldiers on board mercilessly firing their guns at him for attempting to escape.

"No," he muttered, shaking his head. He wasn't going to just throw his life away like that. Images of his friends and team mates filled his mind. Saul, Nik, Phil, Hermione. They were still alive, and he was going to find them. No ifs, no buts, he WAS going to find them, he'd make sure of that. Using some of the exposed rocks to stand on, Garry started making his way away from the cliffs. He looked round one last time at Luke's body. "I'm sorry, Luke, rest in peace," he whispered, bowing his head before turning back and continuing on his way.

((Garry Villette continued in These Three Remain))