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Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by KamiKaze
As Remy read through the manual, he could smell the odor getting worse. Upon looking up, he could see that Sarah was now taking the frog out of its bag.

"Careful..." he found himself saying.

However, Sarah seemed to have it taken care of, and the frog was now in the tray and clamped down. To Remy, it looked like it was made of wet, shiny rubber of some kind. Taking a look back at the manual, he started reading the instructions again.

Examine the frog's exterior, and note the texture of its skin. Make a rough sketch of the frog in its current state.

He glanced back at Sarah, and, he could tell that she was trying to get it over with.

Remy asked her "Hey... if you want, I could do the actual dissection? We could switch between the manual and the frog itself, and..."

He had to take a deep breath. That smell was really starting to make him feel ill.

"We should draw a sketch of the frog first, though.... it says to do the outside as well as the inside...."

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah continued to work in silence as Remy spoke to her, barely acknowledging his existence. It wasn't that she was intentionally being rude in some way, but more that she knew that the moment she opened her mouth, she would definitey puke.

Still, she had heard what Remy said. She put the scapel down carefully next to the dissection tray, then picked up her pencil. Her mind still firmly set somewhere between imagination and reality, she quickly sketched out what seemed to be a shapeless and vaguely frog-like lump. It seemed that Sarah was no artist.

360 degrees divided by four labels for head, torso, back legs, front legs, back flippers and front flippers becomes 60 degrees each. she thought to herself.

Sarah then picked up a ruler and protractor. With a practised hand, she drew faint lines across her shapeless diagram, using the protractor to measure out exactly 60 degrees between each line, so that her labels were perfectly and evenly spaced out in a circle around the frog. In some strange way, hyperconcentrating on her diagram and labels blocked everything else out in Sarah's mind.

She even forgot to pick the scapel up after she had finished. Instead, she reached for the colouring pencils and drew what seemed to be a unicorn in the corner of her homework paper.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by KamiKaze
As Remy drew a picture of the frog (although not very good, but at least he tried), he randomly looked up again and saw that Sarah had already drawn hers, and was now... doodling a unicorn?

Huh. She really needed to get back to work. Either that, or she finished that quickly.

After a while, he went back to his drawing, and wrote notes about the various parts. Remy did it for both the ventral and dorsal side, and soon enough, he was finished.

Next was skin, right?

Alright. So next was skin.

Reaching for the manual again, he flipped it open.

Oh god... skinning. They were going to have to rip off the skin, and examine the muscles. Apparently it was kind of tricky. Of course it would be. And plus, he did not want to skin an animal. It sounded like an unnerving process.

Remy took a deep breath.

"Now, I guess we skin it... I think..."

Glancing at the frog, he could see that it had a small slice in its stomach. So, that's where they start? Oh god, they were actually doing this. It was downright disgusting. But, it had to be done...

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah's head jerked up from her doodling. Her doodled unicorn was not very pretty at all - in fact, it rather looked a bit like a narwhal. She looked at Remy with a slightly unnerving stare, her gaze both focused and unfocused on his face.

With her gaze still firmly fixed on his face, she lifted the scapel from the table and examined the dead frog, noting the cut on its belly. Ever so slowly, she turned the booklet open to the instructions for the skinning.

She squinted a bit, imagining that the frog on the table was made of paper, just like the book. Sarah then carefully drew the knife along what she envisioned were the dotted lines for cutting it, then using the scapel blade to slowly seperate the skin from the rest of the frog. She imagined that it was just like cooking - parting meat from skin on a raw chicken, except in this case, it was a raw frog...

... or shaving out chocolate curls! Chocolate curls are NOTHING like frogs.

The sharpened scapel slid smoothly between the muscle and the skin. Sarah carefully lifted the skin from the frog and put it down on the tray. Her scapel glistened slightly with slime and blood.

Sarah looked at Remy, put down the scapel and rushed out of the room.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by KamiKaze
Sarah had picked up the scalpel, and after a while, started work.

Oh god... it was sickening. Remy felt his stomach lurch while watching the skin peel away, as if he was going to be sick. The knife slid inside the slit on the frog's belly, and soon after the skin was being cut away, piece by piece. As more of the muscles became more visible, it gave the frog an appearance similar to raw chicken, for lack of a better term. The skin itself lay attached to the frog's back, like some sort of macabre jacket. It was of a whitish tan color, like the color of a... paper bag? Heck no, there is no way that thing could be compared to a paper bag. The skin peeled further away, and occasionally it tore, until the frog laid there, its muscles revealed to the world.

At which point, Remy quickly glanced at the ground. Oh hell... even looking away, he could not escape. The smell was driving him crazy. He was not at all familiar with body parts and all that, but seriously. It stayed in his nose, and refused to go away.

He heard Sarah quickly put down the scalpel, and Remy looked up. Suddenly, she lifted herself out of the seat, and ran out of the room, as if for her life.

Oh shit... she was even more nauseated than he was, wasn't she?

Remy lifted his hand, and once the teacher answered, excused himself to go to the bathroom. Once he got permission, he slowly lifted himself out of his seat, and headed out quickly, leaving behind the scene of carnage and gore in the classroom.

"Sarah?" he called out, looking in all directions for her.

His first bet would be the girl's bathroom, to be honest. But, what if she wasn't in there, or only a few feet away? He looked at the nearest set of bathrooms, only a few feet away. Was she in there? He silently approached, knowing that he would not be allowed in the girl's restroom. What if she was in there, though? And what if she wasn't?

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah never quite made it all the way to the girl's bathroom. Disoriented by nausea and her new environment, she had found her way somewhere outside and was now decorating the inside of one of the storm drains with the contents of her stomach.

She'd made an idiot of herself in front of everyone and now they were all going to think that she was a stupid failure. She was stupid anyway to think that she could do Biology. She should just not have done the class.

She shut her eyes tight, tears leaking out the corners more from the strain of heaving out her innards than from upset. She vaguely heard her name being called.

"HuurrrrK~!" she said in response, her innards giving another heave.

Sarah quickly ducked her head down, putting her arms out against the wall of the school building for support.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by KamiKaze
Remy heard a noise somewhere in the distance, that sounded like vomiting. Was it outside? Sounded like it. After heading towards the nearest exit, he could see Sarah bent over, grabbing the wall of the school building for support.

"Sarah?" he asked, a worried tone to his voice.

Stepping outside, and walking towards her, he almost stepped on something. Oh god, was that vomit? It was Sarah's, wasn't it? Now he knew where that vomiting noise was coming from. A quick look of disgust passed over his face as he stared at the pile, and then he looked back up.

"Are you okay? That... that frog thing... was kinda gross, I had to admit..." he said.

Just then, he remembered something. Of course! Why did he forget! It could solve this problem right away!

"Oh. I just remembered... the teacher said that if we don't want to dissect a frog we could... request a model for us to examine instead", he mentioned. "Would that be alright?"

He felt bad that Sarah did not know this before the actual dissection. If only he did remember. God, he was such an idiot at times.

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by selphie_trabia*
Apparently, marshmallows tasted the same going out as they did going in.

"Blech." said Sarah.

Sarah was dry heaving now. She'd already emptied the contents of her stomach to the ground and felt the need to clean out the inside of her mouth. Her fingers dug into the bricks of the school building. Her glasses threathened to fall off the end of her nose and into the pile of vomit.

She steadied herself, pushing back on the wall and standing up as straight as she could. Pulling out a handkerchief, she wiped her spectacles, then her mouth.

"Could..." she croaked, "...Bathroom?"

Re: Erm... uh... well... errr... ah... well...

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:39 am
by KamiKaze
Sarah did not seem to hear him. Rather, she continued to dry heave and seemed somewhat unbalanced.

Jesus Christ... I hope she's alright...., Remy thought, looking at her with concern.

Wait, bathroom?

The closest girl's bathroom, as he noted earlier, was straight across from the science room. In fact, he had wondered if she had gone in there originally. He could easily take her there, and wait for her to wash up. It would not be that hard. Plus, there was a drinking fountain nearby. Sarah could easily wash her mouth out and get something to drink from there. It would be easy for her to do! It was a shame she was new, since she did not know it was there. In fact, it was kind of horrible that she felt this way on her first day. Oh god, what if people made fun of her, just for feeling ill? It would be even more horrible. No one had to go through that on their first day.

And heck, if she still wasn't feeling any better, he could also take her to the office. Remy heard something about them having a few things on stock that could help her feel better. And, well, they could always call home so that she can rest, right? It would suck, but sometimes it was a good idea to rest thing out, of course.

"Bathroom... there's one right outside the science room..." Remy said, rubbing the back of his neck out of nervousness. "I could take you there if you want? It's not that far... and I won't go in, since, you know... it's a girls'..."

He paused, and then started speaking again. "Hey. Are you feeling all right? I mean..."

She had to be alright, but Remy still was concerned. After all, it was not as if someone should be vomiting all over the school. Of course, that obviously meant some bad news.