Just Another Night

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by TheLeakyFaucet* »

"Hey, what's with the rush? Sure this place isn't the biggest, but it's not the stupidest."

Dory gave Ben a quizzical look that was scarcely notable in her drunken stupor. It took her a moment to really digest his words, and when she did, it was a bit hard for her to understand. What kind of stupid asshole wouldn't want to get out of their hometown? Who didn't want the relief of a picture-perfect graduation day where you could look at all of those smiling faces – yourself among them – and plaintively say to yourself that you were no longer part of the bigger picture. Who didn't want to blow their childhood sky high and grow up?

"Well, there's just too many stupid people here", Dory said. "I'm tired of everyone talking behind everyone's back and stuff. It's really starting to piss me off. High school is so fake. I want to get out into the real world – that's where everyone really grows up".

Then the Perez girl said something:

"I, um, I know how you both feel. I like Saint Paul, but sometimes I just want to spread my wings a little, and see some more of the world. It's no good never knowing anything new, right?

Then she stood up and said:

"Um, I'm really sorry, but I should probably be going soon. I, uh, think I'm a little, um, late."

"Ohhhhh, I know what you mean!' Dory said excitedly. "I think I want to go overseas for college or something. I mean, you only live once, y'know? I was thinking Paris or something. They have really good parties over there, but at the same time, I'm really going to hit the books". She paused. "And yeah, I better get home soon to-

That was when her cell phone started to vibrate. Shaking off her migraine, Dory winced as she shuffled her hand into her pocket and pulled out the phone that had been a graduation present for her junior year. She glanced down at the screen for a moment and her eyes enlarged when she saw her father's number. She was seized by a moment of blinding panic -- the feeling every teenager got when their microscopic world came crashing in on them. Shit. Better get home and just pretend your cell phone was off…

"I have to go!' Dory said. "It was, like, really really nice talking with you guys but I have to get home! My dad will ground me if I come home after midnight drunk. I hope I see you guys around school!"

Turning away, Dory began to walk out ofthe park with the stars shimmering in the sky above her. To sum it all up, it was just another night.

((Dorothy Stoeber continued elsewhere))
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Post by Dropbear* »

"Well, there's just too many stupid people here."

Well, welcome to the real world. Stupidity on every corner. Maybe you should have decided NOT to hang around with the idiots in the first place, eh?
Shut up shut up shut up SHUT UP.

If there was ever a time where he wanted to just turn off his brain and just smile and nod, it was now. Party in Paris? OK, fine, she wanted to just have fun and not give a shit about anything. Why couldn't he just accept it and move on?


Ben almost slapped himself out of annoyance. He wouldn't be thinking this if it wasn't so late. He would be actually trying to talk nicely and actually spark conversation that didn't lead him into being pissed off for no good reason whatsoever. Thankfully, he was saved by the bell. Or phone.

"I hope I see you guys around school!"

"G'night." I hope I don't see you again...

Breathing out deeply, he looked at Jennifer almost grumpily. "I'm gonna go as well."

Saluting her lazily, he walked through, back onto the path. He remembered how he walked into the park, happy as Larry, just pausing for a random chat.

Maybe I shouldn't have stopped. Maybe everything does suck.
Goddamnit. Look, it's just another night, OK? Tomorrow's gonna come and you'll be wondering what the fuck you were so emo about.

Slowly, he disappeared into the shadows.

((Ben Powell continued in School's Out Forever, Part One))
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Grand Moff Hissa
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Post by Grand Moff Hissa »

As soon as she mentioned the time, Dorothy and Ben headed out. Jennifer waved polite goodbyes, saying "Uh, me too" in response to Dorothy's hope that they met at school, and "Goodnight" to Ben as he left as well. She waited until both of them were out of sight, then sat back down on the bench. True, she was out late. Later than she should be, in all likelihood. It was such an amazing night, though, and now it was peaceful again. Now it was quiet again.

She leaned back, resuming her earlier position, looking at the stars. The nights sounds picked up again, or maybe she just noticed them again, now that the other voices were gone. A cricket chirped. A few blocks away, some cars rumbled past. An occasional honk sounded from deeper in the city. The world kept moving.

Jennifer waited and enjoyed the night for a few more minutes, losing herself again, feeling like she was drifting off to sleep, almost. She felt so in tune with everything. Again, nothing mattered. Arguments would always exist. There was nothing she could do about that. The thought wasn't upsetting though; rather, it was a comfort. The weight of the world did not, and never would, rest solely upon her shoulders.

A car alarm off in the darkness snapped her back to attention. It was late. She knew she really should be getting home. Reluctantly, Jennifer stood up, smoothed out her skirt, and started walking. She didn't look back at the park. After all, it was just another night. There would always be more to look forward to.

((Jennifer Perez continued in Let the Dance Begin!))
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