Sky's the Limit

Wanna roleplay out those big events? House parties, football games, wrestling matches, and even prom can all be found right here! Feel free to post your own events, and make sure to jump into others as well!
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Post by GregTheAnti-Viking* »

((So sorry for the delays and lack of activity guys!))

When Andrea and Etain brought up the thought of competition. Tabi shook her head at the thought.

"Competition? Me? No-no-no-no I'm not particularly good enough to compete. I mean I'd watch ya but that's about it!"

She folded her arms and watched as Kris made her way back to the jump. Tabi couldn't help but be a little nervous, not landing the trick earlier and the lack of helmet just kept her a little on edge. However when she did nail it Tabi let out a big cheer and clapped.

"Nice landing Kris!" she said as she turned around to face a small rail, "I think I'm going to just ride a rail and then I will watch all of ya!"

She wheeled back a little bit and then accelerated towards the rail. There was an urge to show off a little bit, not to mention get her legs into the game, seeing as she wouldn't actually join them on the pipe. She leaped up into the air and put her left foot in the middle of the bar and her right coasted right next to it. As she completed the soul grind she felt that all too familiar rush of adrenaline and landed safely, gliding backwards until the chain link fence cushioned her body.

She let out a deep breath and skated back to them, it did get the blood flowing and made her exited to watch Etain and Kris hang out and get as much air as possible. However once the discussion turned to prom Tabi started to feel awkward. She didn't have a prom date either and was meaning to actually ask someone, if they wanted to go to prom with her. Not that Etain was necessarily the one that she was considering, but it would have been nice if she was asked too.

Unfortunately it seemed that Kris was interested in joining prom and Tabi began to feel uncomfortable with being in the general are of someone asking another out to prom. She made an attempt to look at her watch.

"Oh shit! Sorry guys, I forgot that mom needs me to get home early today!" she said, skating over to her backpack and turning back to her two friends, "Sorry about it being sudden and all! See ya later!"

Tabi quickly put the backpack on her shoulders and gave a quick grin before skating back home. A new sense of urgency instilled into her brain, a sense that she was running out of time and needed a date pronto. Or else she would be going STAGette and it'd be hard to have as much fun without a date.

((Tabi Gweneth Continued Elsewhere))
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Post by Yvaine* »

Ask. He told himself. Go on, ask. What was the worst thing that could happen? Well, she'd shoot him down, and it could make skating with the two of them awkward in the future, at the least. If she turned him down, it'd kill him if she didn't want to hang out anymore too. So, maybe he could just keep quiet. She would think it was weird that he brought it up and forgot about it, but that would be it hopefully.

And there was Tabi. He'd feel like a jerk asking Kris out in front of Tabi anyway. After all, Etain did like Tabi. She was an awesome person to hang out with. He just, well, didn't want to ask her out.

So, that decided it, he guessed. He wasn't going to ask Kris out on front out of Tabi. Maybe if he got a chance later. Maybe. "Just curious, Ah guess." He mumbled absently, glancing over at Kris and offering a small smile. "Just thinkin' a bit." With a small amount of effort, he looked over his shoulder at Tabi as she skated back over toward the two of them. Etain looked back down the half-pipe before leaning back onto the concrete, slipping off his hat and placing it on his chest.

He looked back at Tabi, arching his eyebrow before looking back up at the sky. "Ya sure? Well, I'll be seein' ya later, Tabi." He watched his other friend run off out of the corner of his eye before glancing back at Kris. Well, this was as good an chance as he'd ever get. Don't think about it. Just ask. It was as simple as that, right? It would turn out one way or another, good or bad. Personally, he was hoping for good. "Hey, Kris, how much would ya mind accompanyin' me to tha prom?"
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Post by Namira »

Kris was still wondering what Etain had to say about prom when Tabi abruptly announced that she was leaving. That kind of sucked, but these kind of things happened. Not a lot Kris could do about it.

"Don't worry about it, Tabi. It's no sweat," Kris tipped her friend a wink. "We'll catch you later."

As Tabi took off, Kris looked back to Etain, who seemed a little bit... preoccupied. Was he worried about prom or something? He appeared slightly too evasive, bothered for it to just be curiousity. In any case, Kris hoped that he wasn't going to ask her about advice on dating or anything like that. Kris knew that she didn't make a very good model for a typical girl, and wasn't exactly qualified to give feedback on what would and wouldn't be a good way to approach somebody.

Kris blinked when Etain finally spoke up again. Had he just said what she thought he'd said? Had he really... really asked her to prom!?

Her brain pretty much went into overload. Prom hadn't been something Kris had been thinking about, but the fact that somebody - and Etain at that, had actually asked her to come to it!.. Kris wasn't sure if her friend had some kind of designs on her, or just didn't want to go to Prom dateless, but dammit she didn't care.

The response to the question came in the form of a flying hug, Kris wrapping her arms tightly around Etain's neck.

"Yesyesyes! I'd love to!" she pulled away slightly, gave Etain a grin and flushed slightly. "Uh, if I haven't freaked you out that is."
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Post by Yvaine* »

Truth be told, he wasn't really expecting her to say no. Did that sound egotistical? Well, he didn't mean it as much, but he kind of figured she would say yes, if only to spare his feelings. With that much enthusiasm, he could pretty well say she wasn't faking. At least, he hoped so. That sort of answer didn't leave much room for doubt, after all. Well, it wasn't a no, at any rate. Good enough for him. He had a date with the girl he'd been crushing on for the past few months, he didn't have any complaints. Even better, she seemed plenty interested in him too. With her lukewarm acknowledgment before, he'd almost been expecting the worst. Maybe not a no, maybe just telling him she didn't plan on going anyway. Whatever, it worked out.

So, he presently had Kris wrapping her arms around his neck in a flying hug. A fun way to to find she didn't mind going with him. Not that her river of yes's didn't work out just fine. "So, jus' ta clarify, tha's ah yes?" She asked with a broad grin, arching his eyebrow in bemusement. Tentatively, he wrapped his arm around her waist for a second before thinking better and letting it slide away. He'd asked her out, that didn't mean they were dating. Side's, he would have a chance at prom when they were dancing. Oh, dancing, that was an idea. It was at that point he realized that what could be considered is planning didn't go nearly that far ahead. He'd need a suit or something, and a car, the whole deal. Well, his dad might be able to help him out with that.

At her second comment, his grin widened further, if that was possible. "Well, Ah'm glad yer excited. Ah'll admit, Ah've been tryin' to gather up me courage to ask fer a while now." With the hand that he'd wrapped around her waist a few seconds before, he eased himself into a sitting position and offered a mischievous wink. "Fer future reference, Ah'm a firm fan ah the flyin' hug. Jus' ta let ya know."
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Post by Namira »

Kris was more or less flying immediately after Etain had asked her. Okay, maybe Kris wasn't a girly girl who cared a whole bunch about her appearance and dressed, but once, just once, she could put that aside. It was Prom, and Kris had never thought that she was going to get an invite in the first place.

Although truthfully, it also hadn't really occured to her that it was something to be excited about until just now.

Kris felt a fleeting hand around her waist, but it dropped away quickly. She was glad of that, and appreciate that Etain had thought twice. She liked Etain, sure, but that... well, it was going a little far a little fast. Going to Prom was one thing, but relationships didn't just materialise out of nowhere... they needed some kind of work.

For now, just friends Kris told herself.

"Noted," Kris replied to Etain with a wink. "I'll try not to do it too often though, I might surprise people!"
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