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Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by T-Fox*
"Gee, I dunno... Freshman year was so long ago, eh? But yeah, I definitely go to Bayview. I think I've seen you around."

Colin returned the chuckle. "Yeah, it was. It's so hard to believe." He tipped his head down to take another sip of the black, aromatic drink in his hands.

"Oh, right! I do remember! Beginners Art, right?"

Colin's visage was blank and thoughtful for a moment, before it clicked. "Hm... Oh Yeah, that was it!" This was the kid that he'd always thought was cute, how he acted every time he dropped something. No one was ever mad at him for it, but he could only imagine what it had been like for him. He wanted to say just that, but Colin also had no clue as to his name, never mind how he'd react to that kind of a comment from another guy. Come to think of it, even if he'd known the boy in front of him like the back of his hand, he probably wouldn't be able to go through with that comment. He just felt like it would come off as a shallow attempt at getting some, and that's not how Colin was.

"Pumped for the school trip? I know I am."

Colin's eyes lit up, giving his true colors about the subject away before he could even speak it. "Yeah, I am. It's been so long since I've gotten a chance to just... Get away from it all. I mean, I really don't have all that many friends at Bayview, but I've still heard amazing stories about the last few year's trips. It's definitely gonna be a good time." He felt his shoe slip from the counter, landing on the varnished wooden floor with a dull thud. "It's hard to believe we've made it this far. The future's literally right after that trip for us."

The performer was getting a good feeling from this talk. He'd met some of his best friends after shows. The music tended to attract people that he could get along with so easily, which isn't something that's a small feat. Colin was friendly sure, but he wasn't exactly a member of the most common crowd in the world; and he was kind of hoping that he and Tim would get along well enough that he'd feel comfortable enough to ask him if he wanted to hang out after school sometime. Or something. The whole social thing was still relatively new to Colin compared to most people his age. He never really managed to get any real close friends until the 9th or 10th grade, so some of the ideas and concepts were still a little foreign. "So, you know where you wanna go after Bayview yet?" He hoped the question wasn't too forward, but his peer didn't exactly seem like the type to care all that much about something like that.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim blushed slightly as Colin appeared to remember being in art class with him. That was one class that he desperately wanted to forget... Regardless, that was three years ago. Colin probably didn't even remember Tim's mishaps anyway. Hopefully... The blonde tried to grapple for something else to say, anything to dig him out of this awkward art-class induced conversation, but thankfully the conversation took a sudden turn as Colin exclaimed that he was excited about the school trip as well. "Thank God. A new, interesting subject."

As Colin explained that this would finally be a chance to get away from it all, Tim nodded rapidly and settled down into a chair near the other boy. "Right, right. I understand what you mean. I've spent all year working to get into college and now that I'm in, I just want to unwind and relax. Camping should be a blast... Never done it before," he said. But what Colin had said was really making him think now... He was right: The future and college was right within reach once the school trip was over... It was almost a scary thought and suddenly Tim didn't want to graduate quite as badly... Why couldn't be stay a high school student forever? Yet... that too was a frightening thought.

As Colin asked Tim about college, Tim couldn't help but smile. It seemed a little gloaty, but he loved being asked about college. He could boast a little without feeling any guilt. He worked for months (maybe even years if you counted all the SAT's and ACT's he had taken throughout his sophomore and junior years) so he decided that a little boasting was definitely in order. "I'll be attending North Central University. It's in Minneapolis," he explained, smiling a bit. "How about you? Will you be going to college for music?"

Tim came to a slow realization that he had been speaking to Colin for a few minutes now, and he hadn't even revealed his own name! "Oh, geez. I'm Tim, by the way. Timothy Questiare. But Tim is fine." He smiled and stuck out his hand although this struck him as overly formal. "Good to meet ya."

((I don't really know anything about the colleges in Minnesota, so I just kinda googled one and put it here. XD Haha))

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by T-Fox*
"I'll be attending North Central University. It's in Minneapolis.

Colin nodded softly as his new friend explained, smiling. "Congrats! I'm assuming you got accepted already. What are you majoring in anyways?" Suppressing a small yawn, he listened to Tim's next question.

How about you? Will you be going to college for music?"

He hadn't honestly thought about that yet. He hadn't even entertained the notion of combining his academics with his art. Although he kind of felt like going to college for something that was so pure, something that came from the heart kind of... cheapened it. "Probably not... Eh. I don't know. I might take a couple of classes to brush up on songwriting. Probably not a full degree though. I'll never be able to pay it all back."

"Oh, geez. I'm Tim, by the way. Timothy Questiare. But Tim is fine. Good to meet ya."

Colin grinned and took Tim's hand, shaking it firmly. "Colin. Colin Falcone." It was everything he could do to repress a chuckle, realizing he'd accidentally just said it in the 'James Bond' tone. "Good to meet you Tim." He glanced around the room quickly. Everyone had gone back to their coffees and conversations. This was the atmosphere he thrived in. He set his now empty cup down on the counter, ringing a bell nearby. The owner came over and quickly refreshed his coffee. "Here ya go Colin. Should I just stick it on the Tab?" Colin turned his head and nodded. "And put Tim's on there too." He made a quick motion to Timothy, indicating. A quick nod, and it was back to work for him.

Colin sighed softly, glancing down at the floor. "I just want to make it somewhere besides here someday though. As much as I love this place, I was meant for the stage. You know?" He smirked, trying to hide it from Tim. He always had a habit of quoting some of his favorite songs in his normal speech. If Tim knew the music at all though, he would definitely catch that one. It was blatantly obvious. "It's just one of those things I can kinda feel. I just wish I knew how to find other musicians around here too. No one in Bayview that plays anything seems remotely interested in this kind of music."

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim nodded enthusiastically at Colin and leaned back in his chair. "Yep, I got accepted a few months ago. Thank God all that stress is over..." He spent a few seconds pondering over what he might possibly major in but eventually just shrugged his shoulders in response. "I dunno, honestly... Maybe history? But business would be really useful.. I also really like foreign languages!" He chuckled and shook his head. "I think I might just declare myself undecided at first... Take a few classes and get a feel first, ya know? That definitely wouldn't hurt."

As Colin explained that he might take a few classes, Tim nodded in an understanding way. "I totally get ya, man. College can be really expensive... Hell, who knows if I'll ever be able to pay my loans back? It's kinda scary, really..." he said. In a way, Tim wasn't even sure if he wanted to go into college. Sure, he wanted to get the whole college-experience and get a good job, but it seemed like so much work. So much money would be put into difficult classes that would eventually warrant him a little piece of paper that could possibly help him get a job. And what if that job didn't pay nearly as much as he spent to actually go to college? That was a definite likelihood.

Tim honestly wished he could just chill out and go back to the blissful days of childhood. Back when nothing mattered and his biggest worry was whether he wanted cheerios or fruity pebbles for breakfast... But those days were long gone. Even now, he came to realize that his high school years were almost gone as well. Time was flying by too fast! "I think when I get home, I'm going to re-read my old Captain Underpants books... I wonder where I put those..."

Tim's thoughts were interrupted as Colin shook his hand and introduced himself. With a smile, Tim said, "Interesting last name. I always thought that- Oh!" He glanced up in surprise as Colin put his coffee on his tab. "Oh, you didn't have to do that! Haha, but thank you!" He smiled down at the floor and listened as Colin talked about wanting to make it somewhere. Unfortunately, his music reference went right over Tim's blonde head. Not a huge surprise. "I'm sorry I'm not of much help... I'm sure if you keep playing and never stop, someone will discover your talent. The key is to keep playing. Even if you get discouraged, never put your guitar down." He paused and realized how cheesy he sounded. "Well, that's what I think, anyway."

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by T-Fox*
Colin grinned as he listened to Tim sheepishly accept the small gift of a free coffee. Really it wasn't that much, and Colin's tab rarely even got re-payed anyways. He brought so much business in for the old man that it wasn't really even worth it to charge Colin. "It's not a problem Tim. Coffee, the life giving liquid that make the world go 'round, huh?" A small chuckle escaped his lips, as he took another sip from his fresh cup.

"I'm sorry I'm not of much help... I'm sure if you keep playing and never stop, someone will discover your talent. The key is to keep playing. Even if you get discouraged, never put your guitar down. Well, that's what I think, anyway."

"Oh, wow. That was... The sweetest thing I've ever heard. Jeez, just keep getting cuter on me, why don't you!" "Thanks!" There was almost a blush creeping over Colin's cheeks; he decided to bury his embarrassment into his coffee, taking another large gulp and waiting for the burning feeling to slowly fade away. He wanted to ask Tim to like... Meet him back here later this week or something so bad. But he had no idea... God damn it, asking someone out seemed harder than getting up on stage for the first time!

He took a deep breath, making eye contact with Tim once again. "You know, it's nice to see I'm not the only idealist out here. Doesn't it make sense though, that if someone is passionate and good at what they do, then they'll make it far? No, now it's down to who can win this competition, or who can suck the most corporate dicks." He shook his head, not even giving a second thought to the strange euphemism, not even thinking to any hints it might have given away. "Maybe someday there will be a big shot producer in here while I play? I guess I'd need more band members before that though, there's so much more I could do with a set of drums." He smiled, taking a second to break, catch his breath, and down even more of his coffee. "You play anything Tim?" The question on it's own would have been innocuous enough, but in the context, it was almost an open invitation to go at least jam together.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim laughed at Colin as he called coffee the 'life giving liquid' and nodded in agreement. "You are so right. I can't believe there are people out there that I hate coffee. I think it tastes fantastic. But, really man, thank you so much. I owe you one." He smiled and leaned back in his chair, listening to Colin talk. He nodded in agreement, a smile tugging at his lips. "It's the truth, really... The ones with passion should make it far, but it always seems to be the corrupt ones that make it farthest... Makes no sense, really," Tim said, strumming his fingers on the table.

But was he really an idealist? Sure, he told Colin that as long as he kept playing passionately, he was sure that someone would discover him, but how true was that? If Tim was a real idealist, then he would major in something that he was really passionate in. Unfortunately, he was somewhat realistic as well, and the thoughts of majoring in business kept clouding his mind... Sure, it would be nice to major in a foreign language, but how helpful would that be? How much money would it bring in? Majoring in business or marketing was much more realistic.

So which was he? An idealist or a realist? Perhaps he was just a realistic idealist... If that was possible.

Tim decided to avert his thoughts away from college and the future. This was a time to kick back, relax, and chat with his new friend. He listened to Colin as he spoke about needing more band members and asked if Tim played anything. Tim almost wanted to laugh at the question... Play anything? Like an instrument...? Oh God no... It was like an invitation to failure. Sure, he had tried a few instruments in his childhood, but he wasn't good at any of them... Tim couldn't even get past easy mode in Guitar Hero... But he didn't want to outright admit to Colin about his various failures in music.

"Well, uh.." Tim cleared his throat. "I played the recorder in third grade. I thought I was pretty good, actually. I played Yankee Doodle for the class, and the crowd went wild! My teacher gave me a sticker for that one... Yep.." He thought about what else he might have played back then... "I tried the guitar once, but I stopped when I broke a string. And uh... I play Guitar Hero sometimes! I've played Rock Band too, and I was pretty okay at the drums..." Tim paused and remembered that his mom kept a tambourine in the hall closet for God knows what reason. "If you ever need a tambourine player, I could definitely back you up," Tim said in a joking way, a smile on his lips.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by T-Fox*
Truth be told, Colin was extremely addicted to this 'life giving liquid' that the pair were gushing over. Well, really more the drug added in that keeps most people awake. However, Colin had so much caffeine so often that it didn't effect him anymore. At all. No matter how much he had. And as much as he really shouldn't be advocating it, he couldn't help himself. Tim was right, the coffee was too damn good, and he couldn't stop himself from taking another large gulp, listening to Tim's response to his last question.

"Well, uh.. I played the recorder in third grade. I thought I was pretty good, actually. I played Yankee Doodle for the class, and the crowd went wild! My teacher gave me a sticker for that one... Yep.. I tried the guitar once, but I stopped when I broke a string. And uh... I play Guitar Hero sometimes! I've played Rock Band too, and I was pretty okay at the drums...If you ever need a tambourine player, I could definitely back you up."

The more and more he talked to Tim, the more and more that he loved his sense of humor. Recorder in third grade, bringing that old thing back up? Jeez, that was way the hell back when. Really, the school systems should pick something that's actually worth something to replace the damned thing, something that would actually get kids interested in playing... But at the same time, it was kinda cool last year when he watched his cousin and her class play Yankee Doo- His thought was cut off as Tim actually rattled off the exact same song, another laugh coming from Colin. "And yet no one ever sticks with the thing, right?" He continued to attentively listen to his newfound friend, and he found it a little disappointing to hear he'd given up on the Guitar that quickly. But not everyone has that level of patience in every regard. And as much as he hated to hear about losing that kind of opportunity, it's not like Tim probably cared. However, Tim's comment about the Tambourine actually piqued his interest. The thing may have been simple, but if Tim could actually play it, that was an excuse to drag him out to shows once in a while. "Actually, a couple of the songs I want to get down to covering have the Tambourine in them!" He knew that Tim's response was essentially supposed to be a 'Hell no, you don't want me', but there was no way in hell he was letting him get away that easy. "What do you say?" A sly grin crept across Colin's face. "Use it as an excuse to come out and get on stage? The more the merrier." He chuckled. "That's assuming I can find anyone else in this Podunk town around our age that would be up for it. That could play well for that matter."

Colin's head slowly tilted floor ward, sighing as he brought the steaming hot brown liquid to his lips again. The Cafe itself was slowly emptying out, and was back down to it's normal levels of a few patrons in and out by this point. In fact, Colin was usually home from his shows about fifteen minutes earlier than this. Then again, he usually didn't have such awesome company for an excuse either. It's not like he didn't have all the time in the world anyways, his Thursday nights usually consisted of working on his stories or just passing out after a good show. Nothing that couldn't be put off an hour... Or a day... Or however long he decided to.

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim laughed at Colin and shook his head in an understanding way. "Nope... I don't think I know anyone who's continued to play the recorder." And as if Tim had read Colin's mind earlier about how school should pick another instrument that's actually worth something, he added, "You know, I really wish they would have taught us to play something like the piano. Then again, can you imagine twenty-five third graders slamming down the keys? Probably more of a headache for the teacher than the recorder!"

And like a blast to the past, Tim had a vivid, yet painful, memory of his music class in third grade. All of his classmates were very excited to receive their very first recorder and upon receiving it, everyone immediately began to blow into it. The sound that emerged was a mix between a dying hyena and a broken flute that could only play one teeth-gnashing, nails-on-chalkboard note. Tim remembered placing down his recorder and covering his ears because of the offensive noise. One girl cried.

Tim burst out laughing at this thought but immediately stopped before Colin thought him mad. There was just something about Colin. It was easy to sit here and laugh and joke without seeming stupid. Tim usually felt slightly uncomfortable around strangers. And when Colin suggested that he should play the tambourines at one of his shows, Tim didn't immediately say no. He didn't want to say no. In all honesty, it wasn't like Tim to want to get up on stage or try to be 'musical.' But this would be helping a friend, right? And mastering the tambourines wasn't too hard, right?

Tim laughed and slapped his knee for emphasis. "Of course!" he exclaimed. "We could put up fliers around school and look for a drummer and a pianist or something. You'd have your own little band!" He thought about for a moment and realized how ridiculous he would be with his little tambourine on stage. But Tim didn't seem to mind much. It could be fun. "I'd like to practice first before I go out and embarrass myself, though."

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by T-Fox*
"We could put up fliers around school and look for a drummer and a pianist or something. You'd have your own little band! I'd like to practice first before I go out and embarrass myself, though."

"Heh. A drummer and a pianist would be good. But I really doubt we'd find any in our little school. Sometimes I swear no one there has a musical bone in their bodies." He chucked. "Maybe something to shoot for after graduation?"

He made a motion to the owner one more time, mumbling something about a piece of paper. And then an obvious request for another coffee, quickly sucking down the last of his second for the night. "Listen, why don't you come over to my place some time this week, and bring that Tambourine of yours?" He jotted down his address and cell phone number on a piece of paper that had been quickly slid beside the steaming cup of coffee on the counter. "The kind of band I want, well... If you actually listened to any of the show, the Decemberists are my greatest influence." He chuckled softly, shaking his head at how obvious the comment should have been. "I'd want to find a Violinist, a Drummer, and a Bassists at the very least. Someone who could play the Mandolin would be awesome too. I just wonder if I can write songs as well as I can sing them."

He passed Tim the small piece of paper, nodding. "If anything, it's an excuse to hang out, right?" Extremely content with what had transpired between the two tonight, he was hoping that he could get Tim to let on to his sexuality the next time they met, just so he could know if he could stop feeling so damn awkward or not! Either way, it was about time he headed out. His mother would be waiting for him. The last time he got home late, his mom locked him out for an hour as a joke.

"I'll catch you later Tim, I have to take off. Shoot me a call or something whenever you're free." He bent down, picking up his guitar as he got ready to leave, as much as he didn't want to.

((Colin Falcone continued on the Island...))

Re: Le Cafe

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:32 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Tim nodded when Colin mentioned that the band could be something to shoot for after graduation. He didn't want to say anything now, but he couldn't really imagine himself playing the tambourines in Colin's band after high school was done and over with. Sure, it sounded fun, but in a few months he'd be in college. College was no time for fun bands! It was a time for studying and... Well maybe he could try. Tim thought about possibly driving up to St. Paul on weekends to come to band practice.

Wow, this was a bit early to be thinking of that. But Tim was always like that. He was always thinking towards the future. Always thinking of possibilities and ways to solve issues. His parents always told him that he got a bit ahead of himself, so this is probably one of those times. Stop thinking so much.

Glancing down at the piece of paper Colin had scribbled on, Tim picked it up and examined the address. "Alright, cool! I'll give you a call later on. Oh, and I'm usually in the library during lunch if you ever need me at school." He pocketed the piece of paper and listened attentively as Colin spoke about the Decemberists and needing someone who could play the Mandolin. Tim made an internal mental-notice to Youtube the Decemberists later. "I'm sure you can write some good songs. And... I could help out too. I'm no writer, but... We could try, right?" He grinned, thinking about how terrible his song writing probably was. He was never a great poet, so surely he couldn't write songs either? Who knew? Tim surely didn't.

"Yeah, we should definitely hang out. I'm busy on Tuesday and Wednesday, but I'm free every other day. Maybe Friday?" Tim though about it and shrugged. He usually went out to dinner with his parents on Fridays (family tradition), but they wouldn't mind, right? They would probably be ecstatic that Tim had a new friend. He had kept the same group of male friends since middle school. "See ya, Colin. I'd better get home too. It was fun." "But now I got an essay to write," he thought to himself as he headed for the door.

((Timothy Questiare continued elsewhere))