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Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:45 am
by Dropbear*
Sapphire gave a small smile as she placed her tray next to who she recognised as Eiko, the Japanese business-person. "Thanks."

Business-person... that's a bit harsh.

She shook her head. Eiko did give off that no-nonsense, "I can do it" personality that just made her feel insecure. Leadership club member, nice jewellery...

Snapping out of it, she glanced at Markham. He was in a few of her classes, but she couldn't really remember them actually talking.

Trent... Sapphire hadn't seen much of him this year, except a few random mutterings in the halls. He looked a bit weird, reading that magazine. He always was a bit of a slacker.

New faces.
Sapphire licked her lips.
She never really learned how to work with new faces.

Quickly, she grabbed her sandwich out of the packet and took a large bite, the strawberry jam tasting a bit sour.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:45 am
by Solitair*
Eiko hesitated a bit before answering. "I'm studying business," she told Markham. "Knowing how people think does wonders for selling products. In fact, it may be the most important factor of all."

Another bite of rice. "You don't mind my interest, do you? I ask because when I've talked to people about this in the past, some of them seem to have taken offense at my mixing business with their hobbies." She poked around with her chopsticks for another second. "I remember one old commercial where that happened. 'You got your peanut butter in my chocolate.' Do you recognize that one?" she asked Markham.

Sapphire didn't get much from her besides a curt nod and smile. As much as she'd love to ask about GODSpeed, she was already engaged in conversation with Markham, and it would be rude not to give him her full attention.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:45 am
by Tythanin*
"Sorry...Never heard of it, actually. Guess it's a little too old for me, huh?" Markham said with a slight shrug. "But I don't mind. About the whole business thing. My interest isn't just a hobby, after all. I'm planning on going full out...Not sure if I want to be a psychotherapist or a psychiatrist, but both options are pretty appealing. It's a matter of doing tests or giving out drugs, I suppose. Haha, I bet it sounds kind of boring, huh?"

Markham smiled, inwardly surprised at his own words. He never really was much of a talker and he didn't even speak with this team members in the Debate Club this much. It was kind of surprising that a group consisting of a...silent magazine reading kid, a rigid and structured sounding Japanese girl, and jewelry girl would be enough to coax him out of his shell. 'It must be the environment. With all these people, who wouldn't want to join in on the fun? Well...besides Trent, I guess.'

"I don't usually meet people who express interest in what I like though. It's a little surprising. I don't think you should get me started though...I kind of go overboard once I get started." He said, shaking his head ruefully. He cast a look at Sapphire, who seemed to be a little nervous. He wasn't sure whether or not he should ask her to join in the conversation...after all, he was busy talking to Eiko but she wouldn't mind, would she?

"Hey Sapphire, what's up with you?"

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Dropbear*
"Hey Sapphire, what's up with you?"

"Oh, umm… Well, I'm obviously eating my sandwich…"

…what am I doing?
Groaning internally, she took a small breath and started off again in a stronger voice. "But that's obvious. Well, I just came from art, and yesterday we had Godspeed elections… errm, and I just thought of more stuff to make. You know, for my beading."

Phew, saved myself there. That was good. Keep on talking.

Nodding a little, Sapphire took a small bite from her sandwich again. Swallowing, she tilted her head in the direction of Markham. "I'm not really that good with understanding how people work, that's what phycology is, right?"

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Hallucinojelly*
Oblivious to the surrounding conversation, Trent continued reading through his magazine, only stopping to quench his thirst. Reaching into his bag, he rummaged around the contents until he felt his fingers swept across the rounded nozzle of his sports bottle. Inspecting the cap for any dirt, he grimaced at the sight of a sticky patch near the rim of the bottle. His nails were seemingly no match for the mysterious substance, and after a few moments spent trying to remove it, he gave up and surrendered to his parched throat.

After gulping down the last of the flat lemonade, he belched loudly and stuffed the bottle back into his bag. Grateful that he hadn't thrown it out last week, he gave another satisfied belch, though quieter than the first, and settled back down to his magazine.

Tiffany Bowers.

Yeah, I'd probably do her too if she didn't have that tattoo of her Dad across her neck.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Solitair*
"I suppose it does sound rather dull," Eiko replied. "For most people, that is. But I'm quite used to boredom, and the important thing is that you'd be advancing our scientific knowledge of the human mind."

Another pause. "If you'd rather not be given the chance to ramble, I'd like to talk to this young lady here." She turned to Sapphire. "I'm sorry, but I don't know your name. I'm Eiko Haraguchi. It's nice to meet you." She gave a little bow with her head as she introduced herself.

"I'm curious about this GODSpeed organization," she added after Sapphire gave her name. "What is it that you do there, exactly?"

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Tythanin*
(OOC: Sorry for the delay.)

Markham nodded his thanks to Eiko as the Japanese girl went to talk to Sapphire and he settled into his cafeteria seat. Once again he contemplated leaving, but he decided to stay in order to listen to the girls talk. Rummaging through his backpack to find his Psychology textbook, he flipped to a random page and began to read.

'Erik Erikson was the man who developed the Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development...'

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Dropbear*
"I'm sorry, but I don't know your name. I'm Eiko Haraguchi. It's nice to meet you."

"Sapphire McLeod, jewellery artist." She wasn't sure what how to reply to the bow. Did you bow back in Japan? But before she could do anything, Eiko spoke up again.

"I'm curious about this GODSpeed organization. What is it that you do there, exactly?"

Sapphire smiled a bit. Here was something she could talk about.

"Well, it's a bit of a mixture of a group of things. The general idea is that it's different people from around school all united by their faith. Most days we talk about what we thinking about and what's going on in the world… well, sometimes it turns into a debate, but that's usually OK. Usually we do fundraisers for different charities during the year. You know Rachel? She's the chairman… or chairwoman." She let out a little giggle. "Err, who else… Tiffany, Robert, Imraan, Maddy … Oh, and that gamer guy… I can't remember his name. And there's more people as well, but they're the main people that come."

Sapphire paused for a bit, thinking.

"You know, you're welcome to come anytime there's a meeting. Rachel puts a notice in the daily bulletin when it's on, and I'm pretty sure that no-one would mind" she invited.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Hallucinojelly*
Trent was growing bored. He'd read through all of the interesting bits when he first bought the magazine, and all of the things he hadn't read were of no interest to him. The pages flapped together as he closed the cover, then shoved it down into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder.


Careful not to drop it, he picked up his lunch tray carefully with both hands, then wandered over to the area where the other used trays sat.

Geez, look at this place, it's a total dump.

Wedging his tray between two others, he grimaced as someone's half-eaten sandwich dripped mayonnaise all over his right hand. Noticing someone was now laughing at him, he quickly wiped it across his top before heading out of the cafeteria in a rush.

(Trent Savage continued elsewhere.)

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Solitair*
Eiko listenend politely to Sapphire as she gave an abstract on GODSpeed, briefly taking note of all the names she mentioned. None of them seemed familiar to her, but perhaps she'd met them before, only for them to be pushed out of her mind with concerns about finals and prom. She'd know for sure if she saw them at the meeting.

She smiled when Sapphire gave her permission to come to the next meeting. "Thank you for being so hospitable," she told the other girl, not even noticing that one of the boys nearby had left.

"To be completely honest with you, my knowledge about the Christian faith is rather limited," she confessed. "I'm afraid it doesn't get much exposure back home. I've met more than one person who was convinced that Christians worship a zombie, and a lot more who wear those crosses along with black leather and black dresses, in an effort to look dark and edgy. It's amazing how different the people who wear that symbol are in this country."

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Tythanin*
Markham read his textbook with some interest, the girls' conversation setting up a nice background noise for him to fully concentrate on his studying. Truthfully, this was all stuff he had read before and he had just brought out his book to do something that wasn't him looking like a total doofus. His attention was slipping, though, and he was getting mighty bored. He contemplated just following Trent's example and leaving, but he didn't want to sound like he thought the two girls were boring. Far from it.

But he really was bored. He took out his cellphone and flipped it open, alarm bells ringing in his head when he saw what time it was. 'I have an appointment with the psych teacher today! I totally forgot! Shoot!'

He hurriedly packed away his book and cell phone and stood. He gave the two girls a quick nod, adjusting his glasses slightly as he did so. "Thanks for the conversation, but something just came up. I'll see you later, I suppose."

With that, he took his tray and backpack and sped out of the cafeteria. He was going to be late. How distressing.

(Markham Connor continued elsewhere.)

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Dropbear*
Smiling and nodding at the two leaving boys, Sapphire continued listening to Eiko.

"Zombies? I don't know where you could get that idea… I'm pretty sure that we don't worship zombies."

Sapphire wasn't sure whether to be scared or to laugh. Where did zombies come into it? Shrugging a little, she gave a small shake of the head. Taking the orange on her tray, she dug her fingernails into the skin and carefully ripped a large chunk off, exposing the insides. Taking a bite, it was nice and juicy, not bad as oranges go.

"Well, we're usually quite an accommodating bunch. Oh, umm, the other group might be those others… Can't remember their names. Anyway, Christianity is split up into groups, like Anglican and Catholic and Lutheran. So some groups are more strict than others. It doesn't really matter, seeing as everyone's following the same guy, but…" The sentence trailed off. It was kinda weird having to explain it to someone who hadn't heard it before.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:46 am
by Solitair*
"Didn't your Jesus Christ rise from the dead? That's generally what zombies do," Eiko replied. "I mean no disrespect, of course. I'm sure it must be more complicated than that."

Eiko paused to eat another mouthful of rice. With all the words flying across the table, it was sometimes easy to forget that people generally ate meals at lunchtime. "So there are all sorts of divisions in your religion regarding methods of worship. Well, I can't say I'm surprised, really. That happens quite a lot outside of theological matters. I'd hardly expect spirituality to change much about it.

"Regardless, I'd be honored to attend one of your meetings. Just let me know when and where the next one is and I'll be there with bells on." Outside of her own home, Eiko was never not with bells on, but she neglected to mention that to Sapphire.

She withdrew her business card case from her purse, opened it, and gently pulled a card out. Holding it with both hands, one pinching each of the top corners, she handed it to Sapphire. "My card," she said simply. It had her name in both English and Kanji, her new address, and her phone numbers, home and cell. "Should you need to contact me outside of school."

After about a year of living in America, there was still quite a bit about the vast nation that Eiko hadn't learned yet, Christianity included. If she was going to make it in this strange land, she'd need to understand what made the dominant religion and all its followers tick. It could easily be another source of income, if these rumors of so-called 'televangelists' were any indication. Hell, people bought the good luck charms priests sold in front of shrines back home, didn't they?

Eiko smirked, silently congratulating herself for playing the game so well. She could hardly wait to see what awaited her in the future.

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:47 am
by Dropbear*
Sapphire took the card and smiled. "Thanks. Err, I do have my own card, but that's for my jewelery and I don't really carry it around at school, sorry."

So, I might have managed to recruit a new member to GODspeed! Rachel will be pleased.

Finishing her orange, she took the tray and nodded her head to Eiko. "Well, it's been a pleasure talking to you. I'll see you around."

Walking over to the bin, she dumped the empty containers and placed the tray into order again.

Today has turned out to be a great day. Yes indeed.

((Sapphire McLeod continued in Reflection into the EDEN))

Re: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:47 am
by Solitair*
Eiko watched Sapphire leave. She looked concerned; the other girl seemed to have left in a hurry. It was probably due to her discomfort at Eiko's speculation of Christ as a zombie. She'd have to remember not to pursue such lines of conversation in the future.

With no one left to converse with, she once again turned to her textbook and finished the rest of her lunch. The period was nearly over, so she had to eat a bit faster than her usual pace. It was a wonder she didn't get any grains of rice on her textbook.

Regardless, she managed to finish her meal, if not her current chapter, by the time the bell rang. She slid her book into her backpack and tucked her bento box underneath her arm, then strode away from the cafeteria. GODSpeed would have to wait. She had Calculus in five minutes.

((Eiko Haraguchi continued elsewhere))