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Re: And the Hits Keep Coming

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:10 am
Cyrille smiled with Violetta affection. She loved the girl dearly and most of her life revolved around the two. If anything ever change that Cyrille doubt she could move on...

Shrugging that thought from her head she grab Violetta free hand with hers and nodded to the shopping idea "I'm up for it!" she said. Then again she was always ready for anything when she's around Vio. It's the daily routine between the two girls. Violetta would come up with something to do and Cyrille would soon follow. The small girl love the things that happened between the two. Literally everyday was different with her lover. Always something special to keep life going, to make it interesting and most of all to keep her happy. Violetta supported her and she did likewise.

"Well take the lead" she said letting go of Violetta right hand and kept the left one with her right. "Whatever we find it's going to be exciting with you around." She said in a humorist manner. She hugged the taller the girl happily and just smiled at her. Violetta was the person she loved the most in the world. Nothing would ever change that.

Re: And the Hits Keep Coming

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:10 am
by Tythanin*
(OOC: Yes, short :V And yeah, we're moving on.)

"Hahaha, okay, okay!" Violetta laughed as she returned the hug. Gently lifting the shorter girl off of her, she smirked and ruffled her hair for a bit. "You're always so eager. I love it!"

"So off to the mall! We shall journey through its concrete depths and brave all manners or traps and bargains until we reach our true treasure!" And with that, Violetta charged off the campus, dragging Cyrille right behind her.

Just like old times.

((Violetta "Jane" Lindsberg continued Elsewhere.))

Re: And the Hits Keep Coming

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:10 am
(were moving on I presume?)