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Re: Courtyard Classics

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:28 pm
by T-Fox*
"You shouldn't use the Lord's name in vain"

...You've gotta be kidding me. Bible nut. He subtly rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up off of the well manicured lawn, groaning. His phone opened. Sure enough, there was... look at that. 40 minutes till class. He was off by a little bit. "Hey, I'm sorry. I don't know you, and I didn't know that sh-" he stopped himself, realizing that if 'Oh God' offended this kid, then 'Shit' was bound to too. "Er... Stuff offended you." He did his best to try and be polite in the face of this strange, and rude awakening.

"Sleeping is against the rules."

"Right... Well, it's a free period for me. I don't see the point in the rule, so I don't follow it." He shrugged nonchalantly. "I mean, I can't sleep on campus... But if I was in my car, there wouldn't be a problem with me sleeping. This is just a lot more comfortable. Plus, no one really cares. Teachers walk back and forth through here while I'm sleeping all the time." He chuckled genuinely at this, thinking about the last time he had to crash, curled up and cramped on his black leather seats. That back seat was not made for someone his size.

"No, no one sent me to get you. I figured since you look to be my age that we could be friends."

Chadd stared at the kid in utter disbelief. He woke up someone, yelled at them for saying 'God', and then just asked 'Can we be friends?' Either the kid was fucking with him, or he was extremely socially maladjusted. The more he sat there and thought about it, the more pissed he started getting. He pushed himself up, brushing off his jeans. He sighed, visibly annoyed. "Look. I'm sure you're a nice kid. I don't know anything about you, and I won't say I'm friends with someone until I trust them. And the fact that you just woke me up forty minutes before my class for no real good reason, especially scolding me for swearing before I even knew your name, just..." He trailed off. He didn't want to berate the kid, there was NO way he could have known better if he was acting like that. But Chadd needed to leave before he said something he'd regret. "I'm gonna go to my car." He gathered his things off of the green, and walked off towards the student parking lot.

((Chadd Crossen continued in Let the Dance Begin!))

Re: Courtyard Classics

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:28 pm
by gambit508*
"Look. I'm sure you're a nice kid. I don't know anything about you, and I won't say I'm friends with someone until I trust them. And the fact that you just woke me up forty minutes before my class for no real good reason, especially scolding me for swearing before I even knew your name, just..."

Chris frowned as Chadd spoke, the latter rising as Chris did the same. "Okay, I'm sorry" he mumbled as Chadd started to leave.

"I'm gonna go to my car."

"Okay, have fun!" Chris said as he shifted the straps of his backpack, walking off towards the other direction, back inside the school.

(Chris Davidson continued