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Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:29 am
by Tagabasa*
"Yeah, figured you'd want to do that. I may not spend a whole lot of time around people, but I know how to read them." Dirk smirked a little, knowingly. "I'll be fine without a snack, We could just split a medium popcorn."

Alright, so Simon might have been a little envious of the other boy. He could just go up to strangers and invite them to the movies, and now he seemed to show an unusual ability to understand people. After just meeting them that day. I wonder if he even knows how valuable that kind of skill that is, really. I'd give at least two of my talents for something like that. But despite his jealousy, Simon found himself rather fond of Dirk.

"You'll get snacks?" Gloria asked Simon quietly, her hand still inside her open purse. Her fingertips brushed against the bills nestled inside, enough for a small popcorn and drink. She quickly thrust her bills into his hand. "Uhm! I'd like a small popcorn, Simon....with butter, and a small diet soda," she told him. Her head was bowed the entire time, but she looked up at him slowly, a shaky smile on her lips. "Just...use my money for mine, okay?"

Simon nodded, sticking her bills with the rest of the money in his palm. "Yeah, no problem, Glory. Thanks." He allowed himself to curse in his head. Maybe he should start a counting tally of the times he had thanked somebody in the last hour. Really, he shouldn't have to do that at all. He and Gloria were friends, and he was beginning to figure that there was a high probability of Dirk becoming one too. Why couldn't he just have a normal conversation? It shouldn't be so hard to be at ease with people he genuinely liked.

"W-Well..." Gloria stammered. "You held the door open and bought tickets...Simon is buying your food, so....I can get seats..." She smiled shyly at them again as she walked backwards a few steps before turning around and walking towards the right theater.

Simon waved, before quickly stopping when he realized how ridiculous something like that must look. Besides, it would be a few minutes until he meet up with Gloria again. Maybe he was just relieved that she seemed to be even somewhat enjoying this. He turned back to Dirk.

"Alright, I'll get the food." He tried to act nonchalant for the next question. "Ah, you mind if I ask you something? You're a bit more outgoing then most of the people I'm acquainted with. Why'd you decide to come out here with us? Gloria's one of the best and most earnest people I've ever meet, but I'm not exactly first new friend in a new school material. And she's...quiet." Simon finished, glancing at the ceiling. It was much easier to have a conversation if you avoided the other person's eyes. "Anyway. That was awkward. Er...sorry."

He coughed slightly and turned to the woman at the counter. "Um, one small diet soda, one small popcorn, one medium popcorn, and 2 bottles of water, please." Simon wasn't sure what Dirk drank, but water seemed to be a safe choice. Besides, he would take it if the other boy didn't want it.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:29 am
by Dirge Fireborn*
"I just spend a lot of time in the woods, surrounded by things that don't actually care if I talk to them. It makes it easier to talk to people who respond, like you and Gloria. She is quiet, I noticed that, but when she speaks, it isn't just to hear herself speak." Dirk looked at the small pile of snacks on the counter, "Need some help with all those?"
"Anyway, Gloria seems like a good person to know, and you too. I really am glad I met you both."

Dirk picked up the waters, one in his elbow, the other in his hand, and the popcorn in his free hand before starting for the theater, "I hope we got some good seats."

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:29 am
by Tagabasa*
"I just spend a lot of time in the woods, surrounded by things that don't actually care if I talk to them. It makes it easier to talk to people who respond, like you and Gloria. She is quiet, I noticed that, but when she speaks, it isn't just to hear herself speak." Dirk looked at the small pile of snacks on the counter, "Need some help with all those?"
"Anyway, Gloria seems like a good person to know, and you too. I really am glad I met you both."

"Yeah, here." Simon responded to Dirk, pointing at the items he had picked up. "Thank you." Running tally; up to 6 times now. Really, Simon? He took the other snacks in his arms, shuffling them so that they would fit. It was harder then it looked, truly. The other boy's perceptiveness was from long periods alone, then. There seemed to be a sort of irony in that staying away from people for larger periods of time could help you understand them. It didn't work for everyone, of course. If it did, Simon should be a master at reading and understanding others.

As it was, Simon was one hundred percent sure that whoever rolled his character in the great board game of life had made charisma his dump stat.

"...I believe you may be right. We should go find Glory with the seats." At that point, Simon decided to drop the subject. It would be too awkward for him to continue such a discussion for much longer. He found out what he felt he needed to; Dirk genuinely was fine with Gloria and himself. Simon had his group of friends, as small as it might seem to someone else, but trust was something he tried to resolve as quickly an efficiently as possible.

Simon walked toward the theater, keeping a lookout for Gloria and the seats when he was inside. He found her, holding seats about three rows from the screen. He handed his friend her popcorn.

"Thanks for holding the seats." 7. "Here's your popcorn, Glory." Simon took the seat to the right of her. "Geez, never seen the movie theater this filled before." Well, he might have, but then forgot it.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:29 am
by Moth*
To pass the time, Gloria had been looking around at the other patrons, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. It wasn't like the pre-preview ads were interesting anyway. All there was were the same ads for cola, and perfumes, and actor trivia that repeated the same three facts again and again. Gloria didn't even bother to look at the screen just yet. The people were more interesting, anyway...A woman with a beehive hair-do (Gloria didn't even know that people still wore their hair like that), a set of parents with their four children (Gloria wondered why children were seeing this), and so much more. She thought she could see a few couples, too.

Gloria looked away quickly as one of the patrons turned to look at her, and turned her attention back to the floor. Hmm...It's a little sticky, she thought to herself, lifting her foot up. It disconnected from the floor with a very faint shk noise. At least it wasn't distractingly sticky...Only a little bit. They could handle this.

"Thanks for holding the seats." Gloria jumped and looked up, eyes wide as Simon and Dirk approached, Simon held the popcorn out to her, and her drink. "Here's your popcorn, Glory." Simon took the seat to the right of her. "Geez, never seen the movie theater this filled before."

"Y-Yeah..." Gloria stammered shy. "I guess this movie's pre-pretty popular." Most of the time, when she saw a movie, there were only about ten people with her, at the most. To see this many people was amazing, really. "Thanks for my snacks," she whispered, smiling shyly at her friend. "Dirk, y-you better si-sit down before so-someone gets mad at you," she whispered to the other man.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:29 am
by Dirge Fireborn*
"Right." Dirk dropped into his seat, and onto someones spilled popcorn. He stood and wiped the fragmented snack onto the floor beore sitting again, just as the first movie ad came up. People oohed and ahhhed as three rapid explosions for some new action movie flashed across the screen, something with Vin Diesel in it. Dirk covered his eyes as a particularly bright explosion lit up the room.

"That one looks interesting."

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Tagabasa*
The trailers seemed to have began. "Hey, no problem, Glory." Simon replied, shifting himself in his seat to get more comfortable. The movie theater chairs never seemed to fit him right for some reason. He heard Dirk's voice, somewhere behind the sound of the trailer, and turned to look at the other boy. The forms of him and Gloria were just black silhouettes against the wall.

"Huh? I can't hear you." Simon's hearing had never been really good; he always had to ask people to repent their statements. The sound of the trailer wasn't helping in that department much either. But he didn't have to worry about that for too long, as the beginning animations of the movie rolled onto the screen.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Moth*
The explosion took Gloria completely off-guard, and she noticeably jumped in her seat, fingers tightening on the armrests. Her eyes went wide behind her glasses, unable to look away from the action scenes happening on the screen. Who was the good guy and who was the villain? It was a little hard to tell...Gloria didn't know who to root for in this! At least in the movie they were going to see, it was clear who the hero was. Gloria couldn't help shrinking against her seat as she watched. So loud, too!

After a few more trailers, some of which were full of action, and one that looked...well, steamy, the opening titles rolled up. Gloria sighed in relief. She didn't much care for those previews. Why did the superhero movies always have the ultra-violent trailers in front of them? Taking a small handful of popcorn, Gloria looked back at the screen, watching as the film opened. She couldn't help chuckle, a tiny bit, as the lead appeared. "He looks kinda like my dad," she whispered to whoever could hear her.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Tagabasa*
Simon Fletcher sat back to watch the movie, taking a handful of popcorn and a sip of water to start out with. His popcorn always lasted him about halfway through the movies. Since it was Dirk's too, this bucket probably wouldn't even make it to the rising action. That didn't matter much; he wasn't very hungry.

"He looks kinda like my day." Gloria whispered from beside him, and Simon took a closer look at the main character. His mustache and goatee were similar to Mr. Benson, as was the way he wore his hair. But Simon didn't quite make the connection. That was probably the differences in personality.

He could remember Mr. Benson easily enough, even though he had began spending more time with Gloria after his death, when they were in the middle of 10th grade. When they were in third grade, Gloria's father had helped them make churros for a school project. Another time, probably around fifth grade, the older man had consoled his family after a minor robbery. There were few memories, but Simon felt like he had a good idea about what Mr. Benson had been like.

It was hard to put together the images of Tony Stark, the womanizing heavy-drinker and Gloria's father, a loyal man who Simon could only remember smiling. Well, he was a superhero. That was what character development was for. Simon knew a little bit about the comic books and he had seen Iron Man's trailer, so he was pretty sure he had a basic picture of what was going to happen, at least in the first 15 minutes.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Dirge Fireborn*
The huge screen lit up, showing Tony Stark's face as he shouted something and fired off a giant missile. Dirk grinned as the missile exploded, "Gentlemen, I give you the Jericho." and a shockwave of dust flew past barely ruffling his hair.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Moth*
As the film went on, Gloria started to see fewer and fewer similarities between Tony and her father. Well...All she had said was that they looked something alike, but she soon saw they acted completely different. This was both a good thing and a bad thing for her--the good thing being that she couldn't picture her late father doing all these dangerous things--things that were much more dangerous than the deeds he'd had to do as a policeman. The bad news was that, well, she didn't have a way to think of him anymore, watching this. It would have been nice to imagine her dad as this superhero, but now...Well, as she had realized, they only looked alike.

Eventually the film started nearing the climax. Gloria leaned back in her seat, tightly gripping the armrests of her chair, her popcorn temporarily forgotten. Behind her glasses, her eyes went even wider at the display on the screen. She shot a glance at both Simon and Dirk to see how they were handling all this.

Unfortunately, her once-forgotten popcorn chose that moment to spill all over the floor, resulting a high-pitched yelp from the poor girl. Sliding down to the floor so fast it was as if she'd fallen down, she tried to scoop the snack back in her bag. Five second rules...five second rules...

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Tagabasa*
Simon and Dirk had soundly finished all of their popcorn by the time Stane and Stark had started their fight. He sat, contently watching the film. His character development predictions had proved correct (Well, they had to have had. Iron Man was a superhero and that was how superheroes worked, right? Except for the Minutemen, of course. Maybe Simon need to brush up on his comic books) which was good. Simon was used to reading books, which tended to have more dynamic protagonists then static ones. He liked his movies with interesting characters, and storylines. So far, this movie was meeting the praise his friends had given it.

Simon's thoughts-and the fight- were interrupted by a high-pitched yelp from beside him. He looked over to see that Gloria's popcorn was on the floor. Simon grabbed his empty napkin and proceeded to stuff as much of the popcorn around him as he could into it. He stopped after three seconds of this (who knew what was on the movie theater floors, anyway?) and dumped the pieces of snack unto Gloria's popcorn bag.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Dirge Fireborn*
Dirk jumped a little bit at Gloria yelping from beside him, and looked for a moment as her and Simon started scrambling to scoop up popcorn off the floor. His eyebrow rose curiously and he joined in, snaring a few pieces before they fell off the pile, and tossing them into the nearly empty bag on her chair.
'nice time to spill the popcorn. No action scene. Good distractions.'

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Moth*
"I'm sorry," Gloria whispered as the two boys helped her with her popcorn. "I'm so sorry...!" The poor girl looked near tears, her body trembling somewhat. She'd just ruined their good time! Simon would forgive her, she knew that...He always forgave her for little things like this. But Dirk, she had no idea. What if he was angry at her now? She had just made a new friend, and now she was going to lose him! And Simon might too, by extension.

"Please, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to--"

"SHHH!" an annoyed patron hissed, sending her a glare.

Gloria seemed to shrink again, slowly rising back into her seat, looking the floor nervously. One hand reached up to fiddle with the hair that fell over her cheeks, and she risked another look at Simon and Dirk. "I didn't mean to..." she mumbled, eyes shiny.

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Tagabasa*
Simon brushed his hands off on his pants, making sure to turn to the patron who hissed at them and giving her a glare of his own.

Yeah, someone's obviously having a hard time here and all you can do is give her looks. I'm so sorry we interrupted your frakking night at the movies. I hope that we haven't ruined your time. Asshole.

Simon climbed up into his seat, trying to focus in the movie (they were nearing the end now), but turned and looked at Gloria again. "No problem. You didn't do anything wrong." He quickly turned around to give the aggravated patron another look before she dared trying to shush him. Fine, Simon wasn't the most aggressive person in the world, but that was really too much.

Unsure what to do now, he ventured a glance at Dirk, before turning back to Gloria. "Seriously, it's fine.'re shaking." He laid his hand on the armrest next to hers. Yup, definitely shaking. He could feel it from there. "Don't worry. Look, the movie's at the climax now." Well, Simon thought it was the climax. It was a big battle between the protagonist and the antagonist. That was always the climax, right?

Re: Ambigious Plans

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:30 am
by Dirge Fireborn*
"It's ok Gloria. You didn't really interrupt anything." Dirk looked back at the patron with the hissing problem and glared at them briefly before turning back to watch the huge generator thing explode epicly and dropping the villan in his tracks.