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Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:47 am
by Parzel*
Kent was almost stunned when he heard Winston tell him to shut up, then rapidly come in front of him and begin mouthing off. He held a gesture of a belief as his jaw remained semi dropped. The girl was still sobbing off about something when they both decided to tag team Kent. Rage seemed to fill him as he attempted to ponder up the most snarky comments to return, his mind was slow today. He hadn't eaten in a while and only came to the drama room to rehearse for the monologue, then he would go to eat.

"Excuse me? Since when did you control what I do, I'm here to do actual fuckin' Drama not laying on a table singing shit songs thinking you're good. And youÂ…" He said, his eyes darting towards the other character, "I don't have time for someone like you, you're presence isn't wanted by anyone anyway, oh and I don't know if you heard when I said it last, but no food allowed, so please Mr. Mufock or whatever the fuck your name is." Kent then smiled to the two students, in the devious exasperating grin he usually did. Kent had not finished yet though, he still had quite a lot of frustration building up through his system and rushing through his veins. All off it in the end pouring out from between his lips.

"Who the fuck are you lot anyway? We've got some idiot singer who hardly even speaks with people and lay's down in public drama rooms to sing aloud, how dumb is that? Do you want attention or something? And you, Murfuck, just coming here for some sort of argument or a little boost on your ego? Trust me; you don't want to mess with me. I have friends, lots of them, unlike some of you." He then glanced over all three of the people in the room, he lifted the paper he had been holding to his side and smiled slightly at the men.

"Besides, I have to perform a monologue, unless you are here for Dramatic Reasons, not stupid artwork or pathetic singing, I suggest you leave." Kent turned on his heel, Not knowing what kind of response he was about to get. A light sigh of relief escaped him as he was turning the other way, he felt he had done well and dealt with the situation good.

Always the quiet ones, two of them in one week, I hate this school

Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:47 am
by Namira
((Can we please respect posting order better guys? You've both skipped Blastinus, and that's not particularly fair on him. He's got a character involved too, and posting in front of Madeleine just means she winds up falling behind.))

Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:47 am
by blastinus
(S'alright. Been leaving everyone behind due to finals.)

Having stopped crying during the flurry of words being passed around, Madeleine had been sitting and watching the rhubarb that had taken place because of her. After Kent's long-winded outburst, even she could tell that the guy had gone too far. At first, she had thought that the guy was just trying to enforce the rules, maybe he was even on the student council, but the more he talked and talked, the more she realized that he was just a boorish kid with a large chip on his shoulder and an endless reservoir of useless, hurtful words. All this meant to her was that he didn't need to be paid attention to.

Why did I cry about this guy? I made such a fool of myself for nothing.

And so, without thinking too much about the consequences, Madeleine sat up, grabbed up her paints, and exclaimed to this Kent fellow very shakily, but building up steam as she went, "If-if what you want is...p-peace and quiet, I'll let you have it. I'll leave, and...and then you whatever you want. are a rude, rude person, you know." She wanted to say more, possibly dispute the guy's claim of having friends, but just saying what she did took more gusto than it was worth. Pushing her way past the guy attempting to give her pizza, she walked quickly out the door, turning to say to Winston and Vincent, "And-and I don't need help. I really don't. But...thanks, I guess."

(Madeleine Smith continued elsewhere.)

Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:47 am
by Namira
Winston stood there and listened to Kent's rant, which seemed to grow more pompous and more redundant with every new word that was added to it. His reputation, from what Winston had heard of it around Bayview had it right. Kent really was a massive jerk, although then again, Winston had picked that up from Kent's delight in making Madeleine cry.

"I have a quick newsflash Kent - I sing because I want to, not to get approval from people, especially you," This wasn't usually how Winston acted, but damn, Kent had got him angry. "Still, with a glowing personality like yours, I see why you've got 'so many' friends. Wow, just wow. You're so obnoxious that you don't even know it yourself."

Winston turned from Kent in much the same way that the other had done to him and laughed as he began walking away.

"Go ahead with your monologue. I figure you've got plenty of practice, seenas nobody wants to stay in the same room as you...

Why'd that have to get so nasty...?

((Winston continued in Master Exploder))

Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:47 am
by Wash*
Vincent snorted with unpleasant laughter. God help me I love this place. Like shoving your head into a big bag of crazy. He yawned and took a big bite out of his pizza, noting with distaste that it was beginning to go cold.

He was amazed at just how quickly it had all blown up. That Winston kid... singer or no, there was something slightly off-kilter there. Still, anyone who reacted that hilariously to a shithead like Kent had earned themselves, well, something. Vincent resolved to buy him a drink at the next Blank Nation gig where they weren't I.Ding. Least I could do for something that entertaining.

Maddie. Whatever her name was. The crying one. Cute. Vulnerable. Nice ass. That was definitely worth pursuing. Guess I have to start keeping an eye on the corners of rooms.

With a protracted sigh and another illicit chuckle, Vincent sauntered off.

((Vincent Murdoch continued elsewhere))

Re: Singalong

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 8:48 am
by Parzel*
Considering everyone had swiftly left, Kent shrugged and looked to his monologue, after all the events, he really could not be bothered to go along with it. He stuffed the monologue into the bag and threw it over his shoulders.

"Well, fuck them! Come in here interuptin' me and fuckin' my monologue up!"

Kent stomped off towards the exit, slightly disgruntled. He needed an drink to cool off, he headed towards the food court with a few friends of his, hopefully he could calm down there.

(Kent Chirper Continued Elsewhere.)