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Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:56 am
by Moth*
"Everyone's got something they don't like about themself..."

Celeste chuckled under her breath at John's statement. He sounded like a parent just then, or a guidance counselor. "Yeah...I know," she sighed. But he was wrong. She didn't dislike how she looked. She out-and-out hated it. Easy, girl...Just another obstacle to oversome. Celeste drew in another shuddering breath.

"You should be glad you don't have to worry about your weight, or acne. Or think guys talk to you 'cause you have big boobs."

Now she laughed again, a bit louder. Something about the way he'd said that just seemed funny to her. Especially the words "boobs." The blush on his face certainly didn't help matter, either. "Well, that is true...I don't have to complain about any boys trying to feel me up, either," she admitted, still sore but in a slightly better mood. Granted she even found that irritating, but still...better than being stalked by perverts all the time. No, she might've attracted a different type of pervert. "But that's another thing...If I want a boy to talk to me," she began, sitting up on her knees in the chair and leaning against John further. SHe bumped her forehead against his, smiling and shutting her eyes. "Then I have to take first step. And make sure they know I ain't a little kid." And, taking yet another step, Celeste leaned forward and kissed his nose. She'd let him get flustered a bit, give an innocent kiss. Maybe give him a better one later, depending on his reaction. Celeste giggled again. "You're sweet, John."

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:56 am
by Acelister*
"Well, that is true...I don't have to complain about any boys trying to feel me up, either,"

"Yeah..." John nodded, though the words 'boobs' and 'feel me up' did nothing to cure his hidden 'problem'. He was starting to wonder if he was gay. But if girls turned him on and guys did too...

"But that's another thing...If I want a boy to talk to me," she started, shifting onto her knees. John was about to question her before she was close enough to kiss again, her breath breaking on his face. It was taco-scented, but he certainly didn't mind that.
"Then I have to take first step. And make sure they know I ain't a little kid." she stated before her lips kissed his nose. John blushed fiercely at that. The last person to do that was the guy at that party. And he had enjoyed reliving that moment, and the half-hour that followed, several times in the privacy of his own bedroom.

"You're sweet, John." she told him, her eyes closed and forehead still to his.

"W-well, I... I wouldn't have m-made the first move... I mean, step, 'cause I didn't see you..." he told her, hating that he's stuttering. "And I... I don't usually... Uhm... Talk to people in the food court..."

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Moth*
Aw, he was stuttering! That was just too cute...Celeste chuckled again, very quietly, before kissing his nose again. Naw, just tease him a little bit more... She'd keep giving him chaste kisses for a while, then gradually build up to a more passionate one. That was how you reeled someone in, anyway...Like the frog in boiling water. Increase the temperature a little bit at a time, and they wouldn't even notice what was heppening until it was too late.

"And I... I don't usually..." John continued to stutter. "Uhm... Talk to people in the food court..."

"You don't, now?" Celeste laughed under her breath, pulling away just enough to look into his eyes without crossing her own. She smiled again, sticking her tongue out playfully, just the tip, and shook her head. "Well, here's the problem...You ned to talk to more people, so they'll know you and like you. S'how you get a nice, hot girlfriend," she offered, sounding like she was giving away from great, mysterious advice. She nodded her head, acting completely serious before she leaned forward again. Quickly, she planted one more kiss on John's nose before kissing him on the lips.

"And take more steps, see?" she whispered to him. What'll you do now, Big Guy?

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Acelister*
"You don't, now?" Celeste asked before pulling back and sticking her tongue out a little. John shook his head a little.

"Well, here's the problem...You ned to talk to more people, so they'll know you and like you. S'how you get a nice, hot girlfriend,"
John nodded in agreement before she kissed his nose then quickly kissed his lips. He froze in place, a surprised look on his face. She kissed him! Maybe she missed his nose....

"And take more steps, see?" she whispered, removing doubt from his mind. He pulled away very slightly - he wasnct used to this and he was drunk the last time anything similar happened to him. He wanted to stay. But also leave. But as he was currently almost holding the table up with his crotch, he didn't dare.

"I..." he tried to speak, his body shaking a little with the mixed emotions. "Are you... Asking me... Out...?"

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Moth*
When John pulled away from her, staring at her almost nervously, Celeste was afraid for a moment. Afraid she'd come on a bit too strong for him. Ugh, stupid girl! she scolded herself, blushing in embarrassment, wanting to cry. She didn't though, not wanting to make a scene right here in public. And why was she so worked up over this one, anyway? it...shouldn't be too bad, right?

But then, ridding any fear Celeste had, John managed to get out, "Are you... Asking me... Out...?" Oh, he was definitely nervous, the way he was shaking so much.

Celeste's eyes went wide for a split-second before she smiled again, nodding. "Uhm...Yes! Yes, I am!" She quickly leaned forward, hugging him tightly and rubbing her face against his chest. "See, you took a step just now, too!" And he had! After all, she'd just been flirting with him, giving him little kisses, and he actually said the words. At least, that was how Celeste saw it. She nuzzled him a bit more for good measure and finally pulled away, beaming. "I am asking you out, John. So...what do you say?"

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Acelister*
"Uhm...Yes! Yes, I am! See, you took a step just now, too!"
John blushed as she nuzzled and hugged him all over his chest. She was dangerously close to finding the tent in his lap...

"I am asking you out, John. So...what do you say?"

John's eyes widened as he started to stutter a reply. But what should he reply?

'I'm so gay, but get accidentally aroused by females' sounded fairly untrue and hurtful.
'I would love to! Want my virginity? *snog*' just wasn't him.
'Uhm, sure?' didn't seem certain.
'Hell no!' - well, that was all kinds of wrong.

"That sounds nice." he nodded. His voice was surprisingly calm and natural, surprising even himself. "I'm a bit inexperienced, though... So... Be warned..."

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Moth*
Celeste waited for those long moments while John considere dhis reply. During that whole time, she never once broke eye contact, making sure she was a reasomable distance from his face and that her eyes weren't too wide and probing. She couldn't afford to ruin it by staring at him, making him more uncomfortable than he already was. Besides, she'd learned from her sister that staring after asking for a date was, apparently, a deal-breaker. Of course, she would know, Celeste couldn't help thinking bitterly. Lucky girl getting all teh look and boys falling over her and--

"That sounds nice." John's voice brok eher away from her thoughts.

"Really?" Celeste couldn't help asking, blinking as another smile worked its way over her face. He sounded so calm about it, too...She wodnered how John had done that. He was shaking and stuttering not a minute ago.

"I'm a bit inexperienced, though... So... Be warned..."

The tiny girl shook her head, giggling a little bit, immensely pleased with this course of events. "Oh, inexpereince is alright by me, John," she told him, trying to sound reassuring. "Besides, I think it's sweet," she whispered. Inexpereinced boys were sweet, though. It was fun seeing them being all shy and cute, and Celeste could act almos tlike a teacher for them!

"So, is there anything you have in mind for it?" she purred. "Oh, but we could meet at my house, if you want."

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Acelister*
"Oh, inexpereince is alright by me, John,"

John felt his cheeks redden at that, not knowing how to take that comment. Did she mean it as he did? Or as in sex?

"Besides, I think it's sweet," she whispered, making him wonder even more! It ensured he had to remain seated, that was for sure.

"So, is there anything you have in mind for it? Oh, but we could meet at my house, if you want."

"Well... What do you wanna do?" he asked. "You have food here, so I can't take you out to eat yet... We could see a movie? Or we can get to know each other better?"

His eyes widened as he realised what other meaning that sentence had. "Uhm, not in... In that... Uhm, way..." he stuttered. 'Great - back to stuttering...'

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Moth*
Hmmm...what did she want to do? Celeste was a bit taken aback by John appparently deciding to go out at that moment (what else did he mean by his statement about the food?), but whatever worked. As long as she got to go on a date with him, any time was fine! As long as it wasn't too far away...

"We could see a movie? Or we can get to know each other better?"

"Well...I don't know how a movie sounds, because...well, we wouldn't get to know each other at all, would we?" she asked. That wouldn't be very helpful. Sure it was teh easiest thing, but she wanted to know her conquest! And if she knew him, the chances were higher of actually making him her boyfriend!

Before Celeste could offer up a suggestion, John's eyes went wide. "Uhm, not in... In that... Uhm, way..." he stuttered.

"That way?" she asked, fornwing for a moment before realization dawned. "Oh! Aw, if you wanted to do that, you'd have to wait until at least our second date," Celeste laughed lightly. "How about...We can go rollerskating, if you like?" Rollerskating sounded good to Celeste...people talked as they skated and rested, it was fun, and if two people skated together, there were plenty of oppurtunities for physical contact. To her, it was perfect.

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Acelister*
"Well...I don't know how a movie sounds, because...well, we wouldn't get to know each other at all, would we?" Celeste asked.
John had to chuckle as he shook his head in agreement. "Not really..."

"Oh! Aw, if you wanted to do that, you'd have to wait until at least our second date. How about...We can go rollerskating, if you like?"

John felt his groin want their second date to hurry up - but the rest of him was shy about the fact she'd be willing to put out that fast. And at all!

"That sounds like fun. I can skate." John nodded with a smile. Honestly, he was glad she moved the subject on so fast. "Do you need to get changed? Or do you want to go now?"

He didn't know how good she was, but he also wondered about her tight clothing. The rink wasn't that cold, but a bad fall would show off more than his baggy clothes would.

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Moth*
"Do you need to get changed? Or do you want to go now?"

Celeste backed away from him at last, standing back from the table and looking down at her outfit. Hmm...Well, she hadn't brought her coat today...And there was the chance of the rink being a bit chillier than the mall. And of course, she wasn't sure if she'd be walked home or driven, but if she had to walk, it would definitely be cooler. On one hand, it'd be nice to flaunt what I do got. On the other hand...I can't really enjoy myself, if I'm freezing, can I?

Quickly, Celeste clasped her hands behind her back and flashed John a coy smile. "I think I should change into something a little bit warmer and less revealing. Juuuust to be on the safe side, right?" she laughed. But not too modest, of course, she told herself. She nodded again. "I can meet you in about two hours if you like. I have to go home first, of course, and...well, look nicer." She laughed bit, then glanced back at the table, eyes going wide as she remembered her tacos.

"Awwww!" she cried out, genuinely upset, and she sat back down, rewrapping the taco. "They're all cold now!" Shoot, she couldn't sit here and keep eating, not after saying she should run home! Not after teasing him like that! That'd feel a bit awkward for her. The only thing she could think of was to take them home in a bag. "I'm sorry about that, John," she said, not even knowing what it was she was apologizing for. Quickly, she took the tacos in her hands and stood up, kissing John on the lips again.

"I'll see you later, Big Guy." And then she was off to find a bag for her food. And to get hotter!

((Celeste Beaumont continued elsewhere.))

Re: Having A Rest

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:57 am
by Acelister*
"I think I should change into something a little bit warmer and less revealing. Juuuust to be on the safe side, right? I can meet you in about two hours if you like. I have to go home first, of course, and...well, look nicer."

John wondered if she meant she wanted to cover up more - or reveal more. Just because she wanted to be warmer, didn't mean the clothes would cover any more of her body. Though he was fairly certain the classic 'fur boots and hat' look was only in over-18 images, not everyday use...

"Awwww! They're all cold now. I'm sorry about that, John," Celeste said, kissing him again before he had a chance to ask why she was sorry.

"I'll see you later, Big Guy." she said as she left him to go home. He watched her rear as she walked, but looked away from it before she got out of sight - he needed to get out of his seat before the next two hours. He had to go home and put on some aftershave! He had a date!

He was glad to find he could stand up after only twenty minutes - but he grabbed his stuff and hurried for the exit. He couldn't afford to be late!

((John Smith continued in Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks))