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Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by KamiKaze
Math test? And just after prom?

Bummer! Chase had recently done a math test, and it sucked. She was pretty sure she passed, but that didn't mean it didn't get on her nerves. What's worse is, a lot of things you learn about math most people don't need. But, it was school, and sometimes people really did need to know how to use certain math skills. Chase knew that very well. And it was good to see that he would be happy just being with her.

But, also he wanted to graduate and go to college, obviously. Of course he did, it was a good thing he wanted to do that. If he didn't, there... was probably something wrong about him, admittedly. And the trip! The trip was going to be fun. Chase had forgotten for the moment where exactly they were going, but she remembered the date, due to it falling under another important date. Namely, her 18th birthday. Her parents didn't really want her to go for that reason, because they wanted to celebrate it at home. But, after a bit of pestering, they let her, saying they would celebrate it when she got back.

It was strange, thinking about a special school event that happened to be scheduled on your birthday, and your 18th, at that! It was almost as if some force above wanted interesting things to happen the minute she officially stopped being a teen, and started being an adult. But, actually, now that she thought of it, was she already an adult, or was she still going to be a teen, even when the trip had started?

As she took a large bite of her sandwich, Chase continued thinking about this. An adult, and yet a child... yup, the typical American teenager, lost between the two. It sounded corny, and, to be honest, it was kind of a cliche. But, it was a true cliche.

After swallowing, she spoke again.

"Ah... because I was just thinking... the stars... some people say they t-tell the future, r-right? I p-personally don't believe that, but it's an interesting thought... your entire life. Mapped by stars. They apparently know everythi-ing about your future."

A pause. Chase went to think a bit more about what she wished the stars had to say, and soon opened her mouth, her gaze still transfixed at the sky.

"I h-hope the stars have something nice to say about me, if they really can. I... I'm planning to graduate, go to college, and become a teach... a teacher. It's the only job that-at sounds like something I could do, you know?"

God, she prayed that Jon was following this conversation, again. She really did not want to explain the concept a bit more than she needed to.

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by gambit508*
"I h-hope the stars have something nice to say about me, if they really can. I... I'm planning to graduate, go to college, and become a teach... a teacher. It's the only job that-at sounds like something I could do, you know?"

Jon nodded, "That sounds like a good job" He frowned. "Hmm, I'm actually thinking of going into script-writing, for thriller and stuff" Jon said as he leaned back, "I never really followed astrology, I mean I know my sign and all that, but no idea what it means." Jon grinned as he remembered his birthday two weeks ago, "Heh, that's funny, you asked me to prom the day after my birthday, when's yours?" he asked, glancing at Chase as he took a sip of his drink. He frowned. "Hmm, I'm actually thinking of going into script-writing, for thriller and stuff"

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by KamiKaze
Scripting writing, eh?

"Sounds fun", Chase remarked, opening the can and taking a sip of her own drink.

So, if/when he ever struck in big in the the industry, she should look into his work, huh? She wondered if he had already begun to write scripts for practice. If he had, could he one day show her them?

And, well, Chase didn't know much about astrology, either. Heck, she didn't even know her sign! She believed it was a Taurus or Gemini or Cancer or... something. Dang, she should really look that up when she got home. Maybe see what her horoscope was for the day? Sure, why not?

Wait wait wait. It was his birthday?! Why didn't he say anything? Of course, she was just some girl, but somehow she didn't know. God, she was an idiot. Either that, or he simply didn't tell her or anyone else. Well, she had to congratulate him, now or never.

"Well, happy late birthday", she said, a small smile once again forming.

Now he wanted to know when her birthday was. Well, might as well tell him, right? Right right? Good idea, then.

"Ah... my b-birthday... I'll be 18 on the day of... erm... the trip..."

Another pause came from her. Uh oh. What if it came off as her begging for gifts or something? That would be bad, and extremely unattractive. And so, she spoke again.

"But... um... youdon'thavetogetmeanythingifyoudon'twantto!", she blurted out very quickly, raising her hands in front of her and waving awkwardly.

Dang dang dang... what if he felt obligated to? Chase felt kind of bad at the thought. He didn't need to spend so much money on her, especially since she was already probably going to get a ton of gifts from friends and family anyways. She didn't know how many, but who knew? Overall, she didn't want him to get her anything unless he wanted to. It wasn't mandatory, after all.

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by gambit508*
Jon nodded as Chase wished him a belated birthday. "Yeah, thanks for the present" he said, distant before shaking his head as he sighed. The food was slowly dwindling and the drinks were equally gone, they were really reduced to talking now, and looking at the stars. He leaned back as Chase quickly waved her hands as she stammered that he didn't need to get her anything. "I'll get you something anyway, what do you like?" he asked, wiping his forehead as he did. He was really hot in this thing, why did it have to be a warm night. Jon unbottoned his coat and eased out of it as he undid the buttons of his shirt, letting the cool wind hit his bare pale hairless chest.

He leaned back as he glanced back at Chase, "Sorry, it was getting really hot, ya know?'

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by KamiKaze
"Uh... um..."

Dang! He really did feel obligated to. After all, he wanted to know what she would like. Oh dear. Now what? Well... what could she say? Chase didn't really want anything in particular. He could find something nice, if he wanted. But, Chase would feel REALLY bad if it turned out to be something pricey, like... well, she didn't know. Like expensive jewelry or clothes?

Dang dang dang. She needed to think. Chase paused to herself to think of a reply.

Eventually, she spoke.

"Erm... ah.... again, y-you don't have to get me anything. But... if you see something n-nice, that you think I might like, feel free to. I particularly like things that are fairly d... dark."

God, she sounded pathetic here, with not only her trademark little stutter, but what exactly she was saying. Dang, could she spend one second not sounding like Max Headroom? A dorky Max Headroom? And it didn't seem like the stuttering or awkwardness was going to get better in any way. Sure, she could practice speaking all she wants, but the stuttering awkwardness was going to return the next day, just like that cat in that song. It wasn't fair how some people were able to talk normally without concern, really. Chase hoped that one day, she could be just like them, but she had a feeling that day would never come.

And.... just to make things more awkward...

Jon promptly unbuttoned his jacket, and then his shirt.

Was he... was he... trying to "entice" her, if that's the best term? Sure, he said it was hot, but what if it was an excuse? Normally, Chase would ogle all she wanted at a man's bare chest, due to how much she liked men in general, but once again, she felt shy, and started staring down at the blanket. What if he really did want to use her as a living sex toy until he found something more interesting? What then? What would happen if...

No! Don't think about that! It was a horrible thought!

But... she had to ask...

Feeling her cheeks get warm from blushing again, she tried several more attempts at speaking. When she finally was able to speak, Chase got the words out.

"Are you... trying to f-flirt with me? Kinda sorta?"

There. Not too straightfoward, not too accusatory, not too ambiguous. Now let's see how Jon reacted.

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by gambit508*
"Are you... trying to f-flirt with me? Kinda sorta?"

If Jon had turned any redder than he did right then, he would of gone past the color sprectum. He shook his head furiosuly. "N-no, I really d-did feel a l-little w-warm" he said as he buttoned up his shirt, "Sorry if I made you feel bad, I didn't mean to do that" he said as he sat in awkardness for a bit.

"So, you like dark stuff? Like movies, cause er" Jonathan mentally cursed the gods of horror, whoever they were, for a second before continuing "Prom Night came out recently" he said as he fiddled with his collar

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:47 pm
by KamiKaze
Jon seemed to fidget, and then buttoned his shirt back up. He seemed almost as embarrassed as she was! Of course he should be awkward; he was the one who exposed his chest while asking her what she wanted, after all. That was about the most awkward combination of actions and words ever, that she could think of. But, apparently it was hot. It didn't seem so hot to Chase, though, and she was wearing mostly black.

What if he really was the type to use her as a sex doll- NO STOP THAT.

As the awkwardness continued, he then asked her about movies. Movies? Yeah, movies. Well, Prom Night just came out, as he pointed out. She... hadn't actually seen it yet. But, according to some of the reviews, it wasn't that good. Perhaps she could rent it, and watch it on DVD instead? Perhaps.

"Ah... haven't seen it. Ac.. according to the reviews, some crit... crit... critics don't find it very good. I'm thinking about getting it on... DVD, if you catch my drift. But... yeah... I like scary movies..."

As she looked up at the stars yet another time, she suddenly had a thought. What time was it? How long had they been there? Were her parents worried? After all, they seemed kind of concerned back at the house. Were they expecting her home about now?

At that thought, suddenly she jumped up on her feet.

"Jon! My parents... they should be expecting me h-home any minute now. Should... should we h-head back? I don't... w-want to worry them."

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:48 pm
by gambit508*
"Ah... haven't seen it. Ac.. according to the reviews, some crit... crit... critics don't find it very good. I'm thinking about getting it on... DVD, if you catch my drift. But... yeah... I like scary movies..."

Jon waved his hand, "Critics usually give those types of movies poor scores" he said as Chase suddenly started, causing him to glance at her oddly.

"Jon! My parents... they should be expecting me h-home any minute now. Should... should we h-head back? I don't... w-want to worry them."

Jon smacked his forehead, "Right, I need to get home anyway, got a math test to study for, ya know?" he said as he rose from the blanket, grabbing the cooler and bag

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:48 pm
by KamiKaze
Well, he needed to study for his test anyways, so he needed to get home, too. Sounded good to her.

As Jon grabbed the food and cooler, she grabbed the blanket, folding it up the best she could. Well, she wasn't going to sit back and let him do all the work, really. Chase just... wasn't that type of girl.

Placing it in the back of the car, she then went to the front passenger side, and placed herself down in the seat.

Well, was this date a success? Depends on what you call "success".

On one hand, he seemed interested in her. After all, he didn't seem to hate her, or go with her simply out of pity. Heck, he even wanted to be a couple. On the other, she wasn't sure if she trusted him that much yet. For all she knew, he could turn out to be... well, a douchebag to her. Would someone with more experience in dating please tell her the answer? It was still up in the air, after all. Plus, the whole thing seemed... awkward, to say the least.

Perhaps... she could ask Lexie or Brendan? Or possibly both? After all, she was sure that they would have more information that would help her. They probably didn't know everything, but it was worth talking to them about it. They were her friends, after all, and should know what's up, at the very least.

Sighing to herself, Chase then forced a smile as best as she could.

"Well, let's head home, yes?"

((Anna Chase continued elsewhere))

Re: Looking at Stars is Still Romantic Right?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:48 pm
by gambit508*
Jon nodded as he put the cooler and bags in the trunk of the car, taking his seat in the front as he pulled out the key, turning it as the engine started. "Sooo" he said as they drove back toward Chase's home. "I'm sorry I'm not good at this, it's been awhile since I've been on a date" he mumbled as he drove off.

(Jonathan Jarockin continued elsewhere)