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Re: Scientist Studies

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:32 pm
by Parzel*
The bell ringed through his ears, he sighed in relief, finally the lesson on electromagnetic was over. He had learnt a total of… nothing, zilch, zero. The problem with the laid back teachers was it gave Kent an excuse to not listen to anything she said. He Didn't have much of a relationship with Mrs. Ottman, she knew he had potential, but he never showed it or was to lazy to. Even Kent knew this, he just put minimal effort in and passed on that.

He stood up, placing the tattered exercise and text book in his bag. He looked up, the Russian girl was smiling and thanking Abigail, who was helping her. Kent stood, and walked towards the exit, stopping to drop a few words to the new girl.

"Thank you" The Russian girl had said to Abigail, Kent leaned in, glaring an arrogant grin. "You're Welcome, Perchusha" He said, mispronouncing her name, obviously he knew that the thank you was not directed upon him, but Kent for some reason liked being awkward, hopefully he would confuse the girl, which was be quite humorous for himself.

Kent walked outside, pulling out a crumpled timetable and skimming over the lessons. He saw what he had next and headed towards the lesson, talking to a few people he saw and grouping with them.

(Kent Chirper Continued Elsewhere)

Re: Scientist Studies

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:32 pm
by landlocked*
Abigail once again found herself jumping in fright with a startled 'Eep!' when the bell rang, but the shock subsided before she even had a chance to be embarrassed for herself, and her mind immediately began working a mile a minute. Gotta write downt the assignment! Time to pack up! What class was next again? Did she have time to stop by her locker before she got there? Would that make her late, oh god, she couldn't be late, that'd be terrible, wasn't there a quiz next period?

She looked back up from her slightly frenzied packing when Petrushka addressed her, and couldn't stop herself from smiling once again. "It was no problem at all," she told her reassuringly, "Your English isn't too bad, I was-"


Whooooops, better not finish that one. Telling Petrushka she'd been worried about how difficult explaining the questions to her would be was probably not the best thing to say right now. Still, Abigail had definitely been impressed with the way Petrushka had picked up on it - maybe she didn't understand fully, but she definitely hadn't done too badly for herself.

...But a lot of that was due to the fact that Abigail had helped her, she noted, swelling a bit with pride...

"You're welcome, Perchusha"

...Before deflating more out of confusion than anything else.

...Well... whatever. She laughed it off. Kent always was an odd one...

"Maybe I should tutor him on how to pronounce your name right next."

She was about to take off for her next class before taking a deep breath and remembering that there was plenty of time. Calm down already, it's just at the other end of the hallway. Besides, how could she just leave Petrushka standing here?

"Hey, listen, uhh..." Abigail struggled a bit with thinking of something friendly to say that didn't sound like a non-sequitor, until a thought occurred to her. She fumbled around in her pocket for a bit before taking out a scrap of paper and scribbling her phone number on it. "Let me know if you need any help on the homework or anything. Or, you know, if you just want to talk. Anyway... I gotta run, don't want to be late, but I'll see you later!"

And with that, she dashed out the door and off to her next class, still a bit more hastily than she would've liked.

All right, AP Lit's next, and then gym... if I get this assignment done as soon as I get home I can definitely make it in time to see Grey's Anatomy and maybe catch up on LOST...

((Abigail Atkins continued elsewhere))

Re: Scientist Studies

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:32 pm
by R-S-Lee*
[font=Arial]"Try doing it yourself"[/font]

"Shut up. Eric Cartman proved that in America, it's okay to cheat. As long as you cheat your way to the top." Wayne replied with a soft hiss, barely resisting the urge to imitate Eric Cartman's offensive Hispanic accent.

David was not somebody that Wayne knew well. He was just some random jock. Another face in the hallways. Hell, Wayne wasn't even sure if he'd get the South Park reference, but he really didn't care what the guy had to say.

[font=Geneva]"Nuclear Magnetic Recons... Hold on. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance... I think"[/font]

"Thanks man. I owe you." Wayne replied, copying down the answer. With that done, he moved on the next question.

It wasn't long before the class had ended. Wayne simply packed up his books and headed off. New class, new pain in the ass. He just had to get through this day.

((Wayne West Continued elsewhere))

Re: Scientist Studies

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:32 pm
by Super Llama*
Petrushka smiled at Abigail's compliment, zipping up her backpack. "I am sorry if I got in the way at al-"

"You're welcome, Perchusha"

Petrushka reared back as Kent leaned in, taking the credit as well as mispronouncing her name. She didn't really get why her name was so hard for people here to get. But then again, it was her own name. It would be odd if she had trouble pronouncing it.

" is Petrus..." Kent didn't really seem to care, though, as he walked out the door. Suddenly, the sound of laughter came from Abigail, helping to ease the confusion.

"Maybe I should tutor him on how to pronounce your name right next."

"Maybe." Petrushka responded, laughing a bit herself. After a moment, the laughter dissolved into an awkward pause, leaving the Russian girl wonder if she should say something. When she opened her mouth to speak, though, Abigail beat her to it.

"Let me know if you need any help on the homework or anything. Or, you know, if you just want to talk. Anyway... I gotta run, don't want to be late, but I'll see you later!" Petrushka took the piece of paper with Abigail's phone number on it, looking down to read it before catching her rushing out the door.

"Ah...Âû!" Petrushka shouted after Abigail, leaving just her and Mrs. Ottmann, who was erasing the whiteboard.

"Well, looks like you got yourself a friend." The teacher commented. "And on your first day. Lucky you, eh?"

Petrushka turned towards the teacher. She hadn't really thought of it like that. She'd been too busy trying to figure out the schoolwork to think of her as anything other than a fellow classmate who decided to give her a hand. Still, Abigail seemed like an alright person.

"Now you better hurry up. You don't want to be late for your next class."

"R-right!" Petrushka said as she hurried out the door herself, reaching for the schedule in her backpack's front pocket to see what her next class was.

{{continued elsewhere}}