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Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Arscapi*
Thea quickly jotted down the high points of the meeting, often using her own unique abbreviations. She stopped for a second, assuming that prom issues were closed. Not that they'd done much about them. Max had just delegated assignments to everyone else. Way to lead there Mr. President she thought. By the time her attention wandered back to the matter at hand Brook had brought up the subject of the DJ. Seriously, we're just now getting around to that? Sighing softly she flipped back through her notes. Finding what she was looking for was easy, as on a whim, she'd decided to highlight anything DJ related in bright pink highlighter.

Waiting a moment for anyone else to chime in she began to summarize. "We decided on a DJ before Winter Break. I have here the approval from the principal, with the understanding that he sees the final playlist. I'm assuming he'll okay as long as the DJ plays the 'editted' versions some of the songs. I was thinking the actual playlist was something that our communication and affairs ministers could handle. "

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Solitair*
-Check menu with caterers for vegan, g-less, l-less options etc

Roland finished off his meager checklist and looked up at Laverne. Looks like the two of them would be working together for a while. He gave her a nod and looked back around the group, seeing if there was anything else to contribute.

Li- sorry, "Brook" seemed a bit irritated, but not for long. It was only the prospect of vegan food that annoyed him, and Roland could certainly understand that. Everyone else was pretty quiet, jotting down notes in some cases, but mostly listening and seeing what everyone would do next. Clearly it was up to him to break the silence, since it seemed no one else would.

But what to talk about? Well, it was either the matter of the DJ, which seemed settled to him, or... waitaminute.

Roland didn't remember a recent article in the school paper about budget cuts to the arts. For a guy who prides himself on staying informed, it was unusual to find an article - one relevant to his area, mind you - that someone had gotten to before him. It was easily fixed by picking up a paper, but in the meantime... sigh. He had to actually ask for clarification.

"So, Max," he asked. "I don't think I've read that article. Just how unreasonable was the tone? I mean, how have these funds been allocated?" This was a reasonable question to ask; funds weren't his department, so he wouldn't know. Then again, nor would it matter to him, so maybe it wasn't a reasonable question after all.

He furrowed his brows in irritation. He was panicking over nothing. Just because he forgot to read an article immediately didn't mean he was losing his touch. He was still the most informed student he knew of.

Roland quickly clammed up and hoped that someone would respond to his questions.

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Pigeon Army*
Max's gaze turned to Brooks as he piped up about the DJ for Prom. Max was pretty sure they'd covered it all last week, right down to the nixing of any possible appearance of Peaches on the playlist, but Max let Brooks ask the question anyway - a bit of clarification was always good.

Thea seemed to think otherwise, a judgmental sigh emanating from her mouth and filling the room. Max restrained himself from rolling his eyes - while he would never go so far as to say he disliked Thea, her attitude towards her fellow Council members left something to be desired. "We decided on a DJ before Winter Break. I have here the approval from the principal, with the understanding that he sees the final playlist. I'm assuming he'll okay as long as the DJ plays the 'editted' versions some of the songs. I was thinking the actual playlist was something that our communication and affairs ministers could handle."

"Good idea," Max agreed, and turned to Tristan. "You good with that, Tristan? We just need to make sure the playlist is PG-friendly." He chuckled at the thought of a neutered high-school prom, and then redirected his focus back on the conversation at hand. Roland had seized the day, so to speak, taking the initiative and moving everyone away from Prom and on to the school newspaper.

"So, Max, I don't think I've read that article. Just how unreasonable was the tone? I mean, how have these funds been allocated?"

"Well," Max said, shuffling in his seat, "It's Griffin again, and everyone knows Griffin's default stance is viciously confrontational. As to the funds, senior management haven't sat down and had a talk with me per se about it yet, but I had a brief discussion with Kendrick yesterday and he told me that all that had happened was that because there wasn't a Barbershop squad going to any competitions this year, the funds usually allocated towards that had been shifted to the football team. After all, we know how quickly they drain resources. It's nothing big, but as I said, Griffin's a damn bulldog at the best of times."

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Candescence*
Tristan continued to listen intently. So far, he really had nothing to suggest, which he found disappointing, he wanted to actually contribute. But then Max asks if he's okay with organizing the music playlist. He sat forward, smiling. "Hey, no problem, I have some ideas in my head, myself." No, he's actively avoiding the consideration of filling the playlist with video game music, that would be awfully silly. But he'd be able to come up with a PG playlist, no question. He was already coming up with ideas.

Of course, some of them, he had to bang his knuckles against his forehead to tell himself not to give them a second thought. "No, you are not going to rickroll the entire student body!" He thought to himself. That would also be very silly indeed.

Then came talk of that article, and Griffin. It was a shame to him that the arts had a budget cut, all the same. Oh, dear. "Oh, Griffin. Why am I not surprised?"

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook leaned his head on one of his hands, which in turn was supported by his elbow. "You're not suprised because Bayview likes to suck all the fun out of things like a succubus?" He smirked at his own joke and looked around the table, stopping at Max. He couldn't help if he was getting bored with these things, but the only reason he ran for this job in the first place was so he could throw issue after issue at the school about fixing up the appearance... groundskeeping, repair, that sort of thing. The academics were fine, the sports didn't need any more money (Brook had some bitterness towards the hockey team for a similar reason), and yet the grounds could've still used a little work.

He had already been immensely satisfied to see that there had been some improvements, though it wasn't anything that FDR would be proud for... nothing THAT drastic. Maybe if he could pitch another idea that would help things along. Maybe-

The boy woke up from his little stupor, which he hoped had only lasted a few seconds, and covered it up by trying to stay on topic. "Anyway, there's really no problem with a PG setlist. Hell, you can even get some Alice in Chains or Kobain up in it, so faculty friendly doesn't have to mean 'lame'." Brook developed a bit of a goofy grin after starting on the subject of music; a grin like this one generally meant he was going to say something completely ridiculous. "Ooh... hey guys, can we put some bagpipe music in the setlist? Pretty please?" He laughed even before the anticipated 'no' was uttered.

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Arscapi*
Looking up from the notes that were quickly becoming illegiable. Succubus, really? Someone's seriously been studying for the SATs. Of course, the only reason Thea knew the answer was that she'd been studying for the SATs herself.

Thea paused and looked back on the notes she'd taken. She made a face at the fact that they were skipping subjects, which meant that she's have to go back and rewrite them. I wonder if I can talk my parents into getting me a laptop.
As she reread the notes she realized that she'd managed to avoid any prom-related responsibilities. Wow and I wasn't even trying. I guess it pays to not get along with the president. It's not like I don't already have enough on my plate. She smirked to herself satisfied. She quickly schooled her features hoping that no one else would notice what she had and then give her an assignment.

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Pigeon Army*
A few jokes about the PG Prom Playlist and the requisite groans upon Griffin's name being brought up indicated that the Council was starting to get restless, so Max made an executive decision to speed through the remaining couple of points and get onto the Council's Gift to the School, something that had to be sorted today.

"I know," Max said in reply to Tristan, his exasperation with the incorrigible features writer clear. "So, I'll talk to Griffin tomorrow and get him to back off - Roland, if you could come with me, we'll catch him outside his English class before lunch, k?" Max wasn't one to be menacing, but it always helped to have Roland with him when he corrected people on their fallacious assertions regarding the management of the school.

Max then clapped, indicating that the issue was solved and that moving on was in order. "So," he began, "we've got two more things to deal with before we deal with the stuff you guys have - cafetorium prices and the gift to the school from us. I'm not sure we can do anything about the prices - Mike and Max, can you check that out? - but if we can, that might be something to look into. The lolly cake is absurdly expensive. As to the gift, it's got to be something nice and conservative so that we don't offend any delicate sensibilities in management, heh, but it should stand out. Anyone got anything in mind?"

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:00 am
by Solitair*
Roland nodded and folded his arms. "Sure thing, Max. You can count on me to set him straight." Griffin rather annoyed Roland. His journalism struck Roland as irresponsible, and seemed to resemble an op-ed page more than an actual news piece. Not that Roland wanted his news to be completely sterile and objective, but Griffin was no Spider Jerusalem.

Then came the matter of the gift. He just shrugged and looked around the room. "A statue, maybe? Nothing big, something we can afford. I'm sure we can find something tasteful and pretty for the faculty." He'd been browsing on the internet and came across a photo gallery of artistic statues, and some of them looked pretty sweet.

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by Arscapi*
Thea absently bit the end of her pen as she thought about the latest question put before them. She thought back to the practice she'd just left. "How about a mural, or maybe just like a painting? Something to go on the outside of the gym, like Bayview with our mascot or something," she offered and then went back to documenting the conversation.

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by Pigeon Army*
((Wind this up - everyone just disappeared. Image ))

Max nodded at both Roland's and Thea's suggestions - while Roland's was good, and would undoubtedly get them remembered by latter student bodies, Thea's was far more practical and intelligent a solution. Max jotted Thea's idea down, and then turned to the council. "I'm liking Thea's idea," he offered as guidance, "So if anyone has a pr"BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Max checked his watch as the shrill bell punctured through the eardrums of all in the room, and saw the watch hand ticking over into next period. He quickly looked at up and began throwing everything he had into his satchel as he rattled out a sign-off. "Okay everyone, we'll wrap it up here today same time tomorrow sound good for everyone so we can make this decision good? Good see you then everyone I will catch you all later" and with that Max Neill picked up his satchel and dashed out of the room before he was late for his next class as his Biology teacher was a damn bulldog of an educator.

((Max Neill continued elsewhere))

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"Aaaaaaaugh!" Brook groaned, holding his head. That stupid bell always... ALWAYS... got him off guard, and he was just about sick and tired of it. Well, at the very least, it meant this ridiculous meeting was over. As Brook stood up, collecting his things and sorting them into his backpack, he mulled over the past year as Student Council vice president. It was a passable year, and the job itself wasn't horrible, but now that his tenure was coming to a close just as high school itself was, each meeting became more and more redundant. Perhaps he was just getting frustrated with responsibility, which made him wonder how he was going to fare in the real world.

"Just stop worrying, one day at a time," Brook muttered to himself under the scream of the bell, walking out of the room. Life would be too much of a hassle if he lived it any other way.

((Liam "Brook" Brooks continued elsewhere))

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by Solitair*
Roland stretched and rose from his seat, reaching for his backpack and putting it on. "Alright ya'll, see you next time. That is, if there is a next time before the year ends. I'll have to check." He got up and walked out the door, ready to follow Max and Brook's lead, but first turned to Laverne.

"Hey Laverne, I got something I need to talk to you in private about. Call me, alright?" He nodded and smiled, then left the room. Hopefully things with her would go according to plan...

((Roland Hayes continued elsewhere))

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by Arscapi*
Thea stood and set her backpack on her chair so she could slip the notebook and her pen back into her bag. She smiled as she watched Brook jump at the bell. Seriously, how long has he been here and the bell's still surprise him? Deciding that in this case apparently the bell did dismiss them, especially since the vice president had already disappeared, she tossed her backpack over her shoulder and headed for the door.

Thea rolled her eyes at Roland's last comment. Since when did the school year end with prom? She didn't know about him, but she was planning on hanging around for graduation, which they might get to give some input in. Much closer than that was the senior trip, to put finishing touches on as well as the gift.

She sighed softly. "Later guys," she said and then she too was out the door.

((Thea Kairos continued She Shook Me Cold))

Re: A Few Administration Issues

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:01 am
by Candescence*
Wait, the bell's already rung?

Tristan looked at his watch. Huh. This was a surprise. Maybe he just didn't really notice. Oh, well. He shoved the book back into his bag, taking said bag off the floor, and put it on his back. "Alrighty then, that's cool. Tomorrow it is, then. We've got plenty to work on, after all."

As he began to walk out of the room with the rest, he began to ponder what kind of music to pick for the prom. A PG playlist sounded kinda tricky. Owl City, maybe? Eh. He'll figure something out somehow.

((Tristan Matthews continued elsewhere))