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Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Jonny*
"It's not exactly life threatening." Julian nodded at JJ's statement, but chose not to make an immediate reply. It seemed like the storm of "hey did you kill yourself, I think you just killed yourself" statements was wearing on him, so a change in subject was probably order. Alright, fair enough, but what to change it to?

Seemingly out of nowhere, Tenser blew past Julian and the rest of the group, ending his somewhat impressive but ultimately very confusing maneuver with a backflip off the gym wall. Julian flinched back a little when Tenser ran past him, then observed the proceedings with mild amusement. "I suppose you all should be thankful that there is a pair of pants underneath my sparring outfit," the kid said. "Anyone care to top that?"

Yeah, that counted as a change of subject.

Though that kind of arrogant flashiness was obviously a dick move-- or at least a desperate cry for attention-- Julian was actually very grateful that Tenser had done it. Julian could deal with arrogant dicks and pitiful attention seekers much better than he could deal with scary stoic Bond villains, so this was progress. Very odd and just slightly pathetic progress, as the kid apparently thought he was some sort of anime hero, but progress nonetheless.

"Nah, I can't top that man... That was a pretty nice backflip," said JJ. Julian couldn't tell right off the bat whether JJ meant it, but even if he didn't, the intention of pretending was a good one. "I can't even do a normal jump properly, let alone something like that."

Julian laughed heartily and nodded in assent. "Yeah, I really don't think I could either. All my friends would probably faceplant too. Y'know, come to think of it..." Julian slowly let the wide grin fade from his face, turning to Tenser and regarding him with curiosity and slight awe. "Come to think of it, I've never seen anyone move like that. I mean, I heard about in legends and all, but..." Julian took a step back, then slowly turned to the others, doing his best to keep his expression and tone dead serious.

"Could this child, this Adam Tenser... be the Chosen One? As foretold in the prophecy?"

And that's where Julian's self-control failed. He let himself burst into a smile and let out some muted laughter. He turned to Tenser again and clapped once. "Naw man, seriously. Those ninja tactics you got are badass and all, but they ain't necessary. If you want some company, just go ahead and ask. Your name's Adam, right? I'm Julian." He extended his hand to Tenser, doing his best to look disarming and slightly impressed.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by landlocked*
"Ha, sorry JJ, I'm just being an ass," Justin said playfully, "I've definitely seen people hurt themselves worse than that before. I remember this one time, this girl on the team fell off of the uneven parallel bars and twisted her arm-"

He was interrupted by quick footsteps coming from where Adam was - Justin looked up to see him running towards them.

"What the fu-"

Justin flinched as Adam came near, but it turned out he was just running past them, after which he proceeded to do a back flip off of the nearby wall before calling out to them, asking them to try to show him up, and mentioning wearing pants for some reason - what the hell? Was he trying to come on to them? "Oh, I'm grateful..." Justin muttered under his breath.

Adam always struck him as pretty weird, but trying to show off in front of two gymnasts? Really? Was he that full of himself? Did he just want to get taken down a peg? Fortunately, JJ and Julian managed to get a word in before Justin could, and Julian's joke put him in slightly better spirits. That didn't change the fact that Adam had challenged him, however, and Justin wasn't one to turn something like that down.

"Yeahhh..." he said, making much less effort to conceal his sarcasm, "That wasn't bad. But if you really want to try to show off, little advice? Don't do it in front of actual gymnasts, 'cause we'll kick your ass. What do you think, Sable? He wants to see what we can do, let's show him."

With that, Justin walked over to the pommel horse. After taking a few deep breaths and bending his knees a couple times, he stretched his arms out in a ready position, mounted the horse, and began a simple routine. The horse wasn't Justin's best skill, but he was very good at the more fundamental moves, and as long as his form was good enough and he moved quickly, it would definitely look impressive. Swinging his legs around in a few sets of circles and scissors as fast as he could, Justin finished off with a handstand, keeping his body perfectly straight. Tilting his head to face the others as best he could while upsidedown, Justin flashed a smile and grunted "You should probably be glad I'm wearing shorts, too."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Sable stayed in that bended position, blinking for a moment, before righting herself. I suppose he's okay, then.

She wasn't focusing on the boys' conversation amongst themselves, and only looked up when she felt a breeze past by. But it wasn't a breeze, and she caught sight of Adam pulling off...

...A backflip. A freaking backflip off the freaking wall. Was he mad? Even if he did do martial arts, attempting such a thing without the proper training was a foolish move. Besides, his landing was off. He could've easily broken his neck. She had the inkling to snicker at his pants comment. Really, how many people stated something up-front like that?

Still, he'd put a challenge out. JJ declined, and Sable silently agreed with his reason. He'd really have to go to the nurse if he tried that, She thought.

Julian seemed to be pretty chill about it, though. He cracked a joke, and offered to make nice with the odd boy. Justin, though...she smirked slightly as she saw him head for the pommel horse. Boys were so competitive.

It's not like she hadn't been, too, at one point. She could remember training for hours, long after her parents had pleaded with her to come back home, just to perfect that one move, that one flip or jump to best her friends at practice the next day. Now, of course, she knew how dangerous it was to live on competition...

But hey, what was a little showing-off going to do? It wasn't like she was being judged.

She clapped slowly as Justin rose into his handstand. "We're very thankful. I'd like to show him what I've got, as well."

Sable turned to the rest of the gym, biting the inside of her cheek. What would be best? Something she was good at, but not too good...nothing flashy, just enough to prove herself...

And then she saw the rings. True, they were usually used by guys, but that didn't mean she couldn't use them, too. She walked towards them, stretching her arms over her head.

Once she was there, she grabbed both rings, took a couple deep breaths, and hefted herself up. You would think that such a mousy girl would have a tough time with something that used so much upper body strength, and you'd be right. Sable's body started to shake pretty quickly as she positioned herself in a crosslike position. She had a trick, though, a somewhat risky trick to these: move quickly.

She went through three more positions, ones she'd forgotten the names to, before swinging slightly and letting go, planting her feet firmly on the ground and posing. Not perfect - in fact, far from it - but in her opinion, better than running up a wall and doing a backflip. She quickly dropped her pose, panting slightly.

"What did you think of that?"

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Order of Strife*
"Nah, I can't top that man... That was a pretty nice backflip."

The grinning fool who toppled over the equipment is being complimentary... Might be a guise for what he's actually feeling, but I can't quite tell. Is he playing the fool to win the girl's attention or is he actually a fool?

"Could this child, this Adam Tenser... be the Chosen One? As foretold in the prophecy?"
"Hahaha! Chosen One? I've heard some crazy responses to my antics before but that one is up there. In all honesty, I'm not here to make friends but new company is always welcome." Adam Tenser said as he took and shook the kid's hand. It is true, I'm not here to make friends. I just came here to loosen up before heading home. I don't like passing up on opportunities to learn how my fellow humans work in the head. Being trapped in a school for the mentally enlightened tends to have somewhat detrimental after effects.

"That wasn't bad. But if you really want to try to show off, little advice? Don't do it in front of actual gymnasts, 'cause we'll kick your ass."

Adam Tenser leaned his head to the side and smiled in what he hoped was a charming manner as those words were said. He clapped as enthusiastically as he could when the routine was finished. A challenge! Oh joy! That was obviously sarcasm.

Adam watched intently as the girl worked her magic on the gymnastic rings, and when she was finished he responded critically. "I like that. I really enjoyed how you tried to use speed and momentum to make up for your lack of upper body strength. A little practice and you'll have it down to an art. Certainly better than what I could do."

"I don't often practice any sort of actual gymnastics. In fact, the backflip was something I've learned just because it helps with my coordination and timing. Which I still need work on. Let's see..." Adam walked around the gymnastic equipment and worked up a plan for what he wanted to do next. Combing his fingers through his hair in concentration, Adam came up with a plan. "Time for you all to critic something I actually have practice with."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Outfoxd
There wasn't any wrestling practice today after class, but Raymond Dawson, clad in a black tank-top and his shorts underneath his jeans, was heading to the gym anyway. As a guy who wasn't exactly a social butterfly and sure as hell didn't do much outside of school except sit around the house and watch the occasional tv show, he wasn't too enthralled with the idea of heading home just yet.

So in ten minutes from the opening bell, Ray had headed out to the parking lot and grabbed his gym bag out of his old '96 Buick Regal (the boat) and headed back in, figuring he could lift some weights and work on his shots. At least then he'd be worn out and he could just take a nap when he got home. His stepdad, Nelson, was an alright guy, and had caught on that if Ray wasn't home right after school, he was probably just wrestling. His mom, of course, had known that for years.

When Ray entered the gym, what he saw was more interesting than getting started on his impromptu practice. A group of people he'd seen around the school were already gathered, and a small, red-headed girl he didn't think he knew was just finishing up some kind of routine on those crazy rings the gymnasts used. Ray had mad respect for anybody that could do all those flips and spins and shit without breaking a bone; he could barely do a forward roll without bruising something.

Interested for the moment, Ray set his bag down near the wall and leaned against it, seeing if he could remember the names of some of the people. There was Julian Avery, who everybody knew because he seemed to get around the whole school. There was Justin Corrigan, a guy he knew was on the gymnastics team from seeing him practice sometimes while he was in the gym. Adam Tenser, the guy who looked like he had stepped out of an episode of Kung Fu had always seemed a bit off to Ray. The big guy was JJ Sturn, Ray had heard stories about him but he wasn't going to judge someone without learning a little more about him first.

As Ray watched, it looked like Tenser was looking for advice or something, at least from what he could gather from the last comment. Interested, Ray kept his spot on the wall, figuring he had plenty of time to work out.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by GameMaker*
JJ watched as both Justin and Sable performed their own gymnastic routines, both of them far overshadowing Adam's backflip. But honestly, what had the kid expected? As an untrained teenager, trying to beat a gymnast in gymnastics was idiotic, to say the least. Of course, Adam was better than JJ, but JJ was terrible at flips.

"I like that. I really enjoyed how you tried to use speed and momentum to make up for your lack of upper body strength. A little practice and you'll have it down to an art. Certainly better than what I could do." ...For fuck's sake, who talked like that? JJ wasn't sure exactly what the guy came off as, a prick or a robot, but whatever it was he certainly didn't sound like a normal person. This was getting annoying... JJ would have to go back to weight lifting. He was over his head here, and afraid of saying something quite rude.

"Time for you all to critic something I actually have practice with." God, what is he doing now? Does he really care what other people think about him that much? JJ didn't want to wait around and see. It was bad enough that he'd have to put up with this kid showing off before- he was in no mind to do it again.

"I'm not going to be able to critique it, Adam. I'm actually on my way out- got some lifts to do, you know? But, uh, you have fun. Sable and Justin will know a lot more about it than I do..." JJ turned around, and started walking back towards the door to the weight room. He had a bit left- not all that much, but not little enough that he was willing to skip it. And even if he did finish it, where would he go? Over to his girlfriend's house?

Oh boy... I just crack myself up sometimes, don't I?

((JJ Sturn continued elsewhere))

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Order of Strife*
"I'm not going to be able to critique it, Adam. I'm actually on my way out- got some lifts to do, you know? But, uh, you have fun. Sable and Justin will know a lot more about it than I do..."

"Uhm... Oh... Ohh! From the way he phrased that... I... I've got to go." Adam said as he listened to what JJ had to say. "I really only came in here to do some stretching exercises and I've already finished up my routine. I've overstayed my welcome. I gotta go."

Without another word, Adam quickly went over to pick up his schoolbag and left the gym.

I was beginning to sound arrogant I think. Something about the way that guy said what he said made that all too clear. I can't have that. It's so hard making new friends and I don't want to screw up whatever chances I have of learning how in gods name I'm suppose to fit into this society. No... I'll take my chances elsewhere for now. Need to get home.

((Adam Tenser Continued Elsewhere))

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:43 am
by Outfoxd
Ray clucked his tongue on the roof of his mouth, disappointed. It looked like he'd more or less missed the show, as people were already starting to clear out. Sturn was going into the weight room, and Ray took his cue. He bent over, swept his gym bag up in one hand, and started across the gymnasium to the weight room. As he neared the group, he stopped, thinking he should try and say something. His mom was always saying he needed to try and talk to people more, and while sometimes it was almost agonizingly hard, he tried.

(She's fine without you)

His eye twitched imperceptibly, but he managed to turn, letting his eyes fall on the little redhead.

"The thing on the rings was nice." He said. Lame, lacking in substance, but it was all he had. If it didn't work out, the weight room was only a few feet away.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by landlocked*
Justin had to admit that he was hoping for a bit of a stronger reaction out of Adam after seeing his performance, and did little to hide his disdain as he dismounted without much of his previous grace. "That is how you fucking do it," he muttered, more to himself than any of the others, and rejoined the group to watch Sable's routine. He could tell that she was a little bit rusty, but she definitely knew what she was doing, and she moved at breakneck speed. As she dismounted, Justin applauded her. Once she got warmed up again, she'd definitely be a great addition to the team. "Nice," he answered her.

Adam didn't seem to entirely agree, from what Justin could tell. Uh. What the fuck? Was he some kind of gymnastics expert now? Sure, you could tell Sable was out of practice, but he didn't see Adam on an actual gymnastics team...

...And now he wanted to show them something else? Ugh. Justin was more than a bit annoyed with Adam by now. He hadn't even dignified his own routine with a response outside of a clap! He was about to say something rude in the hopes that it would offend Adam enough to get rid of him, but apparently JJ had beaten him to the punch. Justin wasn't entirely sure why Adam had chosen that particular moment to leave, but... whatever.

...Shit, he could've at least ACKNOWLEDGED his routine before he left! Come on!!

"Actually," Justin said as he watched Adam and then JJ go, "I need to get out of here, too. I stayed a little longer than I was going to. I've got people to meet, places to go." He laughed a bit as he said this. "Anyway, nice running into you guys. And it'll be good to have you on the team, Sable. Laaaates."

With that, he turned around and left the gym, heading for the locker room, all but ignoring the new guy that had joined the group. No time, he was already late, and Frankie would definitely bitch about it. After changing, he flipped open his cell phone and brought up her number, making sure his voice carried from the hallway into the gym juuuust enough so that they could hear some of the message he was leaving.

"Hey, Frankie! I'm still meeting you at the mall, I swear, I just got a little side-tracked, so I'll probably be late..."

((Justin Corrigan continued in Eating Out (Cleanly)))

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by AnimeDutchess*
When Justin complimented her, she nodded, giving him a small smile. It was the shadow of a smile if there ever was one, but at least it gave him the idea that she was pleased with his answer. When it came to Adam, though...

Sable was a very calm person. She did not anger easily, not like before. Still, she felt a small spark towards Adam. Was he an expert now? No, fuck that! You don't go up to a gymnast and tell them their flaws unless you yourself were either an expert or another gymnast. At least Justin had some kindness; she was sure he noticed how shaky she was on those rings.

Then, JJ left. She watched him leave the gym, heading for the weight room, and muttered a goodbye that was barely audiable. He'd been better company than Adam, at least, and she'd rather not be left alone with him...

...And them Adam left, too, stating his reason in an odd way. He had to leave because of JJ's words? Strange.

...And now Justin was leaving. She nodded to him again. "I'll look forward to it," She told him in response. And she was looking forward to it. To work with a team, do her best, and yet not stand would help her out, she knew. She could make more friends. Her parents were always saying that, even in her senior year, she should make more friends.

She hadn't noticed the new person who'd entered, but she turned to him when he complimented her. "Thank you," She said, her voice soft, "But it wasn't really anything. Really." Modesty was always the best policy, especially when it was sincere.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by Jonny*
First JJ, then Tenser, then Justin. Everyone seemed to want to get away from the conversation, and given the inherent silliness of a flipping-and-gymnastics one-upping festival, Julian couldn't blame them. So now he was left with the choice of staying with the girl whose name he had just learned was Sable, or actually heading to the weight room with JJ. Granted, Sable very much seemed like a decent person, but Julian's aversion to quiet types was already well-documented. Why must the world conspire to send me to the weight room? This is probably the most unfair thing that has ever happened to me. I think I shall brood and pout.

"Thank you," said the girl quietly. "But it wasn't really anything. Really." D'awww. How adorable was that?

"Yeah, Sable, add me to the list of people saying 'awesome job' on your routine." Julian thought back to Tenser's words on the subject, which were a bit... less than optimally chosen. "And listen, don't let what Adam said get to you. Given how awkward the guy is, I'm sure he was doing his best to say the same. Alright, I gotta take off now. Technically I'm supposed to have been in the weight room fifteen minutes ago, so I'mma have to swear you to secrecy on that." Julian grinned rogueishly with that last statement, and put a finger up to his lips for shushing purposes. "Take care, guys."

See? thought Julian as he strolled towards the weight room. You don't actually need to know everyone's name, you just gotta wait for upstanding young gentlemen like Justin to remember it for you. Man, I bet Tenser doesn't understand advanced social theory like that. Bitch, I'm ten times the Chosen One that arrogant prick's ever gonna be.

Julian chuckled to himself. Naw, I'm sure he's a good guy. Once you get past the creepy quietness. And the cocky showboating. And the, uh, complete lack of tact. And the-

-you know what? Changing the subject now.

((Julian Avery continued in Pumping Iron))

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by Outfoxd
Ray thought he was walking into a group, but over the course of a few minutes that group became him and the girl he now knew as Sable. That caught him off guard, but it might've been a little better. He felt like it was a little easier just to talk to one person, at least right now. Feeling a little awkward, he shifted the weight of his bag to his left hand.

"Nah. It was real good." The girl was being modest, which was alright with Ray. He was being honest, though. He was pretty sure he couldn't learn how to do any of that, and he was impressed.

"How long did that take to learn?" He asked. He was bad at making conversation, but he was slightly better at talking about sports. At least if he said something stupid there, it wouldn't be from lack of experience.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by AnimeDutchess*
She nodded to Julian when he complimented her, and watched as he left for the weight room. It was just her and that other person, now, which wasn't a bad thing. She kinda wished she knew his name, though, since he was making the effort to make conversation with her. She placed a hand on her chin and thought about his question.

" takes about a year to get a decent amount of skill on the rings. It took me a couple months of intense practice to get that down. Still, I...haven't been on a set of rings in a long time." Her voice was matter-of-fact; it was obvious she wasn't gloating about her skill.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by Outfoxd
Ray glanced up at the rings, sufficiently intimidated. Yeah. Definitely didn't look like something one could pick up in a week, or even a month or two. His world was the ground, and he much preferred having both feet on it. Or knees. Whatever the situation called for.

Realizing he'd probably skipped a step in not divulging his name, Ray extended his free hand out to Sable to shake. "I'm Raymond, by the way, but I Ray-J's what my family calls me." He didn't say friends because he didn't have too many of those just yet.

"Said you haven't been on those in a long time," He continued. "I haven't seen you in here; you just get back into gymnastics?" The words were coming easier now that there was verbal ground to walk on.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Sable looked at the hand he extended briefly before taking it and shaking it, her grip soft. So he was Raymond. She could remember that. "I see. My name's Sable."

She took her hand back and looked at the rings. "Yes, I've just come back. I did a lot of gymnastics when I was younger, and..."

What was she to say now? He was a complete stranger...why should she pour out her life story? She could just gloss over that incident in her life, and he'd be none the wiser.

"...Well, I haven't done any since I left middle school and moved here." Yes, that would suffice.