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Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Zabriel*
She grinned back and started watching his movements. She vaguely remembered that he wanted to be working on shots, and she needed to work on counters anyhow. She shifted her weight from leg to leg and waited for him to attack as she mentally went over the process.

Shoot, sprawl, crossface...get behind him, lock around the waist...

Stacy let her eyes shoot up to the clock briefly, just to see how much time they had left before it would be time to wrap things up. Then she reminded herself that it didn't matter since she had PE after lunch anyhow. They had plenty of time to practice. As long as the mat got rolled up about five or so minutes before the bell they'd be alright. Stacy realized she'd spent at least ten seconds thinking of that, if they'd been live that could have cost her everything.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Outfoxd
Ray moved in carefully now, wary of Stacy's speed. Guys around his weight were among the faster grapplers, but Stacy likely had to base a huge part of her style on it. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to shoot on her. She was low to the ground, and could probably bury his head into the mat with her hips if he even thought about it.

Ray stuck his right hand out and tapped her on the head, making sure the heel of his hand was obscuring her eyes. He drew back, did it again, trying to distract her. By the 4th time, he dropped his hands and grabbed for Stacy's wrist on the same side. If he was going to shoot, he wasn't going to dive in. He was hoping to arm drag her to him and across, and if that worked, he'd grabbed for a single of his own.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Zabriel*
((Wow. I totally made you wait like a month. Sorry, life got super complicated.))

Stacy let out an annoyed groan as he tapped her on the head. As if that trick hasn't been done a thousand times...gah...stoppit!

It was still as annoying as ever. Annoying enough to make her lose track of what he was doing, allowing him to seize her wrist. She was light so he wouldn't have to pull all that hard on her if she didn't move to counter. She moved her arm in sort of a windmill fashion in a wild attempt to break his hold before he managed to get a solid grip on her.


She wasn't sure if shouting nonsense actually helped, but it usually made her feel more powerful, so she did it whenever it seemed appropriate. Like when trying to break a hold.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Outfoxd
((you're fine. I didn't do too much better. Sorry.))

Ray let go of the wrist. The windmill action wasn't what did it to him; people had done that before to break arm drags. It was the noise Stacy made with it that killed his focus. He found himself trying to stifle a laugh, but it managed to sneak out from his throat. He backed off, standing upright, and put his hand to face, as if trying to hide his expression.

"Oh man." He laughed again. "That made my day. Please, please tell me you do that in actual matches." He wasn't making fun of her; it was just a genuinely funny moment for Ray.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Zabriel*
She gave him a little grin and shrugged. "I've done worse than that in matches. Remember the invitational at the beginning of the season? The one I almost got pinned at in the second round? I had to pull out my secret weapon there. I gave the guy on top of me a sexy little moan and a light stroke...jarred him just enough let me turn the tables on him and get the pin. For some reason guys always try to drag out matches with me. I can't imagine why..." she sighed and then giggled.

"Hmm, is that the time already?" Stacy asked, looking up at the clock. She was in no rush since she had PE next, but the quick passage of time never ceased to amaze her.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Outfoxd
Ray smirked. "Never had the 'pleasure' of facing a girl in in my division before. Usually they cut down to like 110 to 120. I would think I could handle it." He paused, then added, "Maybe."

Ray followed Stacy's eyes up to the clock. "Shit. Guess my breaks done. Least we're warmed up already." Truth be told, Raymond wasn't looking forward to the ensuing workout. Usually it didn't bother him, but he wanted to see Alicia today. It was hard to be a good big brother when he wasn't around.

"Any chance we're gonna have a short day? Maybe just work on turnovers or something?" Wishful thinking. Coach liked to murder the wrestlers on a daily basis.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Zabriel*
Stacy shook her head. "This close to the end of the season? Not a snowball's. If anything Coach will try to keep us late. Of course staying after will be 'voluntary'. But you know as well as I do what voluntary means." She shrugged and stretched her arms. "I don't mind though. This is our last shot. For better or worse, we're out after this season. So we might as well work hard and kick some ass while we're here."

She stepped off the mat and positioned herself to help roll up the segment of mat that they were working with. "Though, some of us do have some other things to do. But I guess that's life right?"

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Outfoxd
Ray glanced up at the clock as he grabbed an end of the mat and started rolling. He almost didn't hear what Stacy was saying. It did ring in his head though. Fucking 'voluntary' practice. Last time they did that, he didn't get home till like 8:30. He really just wanted to see his sister today. The last few days she'd been asleep when he got home, or working hard on whatever her schoolwork was. It was hard to breach her time when that private tutor was giving her so much damned work.

Ray looked to Stacy, thinking about something. "Hey...I think I may be coming down with something. The flu or some shit. Tell Coach I won't be in today?" Shitty thing to do this close to the end of the season, but Ray had priorities.

While he waited for Stacy to answer, he looked around to make sure none of the other team members had wandered in yet. There was always at least one asshole who would rat, but he figured Stacy wasn't one of them.

Re: Wrestling with the clock

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:53 am
by Zabriel*
She paused for a minute before nodding. He was obviously fine, but he probably had his reasons. Their coach didn't always understand those reasons, but damned if he wasn't the biggest health freak you'd ever met. If there was a hint of illness he lost his head. The easiest way to get some time to oneself was to claim sickness. Coach would practically demand you miss practice so you don't infect the other wrestlers.

"Yeah, I can do that. Don't think anybody's gonna buy it, but I guess that's your worry. You're lucky I'm a little nicer than the guys." She smiled a little bit. "I'm kind of wanting to just get an Orange Julius and see what's new at FYE. But I'm a good girl who doesn't skip practice. Eh, weekend's coming anyhow. Saturday we've got the tournament, but Sunday is mine...anyhow, class will be starting soon, so I guess we'll talk later?"

((Stacy Hart continued here.))