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Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by R-S-Lee*
[font=Impact]"Fine. Leave my friend alone, and you won't hear another comment about your mother from me. Savvy?"[/font]

As anyone might have guessed, Monty really didn't like being told what to do. No matter how much he wanted Alice to shut the hell up about his mother. If Monty left now, he would feel as if he'd be giving up the argument. He'd feel as if he'd have lost.

[font=Optima]"You are quite the gallant,"[/font]

It was this comment that rekindled Monty's rage. The sarcastic, condescending tone. She thought she was better than Monty. The girl who got her jollies from the innocent deaths of high school students thought that she was better than him.

If there was one thing that Monty hated more than insults against his mother, it was being condescended upon. Monty realized that he was letting these women get the better of him. They didn't take him seriously. They thought that he was an idiot. A fool. Weak. Too weak to hit a woman. Too weak to make them regret ever having existed.

Taking a deep breath, Monty looked in Alice's eyes. There was one more way that he could still get to her and he knew exactly what it was.

There was no point in physically hurting Alice Blake. She wouldn't care. Hell, she'd probably enjoy the pain. Bounce, on the other hand, was somebody who wouldn't be able to take it. She seemed to be capable of absorbing verbal insults like a sponge, but Monty seriously doubted that she could withstand physical pain.

"Fuck you."

With that said, Monty turned around and focused his rage on Yelizaveta "Bounce" Volkova. He slapped her. Across the face. As hard as he could. In that instant, all of his body mass was focused upon smacking a woman who was less than half his weight.

It felt oddly satisfying and disgusting at the same time. He was satisfied at unleashing his anger and hatred. Disgusted at having assaulted a girl who was so much weaker than himself. Satisfied that he'd gotten the better of Alice and Bounce. Disgusted that he'd been stupid enough to assault a girl while on probation. All in all, however, it was worth it.

Upon smacking Bounce, Monty could hear the Librarian screaming at him to get out of her library. She was threatening to call the principal. His mother. The cops. Anybody who would get Montgomery Pondsworth to leave.

And he did so. Monty did not even bother to say anything to Alice, the Librarian, or even Bounce. He just turned around and stormed out, practically knocking down the doors on his way out. Monty couldn't explain it, but he just had to get out of there. He'd made his point. He'd "Won".

Fuck my life...

(Monty Pondsworth continued elsewhere.)

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice met Monty's eyes, her expression neutral. With her last comment, she hoped that Monty was through. He was on the edge, no question about it. Her comment looked to have the opposite it's desired effect. She wanted this to be over, for him to leave while she waited for Victoria to show up, but now that was an impossibility. She fully expected him to strike her. Judging by his bulk, she could avoid, if not counter his blow. He was stronger, but she was faster. No question about that. Her legs tensed, ready to move at the first indication of violence. When Bounce spoke, she silently cursed her friends desire to get another jab in.

She watched while Monty assessed the situation. It seemed that he was torn between replying to Bounce, and pressing Alice further. Great. She thought sullenly, but remained as ready as she was before. Unpredictable, an animal. His reputation for violence and brutality was well deserved. Keeping that in mind, it stood to reason that he'd make a move without thinking it trough. Not like she was one to talk. She'd have done well to avoid exacerbating things.

[font=Impact]"Fuck You."[/font]

His next move took her completely by surprise. Monty turned, and before she could stop him, slapped Bounce. Shes stepped forward, her neutral mask falling away, replaced by one of surprise. Even from her position behind him, she could tell he put everything in the hit.

"Bounce!" She called out, stepping toward Monty before pulling back as the librarian started to shout. He was leaving anyway. Her immediate reaction was to see to her friend. Someone Monty's size hitting someone Bounce's size surely wouldn't end well. She took a place at Bounce's side, her hand hovering just over her shoulder, close enough enough to offer support if necessary, but not quite touching. "Talk to me, come on." She didn't ask if she was okay, it was clear she wasn't and it would just waste time to ask.

The whole time, the same thought ran through her head. This is my fault. If she hadn't incensed him, further, he wouldn't have hit Bounce. He'd have gotten tired that his insults were having no effect, maybe making one last attempt before leaving. Instead, Alice stepped in and made everything worse. He must have realized that hitting her would be redundant. Instead, he struck the nearest vulnerable person.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Namira

The blow stunned Bounce - she might have even blacked out for a moment or two - but she certainly didn't realise what had happened until after the event. The slap was a powerful one, especially from somebody so much larger, and it sent her crashing against the computer she had been on, before she rebounded, knocking over her chair on the way to spilling onto the floor. By the time Bounce figured out what Pondsworth had done, he was already gone.

Bounce's head was still ringing, and she could only sit there and stare into space in mute shock. Her normally pale skin was now marred by a red handprint across the cheek. Bounce felt at her face, encountered wetness; Pondsworth had split her lip, and a thin trail of blood was making its way down her chin.

H-he... that a-animal... just... he just...

At the point, the initial shock wore off and things started to hurt. A lot. Tears immediately sprang to Bounce's eyes. She could be pretty hurtful in conversation, it was true, and could easily handle verbal jibes, but this was an altogether different experience. Bounce didn't think she'd even been hit in her life before, especially not by a huge brute like Pondsworth. This was all down to him - absolutely everything had been at his instigation. Even if Bounce hadn't been the politest in conversation, Pondsworth's intent had clearly been to start a fight.

Well, he'd got something approaching one alright.

Bounce looked up at Alice through a mask of tears, spoke through the sobs.

"That... was not... pleasant."

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Ciel*
The library was one of the least likely places you would ever find Jessica. Even if you knew how much she wrote, how much she enjoyed it, you would also know how much she hates how dreadfully silent the olace is. Dead Silence made Jessica nervous, expecially when she wasn't doing anything productive. It made her feel like she was stuffed inside of a trunk, unsure of what was happening or if anyone was about to sneak up behind her. Today however was very different. Today she was actually trying to get work done.

The project was for Trigonometry but it was supposed to be a paper so it wasn't exactly hard. She was good at just copying things from sources and rewriting all of it so it sounds like she was actually writing it herself. This is what she had been doing for most of her high school life and not once had she got caught for it. Maybe it might sound a little lazy of her but she didn't care very much. If she got the work done then there was no problem, and no one would have to give her any shit. There was one bad thing about this was the fact that the paper was due today, but she could make due. She was almost done with the project to begin with, she had only one paragraph to get done.

But then it happened.

"So, is this what you do all day? Reminisce upon the glorious murders of high school students? Entertain yourself with one of the most horrific tragedies of our generation?"

"That must be it. Your mother never loved you, so you take out your anger on those around you, those happier then you."

"Well, there must also a reason why you are such an emo whore."

"Emo Whore? Now you're just desperate."

Jessica gave a loud growl under her breath. Of all the times for there to be a bunch of assholes bickering in the library it had to be the moment where she was busy with something else? Couldn't they have waited for her to leave and then start fighting with each other? She leaned over to take a look at the two people standing over the computer away from her. She didn't know either of them but she did know that she didn't want to know. She barely knew who alot of the people in this school was, although it wasn't like she knew no one.

It was her idea to speak up but she didn't. She just went back to her paper and began to write, trying to shut everything out. This is what she did best - shutting the world out. It was perfect, just pretend that nothing existed, that you were in a closet. Yes. Jessica was in a closet, a big closet with a locked door. No one could come in here and bother her, not one person.

Of course she had no idea fists were going to be thrown and that of course distracted her. She looked up from her seat, saw Monty leave and all at once she rose to her feet. Why? She didn't have an answer for that. She just felt like she had to get up and rush over. This wasn't what she normally did but it didn't matter.

She arrived at the spot where Bounce laid and she instantly caught sight of the tears welling in her eyes. Somehow Jessica felt bad that she hadn't tried to step in and did something, though when she thought about it what good would it have done? She would have just made the situation even worse and that wouldn't have been good at all. She still felt bad, still felt that this was somehow her fault.

Jessica held a hand out for Bounce, a sad expression on her face. "Here." She said in a low tone. "Let me help you up. He had no right hitting anyone."

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Yvaine*
((Continued from Fencing... No, not that kind.))

Victoria stepped into the library, wiping her hands on her jeans as she did. She paused briefly in the entry way, noting the librarians near hysterics. When she looked away, she saw Alice kneeling next to another student. Yelkoveta or something equally foreign. Some other chick was by them as well, but she didn't have any ideas who she was. It seemed that by stopping in the bathroom, she'd missed every damn thing. Glancing at the librarian again, she crossed the library, stopping behind the trio.

The Russian girl was sitting on the floor, and judging by the mark on her face, she was hurting. Come to think of it, didn't she see Pondsworth stomping off somewhere? Yeah, that suddenly made a lot of sense. His irritable disposition was no secret. If she had to guess, the girl on the ground said something smart, and Monty didn't take too kindly to it.

Despite reaching a reasonable conclusion on her own, she crouched down next to Alice. She noticed that Alice shed her jacket and that the scars on her arm were easily visible. Now was a little odd. She wasn't sensitive about them, but she didn't show them off like she was with her missing jacket.

"What happened?"

She asked simply, resting her chin on Alice's shoulder as she did. The thought crossed her mind that she might surprise her, but she quickly disregarded it. She couldn't surprise Alice. God knows she tried.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice glanced up at the newcomer, some girl she'd never seen before. Because of that, she didn't know whether Bounce was familiar with her or not. Then again, it didn't really matter, did it? Maybe she was just a good Samaritan. You didn't have to know someone to help them. She turned away from the new girl and looked back to Bounce. Her comment, dispute the circumstances, brought a small smile to her lips.

"That... was not... pleasant."

Alice stood back as the new girl helped her up, ready to move if she needed to. Upon closer inspection, her lip seemed to be bleeding as well. The red stood out from her pale skin in stark contrast. So stark, it was a wonder she didn't notice sooner. Well, to her credit, she was still in mild shock that Monty had struck her in the first place. Now that Bounce was sitting, Alice replied. "No, I don't suppose it was."

She looked back up to the other girl, her eyebrow arched. "Do you think you could get the nurse or something?" At least, that was what she assumed was the right idea. She didn't know if Bounce wanted the nurse or not. Maybe she'd prefer to walk it off, rather then sit through the questions the nurse would ask concerning her state.

When Victoria finally arrived, Alice sighed. If she'd only arrived a little sooner, things might have turned out differently. Even as she thought it, she knew that the only thing that would have changed was that Victoria might have been hit instead. "This may be news, but Pondsworth has a rather volatile personailty." She glanced back at Bounce, before looking to Victoria. "I'm staying with Bounce. I'll meet you later, at the mall?"

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:17 am
by Namira
Bounce's vision was a little blurry through the tears, but even so, she didn't think it was to the extent she wouldn't recognise somebody she knew. Jessica wasn't one of those people, and Bounce didn't exactly appreciate some person that wasn't even an acquaintance coming over and seeing her crying her eyes out. That was the sort of thing that just generated rumours, which Bounce found exceedingly tiresome, especially those that concerned her.

"My friend ... is helping .. me... thank you," Bounce informed Jessica, still struggling to speak whilst she was shuddering from repeated sobs. In the meantime, somebody else arrived on the scene, but it was at least someone Bounce was familiar with. Victoria Logan, Alice's girlfriend she knew. They weren't exactly on best buddy terms, but Bounce was aware of Victoria's identity, at least. Bounce wasn't sure if the reverse was true, but that wasn't particularly important.

She... well she just plain didn't know what to do. At that moment, Bounce didn't even want to be in school or with anybody in particular. She wasn't a tough person, and the slap had but her in some serious pain, especially where her lip was concerned. She was just glad Pondsworth hadn't tried to actually punch her, that would have been seriously, seriously painful.

That does not matter. It is bad enough right now without speculating on possibilities.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Yvaine*
A chuckle escaped her lips as Alice replied. "Yeah, I might have guessed." Smiling sympathetically, she wrapped her arm around Alice's waist. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that his temper got the best of him, but I can't say I'm surprised." She looked up at the third girl, the one who she still had no idea regarding their identity. "Were you here when it happened?" She shrugged as she looked back to Bounce. "I guess you'd have to have been to be here now."

When Alice spoke again, Victoria couldn't help but feel disappointed. Spending quality time with Alice looked to be the highlight of her day, but now she'd be tied up for an undetermined amount of time while she dealt with her friend. It wasn't like she was angry. She could understand her girlfriends desire to comfort Bounce, but that didn't fix her plans. It was selfish, make no mistake, but she still felt the same accepting that. Well, it was fine, she guessed. The Alibi was at the mall and that was always a fun place to be. A great place to kill time too.

Nodding, she leaned over and gave Alice a quick peck on the cheek. "Okay babe, I'll see you later. Call me when you get to the mall." Her arm fell away from the taller woman's waist before she stood. She'd turned and started to walk out of the library when a thought occurred to her. She'd known Alice long enough to know she was very defensive of her friends. It was natural, the desire to protect those close to you. But with Alice, it was like something else. She took her friends well-being very seriously. Seriously enough that she could get into trouble over it. It wouldn't surprise her to hear Alice getting into an altercation with Monty over him striking the Russian girl.

Stopping, she hesitated before looking over her shoulder at Alice. "Babe? Stay out of trouble, will ya?" Whether or not she actually listened, it allayed her fears somewhat. At least she let it be known she cared. Sometimes that was all it took. Anyway, now she needed her car. The hospital was close enough that she could leave her car at school and walk back and forth between the two, but the mall would take forever to walk to. She patted her pocket, feeling the familiar shape of the keys as she left the library.

((Victoria Logan continued in Seclusion.))

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Ciel*
(Alright, I'm going to get out of your guys way because this would be a good time to get out.)

It appeared that Jessica had walked over way too slowly - Bounce was already helped up from the floor by her friend Alice who had been the one who had engaging Monty in the first place. She was glad someone had come along to help the girl but it made the fact that she got up from her seat pointless. At least it was the effort she put into it that counted (or at least this is what she liked to think).

Jessica was ready to just leave her, but then Alice told her to get the nurse. Jessica looked at Bounce for a few seconds, noticing just how much pain she looked like she was in. She couldn't just leave her and act like she's exaggerating, no matter how hard she tried. It just wasn't right, this girl needed help. Besides, had Jessica been in the same situation she would want help just as badly. So she came to a decision right then and there. She was going to help Bounce and Alice.

"Yeah." Jessica nodded in agreement, turning towards the door. "Okay, I'll go get her!"

Jessica turned and headed out the door in search of the nurse. She was only a few paces away so it. She had to hurry though. It wasn't a serious condition, getting punched but Bounce had looked like she was in pain. That was something that shouldn't be easily ignored.

((Jessica continued in Minnesota Mallrats))

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Sister Grimm*
It seemed that Victoria was gone as soon as she arrived. As much as Alice would love to spend time with her, she wasn't sprawled on the floor, fighting back tears. As much as she loved her, Bounce currently held precedent. What kind of friend would she be it she left now, especially considering it was mostly her fault it happened in the first place. No, Alice wasn't going anywhere right now, not until she was sure her friend was alright.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Victoria's voice caught her by surprise. She looked over her shoulder, momentarily taking her eyes off Bounce to address her girlfriend. "What do you expect is going to happen?" Before she could get an answer though, the girl was gone. Alice's eyes lingered in that direction for a moment before looking back to the smaller girl.

"Here, let's get you off the floor."

Taking Bounce's hand, she tenderly pulled her up from the floor before guiding to the next chair down the line. Once she was seated, Alice knelt briefly to retrieve the chair she'd been in before from the floor. She slid it over so that it was in front of Bounce, before taking a seat herself. She was briefly aware of the other girl hurrying off, nodding slightly in satisfaction. Not that a nurse would hurt, but right now, she got the idea Bounce didn't want a stranger seeing her in her current state.

"What now?" Alice asked, her voice raised slightly above it's normal softness. She leaned forward in the chair, her elbows resting on her knees. Monty was gone, probably off hiding somewhere should the librarian actually contact an authority figure. That suited her just fine, as long as he wasn't here. Bounce was shaken up enough without having to worry about that oaf. Looking back, she could admit she lost her head. Her biggest weakness, if you could even call it that, was her loyalty to her friends. Yes, most people would defend their friend in an argument, but Alice took things a bit further, her altercation with Monty a prime example. To think, if he'd just focused on her sooner, this could have all been avoided.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Namira
((Not in a posting mood, and haven't been for a while due to the slowdown. Still, it's not fair to hold things up))

"I want to leave," Bounce muttered. What would that oaf care if a teacher came breathing down his neck? Besides, Bounce was going to have plenty enough explaining to do to her parents - as to why she had a split lip - without dragging the school and suspensions and so on into the situation.

Anyway... It is not as if he tried to kill me. Yes, it hurts, but I do not think my life is exactly endangered here...

Still, she didn't want to go anywhere without Alice to ward off the curious. Bounce had enough trouble explaining herself without having to deal with the questions which would no doubt ensue once people spotted she'd been hurt.

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Namira
"Thank you, Alice. I think I will be okay."

Bounce's lip wasn't getting any less sore, and it didn't look like help was on the way at the present, so she decided it would be better if she sought out the nurse herself. That other girl had probably managed to get herself on the way.

This would take some explaining when she got home.

That ape...

((Bounce --> D&D Night))

Re: Fix

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 3:18 am
by Sister Grimm*
Alice blinked in mild surprise at Bounce's sudden departure. It seemed as if everyone was leaving so suddenly. It was almost enough to be offended about. Maybe she just put of an aura that made everyone hurry off. Monty, she didn't mind so much. Victoria and Bounce's company were enjoyable, though, in better circumstances at least. She'd even go so far to say they were her best friends. It might be sad if she were trying. No, she didn't care, she liked them, loved them in one case. She wasn't greedy, she didn't constant validation, or a dozen people greeting her every minute in the halls. A few close friends were enough for her.

Now she was left sitting silently in the library, watching Bounce walk off. Well, it seemed that sending Victoria off might have been jumping the gun a bit. After a second's consideration, she removed her cell phone from her pocket. It wasn't fancy, wasn't one of those slim, sleek one everyone seemed to have. No, her's was a cheap, budget phone, packing the necessities but little else. That little else included text capabilities. She wasn't an expert, the majority of her social interaction wasn't through text, so she didn't finish a message in thirty seconds or less.

'Busy? I finished up sooner then I thought, so I'll meet you at that Sandwich store in the mall? See you in a little while, okay?'

With a quick push of the button, the message was sent. It'd probably be a five minute drive to the mall, and she'd see Victoria again. Her car wasn't anything fancy, a hand-me-down from her grandparents. When they finally upgraded, she was the one who inherited the car they'd been using for nearly twenty years. A simple 1984 Buick Century, equipped with the basics and nearly nothing else. Unlike her cell phone, that wasn't even really an exaggeration. The only thing in that car that was remotely new was the CD player that she used maybe once a week.

After another second or two, she stood and made her way toward the exit, pausing only to grab her jacket. She ignored the librarians eye's following her across the room. It didn't really concern her. She didn't throw a punch, she was free of any disciplinary action. Then again, it wasn't like she had parents to reprimand her.

((Alice Continued in Meltdown))