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Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:41 am
by Moth*
Well, Carrie was over, as was Mrs. Doubtfire, Terminator, and some made-for-TV movie that Celeste hadn't caught the name of. She looked up at the clock, seeing how late it was. Yikes, she had a dress to put on!

Hurrying to her room, Celeste changed out of her clothes and slipped her dress on, zipping it up halfway before reapplying her lipstick. Hmmm... Leaning close to the mirror and closing her eyes halfway, she checked her eye make-up. "Yeah, that'll stay. Still good," she murmured. After another pause, she shook her head and took out the make-up, reapplying the dark gray color to her lids. "What the hell, why not?" Her phone went off just then, and her eyes went wide when she saw the message.

'I'll be there in 5.'

"Crap!" Celeste swore, hastily inserting her diamond post earrings and slipping her heels on. A quick spritz of perfume and she was done. Smiling at herself in the mirror, Celeste went for the door--and stopped as a draft hit her back, a little too low. "Awww! Amanda!" she shouted. Celeste's siter poked her head into her room, grinning a bit.

"Thought you'd need me for this at least," she chuckled, walking over and zipping Celeste's dress all the way. "I was starting to wonder if you'd go to the prom unzipped!"

"Pffft, naw," Celeste cracked a smile. "You know I'd have figured it out eventually! Before I got there." Feeling nervous all of a sudden, she turned around to face her sister, holding her arms at her sides. "I look okay?"

Amanda chuckled and moved to pat her hair, stopping just in time. "You look fine. Let's get downstairs, okay?"

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:41 am
by Acelister*
John felt his heart beating fast as he looked at the house. The last time he was here, he didn't feel so nervous. What was so special about tonight? Prom was something girls fantasised about and thought of as a wonderful magical thing. Not guys.

He jumped slightly as his dad asked if he was going out - they'd been here for two minutes.

"Yeah..." he nodded, opening the door. He straightened his black tux and adjusted his clip-on bow-tie yet again as he slowly walked to the door, the corsage gripped almost too tightly.

He stood in front of the door for a few seconds then finally knocked twice. This was it. Now to meet her parents or siblings - hell, meeting Celeste on her own was daunting enough...

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:41 am
by Moth*
Celeste jumped at the sound of the knock, startled a bit and still nervous. Unfortunately for her, Amanda was quicker, and ran for the door, winking at her little sister as she turned the knob. "Amanda, don't you dare--!" Celeste began.

The door opened, and Amanda grinned even wider at the sight of John. "Well, hiiii! Don't you look nice?" she chuckled, patting his shoulder. "Celeste is right behind me."

"Then why didn't you let me get the door?" Celeste grumbled, stepping forward, lifting her full skirt a bit so she didn't trip over it. She shot a mild glare at her sister, shaking her head a bit before smiling awkwardly at John. "Sorry about her...You look great." She came closer, leaned up to try and kiss him on the cheek (and ignoring the smirk on Amanda's face). "Shall we go then?" she asked, trying to edge out the door before her sister could say anything. "No one else is here, but her, so..." she mumbled.

Amanda just grinned and leaned against the doorframe, waving teasingly at them.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:41 am
by Acelister*
"Well, hiiii! Don't you look nice?"

John jumped quite visibly at the sudden appearence of Celeste's sister. He almost asked for his date, but was given the answer immediately.

"Celeste is right behind me."

"Then why didn't you let me get the door? Sorry about her...You look great. Shall we go then? No one else is here, but her, so..."

"Alright." John nods, offering her his arm. He has started to blush under the watchful gaze of the taller girl. "You look really beautiful."

He leads the way across the lawn to his dad's black estate-car and opens the door for her. "This is my dad, Jack. Dad, this is Celeste." he tells her before whispering. "I didn't have enough for a taxi - sorry."
"Pleased to meet you." Jack greets, leaning around in his seat to see her and offering his hand.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:41 am
by Moth*
"Thank you," Celeste said, blushing a bit. She smiled and walked with John to the car, ignoring her sister's shout of "Have fuuuun!" She shook her head again, frowning slightly. Well, at least Amanda hadn't tried to flirt with John...much.

"This is my dad, Jack." Celeste smiled at the man, waving a little as she fastened her seatbelt with one hand. "Dad, this is Celeste." John began to whisper to her. "I didn't have enough for a taxi - sorry."

"It's okay, Big Guy, really," Celeste whispered back. She'd been anticipating the lack of a limousine, yes, but she hadn't been expecting him to show up in his dad's car. But, Celeste supposed it was alright...At least he wasn't expecting her to take the bus in their outfits. As his father leaned over to shake her hand, Celeste smiled back and took his own hand, hoping hers wasn't so small he'd hurt it with his grip. "It's great to meet you, too, sir.

"Your son's soooo sweet and handsome," she followed up with, leaning back and winking at John.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Acelister*
"Your son's soooo sweet and handsome,"

"Thank you." Jack chuckled, checking his mirrors and driving off towards the prom location after John had gotten in.

John blushed, but is glad she couldn't see him doing so. He didn't expect her to try and talk to his dad...
"I like what you've done with your hair." he told her, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze. He hoped she had done something and didn't actually look like that last time. Otherwise, how did he miss it?

"And that's a really nice dress." he added. He reached into his pocket with his free hand and held the power button to turn his phone off. If his parents questioned it, he would just say it ran out of battery power.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Moth*
"Thank you," Celeste whispered back, noticing how John had turned his phone off. Raising an eyebrow at that, she looked back from the phone to John's face, asking the silent question. After a moment, however, she shrugged and sat back in her seat. She'd find out later.

Celeste didn't know what else to say now...there wasn't much conversation one could make with their date in the backseat of a car being driven by one of their parents. For one thing, it was awkward, and for another, anything that could be said would probably be used to tease John later. That is, if his dad was anything like Celeste's sister. She smiled at him again before looking out the window, watching the scenery pass by.

Still, she had to say something, right? "Tonight's going to be so much fun..."

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Acelister*
"Tonight's going to be so much fun..."

"Make the most of it, you two." Jack said before John could respond. "You only get one senior prom, after all."
"Yeah, thanks for the advice..." John said wryly. As if there was a chance he or Celeste were going to fail high school. At least, he hoped she wouldn't fail... She seemed smart enough, but he didn't know how her grades were...

In fact, he barely knew anything about her. He knew her underwear size and how she was in bed - and that she could ice skate a little.

"Oh!" John exclaimed, realising he was still holding the box in his hand - so offered it to her. "This is for you."

He took the opportunity at home to cut any tape holding the box lid on, to make it easier to get into when in the car. Though he did want to give it to her at her door... She really rushed out of the house... Was she ashamed that she was going to the prom with him? Maybe she didn't want to be his girlfriend after all...

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Moth*
"Oh! This is for you."

"What now?" Celeste blinked, pulled out of her daydreaming, and saw John offer her a box. Oh, I bet I know what this is, Celeste thought. What else came in boxes and were opened at the Prom? Celeste took the box, and lifted the lid with surprising ease. A quick look at it confirmed the tape was removed. "Aw, you took the tape off!" she gasped, smiling gratefully up at him. She turned her attention to the contents.

"Oh, woooow..." she breathed, taking the dark blue corsage from the box. She held it up closer to her face, looking at the color, the arrangement of the fake petals..."It's so pretty. Thanks so much!" she said, leaning over and kissing John on the lips, seemingly forgetting Jack was there. "Do you want me to put it on, or do you...?" she asked coyly. It was traditional for the guy to put it on his girl, wasn't it?

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Acelister*
"What now? Aw, you took the tape off!"

John grinned, glad his small effort didn't go unnoticed. Though it wasn't fully clear how serious or sarcastic she was being.

"Oh, woooow..." Celeste whispered, looking at the corsage. "It's so pretty. Thanks so much!"

She suddenly kissed him - something he didn't exactly mind. But when she pulled away, Jack was smirking at him via the rear-view mirror.

"Do you want me to put it on, or do you...?"

"I'll do it." John smiled, returning his full attention to his date. He took the flower from her and waited for her to hold her hand out. He pulled the elastic wider to make it fit over her hand, then slid it on. He hoped he put it on the right way around. He'd hate to make her look a fool.

"We're almost there." Jack warned, the school visible out of the windscreen.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Moth*
As John slipped the corsage over her wrist, Celeste couldn't stop staring, couldn't wipe that smile off her face. She hardly believed she was even here, with a date...and John, no less! He's real sweet, i suppose... she found herself thinking. Guess I was right when I said I'd have to keep him.

"It's prefect, thank you," she told him, holding her wrist closer to her face to see it better. She wondered where she'd put it after the night was over...Didn't you have to put them in the fridge, or could they be pressed between books?

"We're almost there."

Celeste looked up, sitting up a bit in her seat to see the school up ahead. Wow, that was quicker than she'd expected. Or was time seeming to move faster because of their destination? "So we are," she said lamely, feeling the beginnings of butterflies in her stomach. She sent a nervous smile at John, squeezing his hand. "You think we'll be okay? I mean...nervous?" she added hastily, wondering why she was so...well, off right now.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Acelister*
"So we are, You think we'll be okay? I mean...nervous?"

John chuckled at the question - she was nervous too?

"Yeah..." he admitted, nodding and taking her hand to squeeze it lightly. "But it'll be alright. Nobody'll even see us by now, so we don't need to worry about what others will think."

Jack pulls the car up near the door and stops. He doesn't go to get out though.

"You two have fun." he tells them. "If you want me to pick you up later, just give me a call. You got your cellphone?"

"Yeah dad..." John sighed, opening the door and hurrying around the car to open the door for Celeste. "See you later, dad."

"It was lovely to meet you, Celeste." Jack told her as the door opened.

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Moth*
Celeste took a few deep breaths to calm herself. Funny how just thinking about the Prom had little effect on her, but actually arriving made her so nervous. But John was right--chances are nobody would notice them, so it was going to be fine.

At Jack's question on whether they had their cellphones, Celeste's eyes widened a bit--she'd forgot hers! She calmed down a bit when John revealed he had his, though. At least they wouldn't be stranded...Waving a bit at Jack, she unbuckled herself and slid out of the backseat, holding onto John's arm with her other hand to steady herself.

"It was lovely to meet you, Celeste."

"Nice to meet you, too, sir!" Celeste told him, smiling and nodding her head at him. "Thanks for the ride." Turning back to John as she moved towards the school, she whispered to him "Your dad's nice...It seems sweetness runs in the family, doesn't it?" she winked, leaning against John a bit.

[[Celeste Beaumont continued in the Prom Hall]]

Re: The morning of Prom

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:42 am
by Acelister*
((Sure! You can edit your last post if you have nothing else to add outside]]

"Your dad's nice...It seems sweetness runs in the family, doesn't it?"

"I dunno..." John shrugged as his dad drove away finally. "I get told I'm like my dad... So I think so."

He walks with her towards the entrance. From the sounds of things the prom is in full swing and playing popular songs. Not a chance they'll play any anime songs, he reckons. Though he should avoid looking like a complete nerd for tonight, and NOT request one...

[[John continued inside the prom]]