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Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:36 am
by Yvaine*
Victoria chuckled as he excused himself, finding his slight stumble somewhat endearing for whatever reason. The little imperfections seemed to add up. His stammer, his stumble, his lack of decision, added to his hatred of Pondsworth...Well, it made him a bit attractive. Not so much on the physical sense. Sure, he wasn't bad, but he wasn't Johnny Depp. Then again, looks aren't everything.

While he took his leave, however brief it would be, she intended to let Alice know she might be gone longer then she thought. Her little gatherings could take a while, depending on how many nerds, sorry, players, showed up, it could take hours until she ventured from the basement she had no doubt they played in. She was hot enough that she didn't think she'd be too adversely affected by repeated nights. And some people called her vain.

When she needed to, she could send out a text pretty rapidly. Pretty much the opposite of Alice. She fumbled in her pockets for a second, her pants tight enough that they offered some difficulty in her retrieval efforts. She did manage to pull the slender device from her pocket in time, though. Her fingers could fly across the keypad, like they did now. Maybe half her social interaction was done through her cell phone. 'I'll see you later, at your place? I've got my key, so I can let myself in. See you later, babe.' With a press of a button, the text was out and away, off to wherever it was Alice went for her games. Whats-her-name, Bounce, was there, so she was in good hands at least.

As she started to stuff the phone back into her pocket, Theo marched out to rejoin her. She shifted slightly in her seat to allow her phone to reach the bottom of her pocket. She looked up as Theo sat back down. Before she even had a chance to speak, he was already starting. It was funny, it seemed that the majority of conversation between them was on his end. It was okay with her. Sure she was more vocal then Alice, like that was difficult, but she was fine with him supplying most of the conversation.

She found a smile forming on her lips as he went on. Hot, eh? She knew that, but she liked hearing it all the same. It was even better that he said it with some difficulty, like the very idea of talking to her required some titanic show of effort. The idea he liked her flitted across her mind, and her smile widened as it did. More fuel for the fire that was her ego, is all. She was with Alice all the way. Theo was cute and all, but he himself said platonic.

When he'd finished, she stood from the table, patting her pocket absently to make sure her phone was secure. "Let's hang out then. What do you want to do, hm? Movie, park? What did you have in mind?"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:36 am
by Killer_Moth*
She said yes! Okay, so it wasn't like a great romance or anything, but it was more than Theo had ever hoped for. This was probably the longest conversation he'd had all month, except with Dr. Brock, and that didn't really count. The guy just sat there and listened, making notes. How Theo wanted to read those notesÂ…

"Oh, yeah. We can do whatever." There were so many options, so many things to think about. What if he chose the wrong one, or if he chose the right one, and screwed it up. Wait, a movie. Perfect, they'd get to sit there, he wouldn't have to talk. There'd bound to be something that would come up after. "Erm, Yeah. A Movie sounds cool. I'm, er, not really sure what's out. But anything would be cool. As long as it's not just mindless violence. I'm not supposed to watch that stuff"

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:36 am
by Yvaine*
"So, a movie then? Well, I can't say I know what's actually playing right now either." With a slight shrug, she stood from the chair. She felt around her pockets, removing a loose wad of bills. With a slight grunt, she thumbed through the currency, a little disappointed to see she had far less then she thought. Theo better have some money, because she had barely enough to get in on her own. It didn't help that most of her money went to drugs. Speaking of which, she hadn't heard or seen Evan all day, and she needed to resupply.

Well, sneaking in was an option. She had just enough to get in, and she was beginning to feel hungry. If she sneaked in, she might be able to buy some snacks. It wasn't like she hadn't snuck into a movie. The 'security' at the theater was a joke. It was as easy as waiting for one movie to finish and walking in the door the people went out. You think that considering how often kids like her did that kind of thing, they might post somebody there.

She glanced up at Theo, offering a quick grin. "Not allowed to watch that stuff? How old are we again?" She asked, the tone belying the joking nature of the question. She looked back down, smoothing the bills over and stuffing them in her pocket. The movie theater wasn't that far off, but she wouldn't mind driving over. Theo might need a ride, though. Whatever, that was fine. Finally, she looked up to Theo. "Well, I'll follow you I guess. We'll see what's playing when we arrive."

((Victoria Logan continued in Seeking Focus))

Re: Meltdown

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:36 am
by Killer_Moth*
She was laughing it off. Wow, just how great was this girl? It really was a shame that she was seeing Alice, but then again, he doubted that she'd ever agree to go out with him if it were romantic. Still, he could always dream.

"Follow you I guess." Now that wasn't something he'd anticipated. He didn't drive, and had figured on just taking a bus or a taxi over to the movie theatre. But if she was following, instead of coming with, then she was driving, and thought that he was as well.

"Erm, I don't drive. If you are, then I'll pay gas, or get us in, or buy the popcorn or whatever. Sorry to impose on you, I know it's just a hassle." Stop. This wasn't the end of it. Just a minor setback. He could overcome this. He hadn't come this far just to give up now.

((Theo Behr Cont'd in Seeking Focus))