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Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Solitair*
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down-


Never gonna run around and desert you.


Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye-

Reach in, grab it, open it before it's too late!

Never gonna tell a lie... and hu-



"Cassie, where are you? It's been three hours since you went to the mall and I've been worried s-"

"Mom! Mom! Calm down! I just decided to stop and browse for a bit! I'm coming home as soon as I can!"

A sigh on the other end. "Alright Cassie. Just be sure to stay safe. Stay on the sidewalks, and look twice bef-"

"Yeah, I know. See you soon. Love you."


Had it really been three hours since she arrived at The Alibi? She must have spaced out, either there or here in the flower shop. Probably the latter; flowers generally weren't one of her interests and she could see herself zoning out looking at them, now that the mystery of the petal-gina had been solved.

Something occurred to her just then: since she was already here in the flower shop, why not make use of the opportunity?

She walked up to the counter and waited for the clerk, a tired-looking twenty-something man with a small brown ponytail, to talk to her.

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook finally had all of his attention span allocated in one place... directly at Tiffany. PERFECT! Listening much as any professional who actually worked at the Burst and Bloom would, the boy nodded after each and every pause Tiffany made in her statements about her mom's birthday and such. The comment on how the store's wares even went so far as to threaten a blush on the gardener's face, since a good deal of the present shop-stock came from the nursery he worked at. By extension, Tiffany was basically complimenting Brook's hard work without even realizing it!

Unfortunately, the trend of just barely opening his mouth before some strange event occurs continued upon Tiffany's gesture. The subconcious part of his brain recognized how her hand was heading right towards Andrew without even fully realizing what was just about to happen. Luckily, Brook's wince was completely unneeded; the other boy avoided a completely candid backslap to the face. Thankful that yet another possible crisis had been averted, Brook lightly sighed in relief before listening to what Andrew had to say.

Well, at least I've been reminded of his nickname now... Brook mused, knowing how much it irritated him when anybody his age called him 'Liam'. It just sounded too formal, and whenever somebody called him that, he felt like either the curator of the museum or some kind of wizard. The following sentences however, were the important ones... a vase of flowers wilting? Excellent, that was even easier to fix than a birthday bouquet!

"And yourself?"

"Tiffany's looking for flowers just like you!" Brook jovially answered for her, stepping out so he could look at the two from an equal distance. "If you want, I could actually help you guys. I mean, I have a lot of experience working at flower places and growing the things, and I've learned enough from the trade and... other sources..." Brook immediately thought of his mother, who was an excellent homemaker, "To make me the go-to guy! So..." He put his hands together, hoping he didn't come across as TOO cheery. "Tiffany, think about a few basic qualities of your mom... favorite season, favorite colors, maybe the color of your walls, even. Yeah, that's important.." He said in order to quell any odd looks. "Bishop... were you looking for something identical or similar to the old vase boquet, or something dif-"

The air of welcome professionalism was strained, if somewhat momentarily by an odd sound piercing right through Brook's head. "Did... did we just get Rick-.... never mind, sorry about that. By the way, I can help you guys, but then I gotta get back to the garden nursery... I don't exactly work here, I'm making a delivery."

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Solomir*
Tiffany couldn't help but be impressed by how thoughtful Andrew was in taking the initiative to get new flowers for his mother. For a moment, she considered how inconsiderate she must seem to him, as she was here to get flowers for a special occasion, while he was just here to get them on a whim. The train of thought was interrupted by shop attendant, who offered his expertise on the matter.

Actually, he kinda looked familiar from school. Tiffany wasn't great with names, but she remembered faces quite well, and she was sure she'd seen this boy somewhere around the school campus. As he talked about how he could help the two of them, she couldn't help but giggle a bit at how overdramatic and enthusiastic he seemed. Maybe it was because Peter always seemed to keep things cool and in-stride, but this guy's attitude reminded her of… herself.

His recommendations seemed to make sense too. As he turned to Andrew to offer him some advice, Tiffany thought on what the attendant asked. She knew that her mother's favourite color was red, but she couldn't remember what specific shade; Tiffany herself had a leaning to sky blue and light greens. She actually wasn't sure about which season her mom liked most, but she may as well make up something so it didn't seem like she didn't know anything about her mother.

Tiffany hadn't really been paying attention to the shop attendant while he was talking to Andrew, so she caught the tail end of his strange reaction to something. He said something about working at a nursery, and not at the shop, which struck Tiffany as a bit odd. Still, it was nice of him to be helping out around the shop when he could.

"Well," Tiffany said, "I know my mom really loves red. There's a particular color, a dark-ish red, that she really likes but I don't know what it's called." Tiffany thought for another second. What season did her mom like most? Probably not spring, since that was when the accident happened. Mom had always complained about the cold, so probably not winter either. Which left summer and fall, a fifty-fifty guess. "I think her favourite season is summertime," she said, picking her own favourite season. Summer was just so full of life and energy compared to the other seasons. "She's also really big on healthy living, like dieting and exercise. I dunno if that's useful to you or not," she said. It was just something that came to mind.

It dawned on her that maybe she should ask where he went to school. He did look familiar, and Tiffany was rarely wrong on these things. "By the way, do you happen to go to Bayview Secondary? You look kinda familiar."

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Hiro*
((sorry for the short half-assed post, being off in England has kinda temporarily killed my creativity and my ability to stay awake for more than 12 hours without feeling tired as hell))

Bishop turned his head as a boy around his age interjected into the conversation. Was he an employee? He sounded like one. Acted like one too. When he got to the bit about asking Bishop about what he was looking for, he drew in breath to respond, only to be pre-emptively interrupted by the sound of faint music.

"...Well that was weird," he thought to himself, as he made a second attempt to answer the boy. However, fate appeared to be conspired against him, as Tiffany spoke up a mere moment before him, prompting his words to fall flat in his throat. Shutting his mouth quickly, he listened patiently as Tiffany spoke.

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Solitair*
"Look, miss, I'm, uh, impressed that you know so much about what this guy looks like," the clerk told Cassidy, looking like he was more unnerved than impressed, "but if I'm gonna make a bouquet for you, you've gotta tell me more than that."

"Alright. You're the botulist," Cassidy replied, hastily correcting herself shortly afterward. "Botanist."

The clerk blinked. "Right. Now, do you know anything about what season he likes best?"


"Ok, how about his favorite color?"

Cassie thought a bit. "I'm gonna say... violet?" That was the color she thought of when he sang. It couldn't be that far off.

"Ok, well then, is there anything else you know about this guy?" The clerk looked bored and rather exasperated. He'd probably heard Cassie's question to Brook, too.

"Well, he's pretty soft-spoken and blends in. Until he starts to sing, that is. Then he's a dynamo! Whoo!" Cassie pumped her fist in the air, causing the clerk to flinch.

"You know what?" he said. "I think I know what he'd like. Wait right here." He bent down underneath the counter and began looking through the bouquets stored there.

Almost immediately, Cassie began to whistle 'Camptown Races'.

"Hey, knock it off."


Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Brook had been listening very carefully to Tiffany's every word. With each descriptor she gave, the boy tried to imagine the bouquet of flowers in his head filling with bountiful varieties of flowers. After the last sentence or so that Tiffany said (where she described her mother as loving healthy living), the previously shifting picture of what he had in mind had now solidified into something else. This 'something else' was what could very well be, if its creation followed its intended design, one of the most tasteful bouquets Brook had ever seen.

"By the way, do you happen to go to Bayview Secondary? You look kinda familiar."

The very next thing Brook heard didn't please him, though. Rather, it wasn't the notion of Tiffany asking that itself that bothered him as much as the fact she had to ask it. It was great that this girl was interested in who she was, sure, but had he really forgotten to introduce himself? Brook just barely managed to suppress an audible groan of disappointment. His face, however, did not hold anything back in conveying just how upset he seemed to be, holding a deep frown before he lightly touched it over with his palm. Sighing and straightening himself out, Brook looked between the two.

"Some salesman I'd make, huh? I completely forgot to introduce myself and everything... b-but yeah, um..." the 'assistant' squared his shoulders to both Tiffany and Bishop again, having done his best to quickly regain his composure. "I do go to Bayview, I even see you guys on occasion... Liam Brooks but, yeah, I just kinda stick with 'Brook' nowadays!" Brook got a little bit more of his confidence back, standing just a little bit taller and his shoulders slightly more raised. "Tiffany... right? I think you're on cheerleading, but I don't really see you all that much because cross country doesn't get a lot of cheering!" He let out an unforced, friendly laugh that showed he really wasn't upset about the whole thing as he turned to Andrew. "And Bishop, though... really, I only know you from your cool nickname." He shrugged and extended a hand to Bishop first and then Tiffany, giving each of them a chance to shake it.

"So, yeah, before I run back to work, I'll do what I can," Brook said to Tiffany. "From the sounds of it, the perfect base to work off is roses. Yeah, I know roses are something of a cliche in the flower world, but they're so common for a reason, yeah? Next, to get that summer feel, especially late summer, you probably want a bit of goldenrod... but if your mother is allergic to that, any dark yellow flower will do, even black-eyed susans. Finally..." Brook paused to take a breath, "lavender would make a killer finish to the bouquet. It's calming, and the scent that people take in after the flower attracts them is really calming. I've heard it's got some therapeutic effects, too!" The boy put his hands together, beaming. "So, that's what you ask the man at the counter! Roses, goldenrod, Lavender. Roses are the base with some goldenrod mixed in, and you want some lavender around the sides."

"And you're all set or..." Brook turned to Bishop. "There was something you wanted to know too, right?" It was then that Brook had realized a folly in his methods, one that he hoped he could correct in a few moments. He had been focused on helping the two of them (especially Tiffany) so much that he put his ambition of asking the girl to the prom on the back burner. Did he really want to go alone? The answer to this, of course, was no, but his chances were looking slimmer...

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Hiro*
Bishop shook Brook's hand, cracking a light grin at the comment about his name. "Pleasure." So this kid went to Bayview too. Bishop pondered about what a small world he seemed to live in, as Brook gushed to Tiffany about flower arrangements. He sure was enthusiastic about helping her. He seemed much more excited than Bishop would expect from an average employee, much less from someone who didn't even work here.

"Maybe he's taken in by her feminine charm..." Bishop pondered, peeking at Tiffany out of the corner of his eye. "...Can't say I blame him." He smiled.

Just then, Brook turned to address Bishop. "There was something you wanted to know too, right?"

"Eh?" Bishop blurted out, returning his gaze to the boy. "Oh, right. I'm looking for something with lilacs in it. What do you think?"

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:41 am
by Solitair*
"Alright," the clerk said to Cassidy. "One bouquet, all wrapped and ready." He handed her a cone of flowers wrapped in paper and cellophane, with a tag that she could use to sign it.

Cassie grabbed the bouquet roughly, causing him to call back out to her. "Hey! It's pretty fragile. Don't rough it up too much, or your friend won't be able to appreciate its beauty, alright?"

"Oh yeah," she said. "Gotta be careful." She pulled out her wallet from her pocket and her credit card from her wallet, then swiped the card through the reader and punched in a number.

The clerk gave her her total and her receipt. "Thanks and come again," he said, though he didn't sound like he particularly meant it.

"Sorry to disturb," Cassie replied. "I'll take this bouquet and go. Have a nice evening!" She cradled the bouquet in her arms and began to run out, but then remembered herself and instead walked at a brisk pace.

As the clerk turned back to look at Brook's conversation, he frowned and began counting in his mind. Was that a haiku?

He rolled his eyes and resumed leaning on the counter. "Showoff."

((Cassidy Wakemore continued in Master Exploder))

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by Solomir*
"You're in cross country? I see you guys sometimes when we're practicing outside. But football likes to keep us around for their games, and when we're not cheering for football, there's probably a soccer game." Tiffany thought for a moment. "I guess we don't have any classes together, but that doesn't mean you have to be a stranger," Tiffany said cheerily, "you can always say hi in the hallways or sit with me at lunchtime."

Tiffany was a bit surprised that Liam, or Brook as he liked to be called, would remember her from the squad. There were far better looking girls in the squad like Evelyn or Acacia. Not that it was weird for her to be noticed by someone. Everyone on the squad was pretty well-known around the school.

Liam turned and addressed Andrew briefly. She never liked how he tried to make this cool nickname for himself. Andrew was a perfectly fine name, why did he have to go around telling everyone to call him Bishop instead?

She listened closely as Liam gave his recommendations. "So… roses with some goldenrod, and lavender around the sides," Tiffany repeated. And repeated again to make sure she'd remember. The flowers sounded nice: lavender was a color she was quite fond of; goldenrod had a nice cheerful ring to its name; and roses were always pretty flowers. "I'll go get them now. Thanks for the help!"

Tiffany turned and took a few steps toward the counter, then turned around and said cheerily back to Liam, "And don't be a stranger at school! I'll make sure you remember that tomorrow." With a smile on her face, she went up to the cashier to place an order for flowers: roses with some goldenrod, and lavender around the sides. Just like Liam had recommended.

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by MK Kilmarnock
"That would be nice!" Brook exclaimed, excited at the prospect of getting to talk to Tiffany more than just one fleeting moment at a mall's flower shop. "I guess I shouldn't be a stranger, the offer is great!" Almost immediately, he had to try and make sure his head didn't end up getting clouded in, for lack of a better word to describe it, 'bliss'. Sheesh, Brook! You'd think that she just asked you to put a ring on her finger or something! She said 'sit next to her at lunch'. Hardly romantic. Are you going to ask her to the prom or not?

Nodding to Tiffany so show that she got the arrangement right, Brook quickly turned to Bishop. "Lilacs? Great flower, wonderful hue that goes great with nearly any cool color. Have a bouquet made nearly entirely out of them with some foxglove interspersed, alright?" He squared his shoulders towards the counter and was about to motion for the guy to head over when he noticed Tiffany was... was talking to him again!

"And don't be a stranger at school! I'll make sure you remember that tomorrow."

"O-Okay!" He just had to chuckle along with that one, his face holding its composure just long enough for him to turn around before it started to blush. "Let's see... made my delivery.. yeah, I guess I better be getting back before my boss kills me! See you later Tiffany, Bishop!" It was all a rushed flurry of words as Brook headed for the back door of Burst and Bloom. Sure, he was probably going to be late, but what would Tiffany think if she saw him cracking up like this?

... Shit! I messed up! I guess... I guess I'll ask her tomorrow at school? Come on, Brook, don't blow this again!

((Liam Brooks, continued in An After school Meeting))

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by Hiro*
Bishop nodded at Brook's suggestion. "Lilacs with a few foxglove mixed in. Got it." He'd never heard of foxglove before. He pondered what this mysterious flower looked like as Brook give his parting remarks and make his exit. Waving to the boy, Bishop called out after him. "Thanks for the help!"

Turning, Bishop made his way to the counter, standing behind Tiffany as she placed her order. "Nice guy," he said to her as the cashier rung her up and went off to get her bouquet.

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by Solomir*
"He is, isn't he?" Tiffany replied casually. She turned around so she was facing Andrew and leaned back against the counter. "I'm surprised I hadn't really talked to him before. I thought I knew everyone in our grade."

Tiffany was silent for a moment. There was something she was going to ask Andrew. She had actually been meaning to ask him for the past week or two, but she never really caught him at a good time to ask. It was vaguely related to Peter… but didn't really have anything to do with him either….

"Ummm, so…" Tiffany said slowly, hoping that talking would jump-start her thinking, "there's something I was meaning to ask you, but I never got a chance. I don't see you around too much nowadays, since you don't stay at church after mass much and we don't have any classes together this year."

What was it she was supposed to ask? It was… related to a big event coming up soon. That helped.

"So uh, there's a big event coming up," Tiffany continued, as in continued racking her brain for the question. "I guess I'm supposed to ask you to be there, since somebody's gotta ask."

What big event was coming up soon? Something that she wanted Andrew to be at, she remembered as much. She put her brain into turbo, looking for the right connections to form up…. Aha!

"The parish fundraising concert's next week," Tiffany exclaimed, with a bit more energy than she intended. "The youth group's supposed to be running a stand with concessions and little crafts the kids made. I'm in charge of the booth, but I'll be performing with the choir as well. Could you mind the stand while I'm performing? You're going to be at the concert right?"

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by Hiro*
"Ummm, so…there's something I was meaning to ask you, but I never got a chance."

Bishop blinked quizzically as his friend spoke. Something she was meaning to ask him? His curiosity piqued, he listened intently.

"I don't see you around too much nowadays, since you don't stay at church after mass much and we don't have any classes together this year."

She spoke slowly. Unnaturally so. Could she have perhaps forgotten the question? Bishop couldn't help but smile. It was kind of cute, really. Remaining silent, he patiently waited for her to continue.

"So uh, there's a big event coming up,"

Bishop's heart skipped a beat.

"I guess I'm supposed to ask you to be there, since somebody's gotta ask."

The prom? She was going to ask him to the PROM? TIFFANY? Sweet, innocent little Tiffany? Asking HIM?! What luck! What fortune! Bishop silently recited prayers of thanks to every god he could think to name. He had no idea what he had done to deserve such a pleasant turn of events, but whatever it was, it was certainly not enough!

Tiffany was silent, as though in deep thought. Wracking her brains for the question she had been meaning to ask. But Bishop knew. His heart beat faster, sending a shiver down his back as he waited for her to remember what he had already deduced. Come on, Tiffany, you can do it. Come on. Come on!

"The parish fundraising concert's next week!" Tiffany cried out energetically.

Bishop's heart plummeted into his gut, as the blood turned to ice in his veins. What? The parish fundraising concert? THAT was the big event she was thinking of? But, but, but...but! His mind twisted around in circles upon itself.

"The youth group's supposed to be running a stand with concessions and little crafts the kids made," Tiffany continued, as Bishop silently ran through mental damage-control, trying to keep his expression clear of any indication of his inner turmoil. "I'm in charge of the booth, but I'll be performing with the choir as well. Could you mind the stand while I'm performing? You're going to be at the concert right?"

Bishop's mind snapped back to reality. Now was not the time to be feeling disappointed. A girl was asking him for a favor. No, not just a girl...a girlFRIEND. No, wait, a girl friend. Er...a friend who happened to be a girl. Whatever! She wanted help! And he was going to give it to her!

"Of course," Bishop answered at last, nodding. "I'll hold down the fort for you. No prob."

Re: Roses Without Thorns

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:42 am
by Solomir*
"Thanks a bunch, Andrew," Tiffany said with a widening smile. Now that the issue had been taken care of, everything was going to be perfectly fine- except Andrew looked like he was in mild shock, like he'd just been hit in the gut. "Don't worry," she said reassuringly, "there's a good view of the stage from the booth. And you won't need to do anything, just stand there until I'm done."

The clerk had returned with her flowers, so the conversation was interrupted with Tiffany rummaging through her purse for her wallet to pay. Flowers can be expensive! At least Tiffany now understood why even though they seemed like simple presents, flowers were rarely bought for a girl except for special occasions.

Now that Tiffany had the bouquet of flowers, her job in the mall was done. She wished she could've gotten a delicious strawberry cheesecake. Or a rich dark chocolate cake. Or a colorfully sweet ice cream cake. Or all of those cakes at the same time. A birthday wasn't really right without cake, Tiffany believed. Sadly, that's not what her mother had wanted so the cake would be missed tonight.

"I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow," Tiffany said to Andrew. "Thanks for helping out at the concert. Remind me because I'll forget, but I definitely owe you one." As Tiffany left, she wondered if Andrew had possibly been acting a little bit different compared to normal. And she wondered why she might have noticed such a thing.

((Tiffany Baker continued in Cheer Up!))