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Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by landlocked*
Natalie smiled to herself when she heard Cassidy and Andrea talking about Blank Nation. "Yeah, and I mean, you can't really avoid coming off a little poseur in a high school band. But they're definitely not bad from what I've heard of them. They have that one song um... with the lobster or something? It's pretty chill." It was times like this that Natalie longed for her iPod - she was pretty sure she'd managed to make a recording of that song at one of their gigs (or was that a different band?), and she hated missing an opportunity to show off her vast library. She knew it was a little pretentious of her but... meh, she still liked talking about music. And speaking of...

"But yeah, Cass, you can totally go ahead and play, I doubt anyone would mind. I'll go in the back and turn down the music a little if you need me to." Cassidy was another person whose music Natalie enjoyed, and she may or may not have made a recording or two of her playing, as well (wait, that might've been someone else, too... she'd done so much illegal recording and pirating she'd completely lost track of her library).

Finally, Sierra made up her mind and made an order, one which threw Natalie for something of a loop. Aside from the fact that her lisp had made it difficult to understand at first, Natalie had also never heard of Cow Tales before in her life. As she racked her brain trying to remember if she'd heard anything about them before, she stood and stared at Sierra, her mouth hanging open slightly as she thought.

She'd definitely never eaten them before... but that name did sound vaguely familiar, just barely... had Richard mentioned them to her before? He was one of the few people that knew about even more obscure stuff than Natalie did... and he did just mention an order of desserts coming in today...

"Hold on a sec," she said, snapping out of her trance, "Let me check in the back. You can handle stuff for a second, right Charlie? I'll be quick, I swear."

Taking one last swig of the coffee she had poured herself earlier, Natalie gave the empty styrofoam cup a toss from across the room into the trash as she moved into the Alibi's back room, and gave another yell for her boss.


There was a small crash from Richard's office, and opening the door, she found him sprawled on the floor in his chair, having fallen over in surprise.

"...You fell asleep again, didn't you? I was wondering why you didn't answer when we got here," Natalie laughed as she crossed the room and offered an arm to help him up. She knew her spindly arms didn't have the strength to lift Richard, who was both taller and heavier than she was, but it was really more of a polite gesture, anyway.

"Yeah..." Richard said with his own booming laugh, his large belly shaking as he stood up, "Well, what else is new..." he dusted off his plain clothes and straightened his shaggy brown hair and beard as he spoke. "What'd you say you needed?"

"Just wanted to know if that new order of desserts were in the freezer back here or not. Someone ordered Cow Tails? I dunno what they are, but I think you mentioned them to me or something once..."

"Oh yeah! Just got here this morning, there's a ton of Cow Tails in there, you can go right ahead and unload all the desserts."

Natalie hesitated a bit before choosing her words carefully as she answered. "Um, I'll just grab one, there uh... there isn't really time to unload it all right now..."

"Oh right, wouldn't want you doing any actual work," Richard said with another laugh. "Don't worry about it, kid, I'll bring the box out. But only because you caught me asleep again."

Natalie smiled with some relief as she turned and headed back outside to the counter. It was a good thing Richard was such an easygoing guy - as long as she always showed up on time and stayed at the counter, he was pretty lenient about stuff like taking coffee and slacking a little. God, this place really was a haven.

"Hey, you're in luck," she told Sierra as she came back out, "turns out we just got a box in-"


With an off-key fanfare and a flourish, Richard emerged from the back carrying the box of Cow Tails as if it were Baby Jesus. Seeing Natalie speaking to Sierra, he sung a few more triumphant notes, raised a Cow Tail from the box like a sword and squeezed between Natalie and Charlie, handing it to Sierra from over the counter.

"Your Cow Tail, madam!" he cried, before plopping the box on the counter next to his two employees and turning around and going back into the freezer to start unloading the rest of the desserts without another word.

"...Yeah, thank you King Arthur. Um, anyway. There you uh... there you go," Natalie said awkwardly, hoping Richard hadn't scared her. He was a nice guy and all, but Sierra looked pretty easily frightened, and a giant, tubby, yelling brown-haired Santa Claus look-alike was probably... not what she had expected when she asked for a Cow Tail.

"So are these things any good? I've never heard of 'em before like, five seconds ago."

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Lawther*
Strolling nonchalantly through the modern Mecca know as the Prominade, Vincent decided he could use a little bit of caffeine, and that meant only one thing: The Alibi. It wasn't really the coffee that kept Vincent coming back time and again, it was the atmosphere. Besides a warmly inviting interior, there were always all sorts of scene kids that Vincent could talk shop about music and bands with.

Most coffee back in Britain was an atrocious affair; nothing but black muck in a styrofoam cup in comparison to the wonders of tea. If the Colonists had dumped coffee in Boston Harbor, the Crown probably wouldn't have batted an eyelash. However, the Yanks had somehow figured out how to make that black sludge into an aromatic and tasty experience, and although the Alibi was staffed by fellow high school students, they still knew how to brew a better cup of coffee than most Brits.

With his tastebuds now craving a sweetly brewed specialty, Vincent doubled his pace and made his way to the second floor, and in no time he was at the entrance, just in time to watch Richard's antics as he made his grand entrance from the back room.

With everyone's eyes fixated on the spectacle, Vincent sidestepped pleasantries for a moment and strode happily towards the register. "Hello luvs, beautiful day, isn't it?" Vincent said with a smile to all the girls along the way, including the lovely young barista behind the counter, playfully flirting with them as usual even though he was currently in a relationship with Acacia Salinger.

With that, he turned to Charlie and started to place his order. "All right?" he asked nonchalantly, not really caring whether or not the Yank knew that it was just a greeting. His hands playfully rapped against the counter with the rhythm of the music as he decided what to get. He bobbed his head with the song as he thought, almost completely lost in his own little world until he suddenly realized what he wanted. "I think I'll just go with a cafe latte today, mate." He said with a nod before turning his attention to his fellow patrons at the counter.

There was a good mix of people in The Alibi today, in Vincent's opinion. Cassidy, who had brought her bass and looked like she was going to begin playing some time soon, was always a cheerful addition to the mix. Andrea, who's staunch opinions about local music made for many an excellent conversation, was here as well. There were also two new faces to the store; two cute looking scene girls that reminded Vincent of the girls in Camden Lock, one of his favorite haunts in London, one of whom had orderd the apparently epic treat that Richard had been so kind as to bring out.

"That must be one wicked treat, eh?" Vincent said with a grin to the smaller girl with the rather interesting taste in candies, looking to strike up a conversation with the newcomers.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Josie nodded at Natalie as she spoke to the two of them. It was a slightly awkward conversation as it was quite obvious that this girl didn't really know them that well. "Yep, that's right. I'm Josie," she said simply, sweeping her large red ponytail off her shoulder. "And yep, I've heard of ya. Or I've seen ya around at least..."

Josie tugged at her hoody. Okay, can this conversation end already? Just serve me my food! Like a wish granted, Natalie turned her attention to serving someone else. It wasn't that Josie was completely socially awkward...she was just a little unsettled with people that she didn't know very well. Escpecially when it came to people she attended school with every single day.

Finally, Sierra gave her order. A cow tail. A cow tail? Seriously? Josie frowned. You could get those anywhere! Josie was offering to pretty much buy Sierra a gourmet dessert and she ordered a cow tail? Josie would never understand her best friend and maybe that was a good thing. It kept things interesting.

She looked over at Andrea as she began to speak to her again. Since she was fairly acquainted with Andrea, it wasn't as awkward of a conversation as with Natale. Andrea was even in a few of her classes. "Yeah, I really like chocolate," she told her with a slight grin. "Ooh, an essay...harsh. I have...nothing important," she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck.

To be exact, Josie had quite a stack of homework. She had two chapters to read in history, a page of questions to complete in English, some project for chemistry... Blah blah, who cares? Josie never really did homework often. And if she did, it was half-assed on the morning that it was due.

...Or she milked the answers from Sierra. But as one would expect, the two friends were so alike that they both rarely did homework. They were practically digging each others graves. Jokingly, Josie considered ditching Sierra and getting a new nerdy friend who would provide all answers to homework. No, she'd never sink to something so low. Admittedly, the thought did make her laugh. It would probably make Sierra cry.

Josie listened to Andrea as she stepped up to the counter, talking about some band, Blank Nation. Apparently it was a simple garage band hosted by some peeps from their school but Josie didn't know of them. Despite being a scenester who prided herself on all types of rock bands and music, she was pretty ignorant when it came to small time stuff. Maybe she'd check them out. She'd probably forget about it, though.

She glanced over at Natalie as she headed to the back room to check for the cow tails. While waiting, she strummed her fingers on the counter. "Now where's my chocolate cake..?" she thought absently. Moments later, a large guy emerged from the back room with a whole box full of them. Josie raised an eyebrow as she examined this guy. He sure seemed peppy enough and of course...the cow tails would please Sierra.

"Haha.." Josie chuckled at the guy. "He went through the effort to bring the box out here so you should get like...five of them Sierra," she suggested. She looked over at Natalie as she asked if the treats were good and her face scrunched up in response. It had been years since Josie had eaten one but...

"Ugh no, they're so disgusting. It's like chewing on chocolate, solidified substance at all, bleh. Sierra's crazy or something..." Josie rattled off, nudging her friend with a grin. She was about to say something else, probably ask about her cake, but someone else came into the shop. She glanced back and was met with an unfamiliar face. Another Bayview student? Most likely.

He intermingled with the rest of the line and appeared to be looking everyone over. Then, he leaned forward and asked Sierra about her 'wicked treat.' "Oh, it's wicked alright.." Josie muttered, sweeping her bangs from in front of her eyes. Wickedly nasty.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Hiro*
Charlie waved over his shoulder to Natalie as she went into the back room. "I'll try not to burn the place down." As she slipped into the door marked "Employees Only," he silently began to count down in his head. Sure enough, the sound of a muffled crash echoed from behind the door. Nat had caught Richie sleeping again. Charlie shook his head, chuckling to himself as he set Josie's slice of chocolate cake down on a small plate with a fork. Richie was quite possibly the best boss a lazy teen like Charlie ever could have asked for. Fat, jolly, and best of all, lenient. Boss of the year, hands-down.

Setting Josie's slice of cake down on the counter, he entered Sierra's order into the register. "So that's the chocolate cake with strawberries, and a soon-to-be-delivered cow tail..." The final price lit up on the register's display. "Will that be cash or-"

His voice trailed off as Natalie returned. So they DID have them after all. Leave it to Richie to stock up on the most obscure-


Speak of the devil.

Charlie turned his head towards the back door as Richie barged through, announcing his arrival with revelrous fanfare. Laughing at his boss' over-the-top acting, Charlie slid aside, motioning towards the counter with one hand as Richie headed towards it to hand Sierra her promised treat. The royal delivery has arrived, he thought to himself.

"Thanks, Your Highness!" Charlie called out with a laugh as Richie went off to unload the dessert shipment. Turning back to the counter, he resumed his usual position behind the register. "Right then, will that be cash or charge?"

Charlie's eyes wandered to the front door as someone new entered the store. Vincent Barrows...ohhhh boy. Now there was a full-on ladies' man right there. A real Casanova. Pulled girls in with his British charm, milked their bodies for all they were worth, then left them with their hearts as broken as their dignities. But as much as he kept telling himself he should, Charlie just couldn't hate the guy for it. Folks don't just decide to treat girls like that for nothing. Shit happens. Bad shit. And shit probably happened to Vinnie. And Charlie could sympathize with that...

Shaking off that train of thought, Charlie nodded in acknowledgement as Vinnie approached the counter. "Alright, mate," he replied to Vinnie's greeting without missing a beat. Entering his order into the register, he nodded to Nat. "Cafe latte."

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Solitair*
"Thanks, Chuck," Cassie said to Charlie as she fished in her pockets and withdrew a few well-worn bills. She put them on the receipt and listened to Andrea and Natalie talking about Blank Nation. Truth be told, she was having trouble defining exactly what 'poser' meant. Did it mean that they didn't give a rat's ass about the sound or the attitude? That they didn't do the same things that real musicians of the genre did? Cassie was new to the whole 'scene' scene, so she was learning a lot about it the hard way.

"Hello luvs, beautiful day, isn't it?"

Cassie turned and waved to Vincent, the hot British kid she shared a class with. "Allo, guvnor!" she replied in the cheesiest British accent she could affect.

"So, yeah, I haven't really heard anything of theirs yet," she replied to Nat and Andrea, or rather just Andrea, as Nat had ventured into the back room while she was greeting Vincent. "But I like what she said about a lobster. I'll have to check them out. Maybe I'll make some promo art for them, just to show that there's no hard feelings."

With that settled, Cassie turned to her guitar, fetching a black pick from the inside pouch of the case. Today's exercise wasn't about playing a guitar so much as it was training her ear. She'd learned how to play the instrument, but composing songs was still a mystery to her. She was stumped until she reasoned that she could try and pick out the individual instruments in a song (especially the bass, often overshadowed by the the rest of the band). And so she went to the Alibi, where she could find bands she could find inspiration from.

At least, that was the plan. She'd barely strummed two chords when the guy in charge, Richie, burst out of the room with a "BAH, BAH-BA-DUMMM!!!" Cassie was so surprised she almost dropped her pick, fumbling with the thing for a second before getting a good hold on it again.

"Hey Rich. You're full of pith and vinegar today. What's up?"

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Mimi
Sierra eagerly leaned over the counter and crossed her fingers as she waited for her treat. She felt bad for sending Natalie to hunt down something so trivial, but she really wanted that Cow Tale. It was like crack, just in candy form. Like, they should have called the Cow Tales kiddy-crack and not that gross powder-dippy-stuff. Now that stuff was just gross-nasty.

Sierra glanced back at Josie and gave her a small smile. She knew very well that Josie had issues with big crowds of strangers, but they weren't really strangers... right? And besides, she had Andrea to talk to- though she was kinda-sorta busy talking to Cassidy about Maria Grahams' band. Sierra's gap-toothed grin spread over her face once again as she thought about Maria's nickname. A nickname was something Sierra always wanted, but she was usually stuck with crappy ones like 'Gappy' and 'Lispy'. Maybe she could start forcing people to call her, like, 'Armadillo' or something.

"Hey, you're in luck,"

Sierra turned back toward the voice and found a smiling Natalie standing in front of her. She retreated for her leaning position and flashed the lanky girl another warm smile- though it was quickly replaced with a face somewhere in between petrified and confused. The door leading to the back rooms just about exploded as a boxing-toting man who erupted into an energetic exclamation. The expression on her face quickly favored the confused part as the loud man presented her with the cow tale, which she gingerly took from him. "Thankth...?" She more-so asked than stated. She watched with more confusion than ever as he retreated back to the depths of the cafe, though that didn't stop her from quickly unwrapping the delicious treat.

"Uhm..." She started, but immediately lost her train of thought when Natalie questioned her, "Oh-my-God, YETH! They're like heaven in thtick form!" She coo'ed, playfully smacking Josie in the shoulder when she objected "Jutht pay the woman, Joze."

A British accent she knew all too well chimed from behind her. Vincent Barrows was one of very few boys that Sierra had ever had a crush on and did she ever have one bad. Something about the boy was so alluring, a fact that never seemed to exit her mind. She spent many a history class staring at the back of his head. Turning toward the boy with a sheepish grin planted on her face, she nervously cocked her head and fiddled with one of her coon tails "Y-yeah, they're, like, thuper delithiouth. You wanna try thome?" Without waiting for an answer, Sierra broke the candy in half and practically shoved it at him.

Calm down, calm down, calm down. He's gonna think you have, like, tourettes or some kinda mental disorder. Jeez.

Looking down at her feet, she couldn't help but word vomit some more. "Do ya like my thhoeth? I got them at WalMart."

Her cheeks were as red as an apple, though you wouldn't be able to tell thanks to the hands she had them buried in. She obviously hadn't mastered the art of flirting.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by D/N
(yes, horribly short, just to get Andrea out since I'm persona non grata this week)

Watching the Alibi's slighty-psycho owner Richie charge out with a new supply of desserts and other concoctions, Andrea figured she really needed to get going before she got sucked into injecting any more sugar into her veins. It was a shame, as Cassidy was starting on her guitar and another buddy of hers, Vincent, had just arrived, but such was life.

"Vincent, good to see you as always, but it's time for me to move on. You kids have fun now."

(Andrea Raymer continued in Flaws)

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Lawther*
She must really 'ave it bad for you, mate. Vincent thought to himself as the small girl with the lisp practically shoved half of her treat into his hands and then proceeded to try to strike up a conversation about... her shoes. Oh dear. Luckily, before Vincent could really react/say something that would probably hurt the poor girl's feelings, Andrea came by and said a hasty goodbye.

"All right luv, catch you later then?" Vincent always liked catching Andrea at the Alibi for a good round of verbal sparing about musical tastes. "It's a shame you had to leave so soon, what with there being new people with which to impress your musical prowess on." He said as a playful rib to her as she left. Her appearance at least managed to give the new girl time to dig herself out of her grave. Before she could really embarrass herself more, Vincent decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Well luv, I would give it the old college try," he said as he eyed the ripped piece of Cow Tail in his hand, the powdered innards dripping on to his hand from the ripped edge, "but my old man always told me to never take candy from a stranger." He said with a wink to the girl. That corny remark ought to take some of the edge off. Shame really; she's quite cute when she's not sticking her foot in her mouth. he thought to himself before properly introducing himself. "Vincent Barrows. And you are..."

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by ZombiexCreame*
Josie was eying the piece of cake on the counter, mentally appraising the product. She was a chocolate connoisseur and if there was too much or too less of something in the cake...she would know. She always knew. From the looks of it, it seemed perfect. Just enough icing and cut into the perfect triangle shape. The shape matters. It always did. If the cake was even the slightest bit lopsided, it would bother Josie the entire time she ate the delicacy. It was a very severe process that required the best of tastes and the stomach of a God.

Or at least that's what Josie liked to tell herself. Sometimes she would joke that she would grow up to be a professional cake taste-tester, which would suit her just fine since Josie really didn't have any other ideal career ideas. Glancing back to Charlie with her wallet in her left hand, she told him, "Cash," as she slapped a twenty on the counter.

Josie almost laughed out loud as she watched Sierra reply to the jolly man in confusion. In a way, Sierra seemed almost scared which was just hilarious to Josie. Unfortunately, the awkwardness didn't last long as Sierra was already eating the treat. Josie rolled her eyes when she slapped her playfully on the shoulder.

As she was waiting for Charlie to take her money, she glanced back over at her friend and realized that she was talking to Vincent. What a creep. He may have been dead sexy and his accent was kind (sometimes Josie liked to imagine that Vincent was making the accent up for attention), but Josie really didn't see what was so great about this guy. He was like...a womanizer or something. At least that's what she picked up from rumors. Although she knew that Sierra crushed on this guy, Josie never said much. She just wished they weren't talking right now.

All Josie could manage was to cross her arms in front of her uncomfortably and shoot a slight glare in Vincent's direction, made more sinister with her dark eyeliner and brooding amount of piercings. She turned to wave at Andrea as she left and sighed, turning back to Sierra and Vincent.

"Okay, you just saw the girl open the thing. Obviously she didn't poison it or anything. And if she did, why you of all people? Oh yeah, I'm sure Sierra woke up this morning and said, 'Heh, that Vincent kid...I'm gunna poison him when we meet at a cafe later today. He'll never know what hit 'em!' Yeah I'm sure that happened...and what's with the 'luv'? Oh, I'll show you 'luv'!" Josie grumbled, her eyebrows knit together. She didn't seem happy, but the truth was, she didn't want this guy to hurt Sierra's feelings.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by landlocked*
Natalie laughed at Sierra and Josie's reactions to her question. They made a pretty amusing pair. She rang up the Cow Tale for Sierra as the girl started talking to another guy that had come in - Vincent something-or-other, a guy Natalie didn't know particularly well apart from seeing him around occasionally. Jeez, it was starting to get crowded... how long had it been? She was starting to get antsy... well, that could only mean one thing.

As Richard continued to come back and forth from the back to the counter unloading more desserts, greeting Cassidy with a polite "Hey, there, Cass," Natalie poked him on the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm gonna go take a quick cigarette break."

"Already? That's soon even for you! Just make sure you mark it on the sheet and everything."

"Yeah, no probs. Be back in a sec," she said to Charlie before making her way through the back rooms and out the back door, onto the small balcony where people usually spent their quick breaks. She felt a little guilty for leaving Charlie with most of the work (again), but the guilt subsided quickly as she took her cigarettes out of her pocket, lit one and inhaled.

Ahhhh, peace and quiet...

((I know this is short, too, I've got finals breathing down my neck and I'm just getting Natalie out of the way. Go ahead and skip me in posting order until I can get back. Oh, and feel free to do whatever with Richard, too, I've got a profile for him in the NPC thread if you want.))

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Hiro*
Charlie picked up Josie's cash and rung up her order, watching Sierra and Vincent out of the corner of his eye. Although his face maintained its usual neutral expression, within his minds storm clouds were beginning to form. Charlie might not have been able to bring himself to hate Vincent, but he still despised what the guy did. And now he was trapping SIERRA in his little web? Cute little Sierra? If there was any girl in the school who did not deserve the eventual heartbreak of getting involved with Vinnie, it was Sierra. Just having some guys whisper in her general direction made her get misty-eyed. Vinnie would ANNIHILATE her. It just wasn't right.

And the fact that she was completely crushing on him didn't help either. But then again, that could just be the jealousy talking.

As Charlie pulled out the change from the register, Josie's voice filled his ears. A small grin came to his lips, thankfully hidden behind the register, as she tossed sarcasm so thick you could cut it with a knife in Vinnie's direction. Leave it to Josie to look after her buddy. If Vinnie wanted to get to Sierra, he'd have to get through HER first.

...God, I'm such a coward, Charlie thought to himself with a frown as he set Josie's change and receipt down on the counter before her.

"Be back in a sec," came Josie's voice from behind Charlie. Jerking his head to the side, he barely managed to croak out a barely-audible "Huh?" before she disappeared into the back room. Ohhhh crap. His head slowly turned back to the quickly-growing crowd of customers before him. Goosebumps rose up on the back of his neck as his heart began to beat faster in his chest. not good.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 pm
by Solitair*
Cassidy found herself distracted by all of this talk of Cow Tails and British pleasantries. She could already see some sort of chemistry going on between Vincent and Sierra, although it remained to be seen whether the resulting reaction would create a new compound or simply fizzle. Or explode. Can't forget about that one.

"Oy! Y'aren' thinkin' of anythin' perverted, are ya Vinnie?" she asked the Brit, once again using her horrid gag accent. "Nah, I'm just kidding. You two play nice now. May your future be filled with Cow Tails and all," she added afterward in her normal voice, turning back to the speakers just as the songs changed.

"Oh, bloody hell, this song doesn't even have a bassline!" she said once she recognized the sounds of A Martyr For My Love For You. "Ah, what the hell, I'll improvise." She concentrated on playing the notes of a normal guitar on bass, still missing or misreading a note occasionally, but otherwise doing alright for someone who never practiced the song.

After a while she began to softly sing along with Jack White. "I happen to catch her and said maybe these ruby shoes are a little cumbersome for youuuu..."

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:26 pm
by Yvaine*
((Victoria Logan continued from Seclusion))

Victoria was still in mild shock as she pulled into the mall parking lot. Tears still streamed down her face, and the occasional sob shook her body, but she was relatively quiet as she removed her keys from the ignition. For a while, she just sat there, her expression blank. After a while, when she managed to get herself under control, she exited the car. After locking the door, she stuffed her keys in her left pocket, her cell phone occupying her right. Standing by her car, she hesitated, torn between the mall and returning to Alice in the library. But that would mean going by Pondsworth. The very thought made her tense up. Her hand hovered over the circular black mark on the back of her neck. No, the mall was where she would wait.

After a short walk through the parking lot, she stepped inside the mall, pausing in the entrance way before ascending the stairs to the second level. The Alibi was near the stairs so a few seconds later and she was inside her favorite hang out. Well, favorite when she wasn't fighting back tears. When she wasn't with Alice, or working at the hospital, this was where you could find her. Live music, great atmosphere all combined to make it a great place to kill time.

Right now though, she need a familiar face. Someone to talk to, someone to comfort her. A brief scan of the room wasn't very promising. That was until she saw Vincent. Vincent, oh now he was a catch. Sexy accent, sexy body, all around sexy guy. Truth be told, Vincent was really the only guy she stayed longer then one intimate encounter. Really, the only guy she'd ever gotten back together with after breaking up. Yes, for someone to comfort her, Alice was the only person better.

She took a step forward and saw he was chatting with another girl, who upon closer inspection was the girl know as Sierra. Victoria knew who she was, as in she knew she existed, but didn't know anything about her other then her name. Well, she knew she was occupying the guy she needed right now. Fine, okay, whatever. "Hey, Vincent!" She called out, her voice rising above the din. "When your done..." She pointed at an empty table before making her way there herself. She had all the time in the world, so she had no problem letting him talk to the small girl in brightly colored clothes.

She sat hunched in the chair, still feeling the effects of her encounter with Monty. When she looked out the window, she caught her reflection in the glass. Yeah, you could tell she was a little worse for wear. Her hair, normally in a sort of mohawk kinda style was mussed up and pretty much flattened. Her eyeliner was running slightly, and her eyes were showing too much white. When she could take it anymore, she looked away, her eyes falling to the table. Her hands, which had been resting on the surface, held a noticeable tremor, which she tried to hide by placing them on her lap. For fear of seeing anything else she didn't like, she sat there in silence, her head down and her eyes focused on the table surface.

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:26 pm
by Mimi
The embarrassment gradually let up as Vincent called the attention of some of the other kids, something that Sierra thoroughly appreciated. She had no why she was so panicky and awkward around Vincent, maybe it was his personality, or his accent, or that absolutely gorgeous face of his. If only her life cheesy date-movie. She be all romantic and stuff and totally kiss his face off or something.

"Oh, yeah I know who you are," Sierra smiled, until the realization of what she said hit her, "Oh God, that sounded creepy didn't it? I'm not, like, a stalker or anything- seriously, but, uhm, I'm Thierra, like with an 'Eth',"

The renewed embarrassment overtook her once again when Josie spoke up from the sidelines. Large, red blotches adorned her cheeks once again, though she, thankfully, stopped herself from burying her face in her hands again. Had Vincent not been there, Sierra would have laid the smack-down on Josie, well, she actually probably would have cried, but still. She probably just ruined any chance Sierra had with Vincent, you know, if there was even the small glimmer of hope to start with.

The embarrassment once again multiplied when Cassie teased her about perverted thoughts and marriage. Her throat was dry, seeing as she basically forgot to breath during the ordeal, let alone swallow any of her spit. Bad luck struck again when the spit when down the proverbial wrong tube and summoned a large coughing fit.

Oh great.

Sierra planted her small hands on her mouth in an attempt to quell the coughs, but by the time it was over an obviously distraught Victoria Logan entered the cafe, asking for Vincent's time.

Oh great, times two.

The coughs ceased and Sierra peered at Vincent with wide eyes, "Uhm, she lookth a little bit thad, you thhould go check on her. I'm jutht going to go the the bathroom," She said with an forced smile and sent Josie a little head bob, knowing that Josie would fully know what it meant.

"Bye, Vinthent,"

[ Sierra Manning continued elsewhere ]

Re: The Alibi

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:26 pm
by Lawther*
As Sierra spoke, Vincent couldn't help but notice her irate friend. It obviously bothered her that Vincent was chatting with Sierra. Her eyes met his as she shot a sinister glare in his direction, clearly wishing for him to back off of her friend. Vincent ignored her jeer completely.

"Well Sierra with an S, it is lovely to make your acquaintance." He said with a smile, taking a bite out of the piece of cow tail in his hand. "Mmm. Quite good, that is. An excellent choice." He said as he chewed on the toffee-like treat.

It was then that Sierra's friend stepped up from simply glaring to a grumbling attack on Vincent's innocent little joke. Obviously rumors of his exploits had gotten around the school in the year since he came overseas, most of which were probably true. He assumed that she had heard some of the more unsavory rumors and was trying to protect her more innocent friend. Whatever the case, she definitely seemed riled up about Vincent flirting with Sierra. Too bad for her that Vincent wasn't one to back off just because of one friend's ire. In fact, he liked the added challenge of overcoming obstacles when he flirted.

So she thinks you're a fiend, eh? Well she is right, in a way, but that doesn't mean she has the right to snap on you like that. Vincent thought to himself. However, Josie had left an opening for him to work with in what she had intended to be an insult. Rather than letting insults fly, which probably would have lead to a rather unseemly mudslinging session, Vincent decided to try a different route.

"Oh, I bet you would." Vincent said with a wink and a sly grin to Josie in response to her ‘luv' comment. "You're definitely the feisty type. I bet you could go for hours. Maybe some day, luv." He said, adding the luv at the end in a condescending tone as he mocked her obvious distaste for him with playful kindness. To add to his playful mood, Cassidy chimed in with a playful tease of her own, complete with her cheesy cockney accent as well.

"Why Cassidy, I never!" Vincent responded jokingly in his best ‘Queen's English' accent in response to Cassidy's comment. "You know as well as I do that a gentleman such as myself would never even think of such impure thoughts." However, his mood took a turn for the worse when Victoria walked in looking like she'd had an absolutely awful day. Her usually well kept hair and beautiful features were in all sorts of disarray. Something was wrong. When she called out to him, Vincent's concern for Victoria drained his playfulness away.

"Of course, just give me a minute Vic." He said to her soberly before turning back to Sierra and her friend. Sierra had definitely noticed it as well and graciously gave him an opportunity to go to her.

"You're right. Something's definitely up. See you around, yeah? Maybe next time we can meet some where a little more… peaceful." He said to Sierra with a suggestive wink before waving goodbye to Josie with a smile, just to throw her off. With that, he turned around and walked towards the spot he saw Victoria had pointed to.

It was clear that something was wrong as he made his way over to Victoria's table. Her usually confident demeanor was gone. It looked like something had completely drained her usually fiery spirits. She sat way in the back of the café with her back turned to most of the patrons, hunched over the table with her hands in her lap. This wasn't going to be a quick catching up on music or a friendly conversation. Vincent could tell something bigger was afoot.

"Hey Vic, you all right?" He asked quietly, softly patting her back for a moment before taking a seat next to her. Her body was trembling. Something was definitely wrong. There was no use in pretending that everything was normal. "It's all right. You're OK now. Tell me what happened."