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Re: Ice Trail

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:56 pm
by Solomir*
Peter didn't need help. He was fine.
No you're not.
Peter hated feeling weak. He didn't like to rely on others' support, whether physical or emotional, to do what he needed to do. He was a man and it was his job to be support for others.
Shut up. You like it when people are concerned about you. Makes you feel loved.
He wiped the self-loathing off his face and gave a weak smile to Sora. "I'll be fine. Just a bit woozy from that first fall," Peter said shakily. He knew it didn't sound very reassuring, but he'd be damned to admit that he wasn't in tip top shape. "But yea, maybe getting off the ice for a bit might be a good idea."

Peter started shuffling along the wall toward the exit. The dizziness was fading, but Peter wasn't sure if he wanted to take his chances. Sora came up beside him, likely to make sure he didn't fall again. Without thinking, Peter reached over and draped his free arm over Sora's shoulder. He was a more comfortable support to use, and this allowed Peter to actually attempt to skate now.

The throbbing in the back of his head was fading a little. Peter hadn't thought much of it the first time, but current circumstances pointed toward a concussion from the fall. Peter didn't know much about concussions, but that was something a half hour on the internet could fix. Regardless, any more skating for the day was out of the question.

"Thanks for coming out to this," Peter said as they approached the exit. He felt kind of silly: he had dragged Sora out to go skating, but in the end he was the one that had gotten hurt. "Also, thanks for helping me even though I'm being a klutz," Peter said with a small laugh. He reached around and gave Sora a small hug. "I'll make it up to you some other time," Peter said softly, and then gave a light peck on Sora's cheek.
How does one make a whistling sound in your head?
Wait. What?
You just kissed him you idiot. You should probably get your head checked.
Peter's brain was now working properly, and back in full panic mode. He didn't do stuff like this. Peter reminded himself to check if concussions could cause people to act totally irrationally. But the first order of business was to clear up any confusion and get his ass out of here.

"Uh… forget that happened. Whatever it was I just did. My head must be still a bit loopy or something. I don't like you or anything. I mean, I don't like like you. You're just a friend. A good friend… that just happened to be around me after I hit my head and make it go loopy. Anyway, I gotta run and take care of some other stuff. Church stuff, and maybe some other stuff. I'll see you around!"
That made a surprising amount of sense considering you just hit your head.
Peter turned and hightailed it out of there. Hopefully, Sora hadn't seen how red his face had gotten.

((Peter Siu continued in Reflections of an Alcoholic))

Re: Ice Trail

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:56 pm
by AnimeDutchess*
"A-Are you sure?" Sora protested when Peter told him he'd be alright. "Yeah, you really should get off the ice..."

Had Peter hit his head? Sora hadn't recalled seeing him injure himself too was odd, but he hoped that Peter would be alright. Sora was just the kind of guy to be genuinely concerned for his friends.

When Peter spoke again, he tried to smile. "Oh, no, it was fun, in its own way." Skating had been fun, even if it was hard. "Challenges always offer something interesti..."

Peter had just kissed his cheek.


"...Uh?" His words mirrored his thoughts perfectly. Yes, he knew Peter was gay. Yes, he was aware that sometimes, he came off as gay as well. But the peck had caught him off-guard.

It seemed to have freaked Peter out as well, who immediately started to ramble about how he didn't feel that way. Well, no offense, but neither do I...I mean, you're a really good friend... Before he got to say any of this, however, Peter sped off, leaving Sora alone on the ice.

"..." Sora reached up and rubbed his cheek, and could feel his face reddening slightly. "God, would Ileane have a field day with this..."

And with that, Sora went off the ice as well. After all, his mom was probably waiting for him somewhere, and damn, digging up a new plot in the backyard sounded so good right about now...

((Sora Najikano Continued In Philosopher At The Gazebo.))