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Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Moth*
Celeste considered it a personal victory when John's hands tightened around her own, with no prodding from her. Excellent, so she really did have a great effect on him. She looked up at him, managing a sheepish-looking smile as they started off again, Celeste moving her feet again, slower this time to keep from falling. She kept slipping, even now, but it was better than she had been. Just keep holding onto his hands, as the plan is, she thought to herself.

As they moved, still slowly so they wouldn't topple over, Celeste looked away from her feet and around the rink. There sure were a lot of people today...a few families, friends skating together, and of course some couples...But all those couples were holding hands as they skated side-by-side, not one in front of the other. Celeste felt a twinge of jealousy; she wanted to do that too. Hmm...She would have to try it later, when she got her "ice legs."

"You just have to learn it slowly," John said to her. "I can't figure-skate, and I've done this loads of times."

Celeste chuckled. "I don't think I'd want you to figure-skate..." she laughed. Not very manly, was it? It was fine if John could ice-skate, but doing the ice ballet? Uugh, maybe not. She began to move her feet even more, just a tiny bit at a time, her legs going one way and then the other. Doing a lot of rear-wiggling there...Celeste looked up at him, craning her neck to see him better. Then she suddenly let go of his hands and pulled her own away, spinning to face him. She nearly crashed down to the ice again, but a firm grip on his clothes kept her from falling. Before he could protest, Celeste wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug, sighing a bit. "You're such a wonderful teacher!" she purred.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Acelister*
John kept them going steady, not trying anything fancy or so fast he couldn't stop in a heartbeat. It took her this long to try it again - if he screwed up she'd never do this again. And probably never go on another date with him...

"I don't think I'd want you to figure-skate..." Celeste said, laughing. John blushed - figure skating was a gay thing, wasn't it? Just when he thought he had a handle on that whole 'Which gender do I want to be inside' thing, he said something that made him doubt himself...

Suddenly she let go of him and span around, almost pulling him off balance as she grabbed his clothes. Then him. She was pressed quite firmly against his front, her arms gripping him to stay upright. He was surprised she managed to turn like that, for one thing... For the other thing - why did she do it?

"You're such a wonderful teacher!"

John blinked - she hugged him because she thought he was a wonderful teacher...?

"Uhh, thanks...?" he said, unsure how to react. Was she going to go back to crazy-mode...? He stopped them both with the little brake on the front of one of his skates, turning them slightly as they stopped.
"I'm... I'm only doing what I think you'll like..." he admits softly.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Moth*
Fortunately, John had the foresight to stop them, instead of trying to skate with Celeste going backwards. Which would of course have resulted in disaster. "I'm... I'm only doing what I think you'll like..." he admitted softly.

Celeste chuckled a bit, blushing faintly as she looked up at him again. "You know, that could easily be applied to another enjoyable activity," she teased him, some of her previous "innocence" creeping back into her voice. She squeezed John's waist a bit before taking his hands again and trying to turn around again, lifting and lowering her feet, appearing to be stomping as she turned around. "Push me forward again?" she asked sweetly, looking upwards to see his face. "The sooner I learn how to skate, the sooner I can skate next to you, Big Guy," she said. Another faint blush appeared as she thought about that.

That would be quite nice...And it would make her really feel like it was a date, not a teaching session. Though it was great to holding John's hand. And standing right in front of him made her wonder about something...Her blush intensified a bit. Don't focus on that, she told herself, trying to make herself move forward. Just the skating, and the date.

This was of course, still a date. "Can we go faster?" she asked him, smiling a bit. "I like things fast!"

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Acelister*
"You know, that could easily be applied to another enjoyable activity," Celeste said, her voice seductively innocent. He was glad of the crotch-restraining ability of his pants, now... Of course, this now reminded him that he liked girls. What was it, when you liked both girls and guys...?

"Push me forward again? The sooner I learn how to skate, the sooner I can skate next to you, Big Guy,"

John complied as she got back into position, gently pushing them forwards again. He doesn't go very fast, again, but this time it was in case she suddenly span around again... She seemed a little full of random behaviour...

"Can we go faster? I like things fast!"

John couldn't help but blush at that. Was she just talking about forward-motion, or was she talking about -everything-? Surely that would make sex a disappointment to her... And a relationship frightening to most males...

"Alright, but you asked for this..." he told her, moving faster. He started to deviate from his straight line too, turning slow lazy bends. It was partly to give her more experience and partly to actually avoid other ice-users. He stopped accelerating at double their previous speed, though her hair was barely moving yet. Not like some of the girls who seemed to be bombing around the ice, their hair flying out behind them.

"This was a fun idea..." he said to her, smiling. And that wasn't just because he got to look at her butt a lot.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Moth*
"Alright, but you asked for this..."

Before Celeste could say anything in response, John started to skate a bit faster, making several turns as he went around the ice. Celeste let out a happy squealing sound and straightened her body, hands tightening their grip in excitement. The turns were a little tricky for her to follow, but she found that if she just relaxed her legs better, and tried to copy John's movements, then she didn't fall over. He's really making me skate! she thought giddily. She couldn't help let out a laugh, she was having so much fun already. Celeste could feel she wasn't going too fast, as he hair had barely started to move behind her, but she didn't mind. Yet.

Celeste looked up at John again, meaning either to thank him or request he move faster, she hadn't quite decided yet, and he looked back down. Smiling at her, he said, "This was a fun idea..."

Celeste nodded in response, laughing again as they made another turn. Experimentally, she lifted one foot up as their path curved; she wobbled a bit, but managed to stay upright. Well, she'd be able to skate on her own in no time! "I hope you can skate faster than this, because as soon as you think you've taught me enough, I'm challenging you to a race," sh teased him, a delicate smirk on her red lips. They turned again, and Celeste lifted her foot once more. But whatever she'd done right last time, she hadn't done at all now, and she screamed as her leg gave out from under her and she fell to her knees on the ice. She didn't fall all the way down, thanks to John holding her hands, but it still shook her up a bit. "Oops..."

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Acelister*
"I hope you can skate faster than this, because as soon as you think you've taught me enough, I'm challenging you to a race,"

John chuckled at that. She was getting too cocky now - but at least she was having fun. He made a slightly sharper turn, grimacing as Celeste all but collapsed to the ice. He stopped suddenly, a spray of ice arcing from his skate.


"No, that was my bad..." he told her as he helped her upright. "But you are starting to get cocky..."

He blushed slightly upon using that word. It was fine in his head, but out loud it sounded crass. Especially said to a cute girl...

"We'll... Skate for a few more minutes, then go and get a drink." he suggested. "Then we can come back out here and you can have a go..."

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Moth*
Celeste laughed again at John's comment, that it was his fault. "No...No, that was me," she admitted, brushing a stray bit of hair out of her face. "But I was getting...cocky, as you said," she chuckled, looking up at him from below her eyelashes. A faint blush colored her cheeks, from the chill, the laughing, and partly because of how John himself was blushing. She had a feeling she knew why..oh, dear, was he really so innocent?

"We'll... Skate for a few more minutes, then go and get a drink." he suggested. "Then we can come back out here and you can have a go..."

"Yes, alright," she nodded, finding a better hold on John's hands. She hoped she'd have her skating legs after they'd drank something...She was getting the feel of it already, though, so there was not much need to worry. Still, Celeste couldn't help thinking about her recent tumble. "I suppose I had it coming," she confessed, falling against him as her laughter slowly died away. "Me and my cockiness...trying to bite off more than I can chew, there." Whether or not the double-entendre was intentional was unknown, her tone was so neutral.

"You know...I said I like it fast, but maybe it's alright for a slow beginning..." she added, slipping one of her hands away. She held it limply at her side, flashing another smirk John's way. "Let's see if you can handle us like this, okay?" she challenged him, starting to move her feet already. She was learning fast, and eager to do the work by herself now. Besides, if she could skate, she could skate away from John, let him try and catch her...It would be a very fun game, she thought! Still smirking a bit, she tried to skate forwards, one of her hands still joined with his, though she wobbled a bit.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Acelister*
"I suppose I had it coming, Me and my cockiness...trying to bite off more than I can chew, there."

John's eyes widened as she said that. Did she... Mean skating still...?

"You know...I said I like it fast, but maybe it's alright for a slow beginning..." Celeste said as she let go of his hand. "Let's see if you can handle us like this, okay?"

"Alright." John nodded, starting to move alongside her. It was fun to skate with a non-relative. He gave her a gentle sqeeze. "If this is so fun, I can't wait for our next date."

He blinked at that - didn't she quip something about putting out on a second date? Was that ever the wrong thing to say...

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Moth*
Skating beside John was even better than skating in front of him, Celeste thought as she slowly moved forward I'm getting better at this! she thought triumphantly. Her legs were less wobbly now...So they could start having even more fun soon.

"If this is so fun, I can't wait for our next date," she heard John say.

Celeste looked up at him, expression neutral. She still remembered what she'd said in the food court...Truth be told, she was partially-kidding. Well, she would have liked to be able to put out by then, if people even went on second dates with her. It went without saying she was a virgin. Finally, a small smile appeared on her face and nodded. "I think I'd like that," she admitted. "You'll be able to choose what we do, alright, Big Guy?"

Tentatively, she slipped her hand out of John's, making a small effort to skate by herself, though she never left his side.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:05 pm
by Acelister*
"I think I'd like that," Celeste said, making John think she meant the 'on the second date' thing. Luckily she carried on. "You'll be able to choose what we do, alright, Big Guy?"

"You're on." he smiled, letting her drift a little away from him. He stayed close just in case she needed him. He didn't want her to fall and put her back to the clinging-to-the-wall stage again.

He angled them towards the rink exit, taking her hand again as they reached the edge. Her skin was colder now it had been in the open air, but still felt nice and soft in his.

"Now... What do you want to drink?" he asked, looking at her. He was going to pay for her drink - and possibly snacks - just like he paid for her skates. It's the traditional way to do this.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:06 pm
by Moth*
Celeste let her arm go its entire length as she drifted away from him a bit, until she was holding on by her fingertips. She smiled again, feeling much happier than she had earlier...Today had started out so awful for her, but now, thanks to her own initiative, things had picked right up again! She giggled as she skated back towards John's side again, following him towards the exit of the rink. It must be time for a break. His hand was warming her own, made it a shocking contrast with how her uncovered hand had felt.

They approached one of the vendors, John looking down at her. "Now... What do you want to drink?"

Ah, well, she could warm both her hands again on a hot drink. "Oh, hot chocolate's fine," she answered. "That's what one drinks when ice-skating, isn't it?" She held his arm tight, leaning against him so she didn't fall over again. How odd, just as she got the hang of gliding along on ice, she had to start lifting her feet as normal. Which was still a bit tricky for her. Celeste found a nearby seat and sank into it with a sigh, sending another look his way. "You're a real gentleman, you know that?"

"We can share the drink if you like," she added, smile growing.

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:06 pm
by Acelister*
"You're a real gentleman, you know that?"

John chuckled and shrugged. "I've been taught well." he smiled at her.

"We can share the drink if you like,"

John's eyes widened slightly and he blushed. She wanted to share a drink? One of the most intimate things you could do without physically touching? Her DNA would actually be getting into his body... There was DNA in spit, right?

"S-sure..." he nodded, smiling again and trying to look more confident again. Out on the ice was fine - he was in control of practically everything. Now she was back in control of herself - and back to being flirty.

He went to the vendor and ordered a hot chocolate. The vendor made it and handed it over, putting two of the chocolate-wafer 'straws' into the foam. John paid and took the drink back, sitting down in the seat next to Celeste as he put the drink between them on the table.

"You were, um, very good on the ice." he told her. "Especially when you got your legs."

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:06 pm
by Moth*
Upon John's acceptance of sharing the drink, Celeste felt her heart skip a few beats. Such a small act, but the way he sounded, to her, and his blush and smile, made it seem like a bigger deal. Well...there was something rather intimate about sharing a drink or a meal--that was why Celeste suggested it, but she'd expected him to treat it casually. Not seem happy or blushing. A small pink tint appeared on Celeste's own cheeks as her date left to get the chocolate.

I wonder if I should take these off? Celeste wondered, looking down at the tightly-knotted skates. She had taken them off yet, of course, as she wasn't sure she'd want to take them off only to put them back on in a few minutes. It made more sense for her to keep wearing them, she supposed. Even if they did make walking difficult.

John returned to the table, interrupting her musings, and she smiled up at him as he set the drink down. She noticed that there were two straws in it...that meant if they wanted a drink at the same time, their faces would be so close. That didn't both Celeste too much, however. She had kissed him a few hours ago, after all. "You were, um, very good on the ice," he told her. "Especially when you got your legs."

"" Celeste chuckled modestly, blushing a bit more. She reached out and toyed with the closer wafer straw, rolling it between her fingertips, toying with the top of it. "I wasn't too sure...I'm such a novice!" She scooted forward, leaning over to take a drink of the cocoa, and her fingers, which had been near the top of the straw, slid downwards as she gripped it gently. Her eyes closed as she took a few sips. Mmmm, it's so warm... Licking a stray drop of the drink from the top of the straw, she looked up at John again, gesturing to the drink. "You should have some. It's really hot...feels great inside you."

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:06 pm
by Acelister*
" I wasn't too sure...I'm such a novice!"

"You really aren't that bad." John chuckled, shaking his head. He watched her drink some of the hot chocolate, his cheeks growing brighter and brighter red as he realises what that looks like.

"You should have some. It's really hot...feels great inside you."

John bit his lip slightly. So much for not having that 'problem' again... And leaning forwards too much... That was the bad thing about tighter pants. Less showed initially, but that was mainly whilst standing...

"Uhm... In a minute..." he nodded, shifting his chair to get closer to the mug. He leaned down and sucked on his wafer-straw. It was nice...

Re: Frozen Feet, Warm Cheeks

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:06 pm
by Moth*
Celeste nodded at him, not showing any sign that she knew of the innuendo. Watching him take a drink, she leaned back a bit, giggling. "Tastes good, doesn't it? I wasn't expecting a cookie straw though, that was nice of them..." She looked down at the straw, fiddling with it again before taking another sip. She hadn't been teasing about it feeling good inside one's self, it really did warm her up. Inside and out. Which meant that she'd be warm enough to...

Get back to skating, Celeste realized, blushing a little. She was taking a break from skating right now, and...well, when one tried a new thing and took a break before coming back to it, didn't they get a tad rusty? "I'll have to lean against you on the ice again...Or hold both your hands," she admitted to him, shifting her gaze away from the mug up to John. She leaned back in her chair a bit, letting him have more of the cocoa. "That doesn't bother you, does it?" she asked, making her eyes a bit wider, biting her bottom lip nervously. She wasn't joking around this, she really was nervous.

And a bit frustrated. here she thought she was finally getting good, and now she might have to learn all over again! "You're a big guy, you're strong enough to hold me up for a long time, right?"