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Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:05 am
by Jilly
Megan half-smiled as Gavin calmly took the map and stashed it away like it was some lost treasure. Then again, it probably was his treasure that Megan had no right to just take from him, even if it was just poorly written fanfiction... at least, that's what she assumed it was. It was kind of hard to stomach through what she read.

Karen denied about feeling bad, but Megan wasn't born yesterday. She could barely even say she was okay without coughing after every second syllable, but whatever. Maybe Megan was just being paranoid. Again.

"I'm ready to go whenever you guys are," Megan chipped in. "I think I need to get off this thing, at least for a little while. I keep getting scared that I'm going to step on something and get Tetanus."

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:05 am
by simpleinsanity*
[Cyrus White continued from Mischief Managed]

"Breathe deep in the blue, relax..."

Cyrus looked out at the sea through the shattered porthole, taking a deep breath of the salty air. Something that he noticed, every body of water smelled a bit different. The Hudson like ozone and cigarettes, the Puget like rain and fish, and what he assumed to be the Pacific like salt and wind. He thought to himself: "At least I'll see something pretty before I die." He heard gunshots in the distance and sighed.


Cyrus walked down the hall, ice axe in hand and saw the rest of the group talking about something or another.

"Hey all, what's going on?" He smiled at them. They appeared to be in good spirits at the moment, and he hoped it would stay that way.

He really, really hoped.

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:05 am
by Grim Wolf
As Cyrus approached, a single thought ran across her brain.

Why can't you be the one to die?

She forced it away, though she didn't dispel the glare that came with it. The worse she looked, the better.

"Need to get moving," she said. "I want this place safe. I'm not getting killed because we were too fucking lazy to prepare ourselves."

She didn't have to fake the anger--it was boiling beneath the surface, corroding at the edges of your mind. Yes, this was the best possible plan. But it was also dangerous. Absurdly, obscenely dangerous. And she so desperately wanted to live.

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:05 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
For a moment Gavin felt like making some kind of disparaging comment towards Karen's nervousness. Then he was reminded of the reason behind it and immediately felt guilty for contemplating such an action.

Still, he would've appreciated just a little faith. After all, his life was just as much on the line as hers was. Sanguinity was of the essence. One wrong line spoken in the heat of emotion and...

But that's not going to happen. I shall lead this performance to its show-stopping conclusion if I have to personally tape the mouths of every member of the audience shut and steal the baton from the conductor's faltering hand itself. There can be no other outcome!

...Now he was the one getting worked up. He took a deep breath, calming himself, giving himself a chance to find his emotional centre before he spoke again.

"You have a point. We've had time to rest and recuperate anyway, so we might as well spend some time before evening seeing if there's anything we can do to fortify this place any further. Then we can see about setting a fire and gathering some more supplies while everyone else is likely to be resting. That sound like a fair plan of action?"

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:06 am
by Jilly
And with Cyrus, the gang was all here. Four people that were going to break the game or die trying.

Megan nodded her head as Gavin spoke. Fortifying, and then gathering supplies. That seemed doable enough. "Yeah, let's do that. I'm fine with anything."

Not like there was much else to do at this point, anyway. At least she hoped so in Gavin's case. Megan bit her lip at the thought of leaving Gavin unsupervised again.

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:06 am
by simpleinsanity*
Cyrus smiled again, looking in the direction of the entrance.

"I can do fortifications. Anything specific that we would need? Wood, scrap, PVC piping?" He decided to ignore Karen's glare at him and focus on the task at hand. If they were going to succeed, they needed to put petty things aside and work towards one goal. They couldn't do that if they spent too much time dwelling on their differences.

"After all, that's what makes us great, right?"

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:06 am
by Grim Wolf
Karen sighed and paced the room, inhaler in her hand. People spoke. She barely listened.

"Enough talking," she hissed through a tight throat. "Just..." She shook her head, her voice wheezing a little. "Can we...can we..."

She broke off, and took a puff from her inhaler. Eased her lungs a little. Didn't want it to be too unbelievable, but had to make it fly.

"Sorry," she managed. "Just...just want to be safe."

Didn't have to fake the strain in her voice. That was the beauty. Just let her natural feelings phase through.

"Sorry," she repeated, taking a steadying breath and slumping onto the mattress in Gavin's room. "I..."

No words to say. No need to act. Just let a little of her stress and strain through.

"Okay," she said. "Okay, let's go."

When she stood up, she left her inhaler on the mattress.

(Karen Idel script-breaking in The Only Winning Move)

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:06 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
Gavin waited patiently outside with the rest of his little band whilst Karen gave herself a moment's rest. He couldn't blame her for her frailty - indeed, he was relying on it - but it was still somewhat vexing to have to deal with. It was a petty thing to be irritated by, but letting himself indulge in petty annoyances helped keep the much bigger, more daunting problems at bay. The one thing he absolutely couldn't afford to possess right now was a sense of perspective.

The knowledge that Cyrus might be able to improve their situation did hearten Gavin a little, but he was already virtually certain of the security provided by the thick metal walls of the massive freighter. Still, there was no such as being overly prepared in a game like this. The deck was already stacked against them, and every miniscule advantage might mean the difference between life and death.

When Karen finally emerged from his room and announced she was ready to go, Gavin didn't bother to reply. They all knew the parts they had to play, and prolonging the conversation only meant prolonging the tension. Everyone had already given their consent, now the only thing left to do was make as much use of the calm before the storm as they could, and hope they could weather it when it finally came.

"Cyrus, you're with me." He said, taking charge of the situation. "We've got the tools, but you'll need a strong assistant if you intend to get anything done before the evening. Since Karen obviously isn't reacting well to all this rust, she can go and help Megan collect driftwood on the beach. That should be a fair enough distribution of labour."

Gavin glanced around one last time at the trio before he set off with Cyrus, taking in their expressions. He wanted to fix their faces in his memory as something to hold onto, now and hopefully forever. These were the people who had stuck with him, who had trusted in him, who had collaborated together to make something that defied the game's espoused philosophy of backstabbing and paranoia. Whatever they might think of him, he was proud to be with them.

Whatever else came next, Gavin felt as if his destiny was finally back in his own hands.

((Gavin Hunter plays Rook in The Only Winning Move.))

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:14 am
by Jilly
Megan rolled her eyes as Karen stormed off to do... well, whatever Karen did, she supposed. This girl was frankly really starting to grind Megan's gears. Granted this could be how she handled stress, but Megan was ready to just strangle this girl herself. God, just take a damn chill pill already!

But she waited like a good girl for the drama queen to do whatever she had to do.

After Karen came back out, Gavin immediately took the reigns and started divvied up the work. Megan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as Gavin both:

a) pretty much implied that Megan, as a girl, wasn't strong enough to help with fortifying the ship, and
b) pretty much said it was a good idea to let the little asthmatic girl do physical labor.

Granted the last time Megan helped build something was years ago when her dad attempted to assemble that set of drawers he ordered from IKEA, plus the fact that Karen refused to just sit back and do nothing for whatever reason, but that was besides the point.

But, like a good girl, she bit her tongue and let Gavin give orders. Gavin knew best. He came up with the plan to save them, after all.

"...I'm fine with that," Megan huffed when Gavin finished. She kept quiet and made the necessary preparations to do the job of collecting driftwood she was drafted into, like the good girl she inherently was.

((Megan Emerson marching off to her death in The Only Winning Move))

Re: Resisting Against Fate

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2018 6:19 am
by simpleinsanity*
Cyrus silently nodded at Gavin, smiling slightly. Internally, he thought that Gavin was being a bit arrogant, but he didn't let it bother him. If he could put up with Karen's cynicism then he shouldn't let Gavin get to him.

After waiting for the others to walk out, he stood in the doorway for a moment and looked over the beach. Tons of driftwood and seashells, as well as the odd crab and dead jellyfish. It was interesting to think of, the fact that if anybody was able to look through his eyes with no context, they would just think Cyrus was at any island in the middle of the Pacific. They would have had no idea that less than a mile away, kids were fighting for their lives.

But Cyrus didn't need to dwell on that now, he had work to do.


((Cyrus White continued in The Only Winning Move))