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Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:25 am
by Kris*
As Paris waited for Mai's answer he received the most annoying comments form the high schools local penut gallery. It always took a couple of minutes from his time to deal with these pesky pharases that are coming out of the unwanted company. With a sigh he turned to the two who started firing their waterguns at him.

"Well isn't that sweet of you. I'll be sure to poison your lunch today if thats what you really want. You can join Kim in the great beyond. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to talk tons and tons with her. After all you do have a lot of common. Such as that your both pathetic and were completley a waste of space during your time here on earth. Now if you'll excuse me I have better and more important things to do than hearing about your fruitless hippy attempts to save the enviorment."

Paris recited his statement naturally and then turned back to hear Mai's answer. After all he still hasn't gone thorugh one of the beginning stages of the day. If Mai does not respond then it will throw off the entire routine of today. With a yawn he waited for Mai's reply. "Mai you know I don't have all day. Has the horrendous fantasy of Jacks cock being stuck down your throat stopping you from saying something?" he asked.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:25 am
by Endless_Helix*
"Well, I have to say you're simply brilliant  today. You've managed to rehash an insult that you've used twice before, You're so intelligent! Speaking of intelleigence, at least I have the ability to comprehend why the environment is in need of saving, you naive neophytic genetic reject. Since you're the one who brought up the subject of coitus, you clearly have more fantasies about Jack than you're willing to admit," Ernest paused for a second, "I would suggest seeing a therapist for your anger issues Paris. I know several excellent men and women who can give you the help you need. I've their cards in my bag, hold on a sec."

With that, Ernest began rummaging through his bag. It was true actually, Ernest did have his therapists' cards in his bag. It was just in case something bad went down at school and he forgot to take his medication. At home, his father could restrain him if Ernest went psychotic. Thankfully, that hadn't happened in nearly six years.Ernest almost believed that he had psychosis beaten, and perhaps he did at that point in his life. It all came down to self-control, and Ernest had that in spades. Although, it was slipping.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:26 am
by MooCow*
Taylor could sense, in the way that only best friends could, the less than enthusiastic tone in Maggie's voice.  Sighing he gazed down at his Geometry book and thought about the situation.  Had he been neglecting Maggie?  For a while it had appeared to Taylor as though Maggie was the one who had changed over the last several months, but now it seemed as though he had been very wrong.  Since when had he ever asked Maggie to go to the mall with him anyway?  The answer was never. The mall had never really appealed to anyway until he had begun hanging around with the so called popular students.  Had he become a proverbial "Plastic"?  That certainly hadn't been his intention more than a year ago...


"The pins and needles feeling in your left arm should go away with time.  You see the tumor in your brain was attached to your brain stem and one potential side effect of the surgery we performed was temporary nerve damage.  I am confident you will be back to your old self before the summer begins."

Taylor merely starred at the doctor blankly.

'Should come back?  And what if it doesn't?'  His mind was racing frantically but his parents simply gave him a reassuring look and smiled.  Did they understand the potential depth of this situation?

The doctor continued to speak with his father, who was a Radiologist and his stepmother, who had worked as an Ultrasound Tech.  They both understood the medical lingo being spoken.  Taylor's mother merely tried to follow along as best she could, although she wasn't completely clueless to the seemingly foreign language being spoken, having gone through exactly what Taylor was going through now.

It had been his mother who gave him the Von Hipple Lindau.  All three of her biological siblings also had the disease and they had all gotten it from their father before them.  Grandpa Hallman, whom Taylor had never known, and who died when his mother had been only two years old had lost his life battling the disease before anyone really knew what it was.  All they knew at the time was that he had cancer, not why.  The malignant tumor in his left kidney had robbed the matriarchal side of Taylor's family of a father.  It wouldn't be until more than a decade and a half later that his mother would be diagnosed with the disease, quickly followed by her two brothers and her sister.

Von Hipple Lindau caused it's victims to develop tumors in the brain, spinal cord, kidneys and retina, all of which were benign save for the potentially cancerous kidney tumors.  More often than not VHL was merely a hassle, a minor set back to deal with, but every once in a while the disease would rear its ugly head in unimaginable ways.  

The year before Taylor found himself undergoing the surgery on his brain he had lost his right eye to the disease.  The doctors in New Jersey weren't as well equipped to handle VHL as the physicians in Iowa had been and one of the tumors on the right retina had gotten quite out of control.  After countless unconventional surgery methods to save the eye and destroy the growth, Taylor's vision was gone.  Still being able to see out of the left eye, the right was swiftly removed and replaced with a shiny, lifelike prosthesis.  Often his peers could not tell the difference between the real eye and the fake and this presented no problem.  It served as more of a reminder than anything, just like his left arm now.

While the adults went over potential concerns with the doctor Taylor merely sat and thought to himself, "what if it doesn't come back?'

The lyrics of a familiar Counting Crows song resounded in his head, ‘…you don't know what you got ‘til it's gone…'

It was true really, people took so much for granted. Taylor suddenly felt extreme empathy for those in the world who couldn't, for whatever reason, truly live life.  The people who would give anything to experience sight, the people who desperately desired to be able to take a walk instead of sit around in a wheel chair all day, even comatose patients like those in the very same hospital he was now in.  He then felt horrible guilt for never realizing this before.  

"They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot'

"Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop'

He had vowed when he lost his eye that he would never again take anything for granted but he had failed…

"They took all the trees, and put em in a tree museum
And they charged the people a dollar and a half to see them
No, no, no
Don't it always seem to go'
"That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot'

"Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop'

Would he be given another chance to live his life without major deterrents?  Taylor certainly hoped so.

"Hey farmer, farmer, put away your DDT
I don't care about spots on my apples,
Leave me the birds and the bees
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey now, they paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?'

"Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop'

Silently he prayed to a God that he wasn't even sure existed.  He prayed for yet another chance.

"Listen, late last night, I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi took my girl away
Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Well, don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone
They paved paradise to put up a parking lot
Why not?
They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
Hey hey hey
Paved paradise and put up a parking lot'

"Ooooh, bop bop bop
Ooooh, bop bop bop'

He prayed harder than he ever had before for another shot to make the best out of life.  He couldn't be handicapped, not now not ever.

"I don't wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away
Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Now you wanna giving it all away'

"I don't wanna give it
Why you wanna give it
Why you wanna giving it all away'
"Hey, hey, hey
Now you wanna give it
I should wanna give it
Cos you giving it all away
Hey, hey, givin it all,
givin it all....away

"Why do you want me?
why do you want me?'

"Cos' you're givin it all away,
Hey, paved paradise to put up a parking lot"

One more chance was all that he could hope for.  A single tear trickled down Taylor's cheek.  

People in the world took so much for granted, and what better example was there of this was there than that of Taylor Brennan.  Sight, speech, health, the people we love; anything can be gone in a heartbeat.  Unfortunately most people in the world would never realize this until it was too late.

As the months went on Taylor's arm would eventually heal, his balance would get better and he would continue to make gradual progress.  Eventually all that remained would be the scar on the back of his neck, a small reminder of his promise.

Unlike most people in the world, Taylor was given another chance to embrace life for all it was worth.  This time he would have no regrets.


Unfortunately Taylor would have regrets.  Upon returning to school he made it a point to be outgoing and sociable to everyone.  The fact that his return nearly coincided with the merge of the two schools had helped substantially.  When he had almost died of a post operative duodenal ulcer several weeks later it had in actuality morbidly contributed even further to his momentum in rising to the top of the Hobbsborough social hierarchy.  People were fascinated and in awe of all that Taylor had gone through.  Suddenly through Taylor's change in personality and all that he had gone through he was on top of the social scene.  Some of it might have been attributed to sympathy but Taylor's suddenly outgoing personality and instantly improved appearance certainly helped as well.  The tumor had been repressing his appetite and within weeks he went from an unhealthily brittle looking creature to a healthy looking thin.  His face was fuller and stomach not so sunken in.  Taylor was an inarguable regulation hottie in his own right.  So many things happening at once made Taylor almost a completely different person.  

That had been when he and Maggie had started, ever so slowly, to grow apart.  Before he had been out to only Maggie and his family, but with the sudden influx of openly gay students that the merge had brought he finally felt able to be himself.  Plenty of fag hags had come around trying to replace Maggie after that.  Taylor knew that they only wanted to be his friend because of a small detail about himself, and this made him uncomfortable to some extent.  Still it was hard to resist all of the sudden popularity.  He'd ran for class council on a whim and had received the highest number of votes now for two years running.  This in turn earned him the title of Sophomore, and soon to be Junior, Class President.  Through his work in student politics he'd met students from many of the surrounding schools which included Franklyn, PJ Gilroy and Bathurst amongst others.  He had an amazingly large network of friends and an even bigger buddy list.

All the while, as his outer image improved his inner insecurities heightened.  He was more concerned with keeping up appearances then ever before.  He discovered that make-up could hide his blemishes and pimples, designer clothes were easy to come by if you looked in the right places and an unhealthy obsession with exercising could help you achieve the perfect body.  He had never, until after his surgeries, had to worry about his weight.  The sudden gain in his stomach post-op had prompted him to flee to the gym and an addiction was born.  He worked out at least an hour a day, six days a week and achieved a perfectly toned, slender physique to show for it.  

All of this earned him the nickname, the Diamond.  It was a suitable title in some aspects because he was indeed polished and beautiful to the outside world, but it also implied that he was hard and unbreakable.  This was about as far from the truth as could be, deep down Taylor was sensitive and insecure, always striving to best himself in one area or another.  

All he had wanted was to make a change; to stop caring so much about what others thought of him and just live.  Sadly he had only become even more self conscious on the interior with each new improvement to his exterior.  He'd begun to lose the select few things that were truly important to him, one of those being his friendship with Maggie.

"You know," Taylor said to Maggie, ignoring the easily audible spat that pitted Paris against the rest of the class, "we don't have to go to the mall, we could go take a walk in the park instead, or whatever…"

He had tried to remember for all that he was worth, what Maggie and the old Taylor would have done for fun.  He hoped that his idea was the right one.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:28 am
by lovebirdjo*
In the back of the room, listening intently to the pointless bickering of his fellow classmates, sat Corey Edwards. He had been attempting to shut the others out since his silent arrival to class with studying for his next period algebra test, but instead he had ended up wrapped up in the ensuing arguement between Paris, Ernest, and that Adrian guy. He probably looked suspicious, what with his large brown eyes focused directly on the scene, but couldn't much care at the time. He would let the idiots attempt to get snappy with him, only to reveal one of their better kept secrets to the entire class.

'These guys are so stupid for starting this in Mrs. Saranna's room of all places.' the short haired brunette thought, looking up at the woman in her desk. Their homeroom teacher was known for being a sweet lady while it was a tranquil environment, but with the slightest bit of noise, she could become quite the horror to behold. Of course, she adored Corey. He was a straight A student, remained respectful and court, and helped out around the room some afternoons. It was in the boy's nature to get in well with his teachers, even if it resulted in his being called a brownnoser or something of the like. That was why when his classmates started bickering, he was sure that the rest of the class would end up getting detention while he was let go with a warning. Unfortunately, their teacher hadn't picked a good moment to awaken her vengeful power, and instead, she simply sat watching the three verbally duel.

Breathing out a sigh of irritability, Corey waited for the comeback of one of one of the two boys, turning his attention to the others in the room. There was Mai Oshinari, a girl that was neither friend or foe in the brunette's eyes, but rather an acquaintance and the fountain of knowledge every now and again for some random social studies question that Corey didn't wish to answer. Next, he looked at Taylor Brennan, a friendly boy that sometimes talked to him in the hall. He always looked great, and although the boy did wear some obviously heavy makeup, Corey couldn't care less. Of course, his sexual identity was a completely different story. It wasn't that the brunette hated gays or anything, but he strongly disagreed with their lifestyle, having been brought up a devout Catholic. St. Andrews did have its share of homosexuals, but when the two schools combined, the rainbow population seemed to skyrocket. Paris Persphone was numero uno when it came to stereotypes, and Taylor was a bit like him, but he also had great difference. Like, for instance, the insufferable dick factor that Paris seemed to flaunt.

Corey mused slightly about how girly Taylor looked and the similarities between the two boys before letting his attention be captured by the the female that Taylor was speaking to: Maggie Heartgreeder. The brown-eyed boy blushed slightly as he noted her presence for the first time since entering the classroom. He hadn't liked her at first; she had just kind of been a girl in his classes, but after hearing her sing he had began to see her in a completely new light. Eventually, he developed a crush on the blonde, and so frequently gazes at her from the back of their shared classes. Maggie hadn't noticed his staring yet, and thankfully, Corey continued his little eye photography, waiting for her to catch him looking so that he could speak to her about nothing in particular. Oh yes; he had it bad.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:29 am
by Megami*
Taylor once again addressed her, causing Maggie to once more glance up from her writing toward the sculpture of a student sitting beside her.  She was almost relieved that he didn't want to go to the mall anymore, but resisted the temptation to comment something to the extent of 'but he really needed more makeup'.  After all, that's something one of those preppy girls would whine.  Taylor had, in essence, become just like the rest of those people.  Maggie had been denying it from the first symptoms, but it was a disease that had gradually progressed in the Brennan boy.

It had started out simple enough.  After going through countless surgeries, losing his eye, and inevitably almost losing his life to Von Hipple Lindau, he'd naturally seized his second chance at life and had vowed to life the remainder of it to its fullest.  There was nothing wrong with that.  There was nothing wrong with wanting to look better, or wanting to have more friends, or wanting to enjoy all the fruits life has to offer.  Slowly, though, those thoughts had almost seemed to consume Taylor Brennan.  Soon, it became much more than just thoughts and dreams.

It became obsession.

In the short time that she had known him, Taylor Brennan had done a complete one-eighty from the sweet and optimistic albeit introverted person he once was.  Now he sat atop the social totem pole, and almost seemed to have sold himself to the Devil himself to achieve that status.  Maggie couldn't help but consider that he and people like Paris Persphone had several of the same traits on common now.  Taylor just wasn't Taylor anymore, and he hadn't been for a very long time.  He was something foreign, something artificial... he was a fake.

He had become just like the rest of them.  He'd become insistent upon impressing people who couldn't have possibly cared less if he died tomorrow.  He became obsessed with looking like a statue or a portrait rather than existing in real life.  Now, the new fads rushing through Taylor's mind were makeup, cosmetics, and clothing.  Eyeing the boy up and down, that much was apparent.  In a way, Maggie resented him for it.  She'd never seen anything wrong with Taylor wanting to better himself.  That was human nature.  Taylor had taken it to the extreme though.

Now... now he was really no better than the rest of them.

"Them".  The popular crowd.  When you're in the popular crowd, everyone knows you and wants to be you.  Maggie didn't idolize those kids, she pitied them.  She pitied them because she could only imagine that all those kids ever wanted to be was themselves.  She could imagine that they were all just alike -- they'd sold their soul and rid themselves of all original thought to join the mass called the "populars".  Independence and originality was unheard of in that group.  It was all about trends, money, and status symbols.  Such things didn't matter in the long run, they were simply material... but in high school, where your status is determined by the amount of your parents' paycheck, material possessions are everything.

"I have a lot of homework," Maggie stated simply as Taylor offered going to walk in the park.  She hadn't intentionally been trying to distance herself from him lately, but Maggie, being quite introverted anyway, really hadn't made an attempt to cling to a friendship that almost seemed to no longer exist, "I don't mind going to the mall."

Of course she did, but she wouldn't say it.  She never did.  They say that keeping your emotions bottled up inside isn't healthy.  They say that inevitably, everyone explodes, and when they do, it's never a pretty site.  Maggie, however, was deathly afraid of offending anybody, hurting their feelings, or stepping on their toes, and because of that she never made much of an attempt at speaking her mind.  In the long run it was probably doing a lot of harm, but it always kept her under the radar throughout high school.  She made no attempt to cause drama and was thusly able to evade most of it, and that was how she liked it.

As her gaze wandered across the classroom to Mai, to Mrs. Saranna, to the fools bickering like always in the classroom, and further back, she eventually caught site of an acquaintance of hers sitting in the back of the class.  She talked to him on occassion, and he seemed like a nice guy.  As her line of vision fixed on Corey Edwards, who was looking rather... lonely?  Perhaps... a smile formed on her features.

"How was your weekend?" she inquired.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:30 am
by Kris*
The bell which halted everything that morning had just gone off. The school bell was a symbol. A sign for Hobbsboroughs fellow students to settle down and sit in there seats. The bell did plenty of other things, it rang when it was time for break; It ended those long stressful periods of class students wished they were not in. It told students when their was an emergency, or a fire, or an earthquake, or when somebody gets killed and the school had to go into lock down.  It also told students when lunch was about to commence, it also told them when it ended. But the most common and most annoying yet equally gratifying bell sound was the one that started the day and the one that ended it. And since it was the start of the day, it annoyed Mrs. Saranna very very much.

Mrs. Saranna was a young teacher in about her mid twenties. She had long flowing blonde hair, and had a girly figure. She looked like the typical American girl however that was not the case. Mrs. Ashley Saranna was brought up in a very "old" household. Her parents were as strict as rulers, which usually caused children to rebel. Ashley Saranna did not. Ashley Saranna did everything that she was told, she was obedient, curteous, and most of all perfect. Her mother and father are from America, her ancestors are dated all the way back to when the American Revolution. her ancestors fought for their freedom, which means that her family originates from  England.

Ashley Saranna didn't have much of a choice when she was growing up. She saw only once the concequences of what would happen if she didn't do everything perfectly and up to her parents standards. One day little Ashley of fourth grade brought home a Note Home from her teacher indicating that she was failing. Her father took one look at her, grabbed the chair he was sitting on and threw it out of the second story window of their house. Her father told her, she would be in that chair the next time she brought home a failing grade or any kind of negative note from the teacher. From that day Ashley quickly turned that note saying she was failing into a note saying that shes a joy to have in the class. No matter how many times her parents told her they were proud she was still in terrible shock of that day when the dining room chair was thrown out the window praying that she would never be in it.

This caused an effect and made Ashley quite the pinch when it came to her adulthood. She quickly got a degree in teaching and as the years passed eventually was hired to become a Homeroom teacher at the school of Hobbsborough. She was free of her parents but the memories still haunt her, forcing her to do everything and anything the way her parents taught her. And now the bell which reminds her of that crashing glass rang in her ears alerting her to commence the class as well as that day.

"Good morning class. Pleae settle down and get into your seats so we can start the day." said Mrs. Saranna. She waited patiently as the students of her homeroom class queited down.


Paris Persphone heard the morning bell and quickly after the voice of his very serious teacher Mrs.Saranna. Her rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat. He could tell that another boring morning class was about to begin. Paris didn't care about school, however it was his oscial HQ and the root of the Rumor Mill he has comissioned. So really, it wasn't really that bad. However it was annoying to deal with insignifficant comments like the last remark from Ernest which he gracefull ignored. SInce Mai wouldn't answer he decided to skip that stage in his routine and get right to focusing on the clock, counting the seconds until class ended or trying to talk to one of his nearby friends. Yes, it was indeed a normal day for paris Persphone.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:31 am
by Jotun*
If you don't go to homeroom, your teacher usually reports you absent. If you go to all your other classes but homeroom, the School knows you skipped. Leading to punishment. This conflicted the fact that homeroom period was the biggest waste of time school offered. Many kids skipped because there was no reason to go. Felix, however, felt it was just as much hassle to avoid getting around the 'no skip' rules as it was to just sit and be bored.

And sometimes, something turned up. Paris' verbal scrap with other two, who Felix did not actually know by name, was passing entertainment at the very least. So his time was not totally wasted. It was even a slight disappointment that Mrs. Saranna had ended the bickering and actually started class.

Felix seemed to run out of energy without entertainment, however. Resting his head on his arms, Felix attempted a short nap on the desk, not really falling asleep despite his best efforts. He was somewhat restless being confined entirely to crutches for almost a week and a half, and not helping that feeling was that he was recently single. He wanted some trouble, some drama, anything to put his mind to work.

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:32 am
by Endless_Helix*
Ernest walked out just before the bell rang and stormed over to geometry. He'd dealt with geometry a year ago and mastered it quite thouroughly. In fact he took it as an insult to his intelligence to  that he even had to take the class. So he decided to get a perfect grade in the class, just to make it slightly more challenging.  So far he had a A+ average.

During class he usually worked on opening theory for chess, often Queen's Gambit Declined variations, just for something to do. So he silently glided through the halls to his least favorite class of the day.

(Continued-> Geometry Class)

Re: Mrs. Saranna's Home Room

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:34 am
by lovebirdjo*
Had his princess really just spoken to him? Had Maggie Heartgreeder actually said more than two words and directed them at him??? Corey was ecstatic. Well, he was both ecstatic and extremely nervous. He didn't know what to say. Thank God that Mrs. Saranna had chosen that exact moment to quiet the class, or he may have actually had to speak to her. Throwing the blonde what he hoped was an apologetic look, Corey looked up at his favorite teacher in slight relief. He listened to her drone on and on for a while, not really paying any attention. How could he though? Maggie actually wanted to know how his weekend had been. 'Obviously I can't her that I spent the entirety of it playing Final Fantasy VII and renamed Aerith to be Maggie, can I? That'd be weird. So what do I say when I do talk to her? I love you because you remind me of a video game heroine? How lame do I sound?' the spiky-haired brunette thought, putting himself down.

Instead of paying attention, the boy began to daydream... He invisioned his fair maiden, praying at the Temple of the Ancients for Holy to come and help the planet's children. Rushing up the shelled stairs, Corey, along with Mai, Adrian, and Ernest, raced towards the kneeling form of their princess. Paris Persephone, in all his horrible glory, appeared from nowhere, flying down with his Masamune and preparing to impale the silent Maggie. In vain, Corey pulled out his insanely huge sword and ran towards his love as fast as possible. The scantily clad form of Mai gasped as Maggie looked up at the brunette coming her way. Both Adrian and Ernest prepare to fight and pull out their weapons. Corey stops, seconds too late. Paris, grinning wickedly, had his love shish-ka-bobbed on his lengthy sword, her blood gleaming on the cold metal. One last look into Corey's eyes found Maggie Heartgreeder lifeless and limp on Paris's blade.

Snapping out of his thoughts in horror, Corey barely heard the clanging of the bell, its ringing signaling for him to head to his AP English class. The daydream was horrific to say the least, but he had had it enough to know what it meant. He had to protect her, whether she wanted to be or not. With his last few thoughts, the brown-eyed student walked out of his homeroom class with a casual wave and farewell to his teacher.