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Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:33 pm
by baby_g*
Nessy wasn't there anymore. All she could hear was that busy tone you get when you call someone but they're on the line. On the other hand, for the first time in her life, she felt light as a feather. It was almost as if she was watching the whole thing unfold infront of her eyes, in third person. Yet, no matter how much she wanted too, she couldn't stop it. Vanessa was talking now, and when she starts on a rant.... like any other woman.... you can't shut them up!

"Listen pal, you want to bump me again? Go ahead! Do it, I dare you. You're just a fucking prick who wasn't smacked enough growing up. If it were possible, I'd take that fucking 'bible' of yours and shove it up your fucking ass! How's that for being a prissy snot, you bible thumping bastard!"

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:33 pm
by Ares
Steven had officially lost it. All the years of pent up aggression from his mother's put downs and people picking on him were surfacing and Steven had heard enough of this girl's put downs regarding the bible and religion. He had taken a few steps past her as she said her threat. He stopped moving, and slowly opened his bag. His hand searched inside the bag for something and eventually his fingers found the target. He turned around to face the girl.

"Listen bitch," Steven yelled as he drew the revolver from his pack pointing it at Nessy, "I've had enough of you disrespecting my religion. You say one more fucking word, and it won't be my shoulder hitting you, it will be one of these bullets. You understand?"

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:34 pm
by baby_g*
"If that were true, you would have already shot me by now, you dumb fuck! You're just about as phoney as your beliefs. What's the matter? Been a nerd all your life? Daddy hit your mom, mom hit you, you hit animals. Heard it all. Let me guess, you decided to follow 'God' and forgive everyone and be rightous now. Bull fucking shit!"

Nessy might not have been the fastest person in gym class, but Vanessa on the other hand, wasn't going down without a fight.

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:34 pm
by Ares
"You bitch."

Steven ran forward at the girl. Blind rage filled him in every aspect. The once calm, polite young man was now an animal. As he reached his target he spun the gun so the handle was exposed, and reared backed. He arm came forward with every intention of crushing the face and skull of this sinning harlot.

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:35 pm
by baby_g*
The blunt end of the gun came at Vanessa's head at top speed. Quickly, she ducked, and in doing so, dove at Steve. If she could only knock him down, she might have a chance to get the weapon and use it on him.

Nessy, who was now forced to watch from the side lines, screamed in horror as the scene before her. All she ever wanted in life was a friend. Vanessa took that away from her at any chance. She couldn't let an innocent man die because of Vanessa.

"Stop!" She yelled. She wanted to come back... she struggled to come back and take her place back, but she knew if she did, Vanessa would just do something worse next time. Instead, she prepared herself for fate.

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:35 pm
by Ares
Steven's wild swing missed its target, and in missing, he allowed an opening. The girl dove at him. She hit him in the legs, but failed to knock him down. Instinctively Steven kicked away from her attempted grasps, and took a step back. He flipped the gun back to normal position, pulled the hammer back, pointed the gun at the girl who was now on the ground, and pulled the trigger.

God speed.

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:36 pm
by baby_g*
Last thing Nessy ever heard was a loud gun shot. The bullet had passed through the bridge of her nose, shattering the bone structure of her face completely. She didn't feel anything, except her body being poured back into herself, like molasses being turned on hot summers day. Vanessa died, and wasn't coming back anymore. Nessy found herself feeling whole.

She felt warm, and being back in her body again, she couldn't really see the what she looked like. She couldn't see the bone and brain particals splattered around her head. She couldn't see how the brain looked like jell-o left out to long in the sun. She couldn't smell the scent of blood or gun powder that caked the remaining parts of her face. Instead, all she saw was Nessy, how she wished all this time everyone else could see her.

Tall, red hair, freckles, and all smiles. Walking along the line of where the water laid rest upon the sandy river bank, Nessy let the earth sink between her toes. She had never felt so beautiful in her life. If she could do one thing now, now that Steve had finally set her free, she'd wished she could stay with him some how.

It's not possible, and she knew that. Out of all of this, the only thing that she was sad about, was that she never got to say 'Thank-you'. He would never know of what hell he set her free from. Nessy was a peace now, and along the banks of the dirty old river front, on a dirty old island, is where she laid her head.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Guild me safely through the night,
And wake me with the glory light.

Girl #22: Nessy Guthrie -- Deceased

Re: The Beast and the Harlot

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 6:37 pm
by Ares
Steven stood over the corpse, smoke from the barrel of the gun still pouring out. His shot had found his mark. The first time in his life he had fired a gun, and it had killed someone. The only thing Steven could think of at the moment was the passage from the movie Pulp Fiction, taken from Ezekiel 25:17.

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

He had killed and he knew it. He had done it out of rage. He had cleansed the world of another sinner. He stepped around the corpse and took the rest of the supplies from Nessy's bag. He searched again for the map. Once he found it, he double checked the directions to the hospital, also noticing that Nessy had marked the other dangerzones on her map. Steven then set off with a thought on his mind.

All these people are sinners. They kill out of spite towards one another. They will never be forgiven by the Lord. I no longer care if I die, but until I do, may the Lord have mercy on the souls that should cross me.

((Continued in Shoot to Thrill))