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Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:07 pm
by laZardo*
Zed was definitely feeling light-headed as Venus continued her onslaught. It was one of the few invisible signs you could tell he was slowly submitting to it. Visible/Audible signs included sweating, blushing, heavy breathing and moaning, and so on. And those signs were getting more visible and audible. the best VR experience...EVER!

He wondered how much this perfect girl would be tainted as he squinted his eyes shut finally discharged into her mouth, letting out a victory groan. He clutched the now defiled flag with one hand as hard as he could as the girl too, is defiled in one way or another. For him, it wasn't really a victory of mind as much as it was a victory of his body triumphing over the mind. Yes, it desperately wanted him to escape, but his body wouldn't obey. It was too busy enjoying this moment.

Zachary didn't know he was on camera, watched by practically everyone (except, thankfully, that Madison lawyer chick) but for those few moments, would he have cared? As he opened his eyes, everything seemed to be a refreshing shade of blue. It's beautiful. She's beautiful. Everything's beautiful. No next-generation console could ever match this. If she decided to put him out of his misery now with a sledgehammer to his face he'd probably have saved that vision as a screenshot and died happy anyway. If it were to Lil Z, of course, that would be a completely different matter, but at least they'd go away experiencing something nobody else's set would. But he wasn't thinking of that.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:07 pm
by Kris*
It happened and it was the points were Venus could take no more. The taste in her mouth was the worst taste she could ever imagine ever. It was the taste of failure, with a hint of victory. Sure, she might have been victorious now that he's finally succumbed to it but in her mind she has failed to be perfect. But that idea was torn is the only way to become perfect is to be imperfect? That would be the only method of getting out of this game of survival.

Confusion invaded her personal thinking and logic but as of the moment, the action she was doing made things even worse. At the point of evacuation Venus knew she could not take this anymore. She needed to do something NOW. No more waiting. The girl thought she could handle it but no, she couldn't and she needed to get out of this situation as soon as possible before she died of poisoning and brain failure.

And so with a blank mind in hand Venus did what came natural to her and what would be the most effective way to end the situation. She didn't let the bile go down her throat, she just stood still hesitant of what she should do. While thinking in that minute, the bile overwhelmed her because heaven forbid Zed had shot from a cannon into her. Some of it slid down her throat, and in that very moment as she felt the venom go down her, her nerves sent an order to her brain which she executed immediately.

Venus' pearly white teeth sunk into the expired sausage and she bit hard. It was now that moment of action where it was either sink or swim. The girl had a stern grip on the thing with her teeth not letting go until Zed either passed out from the pain or was in too much pain to do anything.  Her mind was blank while this happened, nothing to thing about in the spur of the moment. Except for this thought of course.

Go to hell….

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:08 pm
by Sephy*
((i'm not sure if Satoru got one cat claw or 2, i'm assuming one but if anyone wants to correct me please do))

Taking in the scene before him, the voice of Satoru's mother came flooding into his mind ~You have to be the best, second best is worthless~ He spotted the flag and the hammer, the former gripped tightly in the boy's hold ~hope that's his weapon, if they have a gun i'm gone..~ lifting the cat claws, he emerged from his hiding spot and flung them at the two bodys, hoping the razor-sharp claws would embed themselves in the boy's face as he ran at the two.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:11 pm
by laZardo*
Good things, it seemed, really had to come - literally in both senses - to an end. What had been Zed's beautiful visions of heavenly blue were suddenly chainsawed into visions of bright hellfire red as the lady that had given him a taste of Eden saw fit to rip it away by gnashing into what was most precious to him. And granted, Lil Z was just coming off of its climax but it was still quite hard (literally AND metaphorically) to rip off. Of course, that still did not prevent Venus' teeth from sending copious amounts of nerve-wracking pain up and down the rest of Zed's body.

In fact, his screams could probably be heard for meters and could probably be heard for miles if there weren't so many trees around. Zachary clearly didn't have time to wonder if that would actually discouraged anybody from coming toward this crazy whore for fear of something similar happening to them.

As if to compound on his bad luck, all this attention had apparently warranted quite the opposite. He would definitely have heard his mind telling him "I told you so!" in such a mocking tone of voice if he weren't so busy trying to deal with the Spanish Tickler* that had also suddenly lodged itself in his arm. The resulting combination of pain was blinding, at the very least, and it threw his body into a violent frenzy. He found himself thrashing his arms and fists against the girl, trying in some animalistic/spoiled-brat sort of way to get her dental grip to loosen. The more pain there was, the harder he thrashed...and the more his strength was used up.

What the hell kind of video game is this!? This is a fucking nightmare!

And that wasn't even considering the utter humiliation of it all. Not even being ground into chum could possibly be more humiliating than losing one's most precious items to a girl on national television.

((*I am under the impression that this "Cat's Claw" is actually a rendition of the famous Spanish Tickler torture device. Correct me if I'm wrong.))

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:12 pm
by Cyco*
((Continued from Ghost Tigers Rise))

Nich heard the terrified screams of his unfortunate comerade, unaware of who it might be. He was going at a jogging pace, but froze in his tracks and hit the dirt as the sound pierced his very core. A second later, he shot back up again (wondering why the hell dropping on his belly came as his first instinct) and made a crouching beeline toward the nearest tree, axe in hand. He was becoming increasingly convinced he'd have to use it soon.

Nich's plan was to make his way northeast through the cover of the forest and then cut through towards the village. If Swainson and Foreman were both still alive, there was a good chance they'd head there; civilization meant safety.

And wilderness, it seemed, meant danger. Nich didn't want to make assumptions that would put his own head in the smasher, but the screams could very well be Zed or Andrew. The thought of either of his two friends being killed right under his nose made him sick to his stomach, and he picked up the pace, darting from the cover of one tree to the next, heading in the direction of the cries.

'What if it's not them?' The thought occurred to him as he stood behind one of the trees, checking to see if it was safe to head to the cover of the next one. If he darted towards every scream he heard on this island, he'd be in for a long day. 'It doesn't matter,' he concluded, 'I'm close anyway. This'll be no skin off my back...'

'...I hope.'

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:12 pm
by Kris*
The screames pierced through Venus' ears, but they were instead like music. This should teach this preverted nerd a lesson, whatever lesson that might be. The boy started thrashing and thrashing about trying to get Venus of of his crowned jewels. Deciding that the pain had been enough Venus stood up and flipped her hair our of her face. She breathed heavily looking at the small leak of blood from the skin Venus broke with her peraly whites.

However, as soon as venus analyzed the Zed for a couple of seconds figuring out and comprehending  what she had just done she heard a rustling and fast movement coming from behind her. Turning around sharply she saw some asian nut coming at her.

Oh, no. More nerds?! Venus wanted to get out of this nightmare and so acted upon what her original plan was. Grabbing her bag with her original sludgehammer and slinging it over her shoulder she quickly snatched the gross American flag, which layed right next to Zeds head who was still thrashing about in pain and took off deeper into the woods.

The girl did not look back once, instead she ran and ran hoping to get away from the disgusting nerd, the asian nut, and the imperfect action she's just committed. Venus just ran, scared, frightened and wishing that she was a few years older so she would be an adult with a perfect future than a teenager caught up mistakenly in a insane game like this.

Running past various trees, the forest turned into a green blur. She took her dancing legs as fast as she could go which was at a swift speed. Thank the Lord he gave her great dancing legs, all the years of practice that made her a great dancer. Soon to be peffect if she wasn't in this horrible mess. Venus continued to run for her life, hoping to outrun imperfection.

((Continued in Barbie Girl))

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:13 pm
by Cyco*
Nich's heart raced faster and faster as he spotted three figures in the distance, one of which only for a second as they darted into the thick forest and dissappeared from sight. One of the remaining two was definately playing, judging by his relentless attack on--

"--shit, Zed!!" Nich cried out to his friend, whom he just suddenly recognized. What were the odds of finding the Z-boy so quickly? What if Nich had ignored the screaming and passed right by? He pushed these thoughts out of his mind and focused on one thing alone: protecting his friend.

"Get your fucking hands off of him!" Nich belted at the stranger currently digging his metal claw into Zed's arm. He broke into a sprint and raised the weapon to strike at his comerade's attacker.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:14 pm
by Sephy*
((*I am under the impression that this "Cat's Claw" is actually a rendition of the famous Spanish Tickler torture device. Correct me if I'm wrong.))
I was thinking Wolverine type-thingies  and thats close ^^; no-one's corrected us so far so go with it ))

He looked up from his position attacking the boy, only to see an angry-looking boy with an axe raised coming at him, it didn't take a genius to figure out what chance his claws stood against and axe and he tore them out quickly, taking some flesh with them, and bolted.

As soon as he reached the tree line, his long hair caught on a branch and yanked him to a stop "Agh!" He pulled at the branch, trying to dislodge his hair in tact.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:14 pm
by laZardo*
Zed's entire body seemed to be losing complete control of itself after that blonde slut seemed to puncture his most precious appendage with her vicious fangs, and having his arm pierced by several pointed "claws" at once certainly didn't help restore it. Of course, his priorities were very clear, as one could tell by the way he was grabbing his crotch with both hands, the rest of his body rolling and squirming about in unearthly agony.

In his pain he thought he'd seen a man that looked like Squall Leonhart approach him and yank the Spanish tickler right out of his arm before disappearing, causing his eyes to jam shut and adding growls and groans to his expanding repertoire of pain cries. Out of reflex, his other hand suddenly jolted back up his body to cover up the wound, which was already soaking his hoodie a deep lavender. Speaking of colors, it seemed everything he saw was tinted with a very bright, fiery red, which was logical given the apparent damage he'd suffered...

She's a very ambitious girl...and I'm just...small time! FUCK THIS HURTS! This has to be just the opening intro,'ll get back at them...right!?

Zachary's bloodcurdling screams and howls of justifiably profound pain he failed to notice anybody else around. Not even his friend Nich, who'd come far too late to spare him even his dignity. The only thing he could even try to do now was squirm over to that innocuous #26 backpack and hope there was a shitload of Interfectum-grade painkillers in that medkit so generously provided by that cruel bastard running this twisted server.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:15 pm
by Cyco*
It seemed the boy with the claws didn't want to tango, and tried to take his leave very quickly. Unfortunately for him, his long hair became tangled in the branch of a tree. As much as Nich could identify with his predicament, he wasn't gonna get any sympathy from him. This was no game, as much as that prick on the plane had made it seem. It was a game to them, but it sure as hell wasn't to him. Especially when one of his friends was lying injured, bleeding, in front of him. Nich came to a stop in front of Zed, looking at him quick and then turning his attention back to the sonofabitch getting friendly with the tree.

"Asshole," he said, shaking his head and glaring at him. "You fuck with this guy, you fuck with me." He waved the axe in front of him, addressing the boy with it as he approached him at a swift walking speed. Nich wasn't quite sure what he was going to do, but he had a feeling the axe would play a major part in it.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:15 pm
by Sephy*
Cursing every tree spirit he knew Satoru yanked at his hair, part of it coming loose but a large amount still remaining entangled in the tree's grasp.

He felt the weight of the claw in his other hand as he tugged fruitlessly at his hair ~what the fuck did I just try to do? i'm no murderer!~

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:16 pm
by Cyco*
Damn, that kid's hair was tangled something fierce.

Nich had showed up in just time to save Zed, although he was in a lot of pain from the sound of it. He didn't want to kill the boy in front of him, but he still felt as if some justice needed to be served for his wounded buddy. He quickly made up his mind, just as he came within arms length. With the slightest hesitation, Nich slashed at the boy's raised arm, the one tugging at his hair. He wasn't aiming to hack it off, not that he could using the jabbing motion he did, but at least inflict a sizeable gash that would compensate for what he did to Zed.

'Maybe later I'll find that girl and kick her in the box or something,' he mused to himself.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:17 pm
by laZardo*
((As belated as it is, I'd imagine Satoru would have a pair of Cats' Claws, as it was referred to in the plural of the game. I'd think maybe the second one was also thrown nearby, intended at Venus, but missed. I don't know.))

Zed was now effectively all alone, in the middle of Admin-knew-where, with his most precious organ feeling like a BallPark roasting on a propane grill. He was crawling, squirming, or otherwise propelling himself toward that now seemingly blessed #28 backpack of his, which actually seemed to drag farther and farther away from him with every inch he gained (no pun intended.)

Why is this happening to me!? I've been a good team player! I never fucked a guy in real life OR videogames that didn't have it coming to him!

God...I'm fucked. How sick that irony is...

As soon as he was in arm's reach of the backpack, Zachary made final lunge toward it and landed face-up with his hand frantically working the latch. As soon as it was opened he yanked the pack by its lid toward him, spilling a lot of the supplies. But none of those even held as much importance as that bright white medkit, which almost seemed to shine like something spawned from God. Or maybe it was shining as his vision began to blur out. The American History textbook provided as an excuse for a flag manual slid onto his hand, and he found himself twisting and squirming THAT out from under it.

"C'mon! Why are you doing this to me?!" he moaned with a rather audible New Yorker accent, the hand attached to his wounded arm still tightly clutching his settling but still very badly-injured extended family.

He wasn't really paying attention to what direction his hand could slide out from under the book, his arm spasming like a freshly-caught fish out of lack of coordination from the pain. And it certainly wasn't hard to tell by the look on his face that he was in maximum pain. The medkit, tipped over and half-out of the backpack, was mocking him in his pain.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:17 pm
by Sephy*
"Argh!"  He gasped out as he felt the axe cut deep into his left arm, without thinking, he whilred around, his hair ripping painfully free off the tree, taking some leaves with it, as he lashed out with the claw in his right.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:18 pm
by Cyco*
Nich was expecting some kind of retaliation, but not as quickly as it came. His one arm occupied with his attack, he raised the other as he stepped back in surprise, if a little late. The metal claw made its mark thrice across the defending limb, and Nich retracted it with a sharp yell.

"Asshole!" he snarled. Nich raised the axe again, throwing a large overhead swing; this time with murderous intent.