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Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Namira
Although Maxie had hoped that Riz would listen to reason, she hadn't really been counting on it - that would just be foolish. He was quite obviously deranged, and people didn't tend to recover from that kind of thing just because you asked them nicely.

Therefore it didn't come as a surprise when Riz proceded to lash out at her. Maxie had been stoking herself up internally for a confrontationm and was already poised to spring. In this kind of situation, not being ready for a fight equated to suicide.

As Riz sprung forward, Maxie did precisely the opposite of what he would have been expecting and went on the attack too. She ducked low as Riz swung at her, moving towards him even as she did so. The tire iron swept over her head and Maxie thrust her meat hook forward so that the crook of it tucked just behind Riz' ankle. She didn't stop there though, moving in an effort to drive her shoulder into Riz' stomach and hopefully cause him to snag on the meat hook and slip up.

Maxie heard a swipe behind her - the unmistakable sound of a hard blow being directed and missing. It had an odd edge to it though... almost... metallic?

God, I hope Emma isn't hurt. A darker thought butted in after the first. What if it was Emma girl? How d'ya know she didn't go after ya just as ya moved? Well, it was too late to look now.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by dinah_shore*
Emma was dumbstruck. She had missed. She was fucked now. John would think she was useless, and now Maxie would have no reason to trust her at all! Ideas were flying through Emma's head at breakneck speed. Would she lunge again? Maybe she would run. Run where, though?

Just try again. He'll have to see that you're trying.

Emma hoped that trying would be enough, and prepared herself to charge again.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Ares
John was barely able to dodge Maxie's shoulder as she rushed through him. He felt a slight tug at the back of his ankle, which caused him to spin around.


He planted the foot back down and turned to face Maxie, in time to see Emma make a slash at his opponent.


Riz readied himself once more. However there was a deep part of him that wanted to see Emma take another swipe at Maxie. Just sit back and relax.

"See, now isn't this fun," Riz said as he smiled at Maxie, "Now, come at me and hit me!"

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Namira
Riz managing to dodge her attack was one thing Maxie hadn't been expecting. Still, she was able to get clear easily enough - deprived of anything to hit, Maxie still had her momentum from the attempted tackle and executed a roll to get herself out of range of Riz' morningstar.

Instantly, Maxie wheeled, standing even as she did so. Although she knew she wasn't in immediate danger, Riz was ultimately only a few steps away from making it immediate. Especially if she had her back turned.

As she turned to face Riz, she also scanned the area - if Emma was in trouble, then things could get ... uglier in a hurry. Maxie's heart sank as she saw her temporary companion standing beyond Riz with her sword drawn. There was nobody in sight.

Which means. Maxie thought sadly. She tried ta kill ya girl.

"Ya trust this pyschopath in front of me!?" Maxie called out, one part furious, one part merely incredulous. "It's your head Emma. I'll probably not be there when it happens..." Maxie smirked through her anger, backing away as she did so, preparing to make a break for it. "When Riz stoves in your skull from behind, imagine I'm leanin' over ya shoulder sayin' 'I told ya so' got that?"

Maxie took a few more steps back, then turned away and tore off as fast as she could. She was under no illusions as to her own abilities. A competent fighter, maybe, but a meat hook was no fencing weapon, and two opponents was one too many. Maxie was nothing if not pragmatic and for whatever bizarre reason that Emma had decided to side with Riz, there was no sense in worrying about it. Stay, and she was fucked.

When you're outnumbered, don't play hero Maxie. 'Less ya can reliably make da fight one on one within da first few moments den cut and run.

It was odd, Maxie considered, how little her brother ever took his own advice.

((Maxie Dasai continued Thread of the Manatee))

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by dinah_shore*
The further Maxie ran from her, the more regret Emma felt building up in her.

That was the wrong thing to do.

She turned slowly to look John Rizzolo fully in the face. She didn't expect him to keep his word; she was fully prepared for him to plant his morningstar in her neck. Emmanuelle Babineaux was fully committed to dying.

"So..." she said, sounding much calmer then she was. Emma felt herself stiffening. She was frozen in place; heart jackhammering uncontrollably in her chest as she waited for Riz to make his move.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Ares
"Oh, now this just got sooo much better." Riz whispered to himself. His eyes turned to Emma as Maxie bolted.

"Sooo, indeed." John said coolly as he made his way over to Emma. The fear in her eyes and body was like gasoline to the fire raging inside of John's head. The maniacal laughter reached an ear shattering volume.

Riz stopped beside the girl. He smiled at her, then raised the morning star above his head, and brought it down towards Emma's head. Before it could crash into her skull, John stopped the motion of his arm. He leaned in to whisper into Emma's ear.

"That fear you just felt. That rush. I want you to harness that," He said with a sinister tone as he ran the morning star lightly down her face, "I want you to fully understand that we're about to turn around and throw away everything we know. All of our rules, gone."

John began to circle Emma.

"I'm a man of my word, and I intend to keep it Emma. You've now made the first step by showing Maxie that having faith in someone here is worth nothing. Let's help you make the second step and go find some poor star struck soul."

John stepped close to Emma once again, and after placing his tire iron on the ground, ran the back of his hand down the other side of Emma's face.

"You...and me."

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by dinah_shore*
"...having faith in someone here is worth nothing."

Emma winced at John's words. She was a betrayer. Looking into his eyes, she had a feeling that he was aware of the irony in what he was saying, that he was glorying in it. He continued to speak.

"Let's help you make the second step and go find some poor star struck soul."

And then what? It seemed as though she was in far too deep to run now. As long as her life was at his mercy, she would have to do as he said.

Emma jumped at the sound of the tire iron hitting the ground near her feet. He stroked her cheek gently.

"You...and me."

The back of Emma's neck felt prickly as all its hairs stood on end. If this were happening back at home, her heart would be pounding for a completely different reason. She might even have kissed him at that very moment. This wasn't right. Desprately, Emma searched J.R.'s glacial blue eyes, looking for even the smallest shred of the person she once knew. She could help him through this, if there was anything left of himself to save...

Nodding slowly, she whispered, "Okay, John."

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Ares
"Good." Riz whispered to her.

He had found the crucial element to his plan. Having Emma with him would certainly open up the ways in which he could lure and even toy with his victims. A beautiful woman after all has the strangest effect on people.

"Look, I'm feeling pretty tired. There is some shelter under those bushes. We'll sleep in shifts. After all, tomorrow is going to be a big day, and we're both going to need to be fully energized!" John said to the girl with another great smile.

Just thinking about all the possibilities the next day would bring, kept the laughter in his head going. John bent over and picked up the tire iron, and twirled it in his hands.

Oh the things you will do.

John walked over to where the bushes were. Excellent shelter. It would take a GPS tracker of some form to actually find people hiding in them. Space enough for two or three. Riz beckoned Emma over. As he looked at her again, the laughter in his head subsided briefly. She was so perfect for what he had in store. He could truly appreciate the beauty she had, and the innocence. A lethal combination if there ever was.

"You want the first shift or second shift? Either way, we're staying right here next to each other."

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by dinah_shore*
"You go ahead...I can't have been awake for more than an hour anyways," Emma offered. His smile had convinced her to stay.

She had known J.R. for countless years. They were both neighbourhood kids, and had more or less grown up together despite rarely playing or hanging out together. He smiled like the old days, and because of that Emma was ready to give him the benefit of the doubt. Everyone must go crazy here after a certain point, maybe she could draw the real him back out. Somehow.

It looked like she was back where she began...under a shrubbery.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by Ares
"All righty. Suit yourself. Here, take the tire iron even. The morningstar I think is a touch on the weighty side for you to duel wield with your sword. If anyone comes, either wake me up, or take care of them." John said with a stifled yawn as he handed the tire iron to Emma.

John lay on the ground in the bushes, bringing his assigned pack under his head. He took one last glance around at surrounding shrubbery and Emma before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:50 am
by dinah_shore*
Emma clutched the tire iron tightly in her hands. The announcement should have cemented the fact that what was happening was real...but it still didn't feel like reality. She was dreaming. She was back home in a coma or something. If that was the case, she wanted to wake up now. Looking towards the chapel, she saw a figure approaching briskly, holding a large knife.

Oh shit, I think she can see us.

Emma scrambled out from under the bushes, sword ready and nervous as hell.

((Denise, from The Stench of Reality))

Denise was absolutely fuming. Everything was fucked. All these people she knew from before were changing, becoming malicious and evil. She saw a girl climb out from under a bush, wielding a tire iron. Denise knew Emma Babnineaux, the dumb slut. As she came closer to the girl, she saw that Emma was terrified.

"I dare you to swing that at me, you stupid fucking cunt." Denise snarled at the hapless redhead. She kept walking, part of her hoping for a fight. She'd love to pound the shit out a bitch right now.

Emma was surprised. She hadn't expected hostility from a girl holding a smaller weapon. She couldn't even react. The girl she recognized as Denise Dupuis had caught her completely off guard. Feeling ashamed, Emma meekly crawled back under the bush with John, who looked like he was still sleeping.

Denise's wish had gone unanswered. When she checked behind her, Emma had vanished.

All for the better, I guess...

((Denise continued elsewhere))

Emma nudged John's shoulder. "Are you awake, J.R.?" Silently, she hoped he had not heard that pathetic little exchange she'd just had.

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:51 am
by Ares
John stirred as he felt a nudge.

"Mfhfmph," He grumbled as he rolled over to face Emma, "Yeah. I am now I guess."

Emma looked pretty flustered for some reason.

"Did something happen while I was asleep?"

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:51 am
by AtomicWaffle*
((Continued from The Stench of Reality))

Will's wrists hurt. It wasn't the effect of firing a Revolver, no. Though the fact they lacked a recoil mechanism made it more tiring than a regular handgun, that wasn't exactly the problem. No, it was the fact he fired it Six times, emptying the entire amount of ammunition in the weapon. Will placed the weapon in the makeshift holster in his belt and brought out his shortsword that he was issued at the start of the game. He could reload it later. It would probably do to make some kind of speedloaders, he thought he saw some of the rings inside the ammunition boxes but didn't take care to load them beforehand. The weapon was quite loud, and he didn't doubt the people in the graveyard heard him. In all honesty he could care less. Anyone who got in his way would be ferociously stabbed on the run. Nevertheless Will "advised them" to keep their distance.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY!" Will yelled as he ran as fast as he could through the rain, sword in hand. He could see some figures in the graveyard but they didn't matter at this point. Right now he needed to evade any human contact. Needed a chance to reload, to gain the jump on someone. Six gunshots would announce the presence of a player to anyone and everyone. Speaking of, he was not only running from the potentially heavily armed 'good guys' so to speak, but also the other 'players' on this island. He wondered how many crazies were actually left that weren't killed near the start. Blood Boy, he had not heard from for a while, but there was the problem of Wade, Wade Wilson his name was. Killed more people in a day than Blood Boy had in four. That was only in one instance. He'd killed Mary McKay, a pregnant girl, afterwards.

Will burst through the forest, heading to the Northern Shore. By the time he got there it will have been shut down as a dangerzone and he could enter with no one to bother him. Unless Laeil and the others decided to stick around the area after they collected their awards, but judging by her reaction to his entry, perhaps not.

Lightning crackled overhead.

((Vilhjalmur Sigurbjornsson continued elsewhere))

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:51 am
by dinah_shore*
Emma was about to answer before someone flew across the graveyard screaming for them to stay away. Happy to oblige, she turned to face John again.

"I'm just tired of this place. You slept through the announcements," she thought for a moment about what was most relevant. "The new dangerzones are the hospital, the tower, the mess hall, and the cottage." If he wanted to know anything else, he could ask. There was too much to cover, and it was mostly things that Emma didn't want to think about.

"Do you feel rested enough to get going?"

Re: at Dawn

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 7:51 am
by Ares
"Yeah sure. After all, I'm sure people will be moving, and we should be kind of to introduce ourselves." John said looking at the morningstar.

Even John didn't know if he was talking about Emma or his weapon.

"Give me my tire iron, and we'll get moving. Any clue as to where to go? I'm thinking we could make our way to the storehouse, see what we can turn up there."

((John Rizzolo continued in The Science of Selling Yourself))