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Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:14 pm
by baby_g*
"Watch it," Tori warned, as Bryan began to snatch the blade back. "I'm a gonna kick some ass." Obviously joking around. She couldn't really fight him, and they both knew it. She could however, put up a fight on her end. One thing she liked about her grandmom, is that she passed on her stubborness to Tori.

As Bryan began to shuffle over to grab the blade, Tori grabbed onto it, raising to her knees, and holding it behind her back. "Ha!" she said. "You're stuck with what you got. You cant take back a gift," she paused, "Maybe if you're nice, I'll let you borrow it."

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:15 pm
by Cyco*
"Yeah, yeah, sit your ass down," he said, shaking his head. His smile faded, and he looked at her sincerely.

"Listen, though. If someone gives you any trouble, you just fuckin' slice them up like swiss cheese." Bryan nodded and turned his gaze back towards the entrance, letting his head rest against the cavern wall and breathing through his slightly open mouth. He paused for a minute, taking in his surroundings once more, in case he didn't see the morning. "...try to get some sleep." He clicked his flashlight off, and shuffled into a more comfortable position, holding the SPAS-12 at the ready. He would stay up for a little while and keep watch. This was the scariest part of the whole day to him; he couldn't explain why. Maybe it was that he had no chance to fight back if someone came in while they were sleeping and popped them off. Maybe it was that he had gotten this far relatively unharmed (he tightened his grip on the gun with his wounded hand) and might've been riding purely on fortune. Or maybe it was the responsibility for someone else's life that got to him so much. He tilted his head to the left, then the right, cracking his neck audibly.

'God, if you're up there... he thought, trying to put together something of a prayer. ', you know. Amen.'

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:15 pm
by baby_g*
There it was again, only this time, it wasn't in the way he said her name... it was in the way he looked at her. She had gone from laughing and joking around, to being thrusted back into the present. She sat down. It was then that she noticed his hand. How she didn't before was beyond her... it was clearly wounded. As Bryan sat back and clicked off the flashlight, Tori leaned over and touched his had lightly. More so as a reassuring jesture.

"Don't worry..."

Tori layed back down where she was before, still facing him, and now again with the blade infront of her.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:16 pm
by Cyco*
The very moment Bryan finished talking to the man upstairs, Tori touched his hand, and he felt like it was the gentle caress of an angel, telling him "don't give up; everything's going to be ok." He took one more deep breath. Was she asleep?

"Goodnight," he whispered.

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:17 pm
by Cyco*

It was morning. Bryan opened his eyes and was about to close them again to go back to sleep, when he suddenly realized where he was. The sun wasn't visible this far back in the cave, but it was still significantly lighter now, enough so that they didn't need flashlights anymore. He gritted his teeth and shook his head, trying to snap out of his groggy state. Drool had made its way down the front of his shirt during his slumber, and he wiped it off as best he could.

'Well, we're still alive,' he thought, glancing over at Tori. 'Good job, me.' Bryan didn't remember which point it was that he'd fallen asleep, but he hadn't been disturbed up to that point, so it was safe to assume that there hadn't been any intruders that night. What time was it, anyway?

Music blared at him out of fucking nowhere. "Goooood morning, children!" a tinny voice rang out from the mouth of the cave, and Bryan shot up with all the fury of a wild animal protecting its territory, raising the shotgun and freezing there, waiting for the owner of the cheery voice to show his face. Instead, the stranger continued, and Bryan rolled his eyes as he finally realized exactly where the echoing voice was coming from. "Danya," he said. It was the PA system outside, echoing into the caverns. Nothing to be worried about. Bryan went back at ease and let out a deep breath, returning to his spot against the wall to hear what the bastard had to say.

Danya covered the first several kills on the island; twelve, there were. Bryan wasn't surprised. That asshole with the SMG probably got one. The names continued, and sure enough, Dan's death was mentioned. Dan Birch, that was him. "...reflex or not, Calvert, you still killed him. Now you get to live with that." Bryan's blood boiled as he heard Danya's words, and he balled his hands into fists.

"Don't you talk to me about murder, you prick," he snarled, like the bastard could hear him anyway. "Motherfucker..." Danya was the one who put them here; they were just trying to survive. 'I'm not gonna fucking feel guilty, you should be the one...'  his thoughts slowly built up his anger, and he took his firmly clenched fist and slammed it against the stone floor. He wouldn't dwell on Birch's death any longer. He wasn't proud of it, but he wouldn't beat himself up over it either. He would move on. Get the hell over it. Fuck Danya.

The rest of the names were read, none of which were familiar to him, however a few caught his interest. Johnathon Michaels, Paris Persephone, Walter Smith. The first two sounded like pussies; one got his ass kicked by a girl, and the other stabbed one to death. Both shameful. The third, though, Walter...Danya took the liberty of kissing his ass over the PA for a minute. Bryan would keep an eye out for him. Not that he could recognize him by his name. Maybe his weapon...

The announcements continued. Apparently, the lighthouse was a dangerzone now. This meant that if he and Tori stayed here much longer, they were toast. He got up and shuffled over to her, kneeling down beside her and rocking her shoulder quickly with his free hand. He hadn't wanted to be so gruff waking her up, but they didn't have much time, according to Danya. "Get up, we gotta go," he said impatiently.

((Continued in The Remake))

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:19 pm
by baby_g*
Tori felt her shoulder being shaken, and a faint voice telling her it was time to get up and go. She mumbled to herself, 5 more minutes.... Tori opened her eyes, the cave was fainlty lit, enough for her to remember where she was. She looked up at Bryan, shaking her with one hand and gripping his gun in the other. She could tell that it was important that they leave right then, by the way he said it. Quickly, she picked up her stuff and followed him out.

((continued elsewhere...))

Re: Tom and Becky

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:19 pm
by Kris*
Alexander Bee had drifted himself to sleep trying to litsen to the conversation the couple were having. "How could I have fallen asleep!?!" he exclaimed looking around him/ The caves were partially lit up by the sun from outside, which beamed down on the cave entrance. The history wiz shook his head litsening to the announcments. Stupid Danya, he completley screwed up all my plans! No matter, I'll just find another place to plant my claymore... Alexander looked at his map trying to figure out where on earth he would go next.

The couple sounded like they were about to leave. Alexander quickly hid behind a rock as they passed him to exit out of the Lighthouse caves. They must be going somewhere else due to the Lighthouse area becoming a danger zone. Alexander decided not to leave right away, after all he didn't want to be spotted. The boy sniffed the air as he emerged from the caves with a smile. It was fresh new morning, hopefully today would go by much better than yesterday.

"Lets see.......I could always go to the Central area, the mall or hotel would be a good place..." he said to himself as he left the Lighthouse vicinity. He could hear the crashing waves fade as he was back onto the mainland of the island. "I suppose I'll just have to think about on my way over there..." he said. Even someone as smart as Alexander couldn't think up a battle plan in a mere few seconds. Grabbing a piece of pasty bread, he took a biteo ut of it hoping to get some brain energy.

So Alexander started his journey, to the island Central. This reminded him of World War II, when the Germans made the jews run and run in the snow. If you fell you died, they would leave you behind in the bitter cold frost. This was a similar journey, ALexander will have to fight his way to Central encountering ice cold obstacles on his way over there. Weather it was other students or the weather or whatever. This entire trip was a fight against the blizzards of Germany, only one with enough will power can survive.

((Continued Elsewhere))