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Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Super Llama*
{{OOC: Go ahead and skip over me this time. I'm completely at a loss for what to write.}}

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Yossarian*
"and Warren Pace here has a Colt Python, one of the best guns in the world, if you ask me."

YES!!! Bingo, Touchdown, Hallelujah, First Prize, Bullseye! So they have a gun after all! May the God bless you Mark, for this question...

Jordan tried as hard, as he could, to suppress a big smile coming out. He hoped, that since Quincy and Warren were talking right now with Mark, no one paid attention to him. He was excited so much, that he couldn't even concentrate on Quincy's blabbering. Something about Hospital, virus, danger zones and collar beeping. At last, he cooled down, just in time, to hear last question:

"Anyone need to do anything before we move out? Stretch your legs, ready your weapons, take a piss?"

"Yeah, actually I do..." Jordan replied. "Just wait a second. I was walking whole last day through the jungle. I need to sit for a while"

Jordan sat at the edge of Lagoon, and once again he almost drowned in his thoughts. Well, that was definitely good thing for him this time, as he didn't even noticed dead bodies around him... He tried to gather all thoughts in one place. Warren had a gun. Attacking him right now, would be the most stupid thing on Earth. Besides, he didn't really wanted to attack him. He was fine, and so were the others. And they were pursuing their own goals. His was to survive. Their - to escape. That's pretty noble idea. In Jordan's opinion, it was impossible. But who knows? Maybe Neil would actually find a way to escape this Hell-on-Earth...

Christ, I'm thinking too much! I need know only one thing: Be nice, as I always was. It won't kill me to help those people. And when the time is right, I will take Warren's Colt, and go away to pursue my goal... That's right. It's time to start a new chapter in my adventure here. It's time to forget about Julia and Mortimer... oh, by the way, hi again Mort. What's u........


wait a sec...

"HOLY SHIT! What is this?!"

Jordan finally got back, from his mind, just to see bead bodies of 5 students, including Mortimer Jones, lying face down in the shallow water of the Lagoon. That was horrifying, especially for someone, who recognized this place as some sort of peaceful sanctum, where he was able to rest last time. And now, by using a pictures of his mind, some sick bastard could probably do the most disturbing Before/After photo ever. To make things worse, the other senses came in right away. The smell of water mixed with stench of rotting bodies, almost forced him to throw up. He quickly stood up, took few steps back from this dreaded place, and said:

"You know what? I changed my mind. Let's go. Now..."

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Darkling Perhaps*
Mark's grin almost dropped when the gun was mentioned. Almost. More of a crack than anything else, but he quickly picked it back up before he himself completely noticed it. A gun. That shifts things away from my favor. If I want to do anything... Escape was no longer an option. Even he wanted to steal something or hurt one of them he could still get a bullet in the shoulders on his way out. That makes Warren a Bishop.

He looked over at Hannah nonchalantly as Quincy talked, eyeing her up. She was too suspicious, but also the most vulnerable. He widened his smile a bit, tilted up his eyebrows to appear empathethic, but turned to Quincy quickly. By the time Quincy finished talking Mark's mind was already running a few miles an hour, the weaker part of him still making feeble pleas with this new 'Mark'. You don't need to think like that, you don't need to hurt anyone. I can work as a team with them... We can work together... But it was losing.

As Jordan walked off Mark barely glanced at him before again looking toward Quincy, concern in his eyes. "Wait, a virus? What does it do? Can these damn collars come off?" Maybe I can beat this! "What do you kn-"

"HOLY SHIT! What is this?!" Mark was cut short. He sighed and looked over at the other new guy, picking out the shapes in the water. Maybe this group was more dangerous than he thought. Or maybe they were just looters and the gun was washed up in the water. If that was the case it probably wouldn't even fire. "You know what? I changed my mind. Let's go. Now..." that Jordan kid said.

Mark quietly chirped. "I'm ready to go then too, but I need to know whatever you do."

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Solitair*
"Right then, we're off," Quincy said, then walked off into the brush. Warren sighed and looked up at the other boys with hint of apology. "Sorry about that. He does that all the time." Then he turned away and followed Quincy out of the lagoon.

((Quincy Archer and Warren Pace continued in Guns for Show, Knives for a Pro))

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah stood back and let Quincy do all the talking from then on. There wasn't really anything else for her to say, anyway. Instead she quietly looked between Jordan and Mark, sizing them up. Jordan's sudden outburst (which surprised the hell out of her) made him seem more sincere. Maybe he'd be more trustworthy than she thought. But there was still that nagging feeling of mistrust. It ultimately came down to who's hands she could place her life in, and at the moment Warren was the only one she would even consider. Mark was She noticed the sudden change in both their expressions when Quincy mentioned the gun. Why would Mark suddenly drop his smile like that. Wasn't the group having a gun a good thing if he wanted to join, since it meant more firepower against the players? And the smile aimed in her direction just creeped her out. Something was definitely not right.

Just then, Jordan freaked out as he noticed the plethora of corpses in the water, finally speaking up. "Yeah, I just want to get out of here, too." Bending down and picking up her pack before following after Quincy and Warren, taking the occasional look back at Jordan and Mark.

{{continued elsewhere}}

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Yossarian*
After a few moments, Jordan finally managed to calm down. However he refused to take a deep breath, for obvious reason...

"Right then, we're off" said Quincy, and quickly vanished in the jungle

"Sorry about that. He does that all the time." said Warren, and followed the Englishman. So as Hannah...

One last time, Jordan looked back at the massacre, suppressed his urge to throw up, then said to Mark:

"Come on man. Nothing to SEE here anymore" Jordan shook his head once again, to stop thinking about it...

((Jordan Redfield continued in Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro))

Re: Weird Fishes

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:07 am
by Darkling Perhaps*
This whole thing wasn't going right. Damn this island! No one trusted anyone. I need trust to get anywhere! He continued to smile, trying his best to keep the anger from reaching his features. He wished he could just...

Listen. There's no need to get aggressive. We... I have a group. I can be safe. I finally have people to be around. Don't lose it. Mark shook his head a bit as the rest of the group quickly turned to leave. He wasn't getting his answers, but he would.

((Mark Tavarian continued Elsewhere))