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Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by nope*
"What the fuck was that about?"

Morgan walked up beside the dumbfounded James. He was still staring blankly at the space where the duo had just exited with a comically slack-jawed expression.

"No clue. We look like a pair of marauding murderers, I guess?"

Morgan let out a hollow laugh. "It's the lint roller, it intimidates people."

What normally would have elicited only a few chuckles sent them into hysterics. They both doubled over in laughter. Once they were able to breathe again, James squeezed his right arm around Morgan's shoulder in a friendly hug. It felt good to laugh, and in that moment he was immensely grateful that she was there.

The moment was cut short by the sound of a nearby PA booming to life. James could feel Morgan shrink at his side. She let out a miserable cry at news of Jessica's death. By Corbin's name she was crying into his chest. All he could think to do was mutter "It's okay" to her and hold her even tighter, as if the harder he squeezed the faster it would be over. They stood that way in the doorway for what felt like ages but was really only a few minutes after Danya's booming voice had ended its sick soliloquy. Once she had managed to control her sniffling, Morgan gave James a quick kiss on his cheek an they parted. She wiped her eyes, took several deep breaths, and swung her pack off.

They both set their packs behind the last pew to the right. James dug through his daypack to pull out his map and pen. Morgan, whose refusal to "play the game" extended even to this, chose to examine the chapel instead.

As she started her stroll through the tiny church's aisle, she noticed something odd about the carpet. Its dull read was broken into spots of black in several places. She couldn't make out the features yet, but even by the dim light the silhouettes were recognized easily enough.

"Ah fuck."

James jumped up from his scribbling and to Morgan's side. Several seconds of gawking later their eyes had adjusted enough to make out the damage. They both wished they hadn't. Morgan's hand shot up to her mouth, and James's to the collar on his neck. He hardly noticed Morgan whirling around to the church's open doors.

"Let's go."
"We can't."

Morgan turned and gave him an incredulous glare.

"So we're supposed to stay in here with that? Fuck no!"
"Well we can't just leave them here!"

James kept an even gaze on her shocked face.

"No. No!"
"Please. We have to."
"No we don't!"
"Come on Morg. They deserve better than this."

She groaned.

"We don't have to walk them all the way to the graveyard, we can just set them outside. But it's better than this. Come on, I'll get his arms."

Morgan reluctantly returned and lifted the corpse by its ankles. She winced as James broke the rigor in its arms and lifted his end. He'd gotten a few speckles of blood in his jeans and the cuffs were rings of red, but his averted eyes failed to notice this. He took the lead, making sure not to run himself into the wall, and they carried the corpse out into the rain.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by Solitair*
((I'm assuming it's ok for me to move Hannah.))

"Whatever you say, Grunge Man," Quincy said, taking the armband and tying it around his bicep. He watched Warren do the same thing; it seemed as though the other boy was somewhat uncomfortable with the thing around his arm. He didn't know why; the band symbolized acceptance into a larger group, which he knew that Warren craved. As for himself, he found it to be a bit itchy, but he could endure it for now.

Once they finished, Quincy looked up and smiled at Warren. "Well, let's go inside. Warren, you're carrying Hannah."

Warren balked. "What? Why me?"

"Well, you're the strongest one of us, aren't you?" Quincy explained. "You can get her inside more quickly than anyone else."

Warren grumbled and slid his arms underneath Hannah's knees and shoulders, then gingerly lifted her up into his arms. He flinched as her beret fell off her head, and was about to scramble to pick it up when he noticed that Quincy had beat him to it.

"Do try to be more careful, will you?" Quincy asked Warren as he put the beret back on Hannah's head. "Now let's ge- hold on a tic, what's that?"

He pointed out into the dawn, and Warren followed his finger to see two students carrying a corpse outside of the church. "Hey, what're you guys doing?" he asked.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by Heatwizard*
[Joseph Cande brought to you by Playing MacGyver]

Blood hadn't stopped dripping down Joe's arm as he walked. Since the adrenaline wore off, it really hurt, and Joe couldn't focus. He tripped over just about everything in his way, and getting up with only one arm was getting harder and harder. Once he tried to use his injured wasn't a good idea.

To make matters worse, he was getting really dizzy. He couldn't keep a straight path, which made the map useless, and every second he felt like he was gonna throw up. Operating on dumb luck, Joe kept moving on, hoping to find someone who could help.

Leaning against a tree to try and steady himself, Joe looked around...and could just barely make out a building a ways away. He pushed toward it, stumbling his way over the flora, hoping they wouldn't just kill him. He approached the doors to knock, but instead slammed face-first into the barrier, the rest of him following suit.

"HELLO?" He yelled. "HI. DOES ANYONE THERE...uh...KNOW...HOW TO...MEDICINE?" Grammar would be so proud. "BECAUSE THERE WAS THIS GUY AND HE HAD A FORK AND HE STABBED ME AND MY BANDAGES AREN'T STICKY AND NOW THE WORLD IS SPINNING." Joe slid down the door, ending up on the ground. "I THINK I'M GONNA TAKE A NAP NOW...GNIGHT." He blurted out before closing his eyes and passing out.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by Theseus*
Neil watched as Warren, obviously the strongest out of all of the, lift Hannah up effortlessly and begin to walk to the chapel. Neil wondered where Denise was. She might have gotten lost on her way to the chapel. His mind also turned towards Dorian. Hopefully he was successful in the task that he was set on doing.

When Neil, Quincy, Warren, and Hannah broke free from the foliage he saw two students holding a body.

Raising his M16 quickly, Neil didn't say anything as his ally had already asked them what they were doing. Neil saw that it was James and Morgan, two students. James Ellet wasn't the tallest of boys, and Neil didn't know much about him. He had a couple classes with him throughout high school, but they never talked much outside of small jokes in class or Neil trying to get him to come to his band's shows.

Then there was Morgan Ackland. THe black haired girl was definitely athletic, Neil knew that much about her. That was all he really knew though, talking even less with her in school than he did with James. Why were they carrying a body out in the rain? Neil didn't know. He was going to wait to see their answer when another boy came stumbling in, bleeding.

The boy was Joseph Cande, and Neil knew the least about him. All he knew was the boy just collapsed, and that wasn't good.

Running forward, his M16 lowered, he slid to a stop over the collapsed boy, and looked up at James and Morgan.

Neil wasn't sure who was playing the game, and who wasn't, so he hoped that Quincy and Warren would have his back incase James and Morgan were carrying a body they killed. Sliding his pack off, Neil reached in and took out his first aid kit. Rummaging through it he found bandages and looked at Joe's arm wound. His bandages weren't holding, and Neil figured the boy must have passed out due to blood loss or shock.

Neil went to work, and wiped away the blood, and tightly bandaged the boy's arm as best as he could. The whole time he was saying, "wake up man, wake up."

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by dinah_shore*
Suddenly John wanted to leave the chapel again. It seemed as though their visitors had spooked him. Emma hesitated before following him. It was a hard truth to face, but there it was:

John Rizzolo was a bossy douche.

She didn't feel any of the warmth she once felt when speaking to him. He'd expressed less than an interest in her than he did Adonis' corpse splayed out on the pews. She sighed.

John couldnt count on her sticking around for much longer.

Emma tiptoed quietly out the back door.

((continued in The Wind Below))

(from Sound and Fury))

Reg Robson had been killed. The news still troubled Denise deeply as she trudged slowly towards the chapel. If she lost SADD then, oh well. She still didn't want to be responsible for anyone's well-being but her own, nor did she want to be a liability. Groups seemed more secure though, and allowed for safer sleep. Her feelings on the subject were tangled and confusing.

So Denise simply walked, smoking her third cigarette since the barracks. She was at half a pack, and miserable. No doubt the stress would eat her alive once she ran out.

Soon Denise was close enough to the chapel to see many figures clustered in the front courtyard, near the doors. There appeared to be a body laying on the groud where Neil was kneeling.

"Oh, shit," she breathed, crushing the butt of her cigarette into the muddy earth with her tarnished and waterlogged sneaker. She hurried to where everyone was gathered, anxious to see what had transpired.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by nope*
Morgan shrieked and dropped the corpse's legs at the sound of the voice. Immediately she was embarrassed. This wasn't the strong and collected Morgan she strove to present herself as. She was a nervous, hysterical wreck. It was as if some panicked rat had been set loose in her head and had rendered her incapable of being anything but a jumpy damsel-in-distress. It was maddening. She hated to show this side of herself to anyone, especially James. Most of all she hated not being in control of her situation. But what angered her most was that she coudln't even claim storybook damseldom. In fact, she envied them. What she wouldn't give for some handsome knight (or hell, even an ugly one) to come save her for this shitty tower. Her pride could take a backseat in that situation.

Morgan managed to drag herself out of her haze of self-deprecation just in time to see Neil raise his gun. Next to her, James gently set down his end of the corpse.

"Hey man, it's not what you think. There's a shit ton of bodies in there, we were just-"

His thought was cut short by the screaming, bloody blur that flashed before him and slammed right into the chapel door. It wasn't until Neil started re-bandaging the boy that he overcame his shock. Morgan was the first to dart forward, but James stopped her with an arm.

"What the hell-"
"Stay back. If anything happens, run."

Before she could retort, he was jogging towards the body. She looked on nervously with arms crossed. The boy had fallen with his back to James. He dropped to his knees, quickly feeling the boy's back and neck for deformities. Once he saw Neil was done, he gently log-rolled him onto his back and hovered his ear over the boys mouth, at the same time groping the uninjured wrist for a pulse. Satisfied he wasn't a corpse just yet, he lifted his head to Neil.

"Listen, I think I can help, but we need to get him inside. Help me lift him?"

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:24 am
by Theseus*
Neil looked up at Denise finally made it to the group and he said, "Nice to see you make it." Neil smiled at the girl, and turned his attention to the wounded boy on the ground. James had come over and helped Neil take care of the boy. Then he said they could take care of him inside.

That was best, being out here in the open led to problems. Sure, James and Morgan could be laying a trap for Neil Sinclair and the members of S.A.D.D, but Neil didn't think so. Maybe he was too trusting. That was something the island hasn't robbed from his yet. Despite his now willingness to pull the trigger to protect his friends, which he has done, he's now willing to give up on trust. To give up on his classmates.

So with Jame's act of kindness to help Neil and the wounded boy, all thoughts of suspicion went away, and Neil nodded and said, "Yeah sure. We got a girl who's passed out of our own. Warren's got her. Two more of my friends are off collecting our prizes. Apparently we won best kill award. How fucked up is that?"

Neil grabbed Joe's legs and looked at James.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 am
by Solitair*
Since the newcomers seemed to be friendly, Warren faded into the background and walked into the church, setting down Hannah on one of the more intact pews. "Sorry for handling you so roughly," he told her, knowing that she was too tired to hear. He sat down next to her on the pew, patiently waiting for her to wake up.

Quincy, meanwhile, was trying his best not to laugh at Joe Cande's grammar-mangling call for help. He heard the church couple protest Neil's suspicions shortly afterward, and nodded solemnly. "I see. Bring out your dead, eh? That's not a bad idea."

He moved to pick up Joe's feet, but Neil beat him to it, and James was standing over the rest of him, so Quincy stayed back. Truth was, he wasn't exactly sure how to carry Joe, so he decided to leave it to the experts.

He finally noticed the new girl, whose name he forgot. He gave her a curt nod and looked back at James. "Anything you two need from me?" he asked.

Christ. Some people get all the luck, shooting down bloody Harris! Let's hope they're willing to share in their bounty...

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah ran. She ran as fast as she could.

What was she running from? She didn't really know. All that she knew was that something was chasing her, and all she could do was run. It was nearly pitch black out, and she could barely see anything. Where was she? She didn't know that either, other than that there were tree everywhere. Huge ones, reaching up to blot out the already dark sky.

She didn't know what she was running from, and she didn't know where she was, so what DID she know? She certainly knew what she was feeling.

Fear. An ever-present, overwhelming sense of fear. And something else...

Inevitability. Somehow, she knew that no matter how far she ran, it wouldn't be far enough. It would never be far enough.

Finally, Hannah tripped on something (probably a root) and hit the ground. She started to get up, but then at that moment she knew that it was already too late.

Almost in an instant, something massive was looming over her, the lack of visibility only serving to make it even bigger. The figure stared down at her for what seemed like the longest time, before grinning a grin the Chesire Cat would be proud of.



Hannah snapped awake in a cold sweat, finding herself staring up at the roof of a building, everything coming back to her slowly. I must be inside the church. She thought to herself, feeling no better than she was before she lost conciousness. A lot of use I'm turning out to be, passing out like this. She let out a sigh, looking a bit to the right, towards one of the broken stained glass windows. The sky had lightened up some, signaling that morning had come. Danya would've read the morning announcements by now.

The announcements...

"The announcements!" Hannah bolted upright. She had been keeping careful track of the announcements, noting who she should try to avoid, and who had died thus far. And now she had slept right through this morning's announcements. For all she knew, a new player had arisen yesterday, and she wouldn't even know about him or her until it was too late.

Wait a minute, I'm in a group now. The rest of them should've heard it. She looked around, not seeing any of her fellow SADD members, though she heard voices outside, one of them belonging to Neil. She'd have to ask him or one of the others what she had missed.

Suddenly, she got the feeling that someone was behind her, turning around to see Warren sitting next to her. Did...did he bring me in here? She turned around to sit properly on the pew, not sure what to say. "Uh, sorry. I didn't notice you there." She groaned inwardly, finding it hard to believe that that was all she had to say to the person who probably carried her in out of the rain. "Were you the one that brought me in here? Uh...thanks." She continued after a moment. "The announcements are already over, aren't they? What did I miss?"

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise absently returned Neil's smile, more concerned with what had happened to the kid on the ground.

"Oh, Joe..."

Joseph Cande was bleeding freely down his arm. He was being hoisted up by Neil and James Ellet. Denise wondered if they had all been at the barracks too, since she didn't remember seeing them. Of course, she spent a lot of time hiding in the barracks with Captain Stupidpants(no wonder he reminded her of her brother) and shady Mister Mark.

Her eyes fell on Quincy Archer. God, all these people she hardly knew. She must have had at least three classes collectively with Neil that year, and she'd been witness to Quincy's "twattery" on more than one occaision. He nodded curtly at her before redirecting his attention elsewhere. Denise raised her eyebrow slightly at him before Neil's voice made her head snap back to look at him.

So, they had won a best kill award. She had forgotten that particular detail. Something wasn't quite right about it.

"You want to be like Bobby!?! You want to run around killing people!?! Who are we?"

"None of us are killers!"

Why would he lie?

"Wild," Denise muttered dejectedly. What had she gotten into this time?

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 am
by nope*
Fuck. I wish I had a fucking backboard or something.

Unfortunately, there was no first aid shack he could call, and no ambulance waiting at the bottom of the hill. He'd have to do without.

James looped his arms under Joe's and hoisted him up. He tried to move down and support the head with his other hand, then decided it would be too awkward and probably little help. He didn't like to have Joe's head lolling about, especially if he ended up having a head or neck injury, but there's wasn't much he could do about it.

James turned up at Qunicy's inquiry and gave a sideways smile. "Yeah, if you could make sure I don't ram my ass into the door that'd be great." But by the time the sentence was out of his mouth, he'd already led Neil through the doorway and was heading towards the nearest pew to his right.

Through all of this Morgan stood by in a daze. Joe, the flood of people, James jumping up to play doctor: none of it was anything she was prepared for. She'd truly lost control of the situation. Then to make matters worse, she and James were no longer alone. They'd tried their best to maintain their solitude for six days now, only to all of a sudden be swept up in this hellish little congregation. They might as well slap a giant fucking target on the church doors and get it over with. There was no strength in numbers here. She would die if she stayed.

Morgan inched away from the group, hoping to hide herself around the corner of the chapel. At some point her peers would have to go in. And once James was done being the hero, he'd come out to look for her. He had to. Then they could run for it. If he wouldn't, she would. The idea was terrifying, but ultimately it was trumped by thoughts of death. She refused to die. Not now. Not ever.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:25 am
by Theseus*
Neil Sinclair helped James bring the wounded boy into the chapel, where they set him down on a pew. Neil saw that Hannah was awake, and talking to Warren.

"How you feeling Hannah?"

Neil then looked down at Joe, who hopefully wasn't hurt that bad. No one else would die under his watch. He wouldn't let it happen. He couldn't let it happen. After Corbin dying, after those three died by Bobby, Neil couldn't let that happen. He had to much blood on his hands. S.A.D.D indirectly killed innocent girls because of their first escape plan. Neil would find another plan. He would get off this island, and would make sure he got everyone else off too. He would beat Danya.

Neil looked at James and said, "Thanks man. I'm leading a group called S.A.D.D, you probably heard of us by now. If you and your friend are interested, you can join up."

With that, Neil made his way to the front door of the chapel and called out to anyone else who hasn't came inside yet.

"Alright everyone, come in! We got to re-group and plan out our next phase."

Neil knew that S.A.D.D once again changed. New faces, new ideas. It was something he has grown to accept, and like. It kept the group ever growing, ever changing. Despite the rain outside, and the afternoon sun in the sky, Neil Sinclair was beginning to feel like he was overcoming the loss earlier. Things were looking up again.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:26 am
by Solitair*
Warren smiled as Hannah woke up. "Nice to see you up again," he said to her, before he joylessly recalled the names of the most recently dead. Somehow he was able to remember all of them and recite them tonelessly, which somewhat unnerved him. Had he already gotten used to the game now? It was something that bothered him immensely. "I'm sorry," he said to Hannah after he finished. "I don't... I don't know how I was able to do that."

Quincy nodded and began to walk inside the chapel. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Grunge Man, but Matt and Dominica have yet to return to us. Do you suppose that they've run into a spot of trouble?" He hoped that they would get back soon, partly because they needed the manpower, but mostly due to the delicious weapons that they should have picked up.

It occurred to him that perhaps Dominica had been less than honest with the group, or perhaps had given in to the temptations that dictated her behavior earlier. After all, she had crossed the point of no return before she'd even met S.A.D.D., and the allure of three quality weapons would be hard to resist; Quincy doubted that he could do it himself. Was it possible that Dominica had killed Matthew, taken all three weapons, and was now using them to play the game to win?

They'd know for sure soon enough. Even so, it was still in Quincy's best interest to keep the others informed of his suspicions...

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:26 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah listed silently as Warren listed who had died the previous day. She was was pretty much reactionless to the whole affair, having gotten used to this by now, though she was glad she didn't have to hear it from Danya, along with his morbidly gleeful commentary. One name, though, caused her to breathe a sigh of relief.

She had seen Nathanial Harris' handiwork up on the Cliffs. It was rather unfortunate that the very first dead body she would encounter would be Rebecca's, stripped naked, with her own severed arm shoved deep inside herself. She was horrified that she had gone to the same school with someone that was capable of something that gruesome. It was the final, clinching proof that the game was real, that she was really here, in the SOTF ACT, and that at any moment some crazy could spring out of nowhere and disembowel her, or worse.

But now the culprit was dead, and, much to her surprise, SADD had been the ones to take him down. She suddenly began to feel a lot more secure, being in a group that was capable of eliminating a psycho like that (though what had happened at the barracks quickly came back to remind her that being in SADD didn't necessarily make her safe.)

"It's okay. I've gotten used to it, too." She gave a half-hearted smile to Warren. "It's crazy, isn't it? We're not even out of high school, and we're already getting used to...THIS." She said, summing up all the atrocities of the game in one word.

Hannah turned her head as she heard people coming in, spotting Neil and a boy she didn't recognize carrying in...well, another boy she didn't recognize. After they set him down on a nearby pew Neil turned to her and asked how she was feeling. "To be honest, I feel terrible." She reached up to push her glasses back up onto her face "But I don't think I'll be passing out again any time soon."

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Grunge Man, but Matt and Dominica have yet to return to us. Do you suppose that they've run into a spot of trouble?"

Hannah turned to look at Quincy as he entered the church soon after. "Matt and Dominica? Did something happen to them?" She said to Neil, not yet having heard about them and Neil winning the BKA award.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:26 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise followed Neil & Co. into the chapel. Two more people were inside: Hannah, the "Magic Hat Girl" and Warren Pace. A double-take was in order. Didn't Warren and Quincy hate eachother?

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Grunge Man..." she heard Quincy say.

"Grunge Man?" What an asshole.

After Joe was placed on a nearby pew, Neil offered James a membership in S.A.D.D. Even though Denise was still slightly suspicious of the group, she hoped James would stick around. They'd smoked a cigarette or two together in the past and she liked him more than a good number of the people she'd run into since the game began.

A cigarette would have been nice, actually. She removed the pack from her back pocket again, and pulled out one of the long, white cylinders. The pack was closed and replaced in her pocket with one crisp motion. Her hand was fishing around her front right pocket when she wondered if it was okay to smoke in a church. As her fist closed around the book of matches, she decided that she didn't care. She struck a match and lit the cigarette in her mouth.

So Matt and Dominica had not returned yet from picking up their prize. Hannah didn't seem to know what was going on, and Denise hoped Neil might be able to explain how such a thing came to be. Especially since they weren't killers.

She took a seat in the pew just in front of Joe and listened intently, setting her heavy daypack onto the floor between her feet.