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Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by Pigeon Army*
((OOC: Sorry for jumping ahead, Neuphim, but, y'know, Michael's being shot at and all.))

If there was one thing anyone would say Michael wasn't, it was violent. He may not have been the most social person, but he was always there with a smile and some kind words whenever you met him. Michael wasn't the kind of person you'd pin down as someone worth attacking in a situation like Survival of the Fittest.

Of course, it would appear Melina Frost thought differently today.

Michael heard the guy in the Stetson yell, in an unmistakably Deep South accent, "Behind ya!", and then heard the shotgun blast. Michael spun around and saw Melina, half her face bandaged and small parts of burnt flesh peeping out from under the wrappings, pointing a shotgun at him, smiling maniacally. Michael instinctively dove, but felt a hot pain rip through his left forearm as he did so. He let out a loud grunt of pain as he collided with the damp grass, partly because of the shotgun pellet wound and partly because of the sudden impact. He fumbled for his iron wrench in his back pocket, but couldn't find it. He looked to his right.

The wrench had fallen onto a gentle slope dropping into the ravine. And the slope was muddy.

Michael watched, stunned, as his only chance of survival began slipping towards the deep crevasse.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!"

Michael turned around and clambered after it. He reached out as it slipped over the edge, but his hand was still a good half a metre or so away. He watched as his the weapon fell into the darkness. He turned around, desperate to get away from the slope, and watched as Melina and another girl, one he didn't recognise stepped out of the jungle. The other girl shined a laser-pointer in the eyes of Michael's potential teammates, and they moved further out into the space.

Michael didn't believe in karma. So when this happened, Michael wasn't cursing fate for having such a nasty sense of irony. Rather, he was reciting in his head, over and over again, rapid fire prayers.

Hi, God, it's me, Michael - I'd really like to, y'know, not die now, and same with the people I just met, so if you could go ahead and let us live, y'know, that'd be really great. Thanks, God - I know you'll come through.

For the first time in his life, that last sentence, one Michael had attached to his prayers since he was young, sounded hollow.

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by Neuphim*
(that's okay. I've been taking too long anyway. Also, I've editted it due to me being a moron. XP)

Dawn nodded to Evan, and turned over to look at Michael, and was a little shocked. Up to that point, she hasn't gotten a good look at an albino before and it weirded her out. Dawn is ashamed that she was thinking this way.

But this was set asside the moment, Melina came on the scene, firing at Michael. Never in her whole life was Dawn this confused and scared.

What should I do? She stared down at her notebook, thinking that she should write for Evan to take her gun... but she knew that would take too mush time, something that she isn't obliged to at that moment. Can I really pull this off? Can I really kill someone? Dawn gulped. I have to, I need to help. I need to stop monsters like her.

Just before she could go for the gun, before she can pull off a rescue that'd save all her allies from these monsters, her eyes were blinded by some unknown light. Dawn recoiled and closed her eyes shut, trying to make sense of the situation. The only conclusion she could draw was that she has died...until she opened her eyes again, barely seeing the world, but still evident. She saw that she was just fine. Now in a new predictament, Dawn didn't know what to do, blinded as she was.

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by laZardo*
((Pardon the interruption, I'm going to bring in Renee but I'd just like a recap since everything's getting a bit confusing. Tnx. 0: ))

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by Cactus
(('s called reading the posts - and please keep this kind of OOC stuff to PMs. Thanks. Carry on, everyone.))

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by laZardo*
((Jesusfuckingchrist, fine. Good thing I've got a lot of spare time today.))

Blood Boy was dead.

Renee Valenti had, amidst what was now paranoia of the ghosts of her sins past and present as well as the fear of her own group (which now included Madison Conner) pinning her down and slashing her throat in bloodthirsty ecstacy, been able to get some sleep with both eyes shut. Obviously, her dreams were far from easy, and anyone who was awake to notice Renee sleeping would have seen her quivering and sweating, clinging to the bow like a rope dangling over jagged rocks rising from a lake populated with piranha. Just as well, her dreams involved her being ritually sacrificed (putting it very mildly) by her own "fellow" Angels.

Blood Boy is dead.

And why wouldn't they want to turn against her? She'd just shot one of them with an arrow the night before. When the very first mention of the words "Blood Boy" woke her up with a panicked gasp, eyes jolted open as if they were pried and held open, the first thing she did was give herself a quick check-over to make sure she hadn't been poisoned or stabbed. It was half a relief that she and Jessa were once again the only ones left, and Melina and Madison were already on their way to their next hunt. can't be...he's not dead...

Yet she did not believe her ears as she kept tuning into the announcement. The very person who had given her 24 hours to escape him ended up dead nigh 72 hours after. It did not relieve her that she was still here, still playing the game that her own henchmen and victim were forced to play for their own lives a year ago. The game of betrayal and blood that had consumed all of them was now consuming her.

Hell, for all her disfigurements, Melina vaguely reminded her of another blonde nutjob. Ironically, it had to be the same nutjob that actually did manage to release the ghost that haunted her from his original body.

It doesn't don't care if he's alive now...

By the time the once-raging redhead had caught up with Melina and Madison the two were clearly already engaged in combat. But rather than go gung-ho in with them, a choice that had proven turned out rather unfavorable the last time, she decided to stick to a distance. There was an incline nearby that she could climb up on to get a better view of the action AND the crevasse, stopping just before the top to get some cover to duck back against. Her sleep had refreshed her somewhat, but she still felt weary once at the top of the incline.

She aimed carefully in the direction Madison was pointing the laser dazzler. It was almost like she was activating the beacon to call in a pinpoint air strike. From her position, she could not only see them, but she could also crouch to help steady her aim. She only had four arrows left out of her original 12, and she had to use them very well. The shotgun blast jarred her aim but didn't cause her to fire prematurely. In fact, she found herself aiming at a kid who appeared to be scrambling toward the ravine for something shiny that ended up falling off.

As Renée glared and fired the arrow, hopefully straight and true in the kid's direction, she reminded herself of the only thing certain about the game they were playing - The only way to end to win...or die trying.

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by Cyco*
((continued from What a Day x3))

Jessa caught up with Renee, panting a bit and grumbling something about quitting smoking, and seated herself beside her with her back to the peak of the incline they were using as cover. She twisted her body and shot a glance over at the bridge where Melina and Madison were going at it with another group. Renee was busy covering the other two girls, apparently, but Jessa hadn't the slightest inclination to bring her knife down to that gunfight. In fact the less attention they brought to themselves, the better.

They'd eaten some shitty food and treated eachothers wounds when they'd stopped to rest earlier, Jessa even going so far as to bandage up Mel's burnt face. Her motives were still clear in her mind of course, and she'd been debating talking to Renee about it since she'd woken up to find the other two girls missing. She doubted Renee would be too loyal to Melina anyway; the girl was obviously tripping balls, and any idiot could see that before too long she'd get the other girls killed.

Jessa finally decided to go ahead and chance it. She'd have to play it real cool though.

"Yo'd you get roped into this freakshow anyway?"

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by laZardo*
((Because this is takin' too fucken long to update...))

Renee didn't bother to see where the arrow had landed, turning around and backing down the incline only to find Jessa having caught up with the group. She froze for a bit, knowing that Jessa would still be pretty fucking mad for nailing her in the shoulder last night even if she helped remove the arrow before Jessa treated Melina's face. Plans brewed up in her head almost reflexively, involving grabbing the next arrow and finishing the job she "started". Melina would never know, and hell, if she did she'd probably make Renee her second-in-command.

Either way, it was probably likely that Renee would get all the girls killed anyway...but for some reason she at least wanted to take Melina with her before she went.

Just like the old days, hmm?

The non-disfigured redhead shook her head a bit at the sound of that voice.

"Yo'd you get roped into this freakshow anyway?"

"Fuck...I don't know anymore," she replied, quickly checking her ponytail for dirt or other particles that might have gotten lodged when she slid. It wasn't so much that she didn't know as it was she didn't have a reason to. At least for the time being. "I knew someone was out to get me and I figured I'd be safe with the rest of ya."

She scooted back up the incline to see where her arrow had landed, but it was hard to discern.

"That person's dead now though..." she added before ducking down again, her tone suddenly shifting to one of suspicion, "Why'd ya ask?"

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:52 am
by Rimfire*
(My character is now officially at the risk of being killed off due to inactivity... and so, as allowed by Crash in his Inactivity thread, to hell with posting order.)

"Aw, hell..." Abel cursed breathlessly, smearing one of his jeans trousers with rain-stirred mud as he dragged himself to a stand. Narrow eyes flicking left and right, he registered the unfamiliar, extra figures emerging out from the brush with a panicked dismay, one hand clenching around the perpendicular tonfa-handle strapped to that hand's palm. What did these newcomers have on them?

Guns? Yeah. As far as Abel could see, not a single gun was between him, Evan, the deaf girl and the new guy that had approached.

What else did the attackers have? All kinds of shit, apparently. With something between confusion and surprise, Abel watched as glaring red light flickered across the bridge and the brush, seemingly settling on one of his potential new friends across the bridge. Immediately following this, a small dark sliver of an object arced through the air, hurtling down again. What the hell was that all about?

"Hey! Quit gawpin' and get the hell across the bridge!" Abel shouted, standing fully upright and waving an arm. As an afterthought to this, he realized he was maximizing his own chances of getting shot in the face, but at an extended range and with partial cover of the bridge, he was at least in a position to do so. "We're gonna fuckin' die if we don't move it!"

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Pigeon Army*
((OOC: What Rimfire said.))

Is this what they call a crisis of faith? People shooting at you from all directions?

Michael continued shuffling back as fast as he possibly could, keeping low so as to not attract attention. The squad of girls had taken them all by surprise, and not the good kind of surprise. This was a police-on-the-door-drugs-in-the-basement surprise (not that Michael knew what that actually felt like, he just felt it was a particularly pertinent anecdote), not a free-trip-to-Paris-at-your-parents'-expense surprise (not that Michael knew what that actually felt like, either). Clambering backwards, he turned around to make sure he wasn't shuffling towards the ravine.

He heard a woosh and a thud in front of him. Frightened, Michael turned around.

An arrow had landed where his head had been not ten seconds ago.

"Oh my God. Not like that, though, God. I don't mean it in a derogatory...ah, to hell with it."

Michael looked around, pushing his glasses up his nose to clarify his view, but couldn't see the archer anywhere. He grabbed the arrow and stood up. The boy in the Stetson was yelling.

"Hey! Quit gawpin' and get the hell across the bridge!"

Not questioning the sane-sounding boy's sane-sounding request, Michael ran to the bridge and began crossing.

"Please don't get me now for taking your name in vain, God."

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Ciel*
(Gah. Might as well get this show on the road. x_x I was going to wait to get Amanda's permission to go ahead with our plan but frankly if they aren't going to make exceptions for you guys then it's very unlikely anyone will have a change of heart for me.)

A thought occurred to Madison. The reason why she was here, behind Melina was a very simple one to understand. Madison needed ammo for her machine gun desperately: what was the point in having a gun if you don't have any bullets to use? But here she was, standing behind Melina, in the middle of a gun fight with nearly no ammo. What was the point? Wouldn't it just be easier to rip the ammo from under Melina's nose? No, she had a shotgun. Then... What was she going to do?

... You know which one it is. She has two bags but one of them looks much bigger than the other. The other one's got to have the ammo. Just take the goddamn bag and run.

The knife wrench. Perfect. Melina still had her back turned away, and the knife was pretty sharp. One nice slice and the bag would probably fall away from her shoulder. Madison didn't waste any time taking the initiative and held onto the strap of the dufflebag. The knife cutting it in half after a few good slashes. Longer than Madison had anticipated but there was no love lost for that. The bag fell to the ground with a soft thump and Madison swiped it up with her open hand.

She wasn't going to wait around to see Melina's reaction. Madison ran like hell out of sight. She didn't see either Renee or Jessa when she headed out but to hell with them. Madison had to get away.

(Continued Elsewhere...)

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Ares
The minute the first blast was fired, Evan grabbed Dawn's arm and thrust her into the nearby bushes.


Everything was happening so fast. Abel was calling for them to bolt across the bridge, but that would throw them right in the line of fire. Evan then remembered what Dawn had wrote about the gun. He turned her face towards his and spoke slowly.

"I'm going to take your gun." He said gesturing towards the gun.

Evan grabbed the gun, taking note that is was already loaded.

"Let's go god damn it." He shouted.

Oh for fuck sakes. Evan thought as he once again was forced to remember Dawn was deaf.

Evan lifted Dawn up and gestured for her to run into the jungle surrounding them. Not bother to check if she was running, Evan turned off the safety and fired three shots towards where the light and shotgun blast had came from, as he backed his way into the tree cover.

((Evan continued elsewhere))

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Neuphim*
Though still slightly dazed with the blinding light, Dawn knew full well what was happening and did exactly as Evan said. Without another word, she followed the boy in the woods.

(Dawn continued elsewhere)

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Super Llama*
{{continued from Black Math}}


Laeil came onto the area surrounding the bridge, and was welcomed by the sound of gunfire. She stood at the very edge of the brush, trying to make out what was going on. Though dawn was approaching, and she had plenty of time for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, she still couldn't make out anything more than shapes. She saw a group of shapes making a getaway across the bridge, and another shape standing by itself, wielding some kind of long-barreled gun. Either a rifle or a shotgun, though the sound of the gunfire suggested that it was a shotgun. Now that she thought about it, that silohuette seems somewhat familiar. As she tried hard to make out the details, she could see what looked like bandages covering one side of her face, and the hair, was that red hair?

Laeil's grip tightened on her sword, and the wicked grin that had graced her face so many times before resurfaced. Well, my dear Melina, we meet again. Her hand reached up towards the bruise on the side of her face, a reminder of their last encounter. I'll make sure this time that you don't get away. Everything you've ever done to me...I'll pay you back tenfold.

Where were the other Angels, though? Maybe they had abandoned the group. She wouldn't be surprised. But she couldn't assume that. They had to be somewhere nearby, someplace she couldn't see them.

Reaching into her pack, she fished out one of her molotovs, and pulled the lighter out of her pocket. She then turned towards the two that had followed them, Morgan and Margaret. "Take these." She said, quiet enough so that only the three of them could hear her, as she handed the molotov and lighter to Margaret; she had considered for a moment giving it to Morgan, but then again, with how suspicious he was, she couldn't afford to hand over such a potentially powerful weapon to someone like him. Margaret was definitely more devoted to their mission, and was much more likely to use it in the way she intended. And as for giving away the lighter, back at the barracks one of the things she had taken from the first aid kits she raided was a pair of lighters. She wanted to be set in case she lost the one she had now, or if it ran out of lighter fluid. "You two move to different locations, and then you..." She pointed to Margaret. "Light that and throw near Melina to distract her while I move in to attack." After what another of her firebombs had done to Melina's face, it would be sure to get her attention. "The other angels must be hiding nearby. If you see ANYONE other than the three of us or Melina, you attack them immeadiately and keep them busy." If they were indeed loyal to the preservation of the group, the attack would lure them out of wherever they were hiding. And if they weren't, well then they could just sit back and watch their attacker from before take care of their leader.

"Now hurry. It's almost morning, and the more we can hide under cover of darkness the better."

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Solitair*
((Margaret Tweedy continued from Black Math))

No sooner did Margaret arrive at the swinging bridge did she receive a bottle and a lighter from Laeil, along with orders to fling it from another location. It was almost impressive how quickly Laeil was able to come up with a plan. She'd definitely get far in this competition, barring a freak accident or lapse of attention.

Margaret nodded and snuck around the Melina, trying to find the perfect place to chuck her cocktail. She stopped moving and lit the wick of her cocktail.

It's all for the best, really, she told herself as she tossed it the ground behind Melina.

Re: A Moment's Hesitation/The Pedestrian

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:53 am
by Cyco*
((Guys, Jessa and Renee are at a distance hiding behind the peak of a hill a fair distance from Melina.))