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Re: #3: Students Against Destructive Decisions

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:59 pm
by dinah_shore*
Denise looked at Neil almost bemusedly as he began furiously writing in a small notebook. It seemed like a foolish and inefficient thing to do, but she said nothing and began examining her nails critically. She'd always taken such good care of them at home, and now they were broken and dirty, cuticles torn the shreds. Lighting a cigarette, she went to examine the rotten contents of her bag, to make certain that nothing was salvageable.

It was certain all right. Everything in the bag reeked of the deadest shit imaginable. Denise looked forlornly at her once-favourite-now-disgusting band shirts and took a long drag off her cigarette. Her Led Zeppelin t-shirt had fallen into a puddle. She'd worn it when she went into labour with Annie.

At the words "Saddle up!", she ditched her smoke and was anxious to go right away.

God, do Jungles ever fucking suck.

Abandoning everything but her weapon, Denise left with Neil and Marnie.

((Denise------> Freedom or Bust!))

Re: #3: Students Against Destructive Decisions

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:59 pm
by SOTF_Help
"Okay gentlemen remember, we are looking for Garnett and whatever is causing these signal disruptions. Be ready at all times, and remember we show no mercy to anyone or anything." Came the gruff voice of David Konrad.

Konrad was leading Squad 1 as per Mr. Danya's orders and he was going to do a damn good job. As they continued the treck through the jungle, the constant buzz of their radios reporting back to base, Konrad lit up a cigar. It was a habit he had developed since he joined the SoTF Organization. It was actually the man they were hoping to find still alive, Garnett, that got him into them. A simple off handed remark about how Dominican cigars were finer than Cubans had sparked a debate amongst the smokers in the organization, and to settle the debate, Garnett chose Konrad to taste test. He'd always smoked cigarettes, but once he lit up a stogie there was no turning back. The Dominican brand won him over.

"Konrad, I see movement, bushes, 30 yards at your 2 o'clock." Came the voice of one of the squad members surrounding Konrad.

"Hold." Konrad commanded, dropping to one knee and readying the rifle he'd be given before taking off. The rest of the squad did the same.

There was certainly something coming towards them.

"Garnett...that you?" Konrad said as rustling and footsteps came closer.

The person that came through the bushes was not Garnett. It was a girl. Rio Koizumi, and once she saw a group of five armed military looking men, her face went from fright to sweet relief.

"Are...are you guys here to save us?" She shouted as she ran towards them not realizing that her mercygiver knife was still in her hands.

A single gunshot came from the middle of the pack of terrorists, followed by a small smoke trail from the barrel of David Konrad's gun.

Rio Koizumi's joy was abruptly ended. She didn't even have time to react before the bullet destroyed her face, and her body fell limply to the ground.

Dave Konrad rose from his knee and walked over to her corpse. Looking down on it he replied to the girl's question.


Konrad looked back at his squad before radioing the base.

"This is Konrad with Squad 1, we have a small incident with one of the kid's out here, but I took care of it. You should be seeing the indication from her collar momentarily. Konrad out."

After getting the confirmation from the base that the girl before him was dead Konrad spoke again.

"Okay people let's move, and remember no mercy."

G74 - Rio Koizumi - Dead

((Konrad and Squad 1 Continued Elsewhere))

Re: #3: Students Against Destructive Decisions

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:59 pm
by SOTF_Help
((Footage Continued in Camera #4))