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Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by RePeate*
((Monique from Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures...))))

Having left the quarry shortly after the other two girls in the group, Monique pulled up behind the both of them and settled in where they were both hiding. As Melina outlines their plan of attack, Monique became aware of the sheer gruesomeness of it all. Killing her friends and classmates... that's the work of a sociopath. And Monique was no sociopath. At least, the game hadn't made her into one yet.

"Melina", she whispered "I don't know if I can do this. Why do we have to kill people? I don't want that hanging over my soul. I... I'm not sure... I can do this..."

She realised Melina was already into the game, and cursed herself for showing weakness in front of her. Chances are, if anyone was a threat to Monique right now it wasn't going to be those people over there, bandaging their wounds. It'd be Melina. She considered her options carefully.

On one hand, if I don't do this, Melina will probably kill me. Those people don't look like they'd put up much of a fight. Would they attack us if it were us sitting over there and them here? Probably so... but does that mean it's ok to kill them? Esti! I'm so confused! Better just play things safe for now...

"Ok, ok", she said, visibly calming herself down "You want me to lure them here with you, yes? Ok, just tell me exactly what to do Melina, and I will do it."

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina smiled at Renee's reaction to her plan. She seemed almost nervous. That meant Melina had her in her grasp. She would be a good ally. Her bow would serve them well in the upcoming moments. Monique however seemed almost against attacking. Melina was tempted to knock some sense into her, literally. However, almost directly after saying that, Monique changed her mind and seemed to be assuring herself that she was fine with killing the group. Melina smiled. She put a hand on the other girl's shoulder.

"You'll do fine Monique." She smiled in a friendly way to the girl and began to lay out the details of the plan. "First, we'll give them the idea that we mean no harm. Then we will offer the idea that they should get out of the open, and lead them toward this area. Renee will shoot at one of them, and disorient the lot of em'. That's when you and I strike." She grinned.

"Are you ready? Let's go. Stay prepped Renee." She stood and began to walk out of the bushes, Monique at her heels.

"Hey!" She yelled out. "Are you all okay?! We're not playing!"

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Namira
Simon winced, even though it wasn't him being hurt. It wrenched his heart to see Madison bleeding and in pain. He didn't know where their relationship stood, but Simon was certain of one thing at least: he loved her.

"I'm sorry Madi," he apologised. "But what uh... he says makes sense, we need to get it cleaned out, otherwise there's gonna be all sorts of crap inside the wound: it will make things worse than they already are." Simon gave the painkillers to Madison, smiling his thanks to Lenny. "Hey, I didn't get your name: I'm Simon. Thanks for the help,"

He didn't get a chance to hear the reply though, as another voice broke the silence. Simon's head snapped around, and he spotted two girls emerging from the bushes. He recognised neither, though he was reassured by the fact that the pair didn't appear to be armed in a way which was likely to cause them to be killed... at least from afar.

Simon place the water bottle down and drew his laser dazzler, resting it on his cast and aiming it towards the two girls. He was counting on the darkness, and the shape of the dazzler, to make it seem like he was directing a gun at them. He had no intention of shooting, but it paid to be careful.

"Someone's hurt here," he called in reply. "How many in your group?" Simon wanted to trust, like he had Brad and Terrie, but that had been an entirely different situation all over. He couldn't help but feel suspicion tugging at him.

(Bobby continued from: Misery's End)

That poor, poor bastard... what a life he had, the Program was just the crowning moment of it. Oh yeah, and then I killed him. I wonder,,, was I putting him out of his misery, or just writing the last chapter of a book of torment?

Bobby Jacks, B06 sighed and kept pushing forward. His thoughts kept getting dragged back to his status... both morally and mentally. It was an undeniable fact to him: he was now a three time murderer - four if he counted Wolfe, but he had his doubts about that one. Christopher Straton, Tyson Neills and now Ricardo Chee, that was what he knew for concrete. It didn't matter if he made it to the end without taking another life, he was damned even before he reached the game.

The burly boxer's body crumpled to the ground almost of its own volition. Bobby sat on the sand for a few moments, allowing the sounds of the sea to wash over him. It was a strange kind of peace, as always, it was fleeting. In the distance, Bobby heard voices, and the logical, methodical thoughts which had compelled him to start playing in the first place once again urged him to take up his carbine and pick up another couple of kills.

Bobby shook his head.

"No, I'm not some mindless robot, following my programming. I make my own decisions," Bobby thought about that for a few moments: it wasn't true... no matter what he had to say about it, he was, and always would be a killer. The only way out was to kill even more... Bobby looked down at the scalpel in his belt, and after considering it for a second or so, tugged it out.

He raised the weapon to the light: noting that it still had a reddish tinge to the blade, and similar on the handle. It had found its mark no fewer than four times, even if twice it had been an accident on the part of its owners. Bobby shuddered: he hoped it would prove kinder to its newest master. He raised the blade again and touched it to his cheek: the point at which he had been cut in his last fight.

"Penance..." he murmured, cutting the skin gently with the blade. He felt blood trickle down his face, and pain began assaulting him, but Bobby ignored it, making another, long cut just above. Bobby could feel the flow of blood from the twin wounds now: not a great deal, but hardly inconsiderable. Bobby made not a murmur, swapping to the opposite hand, and scoring two similar lines across his other cheek. One for each death.

Bobby dabbed at the wounds with his shirt, staining it red, up until the point the bleeding began to slow and he felt sure he didn't look like he was wearing a crimson mask. He got to his feet and looked grimly in the direction of the voices, before heading in that general direction. Before long, he spotted the source: no fewer than six people, quite an array. The 'player' part of him, would have liked nothing better than to charge in there and gun them all down: or at least as many of them as he could, but even if they weren't armed, it was much the same situation as with Ric. He just couldn't bring himself to shoot somebody. Was stabbing better? He didn't know. For some reason, much as he hated to think of it in that way: Bobby wanted to give the prey a sporting chance.

The boxer squinted, and realised that one of the faces in the distance was familiar: or at least, seemed so. It looked as if Madison was still alive... Putting the gun on one shoulder, he narrowed his eyes and continued to look at the group. Ideally, he would have tried a trick, but Madison being there blew that out of the water: unless of course, a haircut and a couple of cuts was enough of a disguise to stop somebody he had used as a human shield from recognising him. Bobby decided to hover in the background and see what happened: two people appeared to be joining the group, it could end up giving him an opportunity to act.

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Theseus*
Lenny didn't see the girls. He was too focused on Madison and trying to find a shelter at night. He could tell it was going to be light soon though, and any minute the sun could break the horizon and flood the area with light. Lenny turned around immediately when Simon called to another group. Lenny saw the girls. This wasn't safe anymore. Lenny looked at his sister and said then back at Simon and waited to hear the girls reply. That's when the sun broke the horizon and flooded the area with a red tint.

Lenny was about to tell Simon that they needed to move Madison. He was about to tell Simon that trusting the girls was a risky move, just like trusting him. Though the announcements crackled to life. Lenny listened intently. He listened to the names of his classmates as they were listed off as either killers or killed. Then he heard the danger zones. The north shore.

Lenny stood up and said, "Simon we need to get out of here now." Lenny turned to his sister and said, "Got your stuff?" Lenny zipped up his pack and slung it over his shoulder and said to Simon, "If you want to keep together keep up." Lenny wondered if Madison could make the journey. She was wounded but staying behind for her was just too risky. Simon would have to deal with her. Lenny only wanted to make sure his sister lived. Lenny said Simon and Madison, "Hopefully I'll see you guys later. Come on!" Lenny motioned to his sister and headed off the beach towards the tree line.

((Continued in Three Panel Soul))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:19 am
by Namira
Bobby was just about to make his move when the Second announcement hit the speakers situated all across the island. He listened, feeling both relieved and disgusted as he heard name after name being read off. He really wished it hadn't come to this... but the fact of the matter was that the more that were dead, the fewer he had to deal with personally. When the name of Dan Wolfe was read off, Bobby sighed with relief.

"It wasn't me..." breathed Bobby. "He was dead before I even got to him," the boxer smiled to himself ironically. "Good going," Bobby murmured sarcastically. "It's only three people you have killed. Heck, only two if you just count the game. Redemption is surely at hand,"

Bobby eyed the group and pointed a finger at them in place of his gun.

"Maybe another time,"

(Bobby continued in: Jah, Deliver Us)

"Yeah maybe,,," Simon murmured as Lenny left. He looked up to the pair of girls heading towards. "Sorry, but we gotta split. Madi, here, take my arm: lean on me or something. I'm sorry, I know that you're hurt, but we have to get out of here pronto," supporting Madison where he could, Simon got the hell off the shore as fast as he could.

(Simon continued in Day By Day)

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:20 am
by Ciel*
And Simon carried Madi allllllll the way home. :3

((Continued in Day by Day))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:20 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina turned her attention to the announcements. She took note of the killers and their weapons once again. It would be useful for later. When the are she was currently occuping was named a danger zone however, she immediately thought of a plan of action. There was no way to follow the group, as they'd have to leave Renee behind. The only thing to do was escape with her Angles and find a new prey.

"Monique, let's get out of here." She said to the girl before turning and sprinting in the direction they'd come from.

"C'mon Renee!" She yelled and sprinted off, ready to find a new location.

((Continued in She Bop))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:20 am
by RePeate*
Monique was relieved, to say the least. It would seem that for now Melina's "out for blood" agenda had to be put on hold as they relocated. She hoped they'd go somewhere vacant, so she wouldn't have to worry about being in danger. Or about having to hurt anyone for that matter...

((Monique continued in She Bop))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:20 am
by laZardo*
Renee sighed frustratedly at having to abrupt the plan. She holstered the arrows and dashed off in Melina's general direction, hoping not to get separated from the group along the way.

((Continued in She Bop))

Re: Lady So Divine

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:20 am
by Theseus*
((I'll be posting with Elizabeth for a while with Baby_g's permission))

Elizabeth listened to the announcements and watched as her brother made a motion to her and headed off. She would follow him to the end. He was her protector, and she knew no one else to trust. Though a little bit of her felt bad for leaving Simon all alone with a wounded Madison. She would get through it though. This wasn't a game where you could have those kind of feelings. She would have to be cold to survive. That was the only option.

Her brother would keep her safe. That's all that mattered right now. She had to get out of this place before her collar exploded. She quickly followed Lenny down the beach and disappeared with him into the jungle.

((Continued in Three Panel Soul))