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Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:26 am
by RePeate*
Evan wandered back inside the cottage after hearing Ric's fitful screaming, but saw that Neil was already talking to him and so decided it was likely nothing. He strode into what used to be a quaint little kitchen, and pulled one of the chairs out from the kitchen table to grab a seat. I wish i had a cold one right now... that'd hit the spot. He tilted his chair back in the fashion he normally would, allowing himself to balance on two chair legs while kicking his feet up on the table. His arms felt a bit tired, so he casually slid them into his pockets. And that's when he felt it. A tiny plastic ball, waded up in the corner of his pocket, tucked away so well that it wasn't likely to be found by anyone frisking him. His attitude immediately perked up a bit, as he remembered just what that little bundle was. A smile creased his face.

He planted his feet firmly back on the ground, and pulled the wad out of his pants just to make sure. He wasn't wrong. "Yes!" he said, triumphantly to himself. What he held in his hand was a small rock a cocaine, carefully wrapped in celophane. Finally, something goes my way! He placed the ball on the table and slowly unwrapped it, making sure nobody could see what he was doing. Thankfully Neil was in the bedroom talking to Ric, and Nadine didn't seem to be anywhere within his field of vision, so he began breaking the small rock apart with his finger. Oh yes, God I needed this! The small piece of coke broke easily in his fingers into loose power. There were more chunks than Evan generally felt comfortable snorting up his nose, but now was not the time to be picky. Time was of the essence. Placing one finger against his nose to pich his nostral shut, he quietly and smootly inhaled the small line he'd laid out for himself.

Oh this IS a good day.... he thought to himself, smiling, as he wrapped the rest back up and put it back into his pockets. He then proceeded to lean back in his chair and wait for the drug to take effect, a huge grin plastered across his face.

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:26 am
by Theseus*
Neil relaxed when Ric told him nothing was wrong. He must have just dozed off to sleep and had a bad dream or something. You really can't blame him, considering the circumstances. Sleep sounded good right now actually. Unfortunately, right now there was no time, they had to start working on their plans.

Neil said to Ric, "Well rest up man, we got a big day ahead of us." Neil wasn't sure how long they would be safe in the cottage, but they definitely had safety in numbers right now. Neil went back towards Nadine and asked her casually, "Hey can I see the notebook now? Like I said I gotta begin writing my lyrics."

Thoughts flooded his mind. Their main concern would obviously be trying to find a way to get these collars off or at least stop the signal. How could they go about that? Well, from what Neil knew so far, no one in his group was that tech savvy to accomplish the feat.

That meant that alternative means had to be used. This next plan was risky. Very risky, but wasn't it always the crazy ideas that won out in the end? It would involve destroying as many cameras as possible. Danya wouldn't just sit back as he lost his eyes on the island. People would have to be sent in to fix the cameras.

That's when the risky part came in. Neil would organize and then ambush whoever came to the island. With the right group of people, and the right weapons, it was possible. There would most likely be casualties, but if it could be pulled off, if they managed to kill the group, and take one or two of the terrorists hostage, they could potentially have a means of getting their collars off.

Their main plan right now though was destroying the cameras. Neil knew he would have to consult his map and mark down the zones they would strike. He was sure it wouldn't take disabling the whole island to get a response, which was good because that would be impossible. His main concern was hitting the nearest zones. Even if Danya was blind to half the island, that's pretty bad.

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:26 am
by LadyMakaze*
Sticks, huh? Nadine frowned slightly. That's all? How could she expect ANY of these guys to be helpful if NONE of them had any DECENT weapons on them? Useless. Absolutely useless.

Of course she was even more put off when that guy on the bed started seizuring...well actually it seemed more like he was having a nightmare. Nadine cringed slightly. Did he have to shout like that? It would alert the entire island of their presence! ....And was it just her, or was Evan....

She couldn't believe this.

...But then again, it tended to happen sooner or later didn't it? That was her plan...find a group, wait until its usefulness runs out, and run out on them. But not before causing a bit of damage along the way. This group just managed to lose its usefulness quicker than most. Though it did last a bit longer than the one at the flower field. Nadine smiled a bit, looking towards the notebook in her hand.

Looking at Neil, standing there simply as he requested over and over again, she tilted her head to the side, and didn't return the notebook. One hand was in her pocket. She backed away towards the door, shrugging her shoulders a bit. Evan was high, Ric was half asleep....Neil was the one she had to worry about.

She began to laugh. "...You guys really are fools you know that? Do you really think it's possible to go through with this silly group or anything? And what you guys are planning.... Hah, if you had a plan at all, it wouldn't work. To be honest? I suggest you three just lie down and die somewhere."

And with that, Nadine turned tail and bolted towards the door, dashing out into the yard of the cottage, notebook in hand.

'We're going to escape?' DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH.

((Continued at The Sea Cliffs))

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:27 am
by Namira
Ric didn't know why he reacted the way that he did to Nadine's taunts and subsequent departure, but the derision in her voice made him boil over with anger, and he literally leapt from the bed and sprinted after her as fast as his legs would carry him. It didn't matter that they had very little chance of succeeding - they had to try, at least, otherwise, as Nadine had said, they might as well just lay down and die...

This isn't a good idea. Juan interjected as Ric burst from the doors of the cottage and took off after Nadine.

Well, if you're right, I'll buy you a drink.

.... That makes no sense. How can you buy me a drink when I'm a part of your mind?

I've decided I have a 'brain bar'

Say what now?

My head, my rules. Ric concluded, a tough smugly at having finally got one up on the persistant voice in his head.

(Ric continued (or rather, ended) in: Misery's end)

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:27 am
by Ciel*
Nigel left the cottage, following after Ric.

(continued in Ten Speed)

(ooc: I didn't see a need to write five paragraphs. I is very tired after spending alot of time on that last post.)

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:27 am
by RePeate*
Seeing everyone run off was a bit unsettling for Evan. What the? I turn my back for one second... Did something scare them? "Hello?!" he shouted in the empty cottage, one would expect because he'd wanted to know if anyone was still there, but for him it was to reassure himself nobody else had come after them. "Anybody here? No? OK!" he shouted again, starting to feel the buzz from the drugs kicking in.

I guess that's the end of that.... now I can probably have some luck finding Gabe and the others...

He picked up his pack and made for the door, closing it behind him (really out of habit than a survival decision).

((Evan Continued in You Can Run...))

Re: Fade Into You

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:27 am
by Theseus*



That's how Neil felt at the current moment. He looked around. He was lone. It had all happened so fast, he never saw it coming. How could it happen? They were S.A.D.D. They were going to get off this island. They were going to escape. He had a plan, he had an amazing plan. They were going to beat the system!

It began with Nadine. Well, Neil was surprised, but couldn't be too surprised. She pretty much all called them fools and ran off. With the notebook no less. Not that it really mattered she had the notebook. What was she going to do with it? He had a couple more in his pack, though those were mostly filled up with songs and other jazz like that.

Next Neil watched as Ric rather abruptly left him. Neil watched as Ric ran after Nadine.

Then Nigel left.

Neil knew he had to find Evan, they had to organize, do something. He heard as Evan called, shouting to see if anyone was still in the cottage, Neil shouted yes, he was here, but it was too late. Evan was gone.

So now Neil stood alone, in the middle of the cottage. The old 'headquarters' of S.A.D.D.

Students Against Destructive Decisions.

The group that was to defy Danya and beat the game.

Neil looked around, the anger, confusion, hopelessness building up inside of him. He raised his stick he picked up back on the beach and shouted. He shouted no words, just a primal scream. A scream not because he was crazy, but to show he was sick. He was sick of this game, of what was happening.

He hated being alone here now. He was the leader of S.A.D.D.

S.A.D.D would live! He would find others! He would escape!

He believed in his plan enough. He would find others who wouldn't run away. Maybe he could find Ric and Evan again. Those he trusted the most.

Nigel was ok, and Nadine was definitely now out of the question.

Neil screamed more and ran towards a camera he saw mounted on the wall and swung his stick at it. The stick made contact with the camera, knocking it off the wall. Neil continued to swing at it until the camera was destroyed.

Neil threw his head back and shouted as loud as he could


He then destroyed every camera he could find in the small cottage.

Out of breath, panting, and sweating, Neil gathered his stuff and slowly left the camera-less cottage. As he left he saw cameras on the outside.

Destroy them?

What did it matter, he was going to go through with his plan. He was sure these cameras wouldn't be enough to prematurely start the plan he had in his head. He had to find others for the second half.

Neil went after all the cameras he could find, destroying them all without word, without sound.

When he was out of breath, he left the small cottage leaving his mark behind him.

A trail of destroyed cameras.

That would be S.A.D.D's signature.

Neil smiled slowly as he walked away into the afternoon jungle.

((Continued in Mending))