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Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Muninn*
"You're not going anywhere fast soon, Mr. Lawrence."

I suppose I'm not, am I? Even if he could manage to get out of the cottage, what would be the point? He couldn't move fast enough, and so he would just be caught again in another minute or so.

Is this the end? There wasn't some way he could slip out of this situation like he had before now... couldn't run, couldn't fight, and Raven didn't need to have his head completely clear to be able to tell that this boy wouldn't be interested in talking and letting Raven survive until he could put up a better fight.

...where was the other boy, anyway? A quick glance revealed that he wasn't in the same room anymore. Had he gone outside the cottage? Back into one of the other rooms? Both of the rooms opened straight into the main room, there was no chance he could escape, no matter how fast he managed to stagger away.

The concussion was really making his head spin. How was he supposed to find a way to get out of this when he couldn't even concentrate on something for more than a few seconds before he started getting dizzy? He needed time, and time was not something he could get more of. Unless...

There, right next to the door to the bedroom. Another door, right where it had been when Raven first checked the cottage. The bathroom. He'd been ignoring it because he'd been worried about finding people. People hadn't been in there when he'd first checked, so the room hadn't been important. Right now though... it was exactly what Raven needed. A small room, only one entrance (and one that probably had a lock on it, at that). He slowly straightened himself.

How fast could he afford to move before he got dizzy and collapsed again? How much time could he afford to take before Leo returned with his weapon? Failing either way would mean that he would still be here when the other boy came back. He stumbled his way across the center of the room. Using the walls as a guide would have been nice, but Raven wasn't sure that he could afford that much extra time... plus it would mean crossing directly in front of the entrance to one of the other rooms, and he still wasn't sure which one was occupied at the moment.

A little further... with just a few more feet to go, Raven finally succumbed to his dizziness and stumbled again. It was enough, though, and he managed to catch himself on the far wall, right next to the bathroom door.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Pigeon Army*
Leo essentially skipped over to the broken glass on the inside of the bedroom. All of the confusing thoughts, all of the nasty emotions had been swept into the corner, overridden by one primal drive.

Kill him.

Leo rifled through the broken glass shards before finding a suitably large and pointy one. Grabbing his handkerchief from his pocket, he wrapped it around where he was going to hold the glass and picked it up. He made a couple of stabbing and slitting motions and smiled. He put his club in his daypack inside the bedroom, and went to walk back to Raven.


The sound of a body collapsing had been closer than Raven's position could allow. That could mean one of two things. One - our friend Mr. Lawrence has decided stupidity is the way to go and is trying to escape through the bathroom. Two - we have another visitor.

Leo popped his head around the corner, just in case thing number two was correct. Seeing that it was just Raven, he sighed in relief and stepped out from behind the doorway.

"Mr. Lawrence, your delusions of escape amuse me, but your attempts to put them into motion do not. We can't have that, can we?"

Leo strode towards Raven, a purposeful glint in his eye.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Muninn*
When Leo returned from the bedroom, he had something in his hand. Whatever it was, it wasn't too large of an object, and it reflected a little bit of light. A piece of glass, maybe? There had been glass in the bedroom when Raven had woken up, so this was probably some of that. Yeah, that must have been it.

Why glass? The other boy had a club, it would have certainly been better in a fight than glass from a broken window. Was this some misguided attempt at nobility? This person was fine with killing Raven, but they felt that a club was too much of an advantage in a fight? More likely Leo knew that no matter what he had in his hands, he could beat Raven, and he was planning on making his death as slow and painful as possible. After all, why else would he have tied Raven to a bed rather than killing him outright?

Not that he was complaining, of course. He'd take any advantage he could get and use it to its full extent. Of course, with the earlier hit to the back of his head he was severely lacking in advantages, and Leo was probably right in thinking that whether or not he came at Raven with a club or a shard of glass would make no difference in the eventual outcome of the fight. Still, he might be able to do some damage to his enemy before dying.

To cross the room, he'd put his fork back in his pocket so that he wouldn't have to worry about having something in his hand if he tripped. He brought it back to his hand now, a feat that was much more difficult than normal, since the fork was in his right pocket, and at the moment that was the hand with which he was holding onto the wall for support.

Can I afford to let go? he thought. If not, its not like he would have much of a chance of survival anyway. Still leaning against the wall of the cottage, Raven readied his improvised weapon in preparation for the fight that was very likely to be the last one of his life.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Pigeon Army*
Leo chucked as the concussed boy fumbled for his weapon. He pulled it out and held it in his hand.

A fork.

"Armed to the teeth, I see," Leo remarked sardonically. He took a couple of steps towards Raven, who seemed less scared than he had been. First Mr. Gilbert, now him - why do all the pathetic ones insist on putting up a fight?

Leo smirked. The plan was coming together in his mind. Everything going well, he would grab the arm with the fork in it with his free hand, yank it behind Raven's back, and pull him to the ground, where he would proceed to slit the boy's throat. It would be quick, clean, over in seconds.

If everything went well.

"Are you ready, Mr. Lawrence?"

Leo's hand shot out at Raven's right wrist.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Muninn*
Before Raven even realized that Leo was making his move, the other boy had his wrist in a tight grip. He still held on to his fork, but there was no way he could use it now. Instead, he was left with no option but to struggle helplessly against the other boy's grip. He knew that he wouldn't win a contest of strength, even if he hadn't been hit on the head earlier. There was only one chance for him to win, and that was for Raven to fight dirty. Use whatever advantage he could find to defeat his enemies.

Unfortunately, he really didn't have many advantages. He was weaker, not in the best condition, and even Leo's shard of glass was a better weapon than Raven's fork. Still, it wasn't like there was much else for him to do. He could think of one thing, something that would put him at even more of a disadvantage, but still might give him a brief chance at winning. As suddenly as he could manage, Raven threw all of his weight backwards, desperately trying to free his right arm at any cost.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Pigeon Army*
Of all the things he could have done...

Raven's jerking backwards had taken Leo by surprise, and Leo let go of Raven's wrist as quickly as possible. Leo staggered back a little, shock plastered across his face. He patted down his hair with his free hand, and glared at the boy. Then, he laughed.

"You really think you have a chance, don't you? You're truly entertaining the notion of beating me?"

Leo walked a couple of steps to his right, took a couple of seconds to observe the area, and then looked back into Raven's eyes.

"Not possible."

Leo charged at Raven, impromptu glass knife raised, left hand up in case Raven decided to swing at him with the fork.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Muninn*
Raven was free. Free to defend himself, free to fight with everything he had. Everything he had... right now that meant nothing. His last-ditch attempt to gain an advantage in this fight had served to bring himself to the point where winning was only an extremely improbable outcome instead of a flat-out impossibility. The two of them were exactly it the same situation they had been in when they'd started the fight. The best plan Raven had come up with had done nothing more than initiate a stalemate for the time being.

Stalemate... that was how everything turned out in the end, wasn't it? The encounter with Joseph in the lagoon, the cat and mouse games he'd led Lenny on back in the caves. Nothing good had come out of either of those encounters. Raven was still armed only with a fork, he was still inexperienced in a fight, and despite his decision to start playing the game, he hadn't actually done anything except defend himself when attacked. He'd let Joseph go without even bothering to follow the other boy and surprising him later on. He'd passed up a perfectly good opportunity to kill Elizabeth Priestly and help himself to some better equipment while her brother had been distracted... the one chance he'd had out of the entire game to prove himself as a player and gain an advantage, and he refused it out of... what? Gratitude? Kindness? In the end, he was the same as he was on the first day.

Stalemate. Wasn't that a perfect description of his life up until now? A series of events that had no effect on Raven once they were over. Nothing ever happened that was worth living for. Nothing ever happened to make living life a burden. Things just happened, that was all. So we're moving across the country? Fine, whatever. No problem. No change. Stalemate, indeed.

"You really think you have a chance, don't you? You're truly entertaining the notion of beating me? Not possible."

Not possible? Maybe. Then again, maybe not. Trying his best to ignore the effects of his concussion, Raven charged defiantly at the other boy.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:54 am
by Pigeon Army*
((OOC: Godmodding. Condoned. You know the drill.))

My, this one's stupidity never ceases to amaze...

As Leo began charging, he noticed the disoriented Raven focus on him, and then begin charging him right back. He had initiated a game of chicken, and whoever ducked out of the way would surely have the advantage.

Seconds before impact, Leo ducked out of Raven's path. Leo swung around and watched as Raven tried to slow down and tripped over himself, colliding hard with the wall. Leo marched on him and grabbed the boy's chin with his free hand, forcing him to look into Leo's eyes.

"Foolish move, Mr. Lawrence. But then, that's all you're good for, isn't it?"

Leo drove the glass shard into Raven's right bicep. He felt small splinters of glass break off into the muscle, and knew that Raven would be going through agonizing pain.

"Well, I guess you're good for one other thing. Dying."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by Muninn*
Well, I guess you're good for one other thing. Dying."

Am I dying? Funny... I don't feel very dead right now. No, if pain was an indicator that he was still alive, then Raven definitely wasn't dead yet. His arm was practically screaming at him. Maybe Raven himself was screaming, but he really wasn't aware of it. He wanted more than anything else to back away, to get away from the shard of glass that was tearing up his limbs, but his back was to the wall. No escape this time, no choice but to take the pain. He definitely wasn't dead. Now to just take his fork and counterattack...

No, that wouldn't work. Raven's arm muscles wouldn't listen to him anymore. Blood was flowing out of the wound on his upper arm and running down toward his fingertips. His fork, the useless weapon that was nonetheless his only means of protecting himself in this game, was lying on the ground, out of reach. He couldn't even remember when it had slipped out of his hand. Maybe if he struggled a little he could get to it, but what would the point be? Even if he could somehow reach it, he seriously doubted that he could hold it anymore, much less come up with the arm strength to attack.

Something about the entire situation was familiar. That's right, he'd given that boy he met in the marsh an identical arm wound just a few hours ago. It was even on the same arm... or was it a different arm? Blood loss was making it harder for him to concentrate. Despite the fact that Leo was only a few feet away from him, his vision was starting to blur. If he didn't do something soon, he would quickly lose the ability to fight back.

No... he was already past that point. Retaliating was more or less a physical impossibility for him now.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by Pigeon Army*
((OOC: Again, GMing condoned by Muninn.))

Leo yanked the glass out of Raven's arm, tiny shards flaking off the main piece and embedding themselves in Raven's muscle and flesh. Blood was streaming out of the large wound, and Leo, face stern, stared into his victim's eyes.

"See what your monumental stupidity has caused you, Mr. Lawrence? It's caused you unbearable pain, and it will cause your death. Coincidentally, you won't have to wait too long for that to come around. In fact, I'll deliver it to you right now."

Leo shifted slightly to the left side of Raven, his right hand still tightly gripping the boy's chin. He brought the edge of the glass to the edge of Raven's neck, and began dragging it across, cutting deep.

"Goodbye, Raven. I hope purgatory welcomes you with open arms."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by Muninn*
Goodbye, Raven. I hope purgatory welcomes you with open arms.

By the time Raven heard Leo's words, it simply didn't matter. The other boy could have been said in Russian for all he cared, or maybe some African tribal language. After all, whatever happened was no concern of his anymore, and even if his mind had comprehended what he was hearing, it wouldn't mean anything to him anymore.

The blood wasn't just coming out of his arm anymore. There was another cut on his neck, a deep one. Leo had probably cut a major vein, or at least come close to doing so. Probably his windpipe as well, since that was probably what Leo had been aiming for. As with the words of his classmate and what was going on in the room around him, this cut meant nothing to Raven. After all, what manner of pain can be felt by a corpse?


Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by Pigeon Army*
Leo finished slicing across the unfortunate boy's throat, feeling the life slip away. Satisfied, Leo released his grip on Raven's chin and let the corpse collapse into a heap on the floor. Leo watched him for a second, the blood spilling out from the wide wound.

Silent, he walked into the bedroom and put the glass shard underneath the bed's mattress. He picked up his daypack and grabbed the club from inside, and smiled to himself.

"This is all too easy."

He made his way through the cottage's lounge, looked back for a second at the boy who had been fighting to survive just moments before, and stepped outside into the faint rain and the dim midday sunlight.

"Not that I have any problem with that."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by laZardo*
((Boxer continued from High Voltage))

Boxer Carvalho was lost. Again. And to make matters worse, he was already getting tired.

The titan had bolted from the danger zone so fast that he'd forgotten his supplies. Not that he wasn't exactly as good as a Boy Scout with a map and compass. It didn't help either that he didn't have the same stroke of luck as before, when he ended up finding Darnell in the first place he looked, which happened to be the same place he left. He only had the clothes on his back. He could use his fists to pound someone's face into a pulp, but that probably wouldn't help if his opponent had a firearm. Maybe a blade, but not bullets.

There was a cottage up ahead. It didn't look like a cushy place, but as long as he had some place to rest, he could at least be able to think. Thoughts that included avenging his best friend and what to do afterward, but were still very fragmented in his relatively simplistic mind. He had to get those thoughts together...

If the guy he noticed waiting on the doorstep didn't do that for him (and take a few things apart while he was at it.)

"What the fuck now..." he muttered to himself...

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by Pigeon Army*
Daniel Carvalho. Otherwise known as Boxer. Strong as a bull. Loyal as a labrador. Dumb as a pig.

Will not be taking my chances with him.

Boxer's emergence from the forest had certainly taken Leo by surprise. There were several dead bodies in the general area, including Mr. Marontate not fifty metres away, face down with the cleaved-open head. Luckily, Boxer hadn't noticed Leo yet, but it was a matter of time before he did. There was still blood on Leo's shirt, but the remainder of the carnage had dripped off the club. Leo could easily make a story up about the shirt. Leo adjusted himself accordingly.

Time to win this heart and mind.

He stepped towards Boxer, and the hulking figure noticed him.

"Bo...Boxer Carvalho? Oh thank God, a sane one. There's death all over this place. I got here and one of them had had his throat slit and was gasping for breath. I tried to save him, but I couldn't, it was're not playing, are you?"

Leo's face was full of worry and fear, his voice quavering at a slightly higher pitch than normal.

Inside, Leo was laughing.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:55 am
by laZardo*
Dumb like a horse would have fit Boxer more, as Eddie did not choose to nickname the titan after Napoleon or Snowball. Though "dumb" wasn't as descriptive as "one-track minded."

"I'm not out to kill everyone...just one person," Boxer growled. If you'd like to help me...or if helping you would get me to him, that's fine..."

For all Boxer knew, this kid could just as well be pulling a hoax so he could turn around and bring the colossus down with a good strike to the back of the head. His trustworthiness really only extended to one person outside the "team," and that person was already dead and gone. Hence, his personal mission to avenge Eddie.

It then occurred to Boxer that - as he suddenly felt an itch on his ear - Blood Boy was also dead. Or at least that's what the announcement purported to say about the kid that Renee hired him to lay the smackdown upon several weeks back. It wasn't hard to miss a name like that. Though it was hard to remember that when his stomach was rumbling enough to register on the Richter scale.

"I could use some food though...and a weapon," Boxer's tone softened a bit. "But don't try anything."