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Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:56 pm
by Cyco*
Bryan pumped the barrel of the SPAS-12, a habit he'd become accustomed to over the duration of his stay on the island. He glanced at the bloody mess draping from the countertop to the floor, then at his blood-spattered partner. She looked pretty flustered. "No you didn't," he scoffed.

He approached the corpse and pushed it onto its back with his boot, wrinkling his nose. The face was cut wide open, almost like a large grin; that had to suck ass. Any weapon? There was a pair of goggles around the dead boys neck, but they wouldn't be of any use.

'Well, we got some food and water out of it,' he thought, grabbing the abandoned daypack on the floor and rummaging through it.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:57 pm
by baby_g*
"No you didn't"....

Wednesday evening and Mrs. Biggly was yelling at the girls on the catwalk during the practice as usual.

"Tori, you're up. Don't mess up this time like last time."

She had a way to really stick it to ya. You're walking down the cat walk, your heal breaks and she blames you saying you fat and it broke under your weight. Don't forget,  you're only 9 years old. There used to be so much pressure when it came to beauty contests. It seemed like everyone had a stick up their ass. The people in charge, parents and even the kids themselves. They all wanted to be there, and they all wanted to win. I just wanted to go home. I hated it. It was bad enough that I didn't really think I was that pretty to begin with. Who wants to be in a contest while you're going through puberty, trying to figure out ways to cover the next zit and how to wear that damn awkward training bra.

The Big Night

Here I enter the stage, wearing a Vouge Cover worthy dress. Navy ocean blue to bring out my eyes, Hong kong hemmed in a light blue silk. Strapless, hangs losely just below the knees. Hair is up, tight and out of my face, with soft curls falling out the back. Shoes? Well, that was were I got my parents back for all the times they annoyed the hell out of me for these stupid things. I was supposed to wear off white 1 inch strapped heels... Instead, I though old oversized rain boots looked better. My name is called and I clunk onstage and I can just hear the people gasp. It's like music to my ears. The person who asks the questions, asks me why I chose rain boots. I say, "I want to be different. I'm sick of being what the world thinks I should be."

Here's the kicker. Here I think I have it all under control, I think about how I must have really stuck it to them. Out of the blue, waking me from my thoughts, my name is called as the winner. "You're kidding me!" I whispered. The very people I hated and were trying to drive away, wanted more of me. I couldn't believe it. Sad thing was, though the judges and the crowd loved it, didn't mean my parents did. The drive home is silent. I'm still in what I was wearing earlier. There was no time to change, because I had to get home and go to bed so I could wake up for school the next day.

"You think you're really funny, don't you?"

I don't answer. I'm nine years old and I'm stubborn as hell.

"Look at me, Hey, Look at me!" My mom screamed. She was in the passengers seat, barely. She was more turned around almost climbing into the back seat trying to get my attention.

"Tori Amelia Neijha Johnson! You look at me this instant!"

"What?!" I screamed. I was so far in the whole now, there was no point for politeness.

"You think you're so smart. You think you can just get away with this? You're so wrong missy! We are SO disappointed in you right now. You think just because you're a whole 9 years old you rule the earth. You think that just because you've won over 70% of the pageants you've been in that you know what you're doing. You don't know anything Tori. You're a little smart ass girl."

I would have loved to slap my mother in the face just then. I was 9 though, I didn't have much power to my punch so to say.

"And when we get home, you're going to call your grandmom and appologize."

There it was. The one thing she knew I hated more than the beauty shit was talking to my grandmom. I didn't say anything the rest of the way home. I didn't say anything on the phone to grandmom, though she spoke plenty. I didn't say anything for about a week. Eventually we all forgot and let go of what happend. I didn't make it to the next pageant. "Car Problems". I can still remember how great it felt in that blue dress though. I can feel it on me, holding the sides, twirling around... wait... what's....

Tori was kicked out of her reminiscent moment by the feeling of the boys blood on her clothes. How she had gotten there in the first place was beyond her. It must have been what Bryan said. He sounded like her mother did. She tried as best she could to wipe the blood off her, using the cloth that was tied to the rope dart she had. It worked mildly as she had assumed. There wasn't much more to do here. Tori didn't really feel it was a good idea to stay in the same place as a dead stranger... someone she had helped kill... it felt to erie.

Bryan, still holding the smoking gun, was looking through the boys' bag.

"I'm thirsty... any water?" She asked. She'd also use it to clean up. There weren't any showers around and she figured they weren't going to walk to one just yet. She'd have to wait it out.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 7:58 pm
by Cyco*
"Catch." Bryan tossed her one of the waterbottles he found inside B40's pack. The other had been used up entirely. "There's a little bread left and the whole thing of crackers," he mumbled, taking the latter of the two and stuffing it in his bag. He took a quick food inventory; four bottles of water (he'd gone through one of his own), one-and-a-half loaves of bread (guy's gotta eat), and three tins of crackers (had one or two). Not bad. Still, Bryan wouldn'tve minded finding some real food...

"You want a piece?" he asked Tori, holding up the fair chunk of bread the dead kid hadn't consumed. Boy 40 had apparently torn pieces off, making the remainder of the loaf quite appealing. Bryan didn't feel the need to explain that his food was theirs; it seemed pretty obvious.

He had to admit that he didn't feel half as bad about this guys death than Dan's. Partially because he didn't get a minute to know him, but mostly because the asshole had messed with Tori. Served the bastard right. No one fucked with...his friends....

'I wonder how Mattlock's doing,' Bryan thought. He hadn't seen Seth--or any of the Fists for that matter--since Wilson's lecture. He didn't really care much about Varella, or Rose or Kingston, or even that idiot Rischio, but Mattlock had been the closest thing he'd had to a friend outside of Neilson and CJ. He couldn't begin to imagine what kind of trouble his comrade had stirred-up on the island so far, but his name hadn't been on either end of the death list that morning; that was a good sign.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:05 pm
by baby_g*

Tori eyed the food before taking it for herself. She didn't want to eat anything that had blood on it. She took it gratefully, and drank a fourth of her water. Tori knew that she didn't have much to begin with and that she'd need to watch what she ate and drank. She took the cloth from the rope dart that she had been using from before and poured little water on it. She began to scrub her pants and her skin, an effort that worked quite well.

"So, what's his weapon?"

He hadn't come at her with a weapon, probably because he thought he was good enough just to take her down with his own force. She put away her water and food and walked towards the exit of the store.

"This is actually happening eh?" She couldn't control the tears that were now flooding her eyes. Tori turned to Bryan, hoping that he'd comfort her somehow. All she wanted was hug, a gesture that would reassure her that it was going to be alright. Things were looking really bleak.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:06 pm
by Cyco*
She asked what the dead kids weapon had been, and Bryan simply assumed. "Goggles," he said, bemused. He'd seen a couple pitiful weapons so far, one being Tori's ridiculous dart on a rope. It reminded him of the Mortal Kombat ninja...Sub-Zero? No, he was the blue guy. Scorpion. That was him. He'd lob something similar to that at his opponent and then pull them in with a gruff, booming "COME HERE!!" But he was a fictional arcade ninja, and she was a 15-year-old girl; what the hell use would it do for her?

Bryan withdrew the spent box of 12-gauge shells from his daypack as he was putting the food away. There was only one left in the box. 'Let's see...eight in the in the gun...that's sixteen. Wait...eight...uh....yeah, sixteen.' He emptied the box into his hand and tossed it onto the chest of the dead boy, loading the round into the shotgun. 'I have sixteen shots left. Thanks for nothing, goggle boy.'

"This is actually happening, eh?" Tori said, turning to him. Bryan gave her a quizzical look; what the hell kind of question was that? He sincerely hoped she wasn't just realizing what was going on. Then she just began to cry out of nowhere. Chicks were so weird. Bryan shouldered his bag and approached her, letting the gun rest at ease. He wasn't good with delicate situations like this, but he gave it a go anyway. Deep down he wanted to tell her to buck up, stop being such a damn baby. At least she had someone covering her back; not everyone was so lucky. Boy #40 was a shining example. He wanted to, but she was already crying, so he kept these thoughts inside.

"Hey, don't cry." That was good so far. He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder or something, but that would be awkward. He wasn't a touchy-feely kind of person. "What's the matter?...Look, I screwed up. I'm sorry. I'll try harder next time."

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:07 pm
by baby_g*
Tori used her sleeve to dry her face. Why didn't he understand?

"God Bryan! You're not good with girls, or many people in general are you? You'll kill someone without a second thought, yet you wont do a thing to make me feel better! I almost killed someone... someone I don't even know. This whole time I've just been keeping out of people's sight."

Tori had now started to check her bag to make sure she had everything she needed. She twisted the cap back on her water bottle and put it away. She retied the rope dart around her waist in a loose knot so that, if the time came, she'd be able to get at it quickly.

"And you know what? I've could have handled that jack off even if you didn't come up and shoot him. Gahhh! Men are so retarded sometimes. Here! Take this!" She said as she threw her blade at the wall past Bryan. She began to turn around and head for another store.

"Leave me alone."

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:08 pm
by Cyco*
"Hey!" Bryan said, in a blaring tone that he'd learned from his dad. Mr Calvert only used this kind of voice when he wouldn't take any shit whatsoever. It wasn't often used on Bryan or his siblings, but whenever it was, they shut the hell up and settled down.

He grabbed her wrist as she turned away, and held it tight, looking her dead in the eye. "Look, I don't know if you've noticed," he said through clenched teeth, "but I'm doing everything I fucking can to protect you. Yeah, I fucked up. I let you down and I'm sorry. But I was trying to keep you safe." He didn't give her a chance to reply, working himself up as he spoke. "Sometimes you're so focused on doing something right..."

" concentrate on it real hard..."

"...and...and something else gets by you, something important...and..."


"...and everything you've worked so hard for doesn't mean anything anymore...."

He trailed off and stared at the floor.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:08 pm
by baby_g*
Bryan's tone was sharp as he grabbed her wrist hard. She wasn't used to being pulled back or stopped by people, and he held on damn tight. She wasn't quite sure what he was talking about. What did he mean when you worked so hard, it doesn't become important anymore? Tori didn't want to ask, she was upset and him. Part of her argued with the other part. She thought she had a good reason to fight with him, while at the same time she thought about how stupid it all was. He killed the boy, he was protecting her.

Before she had found him, he was the one on her mind the whole time. She knew she wanted to find him because she could trust him. Yet, she wanted to walk away and leave it behind over.... over what?

Don't think about it...

"Let go of my wrist, you're going to break it."

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:09 pm
by Cyco*
"I'm not gonna break it..." he said much softer, loosening his grip immediately and looking back up into her eyes. She really wanted to leave? What would he do, just pick up where he left off? He'd found in her something worth more to him than survival; something he couldn't explain.

Bryan stared at her for a moment, like a deer caught in headlights. What was there to say? He took a breath and held it for a moment, but no words came, so he sighed and shook his head in dismissal, looking away from her.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:11 pm
by baby_g*
Don't think about it...

Bryan had loosened up his grip around her wrist, which she was happy about. Though, he still haden't let go.

Why is he turning away?

It wasn't that she wanted run away, she just wanted him to look at her. He had looked, just a moment ago, right into her eyes, and it almost seemed to calm her down a bit. She liked it, and she wanted him to look at her again.

Tori's mind was going back and forth, and side to side. What was she doing? How long had she really known Bryan for? Long enough to be so close to him? When he looked at her, her eyes focused on two things. His eyes and his lips. She liked his eyes because they had a 'look' to them. They were deep and just the right shade that she could find herself wanted to stare at them for hours. He lips were perfect. This whole time she's been alone. Ever since she was a kid, she always felt distanced from her family, friends, school. Now she was thrown into this hell hole where everything was gone all together. There was something different with Calvert. He just wanted to look out for her. For once she actually felt close to someone.

It was then that she knew what she wanted to do. She didn't want to leave. She wanted to stay right there. She liked his company, even when he did treat her like a child. Though he had a grip around her wrist, she liked that he hadn't yet, let go. Did that mean that he really wanted her to stay?

She wanted him closer. She began pulling her arm towards her, hoping it would draw him to her.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:11 pm
by Cyco*
She pulled him nearer, and Bryan felt like he'd been given a second chance, the last thing he'd ever expected to find on this God-forsaken island.

There was no way out for him now. If she'd turned and ran, he could've at least had a slim chance of making it out of this alive. He could've alotted every fiber of his being into surviving, and God only knows, succeeded if he tried hard enough. But by giving him that chance, Tori had sealed his fate. He would protect her no matter what. Even from himself when the time came.

'Don't think about it,' he said to himself, drawing in close to her and kissing her. He'd kissed other girls before, dumb broads only interested in getting plastered and having fun with him and Mattlock. They tasted like cigarettes and booze, slobbering and biting and cackling in their inebriation, and he didn't feel a thing for them except conflicted lust. But Tori was different. She was real. Not like the girls at Bathurst, self-centred parasites with nothing in their hearts or minds at all. She was worth protecting, and he would protect her until the very end.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:12 pm
by baby_g*
Sometimes when a girl dreams of the special kiss, they're in a fancy diner, or walking along the beach. It would be in a moment of silence when it felt like the world stood still just for them. Special kisses make the couple feel like everything is right again.

Tori and Bryan were in an empty mall. They were near a gross dead body, fighting, and she wanted to leave. Bryan kissed her. Sure they weren't out on a date, or talking sweetly to eachother. But for that one moment, when his lips met hers, she felt like everything was okay.

She'd kissed other guys. Tori's ex-boyfriend never had anything else on his mind, so it seemed. She was so caught up in the moment, that it was when she opened her eyes and remembered where they were, that she stepped back. She didn't go to far though. Just enough space between them that she could focus on his eyes. She looked intently at them.

Was this real? She thought. What does it mean now?

She let herself fall into the moment. In a place like this, it probably wouldn't happen again for a long time, if they ever even got the chance. Tori drew her free hand up, and placed it lightly behind his neck and kissed him again.

They were on an island, away from friends and family. They were given weapons and people were going around killing others. Yet, in this moment, she didn't want to be anywhere else.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:13 pm
by Cyco*
As much as Bryan was enjoying their embrace, he knew that they could no longer stay here. Anyone residing somewhere in the mall would have definately heard Tori's screams, or the gunshots, or even the tone of voice he'd used earlier. He broke the kiss and hefted the SPAS-12. "We have to go," he stated bluntly. This wasn't the time or place to get all fairy-tale romantic; they were in the middle of a fucking warzone.

Bryan recalled how sudden his run-in with Danny boy had been the other day, and how easily this rat bastard lying on the floor here had snuck past him. They really couldn't afford to let their guard down, not here, not anywhere. Not until they were the only two left.

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:14 pm
by baby_g*
Tori nodded at Bryan's order. He was right, he was right the whole time. He was saying sorry for something that wasn't his fault, yet she blamed him. She knew that was going to stop. She was going to start listening to what he said... well, most of it. There was no point in saying anything about what had just happened. She knew they had to go, if they wanted to survive.

As she double checked that she had everything, she walked over to the wall which she had thrown the blade at, and picked it up. "If it's alright with you, I'll take this with me." She wasn't sure what it was, but something about the room, the scent of it, reminded her about home.

I was sitting in my chair at my desk, in my room, and my grandmom comes in with out even knocking. I ask her what she wants and she doesn't even say anything about anything important. She just goes on and on about stupid things and how my room isn't clean. The yelling goes back and forth for a bit, and then she finally leaves my room.

I go downstairs and my dad is watching Law and Order, so I take a seat. He then goes on to talk about how I shouldn't be so rude, and totally taking my grandmom's side for everything. I leave the room to take a nap. Later, I'm awaken by a phone call from my boyfriend. He comes over and we're hanging out. My grandmom starts talking again and we argue mildly. He gets mad at me. It's like he's taking my grandmom's side too!

Later that night, I'm in bed, thinking about how much off a crappy day it is, then it hits me. I'm sitting here, crying to myself and how cares? I'm the only one that cares, and it's a waste. Was there really a point to all this fighting? All it was doing was hurting everyone more then there was needed. All of it could have been avoided by a simple nod or 'okay'.

Maybe that's what I'm doing here? I just don't want to fight again... Could there have been a way to avoid all this?

As Tori was getting wrapped up in her thoughts again, she could tell that Bryan was most likely going to get impatient with her, if she didn't start moving. Just because he kissed her didn't mean that everything was going to be fine and dandy for now on. In fact, she wasn't even sure if it really meant anything. Sure, she felt something. A spark maybe. But that was her. There was no way she could know what he thought, or even what this meant now, that is, without asking him. Sadly, that was something she really didn't want to do right now. She didn't want to forget about it, seeing as there really wasn't a way that she could. This wasn't like high school, where you could just walk down a different hallway if you saw an unwanted person coming your way. If it was brought up, she'd talk, till then, she just wanted to get out of this thing.

Still, she couldn't help but feel jittery. She was a girl for goodness sake. It's different when you're expecting something like that to hit you. But when you're in a argument and in the heat of the moment you're kissed, it changes your mood from mad to, 'I want more'. Then, after that thought enters your mind, it's snatched away just as quickly with the reminder of, 'oh yea, we're stuck on an island, where you have to kill people.' Bummer.

"Where to now?"

Tori didn't really care where they were going to go next. She just wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. Hopefully somewhere with working water so she could be more presentable.

What's the use...

Re: the remake

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 8:15 pm
by Cyco*
"Somewhere safe," he replied, which prevented him from having to even decide where to go at all. It didn't really matter where they went; the whole island was crawling with fellow students. All he knew was that they couldn't go to the school, the church, the pagoda, or back to the lighthouse.

He cast one final glance at the lifeless, smiling boy #40. He didn't feel anything. "Let's go."

((Continued in Checking In))