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Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:25 am
by ViolentMedic
Clarice's response to Jeremy's words was a long, slightly melodramatic ‘ugh' noise. Granted, one couldn't both share a name with a movie character and reference it in their Youtube username without expecting some references. (And, hey, it was a good film and Clarice Starling was a badass.) Even so.

She returned Nancy's wave and smile before bouncing a little on her feet. She tried to think of something to say, and came up blank. For a moment, all she could hear was Conrad moving up the stairs.

"Sooo..." Clarice started slowly, looking around. Given that there was only the bell to really focus on, she started to have a closer look at it. "You guys, uh..." She struggled a few more moments to find something to talk about that wasn't morbid and depressing. "You guys seen anyone else yet? I've only seen Conrad, Maria and Isabel, and Isabel ran off."

She could probably ring the bell again. Jeremy probably didn't ring it right, and even if he had there was bound to be someone who'd missed it.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:25 am
by Aura
((Barry Banks continued from Imprimatura))

After successfully navigating the halls of the asylum, Barry left the building with Jonathan. He hadn't heard from Tina in a while, and it wasn't until they were nearly out the door that he had noticed she was not with them. He was a little disappointed that she had apparently elected not to join their crusade, but he did his best not to let it show. Rather, he simply marched on and continued his trek towards the bell tower.

With a check of the map and a bit of walking, Barry got a good view of the bell tower. Just like the map indicated, it was a good walk away from the asylum's back. He was able to make the journey there without breaking too much of a sweat, although his legs did begin to feel tired as he approached the tower. He blamed this on the lack of food and water he had ingested since waking up, and made a mental note to take a quick snack break later on.

Upon reaching the door of the tower, he gave a silent thumbs-up to his companion before carefully opening it, trying his best not to startle anyone who may still be inside. Unfortunately, the creaking of the old door made his entrance pretty noticeable. Deciding not to push his luck too far, he decided to call out to the possible inhabitants before stepping inside. He cupped a hand around his mouth and leaned forward a bit before announcing his arrival.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:25 am
by ItzToxie
Jonathan continued his trek behind Barry. This was a longer trip than he expected. At the very least, he saw the bell tower in the distance, so they weren't too far now. All they had to do was go inside and check it out, what's the worse that could happen? They weren't going to be outgunned or out manned, there were three of them. They'd be able to- wait. Wait a minute. Jonathan looked behind him. Tina wasn't there. Did she leave?


Jonathan should be more worried, but with how many people that have been coming and going, it was starting to feel more like a running gag than anything else. He couldn't blame them, they all had their reasons. Maybe they had a better idea for them? Jonathan hoped their plans would help them, but he needed his plans to help his group.

They were by the bell tower now, and Jonathan's heart was pumping in his chest. Jonathan looked up. How many people would be in there? Five, six? Maybe one or two? Maybe they already left? Barry went in first, giving him a thumbs up. Jonathan nodded back. He waited for the sign to go in. Barry called in asking if anyone was there. Jon thought it was only fair to announce his presence as well.

"Y-yeah! We're friendly if you are!"

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:26 am
by RC*
There was no way back. Voices from behind. Conrad could recognise one voice, but he could not grasp who the other person was.

Barry arrived at the tower. A friend of Conrad, into soccer, athletic like him. Probably even more athletic than him. He was cool with him, so he hoped the island would not have changed him that much. Everybody gets changed on the island, but having Barry as an enemy would be a terrible thought.

Conrad stopped walking.

Barry's voice sounded...Conrad did not know how Barry's intentions were. But the second dude who came along with Barry sounded nervous. A bad sign, but, a) Conrad was nervous as heck, too and b) Barry had an ally with him, so he could not be too much of a player.

"We are friendly as well, Barry!"

Standing still on the staircase, he turned around to wait for Barry and his ally to come up.

Clarice and him might be in danger, though. If both Nancy and Barry were attacking them, they would be screwed. One person attacking would be okay, they could always help each other. But now things were getting dangerous.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:26 am
by Yugikun
Man, they didn't even give him anything good to respond to. That sucked.

Well, admittedly part of that was his fault. He was the person who was acting so stilted about everything. It wasn't even like this was like, a huge massive problem that he'd always been facing or anything; he'd been here for what, two hours at most? He probably had time there. Time for… something. He wasn't quite sure on that front. There were images in his head that gave him little ideas on what the time was for but he didn't quite want to particularly focus on any of them yet. Didn't really wanna commit quite yet. There was still time, and given the path that he was currently going on it probably would fit best if he just took things as they came to him. Y'know, like what he wanted to do while he was in school but ultimately couldn't because of things like deadlines and assessments.

He snorted, slightly. One benefit of being here: no more having to do homework. At least he wouldn't have to force himself to do math while he was on murderdeath island, which was… okay, he guessed. Meant that he didn't have anything right now to pull him back, at the very least.

And really, it wasn't like the others weren't trying either. Jeremy did smirk at Clarice's response. It wasn't really the reaction that he was expecting, given that there was a typical response that she had that he couldn't quite remember right now, but it was still sorta funny. Good job Jeremy, you're actually delivering on your own promises for once. Two more people arrived, seemingly, names not ones that Jeremy had yet but hey, maybe in the best case scenario it was someone else he liked. No real way that could go wrong. Clarice had also asked him and Nancy a question! That was… probably the worst of the three things and was probably what he was referring to when he said the above thing, but eh, he'd take it.

Words flashed in his mind as he tried to think of something that wasn't generically answering the question. None formed completely, though. Oh well.

"I met Danny and Irene down at the beach before I came up here. They…" Jeremy paused, scratching the back of his head, "weren't really convinced about all this, to say the least."

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:26 am
by CondorTalon
"I saw Vanessa and... and Jae," Nancy said, answering Clarice's question.

The battered body of Jae popped into her mind again, and she flinched in momentary disgust. She debated whether or not to tell everyone the state she found Jae in, but she decided not to. Just the thought of it made her feel a knot at the base of her stomach.

Suddenly, another voice called from the base of the tower.

More people? More people. Great.

"Why more people? Nancy-chan's solo performance is suffering..." she muttered quietly.

She sighed. As long as they were down there, and she was up here, she was safe. But of course, if she wanted to leave, she would have to get past them.

"Ugh..." she growled, "This was a mistake."

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:26 am
by ViolentMedic
More people. Clarice took a couple of steps back from the bell and peered over the edge of the tower, down at the door. She could see Barry—huge guy, easy to tell apart from far away, pretty cool soccer guy—and… hmm, she thought she might have seen the other guy around, but definitely a junior. Either way, they had shouted their presence and seemed cool.

"Yeah, we're cool!" she yelled from top of the tower, giving a quick wave before sticking her head back in. Looking down from this height was making her a little dizzy. She turned her attention back to the others, and who they'd seen.

"You saw Irene? How long ago?" Clarice paused, then added, "Were they not convinced in a ‘not convinced to play the game' way or…?"

It couldn't be ‘in denial over the game existing,' could it? Irene could be a little dumb sometimes—there were a lot of arguments in the past that Clarice had had with her over things, sometimes in very flaily sign language if Kimiko was there, oh shit Kimiko was here too, why did everyone have to be here—but that level of denial was just… what the fuck. Too what the fuck, right?

So that was… Irene, Danny, Vanessa, Jae… and if any of them had been playing, one of them would have said, right? So everything was still calm. Meant this was still the best time for bell ringing and gathering everyone together and…

Nancy's solo performance was suffering?

"What," Clarice said flatly.

Clarice wasn't even going to touch that. Instead, she zoned in on the part that at least made some sense, given the context.

"It's not… no, this is good, though. Safety in numbers. If everyone's in one place, we don't have to find everyone, we know what everyone's doing and we have the collective brain power to figure out a way to maybe get out of this. Or at the very least to flip off the terrorists. And no-one's going to attack their entire class. Wouldn't work if we tried before everyone started flipping out, but… y'know?"

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:27 am
by Aura
Barry was relieved to see Conrad on the stairs. Conrad was a good guy, exactly the kind of person that Barry was hoping to find. Of course, being his friend was a pretty good plus as well. That would make negotiations a whole lot easier.

"Hey Conrad." He said with a friendly wave of his hand. "Did you hear the bell-"

The end of his statement was cut off by a sudden and loud greeting coming from the top of the tower. He looked up- oh boy, that was a long way up- and saw someone waving down at him. From that distance and with such a brief glance at the person in question, Barry didn't really have the time to put a name to a face. He responded with a quick wave of his own and turned back to Conrad.

"Friend of yours up there?" He questioned, changing his waving hand into a finger pointing at the railing that the unexpected member of the conversation had appeared from.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:27 am
by ItzToxie
Jon followed Barry inside the lighthouse, and already Barry had found someone he knew. Not only that, they seemed like close friends. This was great, their group could stay together, and they could trust each other.

Not only that, there were more inside, Jonathan wasn't sure how much more, but they were there. So if Barry found someone he knew, Maybe Jonathan might? He had to ask, maybe Michael or Darius was here.

"Hey uhh..."

Jonathan waved to Conrad. "You know anyone here? I was wondering if some of my friends are up there..." Jonathan realized that Conrad probably had no idea who he was talking about. "You seen Michael here? He's kind of taller than me, black jacket, bad haircut." Jonathan waited for a reply. There had to be someone here he really knew. Then again, even if there wasn't they could still make a group, Jonathan was certain Barry had a lot of friends.

"What about Darius? Around my height, green hair, a little chubby, really annoying, kind of a weeb..."

Probably not the most flattering descriptions, but they were the most common and arguably truthful, so he had to use what he got.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:27 am
by Yugikun
((Permission to skip posting order granted by RC))

Alright, more questions. He could answer those; pretty easily, in fact. See? It wasn't even an actual issue. In all likelihood he had just done that thing he always where he took the most recent thing that happened and assumed that that was what happened. Still couldn't remember the proper name, but he knew that it wasn't recency bias. Of course, it could still actually be a problem on his part and the whole sudden difficulty with interacting with other people now/probably because he was on murderdeath island. Again, thing that was a thing but with a name that he couldn't remember but he knew wasn't recency bias. Applied here, and could potentially be a textbook case of it. It was something to consider, at the very least. When he had been here for a longer time than whenever long he had already been here he could think about it then. Maybe at that point he could judge whether it was an actual problem or not.

...He should probably just answer the question already.

"I dunno how long ago. A couple minutes after I woke up." He began to stand himself up off of the column of the tower. Didn't seem like anything he'd do would make it comfortable, so he decided that he was going for the next best alternative. "I got up off the ground, she came over, Danny came over, we all talked, and then they bailed on me. I waited for a while, before coming up here and ringing the bell. I'm not sure how much time that took to do."

A flash of slight realisation came up in his mind. Emphasis on slight. The recurrence of a thought he'd imagine wasn't too long ago.

"You have a watch? I'm pretty sure that could give us both an answer."

Nancy said something weird. Jeremy wasn't quite too sure what she was on about. Likely on him, there. It was probably just how she normally vocalised things. Clarice had already covered it in what she said. Nothing he could really say about Nancy that wouldn't be just restating what Clarice said.

There was another thing he felt he could add, though.

"Yeah, I agree. Safety in numbers is a good thing. Probably be best if we-" Whoops, slight misstep. "You try to keep the psychos out, though. Even if they're outnumbered it's probably for the best if they don't have the chance to do anything."

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:27 am
by RC*
"Yeah, everybody up there seems to be friendly!" he shouted back to Barry. "Come up!"

The way both Barry and Jonathan talked made him feel more secure about them joining the group. Neither of them was a good actor, right? Conrad would have noticed.

"And Jonathan, I have seen neither of them, sorry."

Gah. Usually Conrad would have corrected Jonathan and pointed out how grammatically wrong his questions were, but there was no time to complain about the omissions. Besides they were in a situation where speaking quick, fast and efficient made sense. Unlike in school. There were more serious things that had happened today Conrad could get slightly annoyed at.

Conrad no seen Michael here.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:28 am
by CondorTalon
"No," Nancy said.

No, this was a mistake. Nancy would have thought otherwise, just a scant half-hour earlier, but...

The image of Jae slumped on the ground came into her head again, and Nancy nearly heaved.

"No," she repeated, "People are already fighting. I saw it. I saw it!"

She saw the aftermath of a fight, that is. She didn't see it happen. But Nancy didn't think to articulate that. Besides, the message was clear.

"More people is more chaos, don't you get it?" she asked, her voice raising in volume just a little.

She looked from Clarice, to Jeremy, and back to Clarice. There were people here, and down there, and there were too many unknowns and Nancy wanted no part of this.

"Let me... let me out," she said quietly.

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:28 am
by ViolentMedic
"Who uses watches? I always checked my phone, and that wasn't in my bag when I woke up. Could always look at the sun, I suppose." There was a tinge of irritability in Clarice's voice as she looked upwards at the sun. She hadn't been awake long enough to know whether its current position meant morning or afternoon. She hoped morning.

"Mm." Clarice wrinkled her nose at the psychos comment. "I mean, I'm all for keeping the peace, but…"

She had meant to say she didn't think there were any psychos yet, but then Nancy said otherwise.

"What? Who's fighting? Is anyone dead? Why didn't you mention that when I asked who you'd seen?! Wait, Nancy, please stop. Stay. Just..."

Clarice brandished a hand to try and stop her from leaving.

"Look, maybe a kid just panicked. But we have to trust each other if we want out of this. If we don't, paranoia will fucking kill us. It's about trust! I mean..." Clarice gestured at Jeremy's gun. "You got a gun. You could kill me right now, there ain't shit I'd be able to do about it. But you won't, because you're not a fucking psycho. Or you would have flipped out back at Cochise. Same with Nancy and her hatchet, or Conrad and his halberd thing. Same with everyone else here. But if we start treating everyone like they're a potential danger, we might start reacting like they are, and… just… that's how shit starts, y'know?"

And Clarice wasn't even sure what she was saying anymore. She just didn't want Nancy to leave. Fuck, why did everyone keep trying to fucking leave?

"Seriously, though, who was fighting?"

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:28 am
by Aura
Barry gave a thumbs-up to Conrad and turned to Jonathan. "You heard the man. Let's get up there." He marched up the steps, silently hoping that they would be able to hold up to the weight of three guys headed upwards. They seemed to be sturdy enough, but the occasional creaking noises did not exactly fill him with confidence.

Stairway issues aside, this was actually a pretty big step forward. Barry already knew that Conrad would probably be good with their plan, and if everyone upstairs was as friendly as he expected, then they could really have a good coalition going. That would be a pretty nice bit of progress considering that Barry was pretty sure it was still relatively early in the day. Naturally he couldn't make an exact guess due to the lack of a phone or watch on his person, but he estimated that it was probably around noon, maybe a little after.

As he approached top of the stairs, Barry preemptively waved his hand to those above. Once he actually got a full view of what was going on, he slowly stopped waving and lowered his hand to his side. He seemed to be coming in at the tail end of an argument of some sort, and the tension was pretty noticeable. He cleared his throat in response to the awkwardness and addressed the occupants.

"Hey, um... is everything all right up here?"

Re: 人生の曲

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 5:29 am
by CondorTalon
((Skipping to leave the thread. GMing approved.))

Clarice was yelling at her. Nancy wanted her to stop. She wasn't paying attention to anything Clarice said, anyway. Not when she was yelling.

"I'm leaving," Nancy stated, and with that she moved past Clarice, onto the stairs.

But she felt Clarice grab her arm.

"Nancy, wait," Clarice said.

"Fuck off!" she shouted suddenly. Clarice had grabbed her. For what purpose, she didn't care. She'd grabbed her.

Nancy's free arm held the hatchet, and she swung it in an arc. She felt connect with something, and she heard Clarice scream as she let go of her arm.

Nancy didn't look back to see what she'd actually done. She had to get away from here as fast as possible.

She bolted down the stairs, pushing past Conrad as she sprinted. Two people. At the bottom. She saw them as she made down the last few steps.

"Get out of the way!" she yelled, before running past them and out of the bell tower.

((Nancy Kyle continued in これでいい。))