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Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:20 am
by Riki
Could she ever be forgiven for this?



One person.

One person nobody would miss.

Lucilly took a step and another, ever so subtly or as subtle as she could. Isabel was standing close to the edge. If hit from the right angle, perhaps by a strong gust of wind, a sudden rock appearing out of the sky or perhaps even a person throwing herself at Isabel could easily let her fall to death. At least, those were the thoughts that wandered in Lucilly's head.

"I am glad you are seeing it this way."

Lucilly smiled at Isabel.

Then, she charged.

Her body hit Isabel. She had embraced her in a way that Isabel never had wanted. It would have been a blessing, were Lucilly able to find a way to justify her behavior. Alas, her decision was made in foolish naivety. There was no excuse.

Yet, when Isabel slid backwards, something changed again.

Isabel did not hit the ground.

Lucilly regretted her actions. Greatly.

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:20 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily stayed still as a statue for most of this. As if just becoming part of the background would make everything fine.

Honestly, it seemed to be working so far. The tension had gone up for a while, mostly because Isabel didn't understand what Lucilly was doing—and there was a bit of awkwardness in that Lily hadn't remembered her name until now, and couldn't exactly remember when they'd met—but all Lily could say in defence of Isabel—wait, why would she want to speak in defence of Isabel—was that Lucilly was acting weird.

But wanting to spend her last moments not hating and being hated? Lily could understand that. All she had to do was close her eyes and see Lizzie carved on the inside of her eyelids to understand that. Of course Isabel didn't. She probably thought being hated was proof of her power or something ridiculous.

Didn't matter, she supposed, if the end result was the same.

And then Lucilly had to do that.

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:21 am
by VoltTurtle
It only took a moment's hesitation for Isabel to find herself hanging over the edge of the roof, her hefty bag and her calves being the only things keeping her secured.

A silver fire of panic raced through her as she used all of the strength her ballet toned legs could manage to force her torso back upwards just far enough to grab hold of the ledge. Tossing the sword up onto the roof, she grabbed hold with her newly freed hand and pulled herself all the way back up.

Panting, already somewhat exhausted from rescuing herself from certain peril, Isabel's head twisted itself in Lucilly's direction, white hot anger boiling away the blood in her veins.

She should have just killed her when she had the chance.

Standing up, her knees wobbling, Isabel pulled the knife out of her pocket and tossed it into her dominant hand, her eyes burning holes in her new target, the death sentence freshly signed and ready to be carried out. "I gave you a fucking chance, and that's what you do?" Her voice shook with rage unfathomable, her teeth clenched and her mouth twisted into a snarl. "Do you know what I've done to people who tried to kill me before?" She gestured to her bandages. "I didn't get out with no scrapes and bruises, but guess what? They're dead, and I'm still alive!"

Lucilly was backing away from her now, the two of them in lockstep. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" she screeched, before charging at Lucilly in the same way that Lucilly charged her.

The knife blade soon found itself sunk into Lucilly's body just below the ribs, blood oozing out of the wound and onto Isabel's hand. "You like that you stupid bitch?!"

All Isabel cared about now was making sure that Lucilly died, and that she died as painfully as possible. She ran the knife blade across Lucilly's torso, slicing it apart with little resistance. She smiled as Lucilly screamed in agony, her body being torn asunder. Isabel shoved her back, the girl falling over and blood pouring out of the wound, soaking the dark concrete of the roof. Bits of Lucilly's intestines poked out of the belly wound like groundhogs out of a hole, and Isabel saw the perfect opportunity to strike.

Isabel reached down, taking hold of Lucilly's putrid guts, the organ feeling slippery and moist with Lucilly's blood. She flashed a malicious smile at the girl before tearing a section of her body out of her and tossing it to the side, the portion of the girl's bowls snaking in a pile in and out of her.

Lucilly screamed even more loudly, hacking and coughing as she clutched her stomach. Isabel giggled, the rush of causing pain difficult to contain.

She loomed back over the girl knife held in bloody hand, raised and ready to cause more destruction. She brought the knife down, aiming for Lucilly's right lung, hearing the satisfying squelch as the knife connected and pierced her lung. She yanked the knife out of the girl, who had now begun coughing up blood, and brought it down again, this time on her other lung.

The girl's pitiful whimpers turned into gasps and choking noises as she was suddenly unable to breathe, and Isabel's giggles turned to outright laughter as she ripped the knife out of Lucilly's body once again. She soon found herself covering her face with her blood soaked hand which just moments before had torn Lucilly's guts out of her body, unable to contain her joy. "This is... heheh... what you get... heheheheh..." she said, in between fits of mad laughter, "for crossing me... heheheheh..."

She stood there, soaking in the rush as Lucilly sat below her, dying of blood loss and asphyxiation. "See you in hell... heheheh... you dumb motherfucker..."

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:21 am
by Riki
It was unjust for man to kill man. Yet, when Lucilly gasped and grasped that Isabel was charging at her in return, she could not help but feel that it was a just act of judgment. Lucilly had sinned. She had forsaken the path of the Lord. She had forsaken her own path to God. She would then, as it was due and proper, pay for her wrong-doing.

Her opinion changed a little when Isabel hit, and the girl's blade cut deep into her torso. The pain was unlike all else she had ever felt. The mere shock of it caused Lucilly to scream, and tears began rolling down her face. Yet then it got even worse. Isabel cut across the belly, and Lucilly screamed even more. She had not noticed that she was pushed. Only when the sky turned sideways and her head cracked on the roof's floor did she realize. The screaming went on, the pain was suffocating.

Her left hand stretched to the side, she could feel warmth engulfing it. The blood of her intestines had begun to form a small puddle. The pain continued to grow and grow and grow, and it drowned out all there was to Lucilly. At some point, it had become severe enough, that Lucilly's brain was simply unable to cope with it. She screamed and cried and bled, but the massive pain – as present as it was in it's waves crashing violently in her body – could not be registered by her mind anymore.

Lucilly looked up. Isabel had took hold of her guts. Lucilly vomited in her own mouth. She could see her stomach, and she could see it's revulsion as it's propelled it's content out. She had to vomit again, and some of it escaped her mouth.

Her head turned to the left. There they were. Her digestive track laid bare for all the world to see. It was a struggle to move, and yet she did. Her arm hurried over to where her guts were. Her palm patted them, took a firm grasp and they squelched under the pressure of her hands. Cut asunder, and adorned with the dirt of the rooftop, Lucilly took her guts and tried to shovel them back in. She tried it again, and again.

These do not belong there.

Lucilly thought, or felt or maybe not. Yet with the next heap, she stopped. She screamed once more and louder than before. Then her other lung was pierced and Lucilly stopped trying.

She could feel blood flowing over her lips. She could feel it rolling down her cheeks and dropping on the floor. Lucilly took a look at herself. A deep look, into her inner self. She knew she should have gotten a hold of herself, but she could not do so anymore. Her eyes went above, one last time, and saw Isabel.

O you cruel scene, how your image will void my sleep evermore

[[Lucilly Peterson: End - Death by Severe Bowel Irritations]]

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:21 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily could have done something. There was her chance. Her chance to get rid of Isabel, perhaps. If she lunged in at that moment when Isabel was off-balance…

But she didn't. She was weak. She was cowardly. She was a speck who'd survived on virtue of being not worth killing. As usual, she just watched.

Well, she watched some of it. She covered her eyes a few times, especially when Isabel's hands went in to grab the guts. It didn't help. If anything it made it worse, because disembowelment smelt worse than any smell she'd ever experienced. It was better to watch, in some ways, than it was to just listen and smell.

It wasn't really the guts that perturbed Lily. Of course, that was awful to see. But she'd seen Conrad's body. She'd seen the corpses strewn across the island. One bit of flesh was the same as another at this stage. No, what got to her, what really made the bile rise in her throat, was how Lucilly tried to scoop the guts back in. Like it would help. It was the little things, like the blood and vomit mingling together.

Isabel was laughing. Taunting. She was happy.


And amid all the disgust and horror there was… there was something else. Something that burned, something that nonetheless wasn't rage. It was too… too similar to nausea for that.

Lucilly stopped screaming. And it was about that point that Lily identified what the feeling was.

Lily turned around and took a few steps away, hand covering her mouth. She stopped, looking at the view. At the ocean in the distance, oddly peaceful, while squelches reached her ears and the smell of copper and shit invaded her nostrils.

The feeling wasn't rage. Nor disgust. Nor hate.

When she'd looked at Isabel, what she'd felt was envy.

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:22 am
by VoltTurtle
As the rush faded away, Isabel soon found herself standing over a fetid pile of meat, her breathing fast and heavy.

She looked at her hands, reflexively sticking out her tongue in disgust at the blood and slime. She turned away from the body and went to the edge of the roof once again, glancing around for places with access to water. She hummed absentmindedly, taking note of the various areas that had access to the ocean and where they were before turning her head back in Lily's direction, the girl having retreated even further into the doorway. "Hey, Lily," she began, her voice lacking in its usual edge. "Loot the girl's stuff. My hands are too dirty and my bag is too full anyway."

She sat down, finally giving herself a chance to rest, staring at the ground, only glancing up occasionally to see if Lily was complying with her orders. Breathing deeply and doing her best to ignore the smell, Isabel slowly calmed down and returned her state of mind to normal.

Nearly dying had put her into a state of mind that she wasn't normally comfortable with, she never enjoyed the feeling of adrenaline, how out of control she felt when it was triggered. The rush of the kill had distracted her from the feeling of panic, but as the rush faded, the panic returned, and she had to take a moment to calm herself down.

Isabel stood up as Lily finished collecting Lucilly's things, before gathering her sickle and sword from off the ground. Re-affixing her things to her person, Isabel walked to the stairwell leading back into the asylum, briefly turning back towards Lily, her voice noticeably tired.

"Let's leave and... find a place to clean up."

((Isabel Ramirez continued in Die Anywhere Else))

Re: Paradies Naiv

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 4:22 am
by ViolentMedic
Lily heard Isabel and took a moment to really register it. When she did, she did so without a word. Walking over to Lucilly's bag and crouching nearby it.

She didn't check the contents throughly. She opened it long enough to see if there had been a weapon in there. There hadn't been—she supposed Lucilly would have been holding it if she was, but then again the girl hadn't seemed all there to begin with. She shut the bag, then just picked it up and slung the strap over her shoulder. She'd never fit the contents into her tiny little school bag, and her assigned bag was still buried on the shoreline.

The sudden weight made her uncomfortable, but it wasn't as if she was running anyway.

Lily looked at Lucilly. She was definitely dead by now, that was certain. Probably for the best, considering the damage done to her. Her guts were still exposed to the air. Lily didn't immediately look away.

She stared at the guts for a few moments, then reached out slowly. Wondering if it was really so easy just to grab someone's innards like that. Her hand froze halfway, however, and Lily slowly retracted it.

She turned away, straightening up and heading towards the stairwell when Isabel called.

((Lily Caldwell continued in Die Anywhere Else.))