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Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:02 pm
by Kaishi*
((OOC: Coming from http://s10.PLACEHOLDERLINK/SurvivalOfT ... wtopic=613))

Xian didn't know why she had wanted to go back to the Facility. Maybe it was womanly instincts, or something, she wasn't too sure. She let Vince lead the way, allowing him to push through the door.

"Wow, Angharad." The place was a mess... "You got your just desserts tenfold, didn't you?" She stepped away from Vince, wincing slightly. "That's what you get for lying to us." The girl was hurt and oh so vulnerable, a bad combination for her, and a delicious one for Xian. "Vince, I think I have an idea for little Annie..."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Swoosh*
The door had clicked shut with a morbid click. Not that the door closing was a particularly horrible sound, but it just matched with the current patterns in Angharad brain. It had finally clicked what Cassie had meant.

She had been right. Cassie had been right with what she had said. The girl she had been before she'd arrived on the island would never have killed people, no matter what the cost. She thought about her life before. What would her parents say when they realised their darling daughter was a killer? Had they raised her that way? All her friends at school would be horrified to have known such a person. And Reese... she was no longer the girl that Reese loved. Would he still have accepted her if she went back home?

It was if everything was crashing down around her.

"R-reese?" she whispered, for the first time tears of sorrow were streaming down her face, making a clean path on her dirty face.

The door opened with a loud crash and brought Angharad out of her reverie. She looked up blearily to see Vince and Xian, her former allies were standing above her, a look of cruel malice on Xian's face.

"Oh, shit..." she closed her eyes and looked away from the pair; unable to move to escape and no weapon to defend herself with, her time left was undoubtedly limited. Her total abandonment of the pair before had not only resulted in Andrew's death but also, from the looks of things, severe injuries to Vince and Xian as well.

Opening her eyes, but still determindley looking away from the pair, she spoke out, her teeth gritted.

"C-cer i'r...diawl!" she said, her voice shaking, a mixture of sadness and anger.

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Vince looked strangely at the girl when she spoke her last words. and who was reese? As xian spoke a slight smile appeared on his face with a hint of vengence in it.
"We all have plans but you cant exaclty kill her...can you?"
Vince looked at xian, his smile disappeared as soon as he realised what he was thinking, yes he was thinking of killing her too but did he have the balls to take a life from someone.

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Kaishi*
"Can't exactly," Xian talked on as if the other girl wasn't even there. "I don't really have much of a plan." She held her corkscrew in a closed fist like a fighter in a bar. The point stuck straight out between her fingers, more than ready to be used on Xian's victim.

"Vince, could you...?" She stopped mid-sentence, not sure how to put her next words without seeming too messed up in the head. "Um, could you go outside of the Facility and shout out if you hear, or see anyone coming?" It was insanity to stand outside without a better weapon, even Xian knew that. Hopefully, Vince was still under her spell and willing to do whatever she said.

"Don't come in until after I tell you to, okay? Me and Angharad are going to be having a long talk about all of this. Alone."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Swoosh*
((I don't know whether you guys were waiting on me to post or whatever, but I get uncomfortable when no one posts for three days, so...))

So they were going to be alone together? Angharad, her face still turned stubbornly away, snorted at that one, and instantly regretted it as pain shot through her stomach angrily.

She knew Xian would kill her. All of this stuff she was saying to Vince was just to pre-occupy him. She'll probably kill you too...

Had she been in Xian's shoes just moments ago, she wouldn't have hestitated to kill. But now... now she wasn't sure of anything.

I guess that won't matter, seeing as I'll die soon...

She studied all the things she could see. Her view from the floor was anything but satisfying, but these may well be the last things she could ever see- a couple of pipes, some moudly tiles... frustrated, she finally turned her head back to the other two.

"Yeah... g-go, Vince," she managed to mumble. "Don't s-stick around on my account..."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Vince looked worried, his expression changed from when he first saw angharad laying there alone and riddled with bullets.
He listened to xians words and thought about it for a moment.
He knew it wasnt the greatest idea going out alone but he didnt want to disrespect xian, she had helped him out so far, for pretty much all of his time on the island.

"Sure, ill wait but if i hear the slightest thing out of place im going straight back." he said as he looked at angharad with a slightly 'sorry' look appearing over his chizzled features before quickly turning to xian and letting a small smile grace his face.

He knew what was going to happen but he couldent bring himself to think about it. At one point it was his main aim but she her just lie there in agony made him think differently, but all that didnt matter, he was doing it for xian.

He slowly stumbled his way out of the facility and closed the creaky door behind him with a thud.

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:03 pm
by Kaishi*
Xian dropped down to her knees, smiling innocently. "Oh, Angharad. Do you have any idea what will happen to you today?" She played with Angharad's hair, acting as if they had been bestfriends ever since second grade. Danya's latest, and seemingly, loudest announcement boomed on outside. She ignored it. If the place became a dangerzone, then Vince would alert her. No need to worry just yet.

"We're going to play a fun game. It's called Innocence Destroyer. You know how to play?" Xian giggled at the title, and ran the corkscrew over Angharad's face. If she was right about her thoughts, then Angharad wouldn't have any strength to fight back. "If you don't, then you'll enjoy it, I promise." She idly cut into Angharad's face, making part of an X. "Teehee, whoops. I'm so nervous..."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:04 pm
by Swoosh*
Angharad cried out in agony as the corkscrew pierced her skin. The pain was pretty tame compared to some of the stuff she had been through but it still stung like a bitch. She made to struggle, to get away, to lash out, anything... but she was too tired. She was fed up. Besides, there was no point. If Xian didn't have her way then there was no way Vince would give her a 'get out of jail free' card.

Is this how it's meant to be? Is this my redemption?

The blood running down her face, Angharad let out a wail of distress and turned away from Xian, breathing heavily.

"Is this fun for you, Xian?" she muttered. "Are you enjoying this? I know I'm one to talk, but at least I wasn't a sadist..."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:04 pm
by Kaishi*
"Fun?" She untied her sarong like an assaulter unzipping his pants. "This might be fun. I'm not going to decide that for you. You've gotta see for yourself, sweetie." Xian straddled Angharad, and leaned over to admire the damage. So close. So red. So...vulnerable. "No flinching now, or I'll have to cut you again. We don't want that, now, do we?"

She stretched out Angharad's arms so that they were crossed over her head. As she held Angharad's wrists, she started to lick up the cut on her pretty little face. Tentatively at first, since the taste of someone else's blood was new. It was kind of like sucking on a penny. Very coppery, not all that satisfying, edging on nasty. But, unlike a penny, there was just something in the taste of blood that called people to it. The added effect of someone in pain? No.

That wasn't it. It was the mingling of your saliva and their blood. You bonded with someone when you sucked out their red. Now I see why vampires are so horny.

"Mmm, Angharad." Xian moaned into the Welsh speaker's wound. "Ever had your boyfriends do something like to you? This sure is erotic."

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:04 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Vince could hear mumbling in the facility but it was too muffled for him to make out. He just sat there and waited. Looking occasionly around the area to see if captain uzi had returned to finish off the job.

He was sitting down with his injured leg sprawled out. He was somewhat fasinated by his bullet wound, though it hurt like fuck he still felt the need to stare at it and gently ptrodding it. It was the best thing to do since everytime he touched it, it concluded with him being in even more pain.

His thoughts went back to xian and angharad. What were they doing in there? how long would it take? which one would be the one to walk through that door and be greeted by vince? The possibilities ran throguh vinces head.

To be honest he wanted xian to survive this whole thing, It was her who gave him hope and helped him along, not betray him and leave him to die like angharad had done.

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:04 pm
by Swoosh*
Angharad closed her eyes tightly. No way was she going to give Xian the satisfaction of seeing her discomfort. Letting herself become limp, she allowed Xian to move her arms without any struggling. If she didn't struggle, perhaps she could escape this with her life in tact... someone would come... someone would find them.

But hadn't she told Cassie not moments ago? How no one would come for her. No one would help, because on this island it was every person for themselves. No one would come and save Angharad now. She had to save herself.

What was left of her to save? She had murdered people, she had used people to for her own advantage. Why did someone like her deserve to even live? She didn't need to ask herself. As she left Xian's tongue on her cheek, she opened her eyes, fresh with renewed vigour.

Why had she been so quick to assume that this was the end?

"Come on, I'll help you get back on your feet again."

"Ever had your boyfriends do something like to you? This sure is erotic." Xian spoke up in an almost cheerful tone as Angharad glared at her.

It's not over until it's over. I'm not going to give up yet.

"M-my boyfriend would never do something s-so vile," she managed to say. Xian's face was inches away from hers and she wanted nothing better than to scratch her eyes out. "Now get off me, b-before I do something we both regret..." They were big words, considering Angharad looked like Swiss cheese with all the bulletholes, she was exhausted both physically and mentally, and Xian was on top of her with a corkscrew, but she had to say something.

((Voila, my really sucky post, but I had to post SOMETHING to stop you to from becoming frozen.))

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:05 pm
by Kaishi*
"Before I do something we both regret," Xian found herself playing that annoying copycat game again. "Hon', there's nothing that you can do." The quirky adjective hadn't been in her vocabulary a week ago. Funny what six days in hell could do to you. Laughing through her lightly reddened teeth, she readjusted herself so that her lips would be hovering above Angharad's. A light stream of Xian's breath escaped her mouth to tease the other girl. Do you want this, just a little bit, Angharad?

She hoped so. But, if not, then well. . .

She'd make her.

Xian drove her tongue into Angharad's mouth, not caring about any bruises it might've caused. Innocent in body, she had never tried something like kissing before. It showed through her novice way of exploring Angharad's mouth. The roof, the varied teeth, the hot breath, and then, her wet tongue. When she had discovered that for herself, the forceful kiss became much more sloppy.

Whimpering slightly, she pulled away for air. Darn the limitations of the human lungs. Seemingly satisfied with her first, she decided to steal another, ignoring any signs of protest from the blonde. Taking her sweet, wonderful time, she began to travel down to the collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses in her wake.

"You call this vile," Xian removed a hand from Angharad's wrists, placing it beneath her shirt, instead. She pressed down on Angharad's stomach, hoping to cause some pain at the very least. "But, you know, that you find this exciting. And you hate that, don't you?"

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:05 pm
by Swoosh*
Xian was right, of course; there really was nothing Angharad was in any position to do, and in any another situation the Welsh girl would be ready to admit defeat. But not in this kind of situation- a life or death situation, quite literally. It would be insane to say the girl had a remote chance of injuring Xian in any manner, but the thought that she may never see Reese again renewed Angharad's attempts with frustration and despair.

As Xian's tongue found itself in Angharad's mouth, she let out a whine of disgust. She wasn't exactly a stranger to being kissed, but this was nothing short of atrocious. It was vile and she desperately tried to pull away, failing in her attempts. Angharad momentarily thought of biting Xian's tongue to get her off, but what would have that acheived? She'd probably get off on it... Angharad thought bitterly.

So she just lay there, her face contorted in digust as Xian kissed her over and over, waiting for her to stop. The girl was obviously getting quite into it, as when she stopped for the second time Angharad too was desperate for oxygen and she coughed as Xian pulled away, gasping for air.

As Xian continued to talk in that happy tone, Angharad looked up at her blearily. The words weren't really registering much, but they meant little to her now. The only thing that mattered to her at the moment was the fact that Xian's hand was slipping under her t-shirt and onto her stomach, which was the the source of the majority of her battle wounds; Peri had shot her in the stomach several times and they were still bleeding. She cried out and as Xian exerted pressure, more blood gushed out of the wounds.

The pain was dizzying as Angharad screamed out in agony. Her situation was becoming more and more hopeless as Xian got more overexcited, and even though she was determined to get off the island to see Reese, she was really becoming unable to see how...before, she had been arrogant and confident that she wouldn't be hurt. She wasn't Angharad, the teenager kidnapped by terrorists to take part in Survival of the Fittest- she had been Angharad, the invincible rugby player. But now... she was just a scared little girl. She writhed hopelessly, Xian still sat on top of her.

"Stop..." There was blood all over the floor now; Angharad could feel it trickling down her side. "Ple...please just stop it..." She knew that begging would do next to nothing, but she wasn't sure how much more of this she could take. The corkscrew was in Angharad's sight... if things continued, she could just get it somehow, end it all...

((Wow. Yuichiro/Mitsuko vol. 8 much?))

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:05 pm
by Kaishi*
Aw. Poor baby, squirming around and leaking blood out like a depressed sponge. Not only that, but she was actually begging for Xian to stop. Where was the high and mighty Angharad that had left her, Vince, and the potlid kid behind? Gone. Now, she had been broken down into a defenseless chicken, all for Xian's pleasure. Really, she would've loved it if Angharad fought back a little harder, but you get what you get.

She lifted her hand from the other girl's stomach, hearing a satisfying squelch. The already ruined tiles of the bathroom floor became worse. Blood was all over the place. On Xian's hand, on Angharad's face, on Angharad's body, on the floor under Angharad, on some of the walls, even. If Xian wasn't disgusting herself, she might've hurled. All the red was starting to get overpowering.

"Oh my deary, Angharad. You didn't answer my question."

Xian lifted Angharad's shirt further, and gently traveled up her stomach. Humming softly, she made swirls on the area underneath her bra.

"Guess what I'm going to do next." Guess, or no guess, Xian went on ahead, squeezing one of Angharad's breasts. She went in for several more kisses, this time doing a better job of bruising Angharad's lips than anything.

((OOC: That would be the second time one of my female characters has been compared to Mitsuko. ))

Re: The End of an Act

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 11:06 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Vince hadnt been out here for long but the amount of thoughts running through his tiny mind were immense. What happened if angahrad managed to kill xian then cam after vince? what if xian was so swet and cuddly as she seemed? what if this whole thing was a sham and they were planning how to kill vince right now?

Panic would take over as he got up and took one last deep breathe. He pushed the old door open and stumbled in after it, the thud the door made on the wall echoed through the building.

Shock spread accross his face as he saw the two, just sitting there casually. Only it was a little more on the torture side. He saw the two girls kissing but by the looks of angaharads face it wasnt exactly her choice, A fresh cut seeped blood over the two.

He didnt know what to do, he had to intervene, He had to help, but help who he didnt know.

With out saying a word he just dragged himself towards the two, Pushing xian out of the way he picked angaharad up, and slowly limped away, dragging her somewhat with him before he collapsed from his leg wound. It would be better to die with dignity than to be tortured and raped, even vince knew that. Maybe this game was begining to bring a little sense to the boy?