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Re: Kick Balls
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:49 am
by Slam
Oh look, everyone was feeling so fucking clever today. They'd kicked a ball straight at her head, and now they were going to make fun of her for it, like a simple meaningless apology hadn't been good enough. Christ, what wonderful people she'd bumped into whilst minding her own fucking business. This is why she often stayed inside.
"Listen up: I don't give a shit if you said sorry! That really fucking hurt, dumbass, so how about instead of being such a bitch and not acting like it mattered, you shut up and give me a proper apology next time!"
All the while she had been shouting back at Mallory, she had devoted another middle finger in Emily's direction. If these girls were going to suffer for being such thoughtless assholes, better to share the hate around evenly.
The fact that an apology was better than no apology briefly flew through her thoughts, but then she realised she was still looking at the people who'd ruined her otherwise mellow mood, and frankly that did enough to screw any remaining chances that she might have acted civil.
Re: Kick Balls
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:49 am
by aristeia*
Emily was about to point out the seeming contradiction with Alex's words when she had a change of heart, she really couldn't be arsed with an argument. What the hell was she doing? Alex was right, in the sense that they had hit a ball in her face, they were at fault here. Sure the girl was being a complete prima donna about this, Emily had been hit numerous times by wayward footballs and it didn't hurt THAT much. Besides what would her parents think if they heard she was starting random arguments in the park and making a spectacle of herself.
Frankly as pathetic as the girl's gesture had been she deserved the middle finger treatment. The best solution here was to calm everyone down and get on with their game. She walked up to Mallory putting her hand on her friend's shoulder.
"Calm down mate, I'll get the ball and we will get on with our game" she said quietly to Mall. Raising her voice she then addressed Alex, looking the girl in the eye to show she meant it:
"Sorry about this we were clumsy but we meant no harm, we'll just grab the footy and leave you in peace."
Having spoken Emily walked towards the discarded football.
Re: Kick Balls
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:49 am
by ViolentMedic
The other girl was still being a jerk. Mallory shrugged off Emily's attempt to calm her down.
"She's the one that needs to calm down! What am I supposed to do? An apology's an apology, how can I make it better? Am I supposed to get down on one knee--" Mallory did so because she felt like demonstrating. "And fucking serenade her about how oh-so-fucking-sorry I am that a lousy ball hit her in the face?" Mallory glared at the girl and said, in an attempt at singing, "I'M SORRYYYYYYYY~"
Normally, Mallory wasn't too bad a singer. Not good, sure, but not the sort who would make your ears shrivel up and die. Unfortunately, she'd chosen to imitate an opera singer and her voice wasn't made to go to that pitch without making everyone's hearing sad to be alive. Mallory flinched and covered her own ears at the sound.
"Better?" she said. "Because best I can goddamn do."
Re: Kick Balls
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:49 am
by Slam
Emily's attempt to diffuse the situation only fell on deaf ears, as Alex glared down in disgust at Mallory's sarcastic display. She was already a big enough asshole without her making an even bigger ass of herself, and at that point it was starting to just get sad. Not sad enough to calm Alex down, but sad enough to convince her to stop wasting her time with these two remorseless fuckers.
"You know what? Fuck you, I'm outy." She practically spat the words at Mallory before flashing Emily, who had devolved into nothing more than the asshole's asshole sidekick in Alex's eyes, nothing more than a nasty glare, which was all she was worth flashing.
With her final point made and her head still sore from the impact, she walked away, stopping only to flip them the bird one more time as parents uncovered their kids' ears at, giving her nasty glares of their own all the way. She promptly ignored them and went back to fuming inside her head.
((Alex King continued in
Heart to Heart))
Re: Kick Balls
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 5:49 am
by ViolentMedic
Mallory frowned as Alex stormed off. Yeah, okay, Mallory had hit her with a ball, and been over dramatic about the apology, but what else was she supposed to do? How else did people say sorry to strangers besides... saying fucking sorry?
"What's up with her?" Mallory grumbled, before turning back to Emily. "Uh, back to kicking the ball, I guess." She walked over to and nudged the ball Alex had rather pathetically tried to kick before booting it in Emily's direction. "Actualy, you know what? I need a drink, I'm gonna run over and check the shops over there--" Mallory gestured vaguely beyond the park. "--for something to drink. I'll be right back, or you follow, whichever."
Mallory ran off in the direction of the shops.
((Mallory McCormick continued in
So You Wanna be a F*cking Fighter?))