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Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by Un-Persona*
It was kinda like instinct. The bill wasn't even moving that fast, so that might have helped. Ruth had snatched the dollar mid-air, and had placed it on the table.

"So, um, will that be all?"

Thank you baseball practice.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe didn't really process the girl dropping the dollar bill until Ruth had already caught it again. Joe just blinked a couple of times before looking around for some tongs or something to put the brownie in the bag. She hadn't said she wanted one, but it wasn't as if the bag would poison the food. That would defeat the point of bags.

Joe put the bag of brownie on the table next to the dollar bill before returning to focusing on the ground again. ...He could swear he'd seen the same pair of battered grey converses that the girl was wearing pacing the library before. There was a name associated with those shoes, because Joe had probably been wandering past and looking at the ground while someone referred to her by name. He had the nagging suspicion it was food-related. Spice racks came to mind. Saffron? No... Rosemary?

"Uh... uhhh, yooum... Rosemary?" Joe asked hesitantly. Just wanted to make sure he was correct. So that if he managed to talk to her in the future he didn't discover at an awkward moment that her name really was Saffron.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
"Nice... catch." Rosemary said to Ruth with a small smile. "And, um yes. That'll be all."

"Uh... uhhh, yooum... Rosemary?"

Rosemary turned back to face Joe. "Uh, yes. That's me. I'm sorry but I don't think I know your name."

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by Un-Persona*
Joe was busy helping Rosemary, so it left Ruth open for any other customers. Not like there was any but still. He saw a silver briefcase, and made the connection that the money was suppose to be put in their.


Father Morales must have been busy, cause there was a ton of money. He put the now measly looking dollar in the box, and waited to put many more.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe nodded. "Okay... just... recognized your, uhm... shoes." Joe went kind of pink from embarrassment again. "S'rry, uh... Joe."

He didn't mind that she didn't know his name. There was no reason she should, and it also meant that she didn't know him as 'that crazy guy who flipped out in Biology once.' Always a bonus.

He shook his head and averted his eyes again. He pushed the little bag of brownie towards her. "Um. Heeyuar."

I hope the brownie isn't terrible. I suppose if she comes back saying it was poisonous I can always hide. Maybe behind the booth with the creepy turning clown heads. Although she doesn't look like the type to say that, anyway, but never know...

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by MrMissMrs Random*
Rosemary was suprised that she wasn't freaked out about how Joe recognized her because of her shoes. Maybe because he looked down a lot...

The girl took the bag before giving both of them a small smile. "Thank you, hope you sell a lot."

She then nodded before walking out, opening the bag and pinching off a bit of the brownie to eat. When the baked good hit her taste buds she felt a sweep of pleasure and let out a little hum. This is quite good... maybe I can come back and ask if they have any more later when those two aren't working...

(Rosemary Michaels continued to Pass or Fail (Content Warning) )

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by Un-Persona*
R.J. was whistling a little tune as Rosemary walked away, even though he wasn't very good at it. Although he couldn't remember the name worth crap, he remembered the symphony and the words ok. He played a little beat on the table with his hands, trying to entertain himself. Giving a sigh, the music seemed fruitless.

He spotted the brownies, and wondered how they tasted. He pondered if he should eat one or not. On one side, he was getting hungry, every though he just ate. On the other, they should be left in case more customers were coming. He figured if he himself paid for one, it might be okay. Of course...

"Hey Joe? Would it be allright if I ate a brownie?" R.J. waved a dollar, showing he was ready to pay.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:02 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe just nodded as Rosemary left. Once she was gone, he glanced around at the rest of the fair. He kind of wanted to go shoot at the creepy clowns. He didn't get many opportunities to relax (in a legal way) and he liked those silly sort of games. He'd visit the Castle more often but he just so rarely had the time, and these fairs were rare occasions when his father didn't tell him that he was 'wasting time.' (Although there were a couple of medical books sitting in the car in case he got bored.)

Joe was pulled out of his thoughts by Ruth waving around a dollar and asking if he could try one of the brownies.

"Oh! Uhm... uhm, of cuh... cuh... course. Go ahead," Joe said, waving his hands at the brownies. It wasn't as if he could say no, they were for sale. And he wouldn't even if they weren't, it would be pointless to bring a plate of brownies (even if he wasn't sure if they were good brownies) and not let anyone have any.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by Un-Persona*
R.J. grabbed the briefcase yet again and opened it. All  the other dollars seemed fine pressed and new, while the wrinkly two dollars he had collected seemed pitiable. His stomach began to growl, feeling like it was about to eat it self. He shut the briefcase again and grabbed a brownie. He took a little nibble from the brownie at first. Then a little bigger bite. Then the whole thing was wolfed down in a big mash of rapid bites. These were divine .

"Jeez man, Joe, you should, like, cook for a living, that was the best thing ever. I'm not even joking, if I had my wallet I would buy, like, all of these."

Maybe it was because R.J. was just hungry, but it did taste like the best brownie he ever had. Too bad it wasn't very filling, he was still kind of hungry. However, his stomach had quieted down a bit, or at least for now.

"Note to self: Bring money whenever Joe is around."

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe had been half-expecting Ruth to drop dead from accidentally poisoned brownies or at least do that thing where people are pretending to like the food but you can tell that they don't because they look constipated. He'd actually been trying to look at his face to see his reaction, although he had to keep looking back down again because it was really difficult. But the reaction was positive. Really positive!

"Oh, um... really? You... that's... good." Joe went bright red, but this time he was embarrassed in the happy kind of way. He even smiled a little. (Just a little.) "Th... th... thankoo. Though... cooking fuh... fuh... for a living isn't an... option." The compliment had boosted his confidence a little. Not much, but enough to start talking almost understandably. Plus, he actually knew what he was talking about when it came to food, most of the time.

"Um, if you... if you want suh... suhmore... I cuh... can make some for you. Th-they're easy tuh... to make. You... you wouldn't... havetopay. I juh... like cooking."

Cooking was the most relaxing activity that Joe knew, even including smoking pot. It was just... really nice. Plus, cooking brownies and giving them to Ruth would make him happy. Making people happy was always nice, and it was something that Joe often had difficulty doing. He was such a fuck-up at words and... mostly everything else. But cooking was something he could do. Ruth had said so, and he hadn't made the constipated face. So unless he was a really good actor... always a possibility...

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by Un-Persona*
"Oh, um... really? You... that's... good.Th... th... thankoo. Though... cooking fuh... fuh... for a living isn't an... option.Um, if you... if you want suh... suhmore... I cuh... can make some for you. Th-they're easy tuh... to make. You... you wouldn't... havetopay. I juh... like cooking."

R.J. was a little taken back about cooking not being an option. Of course, cooking could just be a passing hobby like many other people had. Each man to his own he supposed.

"Thanks Joe, that's really nice. Well, whatever you do, whether a doctor or a cook or something else, you'll probably be good at it."

He hoped that "probably" didn't give off the wrong meaning. Joe looked like he was happy, and R.J. didn't want to ruin that.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by ViolentMedic
Joe knew Ruth had probably meant well with that sentence. It was meant to be encouraging, he was sure of that. But it had made a lump form in his throat, just because... well, he knew cooking wasn't an option, nor was 'something else.' There were no something elses. There was only medicine. And Joe couldn't do medicine either because whoever heard of a hemophobic doctor?

He tried to say 'thanks' back, because... well, that was polite and he knew Ruth hadn't meant to make him feel apprehensive. But he just... couldn't. He opened and shut his mouth a couple of times before clamming it shut and just nodding.

What little confidence he'd had a moment ago had been just as quickly bulldozed over by this new wave of fear and stress. Couldn't he go a couple of days without freaking out like this? ...He could really use a joint right then, make the stress go away for a little while. But that obviously wasn't an option in the middle of a fair. Nor could he produce a stove out of thin air and start cooking up some food to keep his mind off things.

He shut his eyes to block everything out for a moment. Words. Make words. Just so he doesn't think he offended you or anything.



Good enough.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by Un-Persona*
R.J. hoped he hadn't said something to upset the guy. Joe went back to his awkward mode, and was looking very uncomfortable. The guy looked like he needed to let loose a little and have some fun. Something that could take his mind off, at least for the day. And they were in a fair...

"Thanks man, but don't stress yourself out. Do you need a break or something? I can hold the fort by myself for a while."

Joe looked like he needed some fun, if only for a little while. R.J. actually was capable of manning the station, if only because a lot of people have already came and bought stuff,way before R.J. had even got here.Of course, if Joe was ready to help he wouldn't object. First and foremost, R.J. was really hoping that Joe would do whatever was best for him.

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by ViolentMedic
A break, huh? Joe felt a little guilty at the idea of leaving Ruth to deal with any customers himself... but on the other hand, Joe was probably making things slower and more awkward by hanging around. No-one wanted to buy pastries when there was a skinny, spazzy dork flailing around the food.

Plus, he really did want to go shoot at the creepy clown heads...

"Yuh." Joe nodded. "Okay. Th... thank you."

He didn't have much else to say, so he just waved and quickly hurried away towards the clown booth. Never mind all the random worries that kept clinging to his thoughts. He didn't have to worry about that right now.

Right now, he had clowns to shoot at. He just had to focus on that and he could forget about everything else. At least for now.

((Joe Carrasco continued in True Friends Are Jerks))

Re: St. Edwards Bake Sale

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:03 am
by Un-Persona*
R.J. gave a little wave good-bye to Joe as he headed to the clown-shooting game, giving a little smile while he did so. Kid looked like he deserved a little fun, if only for a couple hours. The only problem was that now R.J. had nothing to do. Of course, not wanting to be selfish, he just figured he would have little chit-chat with the customers and take it all in stride. Now all he needed was more customers.

"I guess Father Morales has collected a lot, but that doesn't always mean it's enough..."

R.J. would have gladly gave more money, if he had any. And all those brownies and cupcakes seemed like a waste just waiting there. He knew they were delicious, having tasted his own mother's cooking and having recently tasted Joe's. It seemed a little strange to say the least.

"Come on people don't you like sweets? Most of us are fat anyway!"

At that time, Father Morales came walking back.

"Thank you Rutherford, sorry to make you work on short notice"
"Oh no, I'm ok, Joe helped out too."
"Ah, well that's good then. Why don't you go on a roller coaster or something eh? I can take over from here."
"Ok, if you say so Father."
"Go on then. Have a little fun while you can."

R.J. went off on his own, looking for something fun to do. While he was a young man, he was also still a kid. R.J. enjoyed the time he had to himself, and the church got some fair-earned cash. All in all, it was a pretty good day for St.Edward.

((Rutherford "R.J." Roger Jr. continued in Suenos en la clase de espanol))