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Re: Variables...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:58 am
by Delroy*
SOTF_Help wrote:Hi, handlers!

Just a quick reminder not to GM other people's characters without permission. In this case, stating that an outburst causes other people's characters to go silent and look is not an appropriate action unless you have permission (in which case it should be noted), as that may not be what is in character for Solomir's of Caporacolo's characters, or what they want their characters to do.

Feel free to PM Help if you have any questions.
Sorry about that. I edited it out.

Re: Variables...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:58 am
by Cash Money*
"First of all, very nicely put. Are you on the debate team, by any chance? If not, you should be."

He had just said not 5 minutes ago that he was on debate team, was this kid serious? Before he could say anything in response, which was probably for the better given how new their partnership was, Travis continued talking. He said, emphatically and hyperbolically yet not inaccurately, that they had some common ground. This was exactly the kind of thing Milo was looking for, and he mentally congratulated himself. Not too much - it was bad ever to get complacent - but congratulated nevertheless.

Then Travis yelled "moonbase," which was an incredibly stupid thing to do indoors in a learning environment. Speaking of learning, once this kid was done talking, he should probably check what time it was.


There were only 3 minutes left in the period. Chain rule may have been an easy concept, but it wasn't "learn it in 3 minutes" easy. Milo realized he'd have to wrap this conversation up and mark it as a loss. A preventable loss, sure, but he gained a possible contributor in the process, so it wasn't too horrible.

Milo replied. "Yeah, it's ridiculous. Anyway, do you want to be on the blog? If you do, just send me an email at this address" - he wrote the address down on a corner of paper, then handed him the entire sheet after being unable to bear the thought of ripped paper in his binder - "with all the relevant information, and I can set up an account for you. It's been good to meet you!"

At that point, it was time to move all the desks back into place and pack up. Milo did all of that as noiselessly as possible, and left at the sound of the bell.

((Milo Richter continued elsewhere))

Re: Variables...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:58 am
by Delroy*
"Yeah, it's ridiculous. Anyway, do you want to be on the blog? If you do, just send me an email at this address..."

The boy wrote down an email address on the corner of a paper and then, peculiarly enough, he handed Travis the entire paper. What was the point of writing it tiny if he was...? Whatever, that didn't matter. Ironically, what had started as a distraction from a boring math lecture had become interesting for real. He was always up for discussing... well, more complaining about... politics.

"... with all the relevant information, and I can set up an account for you. It's been good to meet you!"

"Yeah, you too, man."

Travis smiled. The boy got up and started moving his desk back, quickly progressing to packing his books up. Travis had no difficulty putting his book away. It had barely been touched after the two boys started talking. He chuckled to himself and pulled up his phone.

<Joey C>

He quickly wrote down a text and sent it off as the bell rang.

"Hey Joe! toke later, bro?"

Aaaah, finally, break time.

(( Travis Webster in We Rule the School ))

Re: Variables...

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 4:58 am
by Solomir*
((Okay, waited more than long enough...))

Ben glared at Crawford, waiting for a response. Did this kid have the balls to stand up to him? There was all that anti-bullying stuff always being thrown around, and every other dumbass thought that they could practice that stuff on him. Like they thought it could work. Except Ben wasn't a little insecure child who bullied kids to make himself feel better. Ben knew he was better than those dumbasses. It wasn't his fault that other people didn't and he'd need to remind them of that fact.

Seconds ticked by, and Crawford still hadn't said anything yet. What a pansy. When it came down to the wire, Crawford just didn't have it in him. There was a reason Ben didn't bother talking to kids like Crawford. It just ended up being a giant waste of time.

"Whatever. Let's just get this straight: I don't need or want your help. So you can just shut up and do your own work or read your fancy textbook. If you say another word to me, I'll make you regret wasting my time.

Ben clicked the top of his pencil for some more lead and then started working on the calculus problems. He could do it alone. It wasn't rocket science after all. Not that Ben didn't believe he couldn't do rocket science either, if he tried.

((Benjamin Ward continued in Wiping All Out))